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Dragon (Devil's Fury MC 3)

Page 2

by Harley Wylde

  “I-I think maybe my lunch just didn’t hit me right. Maybe the meat spoiled.”

  I’d no sooner uttered the words than I bolted for the bathroom, not even stopping to lock it. The door swung shut as I hit my knees in front of the toilet and threw up everything I’d eaten or drunk for the day. My throat burned and my eyes watered. I blew my nose, flushed the toilet, and stood up. After rinsing my mouth and splashing cool water on my face, I figured I was as presentable as I’d get without a mint or some gum. I should probably put a toothbrush and toothpaste in my bag just to have for emergencies like this.

  I opened the door and nearly collided with Dr. Larkin. He reached out to steady me, his hands gentle, then he released me quickly. Since he catered to the club, he knew about my past and what triggered me. Except for one man, I couldn’t stand for any man to touch me. Even now, if Grizzly gave me a hug, I’d sometimes tense up, and he treated me like I was his own flesh and blood and not just adopted.

  “Sorry,” I muttered.

  His gaze was kind as he studied me. My reflection had already told me I looked like hell. He likely saw the same thing I had. I was paler than usual, and my face was puffy. Of course, that was from the pregnancy, but he didn’t know that, and I wasn’t enlightening him just yet.

  “Maybe you should head home. If you’re not feeling better in the morning, give me a call. I’ll make sure your shift is covered.”

  “I’m off the next two days,” I said. Only because I needed to see an OBGYN as far from this place as possible. I’d managed to arrange my schedule so I could get there and back without drawing suspicion. I’d already told Grizzly I was going on a shopping trip in another town.

  “Good, then use the time to rest, and I’ll see you when you get back.”

  I thanked him and hurried to the break room. After I gathered my things, I rushed out to the car the club had given me for my eighteenth birthday. It had been used even then, but the ten-year-old Honda ran like a dream and still had a glossy finish. I loved it, and once my secret wasn’t such a secret anymore, I’d be thankful for the spacious backseat.

  Driving home, I wondered if Grizzly was there, or Shella. Our dad had given her the option of attending college, but she’d taken a few classes, then asked to take some time off and figure out what she wanted to do with her life. I’d known for years that I wanted to be a nurse, and while I had only gotten my two-year degree and certification, it would help me provide a home for my little one.

  I pressed a hand to my belly as I came to a stoplight. “I promise I will give you the best life I can. No one will ever hurt you.”

  Maybe it was stupid. My parents hadn’t been able to protect me any more than I could keep this child out of the wrong hands. Sometimes Fate just liked to fuck you over. I didn’t remember a lot about my parents, and my memories had become fuzzy over the years. I didn’t know if they’d handed me to the cartel, or if I’d been taken without their knowledge. When I’d been rescued, I’d been offered the chance to go home, but I couldn’t face my parents. They were devout Catholics, and even though I’d been violated and not given up my virginity freely, I hadn’t been certain they’d have seen the difference. To them, I still would have sinned.

  So I’d come home with the Devil’s Boneyard and Grizzly, a friend from another club, had taken me into his home. He’d shown me papers that said I was legally his adopted daughter, and he’d had my name changed from Lilian Sanchez to Lilian Moore. He’d offered to let me change my first name, but I’d kept it as a reminder of where I’d come from, and what I’d survived.

  A horn honked behind me and I startled, realizing the light had changed at some point. I eased through the intersection and headed for the clubhouse. The Prospect at the gate waved me through and I went straight home. My sister’s car was in the driveway and I was reluctant to go inside. I loved Shella, but there were times she could be a bit trying. All I’d wanted was to shower, change into something comfortable, and relax for a while. Now that didn’t seem likely.

  I walked inside and shut the door, only to frown when I heard Shella talking to someone. I hadn’t seen our dad’s bike out front, or anyone else’s, so who did she have over? Creeping closer to the sound of her voice, I stopped when I realized she was on the phone.

  “I don’t know why she didn’t tell you, Daddy, but I thought you needed to know.”

  She was quiet a moment, and I had a sinking suspicion she was discussing me. What exactly had she told Grizzly while I was gone? And then I heard it. The one name that made it very clear what she was doing.

