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Dragon (Devil's Fury MC 3)

Page 4

by Harley Wylde

  Beast stood, then leaned down and lifted me into his arms. As I settled against his chest, I realized it had been his scent last night. He’d been the one to carry me through the gates. He took me back to the room I’d woken in earlier and eased me down onto the bed. Smoothing my hair back, he studied me a moment.

  “What did he do after?” Beast asked.

  “Told me I should get tested since the club whore he’d been with the night before might have been carrying something, but that she’d…” It still hurt to think about it, but I made myself continue. “But that she’d sucked his cock real good. Told me to get the morning after pill. So, you see, you’re wrong. You and Outlaw both. Dragon doesn’t want me. He made that abundantly clear when he made me feel like trash before he walked out that day.”

  Beast cursed and started pacing the room. His body was tensed, and I could have sworn I heard him grind his teeth. I didn’t know if this changed things or not. Would he still make me leave tomorrow? Did he still think I belonged to Dragon? Anger practically radiated off him and I didn’t understand why. I was no one to him.

  He came to a halt beside the bed and reached down to squeeze my hand. “I’m sorry the man is a dick. I’m not going to make you go back to him. In fact, I think it’s best you remain here a little while. You can take some time to figure things out. Just call your dad so he knows you’re safe.”

  “Thank you, Beast.”

  “No thanks needed, little chick. I might be an asshole, but I’d never turn away a woman in trouble. Get some rest. When you’re up for it, I’ll see what I have in the kitchen that might settle your stomach. You need to eat.”

  “Gingersnaps help a little,” I said. “Sometimes crackers.”

  He nodded. “I’ll send out a Prospect to get both, along with a few other things we can try. Just close your eyes and try not to worry so much. Everything will work out one way or another.”

  I shut my eyes and drew in a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I heard him walk out and pull the door shut behind them, then I stared up at the ceiling. I didn’t want to talk to my dad yet, but Beast was right. It was wrong to make Grizzly worry. He’d been a wonderful parent, even if he hadn’t been my sperm donor. There was no reason he had to take me in when the Devil’s Boneyard had found me in Colombia, but he had, and he’d done everything he could for me. He’d paid for me to go to college, made sure I had a car to drive. And most importantly, he’d made sure I was safe.

  I grabbed my phone and placed the call, no matter how many knots my belly was in. When he answered, I could hear the worry in his voice.

  “Lilian! Where are you? I’ll come right now.”

  “Dad, I’m fine. I’m safe, and you don’t need to worry about me.”

  He growled softly. “Like I’m ever going to stop worrying? Was it so scary to tell me about the baby that you felt you had to run?”

  I took a breath and tried to find the right words. “I knew you’d be disappointed in me, and I wasn’t sure how you’d react with Dragon. I heard what Shella said. She made it sound like he’d forced me, but he didn’t. It was my choice. He’s the only man I’ve willingly been with, and it was something I needed to do. Getting pregnant just wasn’t part of the plan.”

  “So why didn’t you stay to talk to me?” he asked. “Were you afraid I’d hurt you?”

  I could hear how much it cost him to ask that. Bile rose in my throat but I forced it down. “No, Dad. I never thought you’d hurt me. I worried you’d go after Dragon, and I thought maybe if I wasn’t there, then you’d leave him alone. I’m sorry. I never meant to scare you. I need some time to work through everything in my head.”

  “Will you tell me where you are?” he asked.

  “Not yet. But I’m with friends, and they’ll keep me safe. Nothing is going to happen to me.”

  He cleared his throat. “Do you know how far along you are? Or what you’re having?”

  “I’m about five months. I had an appointment scheduled a few towns over, but I missed it because of all this. They were going to tell me more and do an ultrasound. I’m sorry I kept it from you for so long. I was just scared. All that time in Colombia and I never got pregnant, and one time with Dragon and I’m suddenly having a baby.”

  “You need to come home, Lilian. He’ll do right by you.”

