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Hidden Desires

Page 21

by T J Vertigo

  Jodie was thinking how awesome it would be for Cayden to have a lover, she always wanted that for her friend. The tall woman was fighting this like crazy, and Jodie could understand the trepidation, if Brooke hadn't come here today. The blonde proved herself a hundred times over, Cayden wasn't an experiment. Brooke truly cares for her, and is willing to face her down. Cayden was always a tough nut to crack, but once Jodie figured out her bark was much worse than her bite, and that underneath that scowl was a brilliant smile, she always wanted to see it. Cayden rarely smiled genuinely, and Jodie thought that when she did, that smile and those sparkling, clear blue eyes could bring world peace. Jodie thought Cayden was hot, she never denied that she found the tall woman highly attractive, and the thing that most attracted her was her friend's eyes. She saw those eyes take on all sorts of emotions except love. Her heart warmed for Brooke, she desperately wanted Brooke to see those eyes looking at her with love.

  Wade was studying Brooke, wondering if this blonde woman who came out of nowhere really was capable of breaking through Cayden's barriers and getting into her heart. He hoped she could, it was time Cayden knew what it was like to be wanted not only for her looks, but for herself. The tall woman's striking good looks caused more than a few problems when it came to women. Women were hardly ever interested in Cayden as much as they were in her looks. Wade really hoped his friend gave Brooke half a chance. Brooke was apparently trying her damnedest, no one ever stuck around long enough to see past Cayden's cranky demeanor. His tall friend was spoiled and stubborn, always being by herself made her a very uncooperative, if not impossible partner. However, he didn't think she would put up this kind of fight. Granted, she and Brooke got off to a rather unusual start, but Cayden should have seen by now, that Brooke meant business. It had to be hard on the blonde, her first real feelings surface and of all people it would have to be Cayden.

  "Well, I better get going soon." Brooke suddenly said, breaking everyone out of their thoughts. "My mother has a third degree to give me and I really don't want to miss it." she added sarcastically.

  "Your mother?" Wade asked curiously.

  "Yeah, when I left Grant, I moved in with my parents. Joy."

  "Poor you!" Jodie said sympathetically.

  "Oh, it's not so bad. They're pretty cool. Mom's a bit of a handful at times, but I can deal with it." Brooke said with a grin.

  "Cayden says she came in to spy on her." Wade snickered.

  "Yeah, I could have killed her, but if she didn't, Cayden and I wouldn't have butted heads in the store room, and well, you know what happened." The blonde recalled with a sly smile. "She just wanted to see what got me so crazy."

  "So she's really cool with you liking a woman?" Jodie asked.

  "Pretty much so. Dad's fine too, He's a little jealous though, Cayden has been occupying more of my time than he'd like her too. Mom, on the other hand, is way too interested in my personal life. She wasn't half as nosy about my relationship with Grant. It seems she wants to know of every little fart that Cayden makes."

  "Cayden farted in front of you?" Jodie asked, wide eyed.

  Wade laughed. "Please, I live with her for 6 years and never heard her fart."

  "She farted in front of me," Jodie said smugly, with a smirk.

  "Oh, that's something to be proud about." Wade teased.

  "You're talking about my bowels?" Cayden asked, outraged, staring at everyone with her mouth hanging open.

  "How come you farted in front of Jodie but not me?" Wade asked with a jealous pout.

  "Oh my god!" Cayden sputtered.

  "Everyone farts, Cayden." Jodie pointed out.

  "Yeah... but..." The tall woman blinked a few times, at a loss for words.

  "Aw, leave her alone. I try my best not to fart in public myself." Brooke said, standing next to Cayden.

  "Thank you." The shop keeper said, standing taller now that she had support. "It's a matter of being classy versus being a pig."

  "What if you sneeze and a fart sneaks out? That doesn't make you a pig." Jodie said, waving her finger to emphasize her point.

  "Well.. no... I suppose not." Brooke said thoughtfully. "But that's the only exception. Simultaneous bodily functions don't count."

  Cayden nodded in agreement.

  "Jo! Oh my god, look! They agree on something!" Wade said excitedly.

  Jodie nodded, eyes wide. "I think that calls for a kiss, what do you think, Wade?"