  “Dragon. She said it was Dragon.”


  I could hear my dad roaring on the other end of the line before Shella hung up. Her eyes were wide when she stared at me.

  “What did you do?” I demanded.

  “I had to tell him! He needs to know that someone hurt you,” she said, her eyes filling with tears.

  Sweet baby Jesus. “Shella, I told you I wasn’t hurt. No one forced me. Dragon tried really hard to walk away, but I wouldn’t let him.”

  She hadn’t believed me when I’d told her, but I’d thought I made her understand. It seemed I’d been wrong, and now Grizzly knew one of his patched members had knocked up his daughter. This wasn’t going to end well. There was only one thing I could think to do. Leave. If I wasn’t here, then he couldn’t take his fury out on Dragon. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

  I raced upstairs and started tossing things into a bag. I didn’t know where I’d go, or what I’d do, but I needed to get out of here before he came home, and I knew I had precious little time. If he was somewhere inside the compound, he could be here any second. Shella was babbling something at me from the hall, but I shoved past her and went back to my car, tossing my bag into the backseat. After I retrieved my purse and keys from the house, I got in and started the engine, checking the gas gauge. Half a tank. That would get me far enough for the moment.

  I slammed my foot on the gas, reversing out of the driveway, then shot forward toward the gates. I didn’t see my dad as I neared the front entrance, and didn’t even try to slow down. The poor Prospect rushed to open the gates before I barreled through them, hitting the road that would lead me out of town and to the highway. My heart was racing and my palms were damp.

  What the fuck did you just do?

  There wasn’t time to second-guess myself. I’d run, and now I needed to see it through. I’d drive for a while, until I needed a break, and see where I ended up. I didn’t dare go south into Florida. The Devil’s Boneyard were too close going that direction, so I went north. I knew my dad was friends with another club up that way, or at least he’d mentioned them in passing and didn’t seem to hate them. For Grizzly that was as good as a stamp of approval.

  My fingers twitched on the steering wheel, and I wondered if I should warn Dragon. I’d never told him I was pregnant, and he’d be completely blindsided when my dad confronted him. If Dad went to him. With me no longer there, and I knew Shella had seen my overstuffed bag, maybe he’d be more focused on finding me than chewing out Dragon. The man had only done what I’d asked, and it hardly seemed fair that he pay for that now.

  I kept one eye on the rearview and the other on the road ahead, hoping no one followed me. I knew the Prospect would tell my dad which way I’d gone, but I didn’t plan for that to be of much help. I cut through Atlanta and kept going north. I stopped for gas and food, but that was it. It wasn’t until I’d crossed the state line into Tennessee that some of the tension eased from my shoulders. If they hadn’t caught up to me yet, then maybe they couldn’t find my trail.

  I was exhausted, but I didn’t want to use what little money was in my account to stop at a motel. I pulled over for another break and used my phone to look up the Reckless Kings, hoping there would be some mention of exactly where they were located, or at least which town. When my phone rang, I nearly dropped it. Outlaw.

  Oh hell. Did that mean he knew where I was? Would he tell my
dad? Of course he would. Outlaw was nothing if not loyal to the club, which meant he was loyal to Grizzly. I answered, dread filling me.

  “Hi, Outlaw.”

  “Lilian, you are in so much fucking trouble right now. Why the fuck are you in Tennessee?”

  I did drop the phone that time, and scrambled to pick it back up. “What? I-I’m not.”

  “Yeah, darlin’, you are. I can trace your phone and your car. Didn’t tell anyone shit just yet, though. Needed to talk to you and make sure you were okay. Want to tell me what’s going on?” he asked.

  “I’m pregnant, Outlaw. Shella told Dad and I could hear through the phone how pissed he was. I left because I didn’t want…” I stopped, not knowing if everyone knew about Dragon now.

  “You didn’t want Dragon to get into trouble with the Pres?” he asked.


  “Too late. Griz ripped him a new one, then started pounding on him, until he discovered you were missing. When Shella called to tell him you’d taken off, it scared the piss out of him. Everyone’s been out searching. Told them you must have shut off your phone because I couldn’t find you. No one knows I can track your car except me, or that I lied about your phone being off.”

