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Hold on to Her (Only Her Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Olivia Stephen

  “He...he’s on his way over ri–right now, so you should leave.”

  “Nah. I think I’ll stay. Let him see how much trouble you cause. He’ll figure out you’re not worth it eventually. Didn’t take me too long to figure out I was screwing the wrong sister.”

  Those wild eyes hyper-focus in on me, and now I’m not so sure he isn’t strung out on some kind of drugs.

  “Dan...” My voice cracks in fear. The overpowering scent of too much cologne and the smell of alcohol nauseates me. This isn’t the Daniel I fell in love with. This is an entirely different man.

  I don’t even see him raise his hand to me, but I sure as hell feel it when an open palm smacks right across my cheek, causing me to lose my footing and fall to the floor. Pain explodes across my face again when he lands a second hit, then grabs my hair, dragging me up off the floor, slamming me on the bed.

  “Daniel, stop!”

  I brace myself for the next blow, trying to cover my face with my hands, to kick him away, which only aggravates him more. I scream out, then suddenly he’s not there. He’s being dragged away from me and when I look up, I see Zane locking both of Daniel’s arms behind his back and hurling him against the wall.

  “What the fuck, man. Let me go!” Daniel screams.

  Zane eyebrows are drawn together, his eyes wide open and glaring. He says nothing but uses the strength of his body to hold Daniel there. Within seconds, I hear the sirens. Grabbing onto the pillow, I scoot myself back against the headboard of the bed, holding onto the side of my face and wincing in pain. The police officers enter my room, a couple minutes later, with Raina right behind them. She rushes over to my bed, grabbing hold of me, and not letting go.

  “Get him the hell off me!” I hear Daniel screaming as the policeman reaches for his hands, cuffing his wrists behind his back. “Take it easy, man. Watch it.”

  “Oh my God, Sarah. Are you okay?”

  “Ra-Raina. Raina, don’t leave me.” My voice comes out in a whisper, my hands still trembling in fear. “I...I...”

  “Oh, sweetheart, we’re here. Zane and I are here. They’re taking Daniel now, okay. They’re taking him away.”

  Raina holds me as we watch the officers wrestle Daniel out of my room, Zane on their heels, explaining my phone call and what he witnessed when he entered my room. Panic begins to set in again and I can’t breathe. I’m struggling to breathe, taking quick breaths in and out. I need to stand. I need to get out of this room.

  “Honey, you’ve got to calm down. You’re hyperventilating. Just calm down. Slow breaths.” Raina stands close behind me, her hands on my shoulders. “Come back over here and sit.”

  But I can’t. I can’t stop. Without warning, dizziness sets in, everything around me fading in and out of focus, and within minutes, my world goes black.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Sarah,” I hear my best friend’s voice whispering.


  “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me. Are you okay, sweetie?”

  “God, my face hurts.”

  “You were hyperventilating and passed out. You’ve only been out a minute, though. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Panic sets in once again, remembering Daniel. Where is he? I shoot straight up but grab my head immediately when the pain races up the side of my face to the top of my head.

  “Where is he? Where’s Daniel?” I look around frantically.

  “Slow down, Sarah. He’s gone. He’s being taken to the police station. Two officers are still here, and they’d like to talk to you if you think you’re okay.”

  One of the officers steps forward, kneeling down so we’re eye to eye. It’s comforting.

  “Miss Witten, we’d like to take a statement, if you’re up to it. We’d need specific information about what happened before your friends arrived. Can you answer some questions for us?”

  “He’s gone?”

  “Yes, ma’am, he’s gone. Down to the station.”

  “Okay. Okay. I can do that.”

  “Let’s go out to your living room where you can sit, get a drink maybe. Take a couple minutes to make sure you’re okay.” The officer leads us out of my bedroom and we both sit at the small dining table near the kitchen. Raina pulls a water from the fridge, handing it to me, while Zane wraps an ice pack in a thin towel for my face. Jesus, it still stings.