  "Oh, definitely. A big fat kiss of agreement."

  "What kiss?" Cayen panicked. "We only agreed on when not to fart!"

  Brooke snickered. "Come on, sugar lips, lay one on me baby. I know you've brushed your teeth." She puckered up and leaned into the tall woman.

  "I will not. I don't want to kiss you." Cayden insisted, even as her insides started fluttering wildly at the thought.

  "I'd believe that if I couldn't see your heart pounding from here." Wade chuckled.

  "Come on, stud, you know you want to." Brooke urged, using her secret weapon and leaning her breasts into Cayden's arm.

  Cayden was trapped. She knew damned well that she wanted to kiss the hell out of Brooke, but not here, in front of Wade and Jodie. it just wasn't her thing. However, once Brooke's breasts pressed into her, she had to catch her breath. She closed her eyes briefly to calm herself.

  Brooke snorted. "Never mind, Cayden, you couldn't handle a kiss from me." She dared.

  Cayden's eyes popped open. "What are you talking about? You're the one that nearly fainted from my kiss." She said cockily.

  "That was a fluke." Brooke lied. Her instinct at the moment was to scale the length of Cayden's body with her tongue.

  "Fluke, my ass!" Cayden exclaimed.

  Jodie punched Wade in the arm and they both grinned like idiots. Brooke had Cayden right where she wanted her, there was no way out.

  Brooke's heart was beating painfully hard. Was Cayden going to go for the bait? She was dying to feel that silky tongue tickling the roof of her mouth. She looked up with a smug expression and her knees went weak from the piercing blue eyes gazing down at her. "Well, I was in a weakened state. Your kisses aren't all that great Cayden." She said boredly.

  A duet of "oooo's" were heard from Jodie a Wade.

  Cayden ignored them, in fact, she didn't even hear them. She was drowning in Brooke's eyes despite her great efforts to remain lucid. She tried to pull away, tried to come up with every reason in the book why she shouldn't prove herself, but the pull was too strong. Brooke's lips looked deliciously inviting and her breasts felt so soft against her arm. She recalled for a moment, how it felt when she woke up touching Brooke's breast and she had to swallow hard to suppress a groan. Blue eyes blinked rapidly, trying to fight the urge, but her body was out of control. Cayden's tongue came out to wet her lips in preparation for the impending kiss and her heart beat furiously as Brooke mirrored her actions.

  "What are you waiting for? Show me what I'm missing."

  Jodie and Wade held their breath.

  Brooke's voice was husky and breathy, sending a twinge of excitement to Cayden's groin. Her head lowered without her permission until they were so close they were breathing the same air. "I'll show you fluke."

  Brooke groaned under her breath at Cayden's barely audible whisper and then it happened, warm wet lips were covering her own. Cayden's large hand pressed into her lower back, pulling her close. Brooke stifled another groan as long fingers spread out and dug into her, holding her in place.

  Cayden saw colors behind her eyelids, she couldn't possibly describe how good it felt to have Brooke's body against hers.

  Brooke's hands slid slowly from Cayden's hips to her ribs, purposely concentrating on each rib as it slid beneath her fingers. She needed grounding or she would fall to her knees.

  Suddenly the kiss changed and Cayden grunted, thrusting her tongue inside Brooke's mouth, her other hand coming up to clutch the back of the blonde's head. This time, Brooke couldn't stifle the groan of pleasure when Cayden's tongue roug
hly invaded her mouth.

  Jodie and Wade sat agape for a long while, watching the two women become deeply involved in their kiss. It was long, sexy, and sloppy in its intensity, but it was definitely hot. They looked at each other and shrugged, knowing somehow that if they didn't stop it now, things would get too heated.

  "Geez, Cayd, don't choke the poor girl." Wade teased.

  "Is it hot in here or what?" Jodie added.

  Cayden withdrew from Brooke's lips, embarrassed and light headed. It took longer than it should have for her eyes to open and when they did, they were unfocused. She waited until Brooke's face became clear and her eyelids lowered at the look of lustful bliss on the blonde's face.