  I swallowed the knot in my throat. “How angry is Dragon?”

  “I’m not sure angry is the word. He yelled something about a morning after pill to Griz, and then your dad hit him. I think he’s more shocked than anything.” Outlaw sighed. “Look, I get it. Running seemed like the best option, but you need to come home. Grizzly is losing his damn mind.”

  “Please don’t tell him where I am, Outlaw. I need some time. I was trying to find the Reckless Kings, hoping they’d let me stay there a few days at least. Maybe my dad will cool off by then, and it will give Dragon time to…” I wasn’t sure what it would give him time to do. He’d told me to get that pill. I’d known he didn’t want me to end up pregnant, even when I’d said I didn’t think I could. Well, it seemed that I could and I did. If he didn’t want kids, then I wouldn’t force him to be part of my child’s life, but I wouldn’t give up my baby.

  “You’re putting me in a sticky spot, Lilian.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. I’m not ready to face either of them. I know my dad is mad because Shella made it seem like Dragon forced himself on me, but he didn’t. When he gets angry, he doesn’t always listen, and I need him to hear me when I talk to him.” Or I could just keep running and never go back.

  “I’ll text you the location of the Reckless Kings, but their Pres is probably going to call Griz the second you get there. I’m not sure how much of a safe haven it will be for you.”

  “Thank you, Outlaw.”

  The call disconnected and I waited for the address. When I entered it into the map on my phone, it gave me directions. I didn’t stop again until I’d pulled up to the Reckless Kings’ gate. They had a Prospect standing guard, and he tapped on my window. I rolled it down, hoping I could stay awake long enough to get through this. It was so late and I was beyond exhausted.

  “You need to turn around,” he said.

  “Please, I need to speak with your President. It’s important.”

  “Sure it is, doll. You’re not getting in.”

  I opened my door and nearly fell out of the car. My legs didn’t want to cooperate from driving for so long. I placed a hand over my belly, cradling my unborn child, as I tried to straighten. Everything spun, and I knew I was close to passing out. I fought it, tried to keep my gaze focused, but the Prospect’s face started to blur.

  I heard a muttered “shit” before he yelled out for help. His arms went around me as my body started to slump. I was still conscious, but barely. A deep growly voice asked what was going on.

  “Lilian,” I said, my name nearly slurring. “Moore.”

  “Lilian Moore?” the man asked.

  “Grizzly.” That was all I could manage. I was passed off to someone else, a large, strong man who smelled like pine or something woodsy. I felt him carry me, and it wasn’t long before I was spread out on something soft.

  “Sweetheart, are you trying to tell me you belong to Grizzly? You’re Devil’s Fury property?”

  My mouth didn’t want to work right. I was just too damn tired. Even my brain felt fuzzy.

  The man cursed. “Anyone heard from Devil’s Fury? They missing a woman?”

  “Got a call from Outlaw,” someone said. “He mentioned Griz had a daughter on the run. It seems her daddy just found out she’s pregnant, and instead of staying to talk to him, she took off.”

  “Well, shit.” The big man huffed, then smoothed my hair back. “All right, little chick. You can stay for tonight, but in the morning, I want some answers.”

  I murmured a thank-you, but I didn’t know if he’d heard me. Sleep pulled me under fast and hard.

  Chapter Two


  Lilian was pregnant? What the fuck?

  I alternated between holding the ice-cold beer bottle to my aching jaw and draining the contents of said bottle. Grizzly had knocked the fuck out of me before I even knew why. The worst part was him thinking I’d forced Lilian. My stomach twisted. Why would she have told him that? I knew I’d hurt her feelings by walking out the way I had, and the nasty things I’d said really had been horrible, but was she trying to get me killed?

  I drained another beer, then went to stand, only to have a hand shove me back down onto the stool. I glanced up at Grizzly, and tried to prepare myself for whatever he’d say next. Was I going to be tossed out? That was probably the best-case scenario. It was more likely he’d have me hauled out and shot by my brothers. I still couldn’t wrap my brain around the fact he thought I was capable of raping Lilian, or any woman.