  “Zane and I will be in the living room while you talk to the officer, okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m good. I’m all right.”

  The officer asks a few questions and writes down as much information as I can give him. It’s when he gets to why Daniel attacked me that I begin to break down all over again. How many more times will I have to relive the night I lost my baby?

  Tears form in my eyes as I recount the last days of our relationship and how I never told him I was pregnant but lost the baby. I tell him my mother told Daniel and my sister about the miscarriage, and about how angry he was when he found out.

  “Okay, Miss Witten. I think that’s all for tonight. If we have any other questions or need any more information, we’ll be in touch. You get some rest. We’ve got it from here.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper. “Thank you for helping me.”

  The officer smiles a sad smile and reminds me to go to the hospital to get checked over if I feel like I need to. He leaves through the front door and as I close it behind him, I turn, letting my back fall against it, sliding to the floor in tears.

  Before I can make a move to get up, Zane is picking me up off the floor and taking me to the sofa to sit. Raina comes to sit beside me, putting her arm around my shoulder and pulling me close. I hear Zane walking toward my bedroom where I assume he’s going to tend to the broken-down door.

  “Honey, let’s get a bag packed for you and you can come to stay with Zane and me at my apartment. We’ve got plenty of room.”

  “Are you sure? I mean...”

  “Sarah, there’s plenty of room. And we can talk if you want. I heard the story you told the officer. Honey, I had no idea.” Tears begin to fall from her eyes and we just sit there, her wrapping me in a hug, being the most supportive best friend I’ve ever had.

  “The door is fixed as best I can for now. I can hit the hardware store tomorrow and take care of it. We’ll get her a new door.”

  “Thanks, love. Let’s help her get some clothes and get her over to our place,” Raina replies.

  I grab a bag from the closet, throwing in PJ’s and a change of clothes for tomorrow. In the bathroom, I gather some things I know I’ll need, and just as I’m about to toss them in my small make-up bag, I catch my reflection in the mirror and gasp. Bruises are already forming on my cheek from being Daniel’s punching bag. My hand covers my mouth as I fight away more tears.

  Another nightmare.

  Another reason why I should just be alone.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Our bags are packed and we’re ready to head out, back to Hillsborough, in the morning. It’s been a long day of meetings with executives, lawyers, and a shit ton of other people in this business and I’m exhausted. I’ll be glad to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night and I’ll be even happier to see Sarah. I’ve missed her more than I thought I would. Interestingly enough, Cole has mentioned he’ll be glad to get back as well. He says it’s so he can check on how Samantha is doing as the new bar manager. I said nothing in return. I’ll just let him think that’s the reason, but I know better. He can’t admit how into her he really is, and it makes me laugh.

  My cell phone buzzes and I grab it to answer the call. It’s Zane.

  “Hey, man. What’s up?”

  “You still planning on coming home tomorrow?” he asks, which is weird. He knows this.

  “Yeah. Sure. Leaving right after breakfast.”

  “Okay. Good.” His voice sounds way off. Something’s wrong.

  “Zane, what’s going on?”

  “We’ll see you when yo
u get back. It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not okay. What’s wrong?”

  “Okay, listen. Everyone’s okay. She’s good. But it’s Sarah. Daniel paid her a little visit tonight and let’s just say, he ended up at the police station after it was all over.”

  “Zane, tell me right the hell now what happened.” My breathing picks up, and I’m wondering what happened to cause Daniel to end up at the police station. “What the hell did he do?”

  “He was drunk, also high as a fucking kite. He came into Sarah’s house, attacked her. She managed to lock herself in her bedroom and called Raina. We called nine-one-one and got to her as soon as we could, man. He busted down her door. Hit her. Twice. Cops showed up and hauled him off.”

  “I’ll fucking kill him! Where the hell is she now? Shit!” I can’t think straight. I’m pacing back and forth across this small-as-shit hotel room, over seven hours away from her.

