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Hidden Desires

Page 37

by T J Vertigo

  "But he promised to leave us alone!" Cayden blurted out quickly.

  Brooke perked up and smiled, slithering back to her chair enticingly. "Good. Then we better finish dessert fast."

  Cayden didn't have to be told twice and dug in with her spoon. Just as she was about to put it in her mouth, Brooke stuck her finger in it and came away with a dollop of whipped cream. Cayden's eyes widened as her gaze followed that dollop right into Brooke's mouth. The blonde licked her finger sensuously, her eyes closed slowly and when all was said and done, her lips parted with a delectable little moan. The shop keeper quivered, her whole body felt like jello, and she was frozen in place by the display.

  "Mmmm, that's sooo good." Brooke commented, picking up her spoon and taking some dessert.

  Cayden nodded mutely and watched as Brooke opened her mouth for the spoon. She caught a glimpse of her pink tongue as it cradled the spoon before her lips closed around it. Cayden swallowed the drool that formed in her mouth and when Brooke licked the spoon, she dropped hers with a loud clang into the plate.

  "Aren't you going to eat any?" The blonde asked innocently.

  "Eat?" Cayden croaked.

  Brooke tried to control the giggle welling up inside. "Yes, eat, you know..." she picked up Cayden's spoon and held it to the brunette's mouth. "Open," she whispered, smiling as Cayden obeyed. "There," she put the spoon inside Cayden's mouth, "Close and lick the brownie off of the spoon. Like this," she let go of the spoon which stuck out of Cayden's mouth and began to lick hers.

  Blue eyes focuses intently on Brooke's tongue as it wrapped around the lucky spoon. The shop keeper's sex clenched in empathy, and she crossed her legs tightly. She managed to clean her spoon and pull it out of her mouth without making too much of a spastic scene and placed the utensil quietly on the plate. She narrowed her eyes as Brooke picked up more whipped cream and repeated her seductive moves.

  "Mmmmm.... I love whipped cream, it's so sweet and silk... slides on my tongue."

  Cayden gulped and blinked rapidly as she tried to get her mouth to work. "You do realize that you are making me crazy, don't you?"

  "Well, aware sweet heart."

  "Brooke! You just can't say and do those things to a lesbian in a public place! Oh my god! I can't move!"

  Brooke giggled playfully and leaned across the table. "Wanna leave?" She asked with a swipe of her tongue to her lips.

  "I swear, I can't move. I'm afraid to uncross my legs, if I can." Cayden complained in a low voice.

  "Oh, honey, did I do that to you?" Brooke asked batting her eyelashes.

  Cayden scowled and took mental inventory of her body parts. "Yes, you did that to me and don't you play innocent with me young lady. Oooo, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you've been taking lessons from my so called friends on how to DRIVE ME INSANE!" She half yelled.

  "There's no need to get all upset, should I talk about dead babies or squished bugs something? Is it like blue-balls?"

  Cayden shook her head and had to laugh. "No, it's not like blue-balls... I think... I don't know." she continued to snicker as she uncrossed her legs. She glanced down briefly before feeling satisfied that she could walk.

  "Is everything there?" Brooke asked, nodding towards Cayden's crotch.

  "So far, so good, you evil wench."

  "Oh, I'm sure you'll get back at me somehow." The blonde batted her lashes once again and then winked.

  "Yeah, somehow. Just you wait here while I pay the bill." Cayden warned Brooke playfully with a wag of her finger and she went off to pay.