  I snorted. “I don’t want you to force him to have anything to do with me or the baby. We’ll be fine without him. He made it perfectly clear he didn’t want a kid.”

  “He said something about the morning after pill,” Grizzly muttered.

  “I didn’t get one. I didn’t think there was a chance in hell I’d get pregnant. Guess I was wrong. While this wasn’t what I’d planned, I will love this baby until my dying breath. Being a mom is a little frightening. I don’t exactly have a role model for this sort of thing. Mei and Adalia are both new to motherhood, and while I’m sure they’ll have some tips for me, they’re still figuring shit out too.”

  He laughed a little. “You’re right there.”

  “I’ll keep my phone on so you can reach me, but please don’t ask Outlaw to trace it. I need you to trust me. I’m a big girl now, with a baby on the way. I don’t know where I’ll go when I leave here. Maybe I’ll come home, or maybe it’s time for me to try making a life somewhere else. Someplace away from Dragon.”

  Grizzly sighed. “Why are you so adamant about avoiding him? So he told you to take the morning after pill. You didn’t and now you’re having a baby. He’ll get over it. It’s possible he already has.”

  I chewed on my lip, knowing that he’d be furious if I told him what Dragon had said or done. The last thing I wanted was for him to go kill the guy. Yeah, he’d been an ass, but it didn’t mean I wanted him dead. If things were different, I’d gladly become Dragon’s. There was nothing I’d have wanted more, before the words he’d spoken after he was done that day. Now I just wanted to move on. Or at least try to deal with him as little as possible. I didn’t know that I’d ever want another man. It had taken a while before I’d trusted Dragon enough to go that far.

  Oddly, whenever Beast came near me, I didn’t flinch or get an anxiety spike. As huge as he was, I should have been scared out of my mind. Instead, he had a calming presence. Maybe it was because my dad was a big guy too. He’d said I could stay a little while, and I was going to take him up on the offer. I knew I couldn’t live here indefinitely. Sooner or later, I needed to figure my shit out. For now, I just wanted to rest a day or two, maybe find out if there was an OBGYN nearby who had an opening, and just go from there.

  “Lilian, you got quiet.”

  I gave myself a mental shake, having forgotten my dad was on the phone still. “Sorry. Just thinking. I’m going to stay here at least a few days. I’ll call when I know what my next move will be. Love you, Dad.”

  “Love you too. Don’t do anything foolish.”

  Famous last words. I’d always been cautious, until now. I disconnected the call and sat up. There was no way I could sleep right now. Beast hadn’t said I was confined to this room, so I went to explore a little. I didn’t make it far before I stopped, slinking back into the shadows.

  Beast was staring down at a woman, a very pregnant one, a scowl on his face. “Why are you here?” he asked.

  “Don’t be like that. You know my brother would have never let us be together.”

  Beast snorted. “I’m his President. He’d have done whatever the fuck I said he should. I held back out of respect for your brother, and because it’s what you wanted. If you’d made it clear I was the only guy for you, then things would have been different. You made your decision, Charlotte. Stop coming here.”

  She sighed and gave a slight nod. “I only came to tell you I’m moving.”

  She turned and walked out, with Beast watching her go. I felt like I’d interrupted something I shouldn’t have, or rather eavesdropped. Did I need to alert him to my presence? Or just head back to my room. I went to take a step back, but he turned and look
ed right at me.

  “Might as well come out. She’s gone.”

  I winced as I moved closer. “I didn’t mean to overhear that. I couldn’t sleep and thought I’d learn the layout of your house, in case you’re willing to let me stay a little while. I know you said I didn’t have to leave, but that didn’t mean I’d be in this particular house either.”

  “You can stay as long as you want,” he said. “Don’t tell anyone about what you just heard. Her brother doesn’t know that I have feelings for her. Not that it matters anymore. She moved on.”

  “She did, but you didn’t?” I asked.

  “Something like that. She was never mine to claim.”

  I reached out and placed my hand on his cheek, a bold move for me. “She was lucky to have someone like you in her life, in any capacity. I’m sorry things didn’t work out between you.”