  “We need to talk, boy,” he said, claiming the spot next to me.

  “I didn’t take advantage of Lil. I asked her several times if she was sure. Even told her it would just be the one time because I knew you didn’t want her with someone like me.”

  Grizzly stared at me. Hard. “Like you?”

  “A biker. She deserves better.”

  He grunted. “That she does, but as much as I hate to admit it, she’s a grown woman and can make her own decisions. The fact she let you get that close tells me more than you’d probably like.”

  I shifted on the stool. Was he about to say he was angry that I’d pushed her away? It wasn’t like he’d have given his blessing. Even if he was being all calm and cool now, the reaction he’d had earlier would have been what I’d gotten if I’d tried to claim Lilian. Fuck but I would have loved that. I’d had my eye on her since she’d turned eighteen. Even before that, I’d admired how pretty she was. It wasn’t until I’d started spending so much time with her that I’d known I was in trouble.

  “I’ve tried to do right by those girls,” Grizzly said. “Wanted them to have a good life. Opportunities. Never occurred to me they might fall for any of you.”

  “She didn’t fall for me,” I said.

  “That alone tells me you’re a dumbass. Lilian wouldn’t have let you get that close if she didn’t feel something for you. Question is whether or not you have feelings for her.”

  I opened and shut my mouth. I didn’t really know what I felt for Lilian. Knew I wanted her in my bed every night. Didn’t mean I was in love with her. Admiring her was one thing. But love? I didn’t know shit about love.

  “She’s gone,” Grizzly said.

  My head jerked his way. “What? What do you mean she’s gone?”

  “She overheard Shella telling me about the two of you.”

  Shella. Not Lilian. My woman hadn’t sold me out. Shit. Not your woman, asshole. Maybe not, but I wanted her to be. Had for a while. I just didn’t have the balls to go up against the Pres to claim her.

  I held up a hand. “What do you mean Shella told you? I thought Lilian had talked to you.” I’d been pissed as hell that Lilian had claimed I’d forced her, and all this time, she hadn’t even been the one to tell Grizzly? Ha
d she told anyone? Maybe Shella had jumped to conclusions, but how had she known Lilian was pregnant when no one else had? I’d noticed she was a bit curvier lately, but I hadn’t realized it was because there was a baby in her.

  He shook his head. “Never said a word. Shella said you’d taken advantage of Lilian and she was pregnant. I lost it, and I can admit that I should have talked to Lilian before I went after you like that. Now she’s run off. She got scared or pissed that Shella had run her mouth, packed a bag, and left. I have no idea where she is or where she’s going. Outlaw said he couldn’t track her.”

  I stood so fast the stool tipped over. Lilian was gone? If she was carrying my kid, why hadn’t she just come to talk to me? Was I that big of an asshole that she’d thought I would be pissed? Then I’d remembered all the things I’d told her that day. Yeah, she probably did think I was an asshole. And I’d told her to take the morning after pill. The fact she was carrying my kid told me she hadn’t listened. Either she really hadn’t thought she could get pregnant, or… No, I didn’t want to think about that.

  “You really don’t know where she went?” I asked.

  “Not a fucking clue. Prospect said she was heading for the highway when she flew through the gates. Keep your phone charged in case she reaches out. I just have to hope she doesn’t wreck the damn car. If she was that upset when she left, she’s not thinking clearly, and her reaction time might be off.”

  My stomach knotted. If she did wreck, she could lose the baby. I might have told her to take the morning after pill, but now that I knew she was carrying my kid, I had to admit I rather liked the idea. I’d bet she’d be cute as hell with a baby belly. Where would she go? Heading to the highway didn’t really narrow anything down. We had clubs we considered friends, and one we called family. Would she have gone to any of them?

  “Did you check with Devil’s Boneyard?” I asked. They’d not only been there the day of Lilian’s rescue, but Dingo was related to their Sergeant-at-Arms’ ol’ lady. Jordan and Havoc had been here several times since Lilian came to live with Grizzly. I didn’t know how close she was to Jordan, but maybe she’d reached out.


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