  “She’s with us, so calm down. She’s okay.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “Liam, man, she’s good. She’s finally asleep right now. So just leave in the morning, like you planned. No sense in driving through the night.”

  “I said I’m on my way. We’ll be home as soon as we can.”

  It takes all the energy I have not to throw this damn phone across the room. He fucking attacked her? What the hell?

  “What’s going on?”

  “Damn it, Cole. Daniel came to Sarah’s tonight. We gotta go, man. I’ll drive.”

  “What the hell did he want?”

  “He attacked her. He hit her twice. Bruises. She’s got bruises from that fucking asshole, and I’ve got to get to her, like, yesterday.”

  “Let’s get the hell out of here then. But I’m driving. Get your bags.”

  The worst feeling in the world is knowing you’re so far away from someone you love and not able to get to them. Seven and a half hours. That’s how long I’ll have to replay that shit over and over in my head until I can get to my girl. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life than to be with her right now.

  I’ll be home soon, baby. I won’t ever leave you again.

  The darkness of night begins to fade away, the light of the morning emerging as we make the last leg of our journey home. We’re nearly to Zane’s house and this last fifteen minutes is beginning to feel like fifteen hours. I’m antsy and can barely sit still.

  “Liam, man, we’re almost there. And for God’s sake, don’t run in Zane’s house like some superhero, vigilante asshole. She’s gonna need soft and calm.”

  “Who the hell are you and what have you done with Cole?”

  “Shut up. I know women. I got their shit dialed in, man, and I know exactly what they need. Never had an unsatisfied woman leave my bed before.”

  “Honestly, Cole, I don’t know how you do it,” I say, shaking my head in utter confusion. “How you can be so smart and be such an idiot, all at the same time. Must be some kind of superpower.”

  “Hey, I’ve had lots of women comment on my powers. I think you may be just a bit jealous, if you want my opinion.”

  “Oh, yeah. That’s definitely it.”

  The moment we pull into the parking lot of Raina and Zane’s apartment, my stomach rolls and the anger bubbles up inside. My fists clench and I’m finding it difficult to calm myself down.

  “I’m tellin’ ya, bro. Calm. Just be calm. She’ll be fine, she’s a strong girl.”

  If he only knew the whole story.


  Before Cole even gets the car in park, I’m out the door and making my way to the apartment. Zane opens before I can even knock and tells me he was watching for me. Sarah is still sleeping after waking several times through the night, and he didn’t want me to disturb her.

  Looking over his shoulder, I see her. There she is, lying peacefully on the sofa, wrapped in a soft blanket, her head resting on a fluffy white pillow.

  My angel.

  Quietly, I walk toward her. I see the soft rise and fall of her chest that lets me know she’s sleeping soundly. When I look to see her thickly-lashed eyes closed, I also notice two bruises on her face and my blood goes from hot to boiling in three seconds flat.

  I’ll kill him.

  Unclenching my fists, I remember Cole’s advice...soft and calm. Stealing a deep, calming breath, I carefully sit on the floor beside her, reaching out and using my fingertips to brush away a few strands of hair from her face. Just touching her satiny skin helps to subdue my anger. The soft exhale of her breath on my hand brings me some comfort. Staring at this beautiful woman, I take her all in, and let that image of her make its way deep into my heart, so that I will always remember that it’s me who needs to protect her, who needs to be here for her. Those bruises will fade in time, but my need to protect her never will.

  Looking over my shoulder, I see Raina standing right next to Zane. Tears in her eyes.

  “You love her,” she states.

  “With every last breath.”

  I’d like to point out that never in my life have I ever cried over a woman. Then again, never has a woman ever touched something so deep inside me before.

  “She needs you, Liam. She’s going to try to push you away, you know. She’s going to pull out her stubborn streak that’s a mile wide and pretend she doesn’t need anyone.”