  He gave me a faint smile, reached up for my hand and gave it a squeeze before taking a step back. Right. Message received. Don’t get too close.

  “Come on, little chick. You can tell me what you want from the store.”

  I followed him to the kitchen, where he’d left a pad and pen, and a partially written grocery list. I sat down and told him the things I liked, and what I’d been craving lately. By the time he was finished, a Prospect was at the door. He handed off the list, then seemed at a loss as to what to do next.

  “You don’t have to stay here and babysit,” I said. “I’ll just use the Internet on my phone to find a doctor.”

  He tensed and his gaze locked on me. “You’re hurt? Is something wrong with the baby?”

  “No, nothing like that. I had an appointment scheduled for this morning that I missed. I need an ultrasound and the baby needs to be checked in general. Just make sure everything is still good. I’m not familiar with the doctors in this area.”

  “Prospero’s brother is the club doctor. He might know of someone, or might be able to handle it himself. I’ll just give him a call.”

  While Beast made arrangements for me to see a doctor, I studied what I could see of his house. It was comfortable, but also quality. From what I’d seen, I’d be willing to bet the Reckless Kings had more money coming in than my dad’s club. I wondered how they did so well, and then decided I didn’t really want to know. If it was illegal, it was better for me to remain in the dark.

  “You’re in luck, little chick. You have an appointment in three hours. So whatever you need to do between now and then, get to it. I’ll drive you over in my SUV.”

  I decided that meant I was dismissed and went back to the room I’d woken in first thing today. Not knowing how long I’d be here, there was no point in unpacking. Instead, I decided to stretch out on the bed and read a book on my phone. It felt like butterflies were swooping around in my belly. I hoped I’d get to see my baby today, or at least get a good report.

  I placed a hand on my belly. “I will do everything I can to make sure you’re safe and loved. No matter the cost.”

  I only hoped that it didn’t leave me with a broken heart along the way. Dragon had already left a huge crack in it. I didn’t think it could handle much more.

  Chapter Four


  I’d stayed up all damn night, and it was now going on thirty-six hours since I’d last slept. Didn’t matter. I had shit to do. The baby’s room was painted a pale green that was nearly white. I’d even repainted the trim and doors. A quick trip to a baby store twenty minutes down the highway and now I was staring at shit that made me feel like I’d entered another world.

  I found the furniture section easy enough, but I didn’t know the difference between one set and another. A sales lady rushed over, a smile on her face, and a gleam in her eyes. Except, this wasn’t the gleam I was used to, the I-want-in-your-pants one. No, this one said, Open your wallet. As pricey as this stuff was, I had a feeling I’d be making a big dent in my account, but my kid was worth it. Assuming I ever got Lil back home where she belonged. One step at a time.

  “First baby?” the lady asked.

  “Yep. Can’t decide which set I like more.” I rubbed a hand along my jaw. “Don’t see a lot of difference other than style and color.”

  “Some are heavier than others and better made,” the lady said. “Did your wife not tell you a preference?”

  I just shook my head. I wasn’t going down that rabbit hole. If everyone wanted to assume I was married, then so be it. If I had my way, Lil would be wearing my name and my ring soon enough. Of course, I had to find her first, and Outlaw didn’t seem ready to tell me her location. As pissed as I’d been, I’d also liked that he was trying to do right by her. She’d wanted space, so he was giving it to her. I just didn’t like that she wanted space from me.

  “Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?” the lady asked.

  “Don’t know yet.” Did Lilian know? Had I missed all the doctor appointments and shit that Badger and Dingo had both been to with their women? I felt a little cheated right now, but it was my own fucking fault.

  “Well, let’s find something that would be appropriate for either. Since this is your first, you’ll want something that lasts. That way you can use it again with the next one.” She smiled and I tried like hell not to fucking run. Next one? Shit. I was still wrapping my head around the fact I was having a kid, and now she was adding more.