  Brooke clung to Cayden for dear life, holding herself up on shaky legs. Cayden's hand was still wrapped in her hair, she could feel the tall woman breathing heavily on her face. She refused to open her eyes knowing that the look on Cayden's face would be her undoing. She rested her forehead on the tall woman's chest and took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly.

  Cayden looked towards Jodie and Wade, trying to make some sense in her foggy mind. The two of them stood up and began applauding, drawing Cayden out of her trance. A cocky smirk spread slowly across her lips and she chuckled. "I suppose that rules out your fluke," she said, watching the blush creep up the back of Brooke's neck.

  The blonde nodded. "You win." she said, peeling herself off of the tall woman. She couldn't go far, because, Cayden hadn't let go of her yet. "Whew," she fanned her hot face, "That was some kiss."

  Cayden fought the urge to do a victory dance. Although she felt very smug, she also didn't want to let go of Brooke, but if she didn't get away from the sweet smelling blonde, she was afraid her urges would take control again. Taking a step back, the tall woman released her hold, blew on her nails and rubbed them on her shirt. "Yup, go on, say it, you can't handle my kisses."

  Brooke couldn't believe the yo-yo transformations that Cayden underwent at the drop of a hat. She rolled her eyes. "Yes Cayden, I can't handle your kisses." She mimicked.

  "My lips make you weak."

  "Your lips make me weak." Brooke said, suppressing a giggle.

  "I am a god."

  Brooke snorted, "Now, don't you be getting your chest all that puffed my cocky friend, your godhood needs to be proven, and I rather that not be with an audience."

  Cayden narrowed her eyes. "In your dreams."

  "Oh yeah," Brooke purred. "Definitely in my dreams."

  Cayden's eyes widened recalling that Brooke dreams about her, sexually. She swallowed away the sudden arousal at the thought and smirked. "You better be writing those dreams down for prosperity, cuz that's all you'll ever get."

  "Please, you can't resist me, Cayden, you're as drawn to me as I am to you. When you finally admit that, we can stop the bullshit and start proving your godhood."

  A flurry of erotic images danced through Cayden's mind. She cleared her throat and tried to look bored. "Whatever."

  Jodie, Wade, and Brooke watched with smirks as Cayden once again, left the room.

  * * *

  Cayden closed her bedroom door and catapulted herself face down onto her bed. Her hands were shaking and her heart was beating in her throat. Never before had a kiss done to her what Brooke's kisses did, she could hardly breathe and her knees felt tingly. "Oh shit! This is crazy!" she mumbled into her comforter. She lifted herself up on her elbows and stared into space, trying to understand what was happening to her. Kissing was fun, she was reminded of that by Denise, but Brooke... kissing Brooke wasn't just fun, it was a religious experience. For a second, she panicked, trying to imagine what actual sex would be like with the blonde. She looked almost horrified at the thought of having sex with Brooke, if kissing was that intense, sex would surely give her a stroke.

  Cayden closed her eyes and licked her lips, savoring the taste, and the memory of Brooke, how soft her shirt felt under her fingers and how good she smelled. Brooke's lips felt divine wrapped around her tongue. The shop keeper groaned, instantly imagining how her tongue would feel trapped in a much more intimate place. She shook her head rapidly to shake away the thought. "I never behaved like this before, she's made me into a perv!" Cayden didn't understand. She'd dated good looking women, kissed quite a few too, but nothing like this ever happened to her. Sure, she liked Brooke, the smaller blonde was extremely good looking, she had an incredible body and gorgeous green eyes, but her attitude... "What a bitch!" Cayden just barely tolerated egotistical people and Brooke was entirely too sure of herself. The certainty in which she declared Cayden wanted her irritated the brunette. "So what if I want her. Who wouldn't?" Cayden took a mental tour of Brooke's body from her legs to her face and when she was finished she was very pleased. "Oh yeah, ain't nothing wrong with her." She went back to picturing Brooke's breasts, in her half shirt, in the store room, then pressed into her in the living room. Cayden was very surprised to feel her mouth watering and her sex reacting in much the same way. She focused on the sensation between her legs, almost amused at how horny she had become from a mere kiss. It can't be just the kiss, there's got to be more. She touched me while I was sleeping! That's it! Maybe that turned me on? Hmph, I was dead to the world, or I would have woken up from her touching me, especially my face. I wonder if that's all she touched? Cayden grinned and chuckled. "Nah, then I really would have woken up. Hmmm."