  I chuckle and shake my head.

  “I’d love to see her try. I won’t give up on her, Raina.” I think back to the night I took her home from the pub. God, she was lit, drunk as could be. However, she was alert enough to warn me not to hurt her. It was such a faint whisper that I barely heard it. “You have to believe me that I will never let her go.”

  “I do, Liam. Relationship-wise though, you’ll be the first.”

  “And I’ll be her last.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  There’s this faint touch on my face, so calming I never want it to end. My eyes flutter open, and the first thing I see is Liam. He’s near tears and I know it’s because of what I look like now. Bruises on my face and God knows what else because Daniel really did a number on me. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before he’ll let me know he can’t do this anymore. Too much drama, too much baggage from the past. And really, who could blame him. Men don’t sign up for this kind of shit.

  I try to shake the cobwebs from my brain. I finally fell into a deep sleep sometime during the night, but it certainly wasn’t restful. Every time I’d begin to doze off, all I could see was Daniel, the outrage in his eyes and hear the hostility in his voice. In all the years I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him so antagonistic. Just goes to show that you never know someone completely. One more reason not to get too involved with people.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman think so hard in all my life. My beautiful girl.”

  “Beautiful? I’m sure the bluish-purple bruises really add a nice touch.” My voice is flat, apathetic. Just how it needs to be.

  I slowly sit up on the sofa, pulling the blanket with me to keep me covered.

  “You know I could kill him for doing this to you,” he whispers. “There’s no fucking excuse for ever laying a hand on a woman. I couldn’t give a shit what his reasons were. He’s a dick, plain and simple. God, Sarah, I was so worried.”

  “He was drunk and high on something. He’s never been violent in the–”

  “Don’t. Do not even attempt to brush over what he did to you by blaming it on the alcohol or the drugs. Men do not do that shit. Ever.” Liam’s anger is palpable. If Daniel were here right now, I’d be scared for his life.

  “Liam, I can’t think about me right now. I’m worried about Londyn,” I say. “And, oddly enough, I’m worried about Sydnee. I have to try to talk to her because I’m sure she has no idea where Daniel even is. I’d rather Dad and Mom not find out, but I don’t think there’s any other choice but to tell them. They have to help Sydnee. What she did to me in the past was shit, and I’ll never forgive her for it
, but I have to help her, Liam. I have to go to her. As painful as that may be, I have to. And what Mom was trying to tell me in the hospital before I cut her off. She said Sydnee was having trouble. It was with Daniel. And I didn’t even listen.”

  Chapter Thirty


  I’m calling bullshit, but I certainly don’t say it out loud.

  “You have to take care of you first. You’re the most important thing, sweetheart. When I heard what happened, I nearly lost my mind.” Thinking back to the phone call stirs up anger again, but I keep that shit locked down so as not to upset Sarah.

  “What time is it? Wait...why are you here this early? You weren’t supposed to be home until tonight.”

  “You didn’t think I’d come for you when I heard? Zane called last night to tell me what happened. I couldn’t get here fast enough.”

  Sarah looks quizzically at me, as if wondering why I came rushing home. Raina said she’d pull out her stubbornness and if I’m not mistaken, I’m thinking she’s gonna pull it out now.

  “You should go home. I’m sure you’re tired. As you can see, I’m fine, so we’ll just catch up later.”

  Yep. Called that.

  Her attempt at nonchalance is futile. I’m not buying it.

  Her first move is to try to get up off the couch and I know as soon as she does, she’ll walk away from me. Too bad for her, that’s not happening because I’ve fought too hard for her to lose her now, and it sure as shit won’t be because of Daniel. That asshole is more trouble than he’s worth and if she thinks for one minute the shit I’m sure he filled her head with last night is remotely true, then she has another thing coming.

  “No. You’ll stay right where you are.” My voice remains calm but firm. “Look at me, Sarah.”

  Her eyes are fixating anywhere but on me.


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