  I felt a little dazed as we narrowed down the selection, and somehow ended up buying the most expensive set in the store. Bed, changing table, dresser, and even a rocking chair that while pretty awesome looking didn’t seem like it would be very comfortable. I’d have to remember to get Lil a cushion or something. She also loaded a bedding set into my cart with little owls on it, and four extra sheets. Before she could dump more shit in there, I thanked her, told her I’d be up front to pay for the furniture when I was done, then ran like hell.

  I hated fucking shopping. And baby shopping was now at the top of my never want to do this again list. There were two women in the section with bath stuff so I looked over the items, and from the corner of my eye, I watched to see what they bought. After they walked off, I selected a few of the items they’d grabbed and added them to my cart. I knew bibs were important. Or I assumed they were since Dingo and Badger both had a shit ton at their homes.

  Not knowing if Lil was having a boy or girl limited my choices, but I found a few that seemed gender neutral. Any kid could wear the white one with little yellow ducks, right? Or the yellow one with giraffes. One of each went into the cart, and then I moved on to the toy section, and holy shit. So many colors, textures, and types. Some made noise, and some didn’t. My head was starting to pound, and my chest ached.

  “First baby?” a female voice asked.

  I glanced to my left and saw a blonde who was bouncing on her toes. She was cute in a cheerleader type of way, and looked too fucking young to be buying baby shit, but her cart contained two packs of diapers. Not that I would judge her for having a kid young, but I wondered if she knew what she was in for. Seeing Badger look like he’d last slept a year ago was enough to make most of the guys want to run the other way. I had a feeling the stock on condoms was about to go up.

  “Yeah. You?”

  She giggled. “Oh, these are for my sister. She had a baby two months ago, but didn’t want to leave the house just yet. If you want a good first toy, try one of the stuffed animals. The eyes are stitched so they can’t pull anything off.”

  I glanced at the animals. “They can’t put it in their mouths or against their faces and suffocate or choke?”

  “Well, you could always leave it out of the crib until the baby is older,” she said, still smiling. And what the fuck? Was she batting her eyes while twirling her hair? This chick wasn’t seriously flirting in a baby store, was she?

  “Thanks.” I reached for a brown bear and added it to the cart. Before I could move, she’d placed her hand on my forearm.

  “Need help with anything else? And I mean anything.”

  Fuck my li
fe. “Look, you’re a pretty girl, but hitting on fathers in a baby store is not going to end the way you want it to. I have a woman who’s carrying that baby, and I’m not going to cheat on her.”

  Shit. My chest got even tighter. Had I cheated on Lilian? Fucking hell. We weren’t anything, hadn’t been anything but a one-time deal. As disgusted as I’d been with myself, I hadn’t touched a woman for weeks after that. Eventually, I’d groped a few club sluts, but other than grabbing some tits and ass, I hadn’t done anything else. Even though it hadn’t gone beyond that, it still felt like I’d done something wrong. I suddenly thought I might throw up. When Lilian asked me who I’d been with, I’d have to tell her the truth. I might not have had sex with those women, or kissed them, but I’d still touched them.

  The way she’d sobbed the day I’d walked out still damn near gutted me. I didn’t know if I could do that to her again. Lying to her wasn’t right either. I’d have to hope if I was honest with her, she’d forgive me. I’d given the club whores a wide berth the last four and a half months. It had only taken a few times of holding them on my lap, touching them, to realize they weren’t what I wanted.

  I hadn’t even realized the girl had wandered off. I rubbed at my chest wondering if I was about to have a heart attack, then decided it was just guilt. Finishing up my shopping, I paid for everything, then loaded it all into the club truck I’d borrowed. I remembered all the cussing Badger had done when he’d tried to put the crib together for Gunner. I’d done okay with the entertainment center in my living room, and I didn’t think baby furniture would be all that different.

  When I pulled up to the gates, Carver stepped up to the truck. I rolled down the window to see what the hell he wanted. Fucker should have opened the gate when he saw me coming. He eyed the shit in the truck bed before looking at me again.

  “You need help unloading? I’m off the gate in another ten. I could swing by.”


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