  The tall woman held up a hand, studying it, spreading her fingers open then closing them again. She has a thing for my hands huh... they're nothing special, she thought, then inspected her fingers more carefully. "Well, I do have long fingers," she said with a smirk. Cayden swallowed hard as an image came unbidden of her fingers touching Brooke intimately. Her hips rocked involuntarily and she groaned as her sex pressed against the crumpled blanket. "God, I can't believe how hot she makes me!" Despite her confusion, Cayden was horny as hell, and it wasn't going to go away by itself.

  * * *

  Brooke was all ready to leave and decided to say good night to Cayden. She raised her hand to knock when she heard an odd sound come from the tall woman. Suddenly alarmed, she thought Cayden was in distress and was about to throw open the door, when another sound emanated from behind it. Brooke's stomach flip-flopped as she processed the groan. She knew it all too well, she herself made that same sound quite often while she lay in bed fantasizing about Cayden. She tried to calm the ringing in her ears so she could hear it again, just to make sure it was what she thought it was. If Cayden was indeed doing what she thought, then there were no doubts left in Brooke's mind that Cayden truly wanted her, and the blonde wanted desperately to erase that doubt. She closed her eyes and held her breath, hoping for the chance to hear another muffled groan of passion. Instead, what she heard stopped her heart.

  "Mmmm... Brooke."

  A violent shudder ran through Brooke's body when she heard her name and she bit her lip to fight the groan. A forceful jolt of arousal nearly overtook her ability to stand. Her head swam with the image of Cayden touching herself, and she closed her eyes tightly. She thinks about me... when she... oh my god! The thought, combined with the picture was too much, and Brooke had to hold on to the door frame until she gathered herself enough to stand on her own. All at once, her attitude changed and she grinned deviously. Cayden Riley, you are so screwed.

  PART 17

  B ROOKE PRACTICALLY RAN home, and when she got there, Harriet was waiting with baited breath.

  "Oh, good! I just made some tea, I'll go get you some." she said excitedly, patting the sofa where she just got up.

  Brooke smiled, sat down and sighed happily. She was feeling very good, and her mother didn't seem to be a bother. In fact, she couldn't wait to tell someone what had happened.

  "Here you are," Mrs. Hewitt returned with a cup and sat down next to her daughter. "So, is Cayden well?"

  "Yes, she's fine now." Brooke replied with a smug smile.

  "Honey, you look like the cat that ate the canary! What happened?"

ly, Brooke sipped at her tea, placed the cup down gently, then threw her hands in the air excitedly. "She kissed me again, and this time she meant it!" She declared happily.

  Harriet frowned. "Brooke, she's sick, you could have caught something. Do you think that was wise?"

  "Well, actually, she was hung over. She really wasn't sick." Brooke admitted with a guilty grin.

  "She's a drinker?" Mrs. Hewitt asked in alarm.

  "I don't think so, not after how sick she was. Anyway, that's not the point, the point is that she kissed me and she was sober and she wants me!" Brooke beamed with excitement.

  "The kiss told you all that?"

  Brooke blushed and blinked rapidly. "Uhhmm, well, not exactly, but trust me, she wants me. I know."

  "Did she tell you? Are you just guessing, Brooke?"

  "No, she didn't actually tell me per se.... but ... Mom, trust me, please." The blonde was becoming uncomfortable. Her need to tell someone started fading fast as she realized she couldn't explain herself.

  "If you say so." Harriet blew on her tea and sipped it, looking sideways at her daughter. "Was she rude to you this time?"

  "You have no idea." The blonde rolled her eyes.

  "Brooke! Why do you stand for such nonsense? I know you like her, but is it worth it?" Harriet was getting concerned.

  Brooke snickered. "She thinks she's tough, but she's not. Not to me anyway. Sure, she's impossible, and she was horror stricken that I was there when she got sick. I tell you, I was nervous at first, but I seemed to know just what to do. Good thing daddy gives you such a hard time, I must have learned a thing or two, because I turned into you for a few moments there." The blonde shivered.


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