  Brooke burst out laughing, and ate some more of the dessert. "No sense wasting it." she mumbled. She was rather pleased with herself, making Cayden crazy was on the agenda, but she really had no idea how. It was funny, but she thought she would have to treat Cayden differently than she would a man, but in the end, it was the same old same old. Sexy was sexy and she knew how to play it. Feeling quite cocky with herself, Brooke sat and waited for Cayden to return to help her up out of her chair. I like how she's being so chivalrous and sweet. I wonder if she'll walk me to my door, or if she'll just.... wait a second, didn't I pretty much insinuate I wanted to go back to her place? I did! Ooooh..... yeah, I did. Oh no.... Brooke felt like she painted herself into a corner. She flirted her ass off tonight and gave Cayden the impression that she knew exactly what she was doing. However, Brooke suddenly realized that she was stepping into uncharted territory. I've never slept with a woman before! A real woman, not my dream woman. What do I do? What does she like? Uh oh...

  Cayden came back and plopped money on the table for a tip. She pulled Brooke's chair out, oblivious to the blonde's internal drama and held out her hand. Brooke's hand felt clammy and she became concerned. "What just happened while I was gone?"

  "Um, nothing. I was just thinking."

  "Well, don't do that, it doesn't sit well with you. Are you ready to go?"


  Cayden held the door open and stared at Brooke as she walked through. Something happened and Brooke wasn't talking about it. "Did someone say something to you? I'll go back in there and ..."

  "No, easy Tiger.... I just had an attack of the nerves, that's all."

  "Nerves?" Cayden stopped walking and grabbed Brooke's hand. "For what?"

  "Cayden, I feel so stupid, after all I put you through tonight. I want to make love, I really do... but... I don't know... what if I can't... I have no idea..."

  "Brooke, calm down! First thing, I will not pressure you into anything. Second, if you ask me anything, I'll answer, and third, it's nothing to worry about. Honest. Don't get all upset over it. I can wait if you want."

  "I don't want to wait, I want you so bad I can’t take it any more"

  Cayden shivered. "I want you too, but no pressure Brooke. We have time."

  "I want you now, I'm just afraid I ..." Cayden silenced her with a finger to her lips.

  "We'll go slow as you want, there’s no rush and honestly, I swear you'll do just fine." Cayden took her finger away and gave Brooke a quick kiss. "After the way you played me in there... I have no doubt you'll do everything right."

  Brooke felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest and she threw herself at Cayden. The tall woman braced herself and caught the blonde, lifting her off the sidewalk. Brooke wrapped herself around Cayden and began peppering her face with kisses.

  "Hey, what's this for?" The tall woman asked, not caring who was watching them.

  "Thank you Cayden, for being so incredibly unpredictable. Now, take me home, I want to make love to you."

  Cayden almost dropped Brooke on the ground. "God woman!" She unwrapped an arm from around the blonde and managed to hail a cab. She placed Brooke gently on the sidewalk and opened the door for her. "After you madam."

  "No, I want to watch you crawl into the cab for a change sexy cheeks." Brooke pinched Cayden's ass and laughed as she yelped.

  PART 29

  O NCE IN THE back of the cab, and on their way to Cayden's apartment, the tall woman began to get butterflies. She glanced surreptitiously at Brooke, who was smiling and humming along with the radio. That was some attack of the nerves she had there, I wonder if she'll be alright. Maybe we shouldn't go back to my place, maybe I should take her home. Then again, she really wants this tonight, if I take her home she may feel insulted, like I don't want her or something. Then again, maybe she's not entirely ready... maybe I'm not entirely ready. I've never been in this position before. Cayden's butterflies took a wild turn. She looked again at Brooke. She seems fine, no reason to get nervous now. She took a few slow deep breaths and calmed down. Brooke turned to her and smiled even brighter, taking her hand. Cayden smiled back, and with a wink, squeezed the blonde's hand tight. Blue eyes gazed at green and Cayden didn't see much more than excitement. The shop keeper relaxed considerably. Brooke looked fine and Cayden decided not to think any more. Go with it... there's plenty of time to think later.

  Brooke couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. The panic she felt
earlier was gone, Cayden made her feel totally at ease. She was still very nervous, but was looking forward to making love with Cayden so much. She was so full of nervous energy that she could hardly sit still. She was going to finally do this, she had been waiting, and dreaming for what seemed like forever. Her smile broadened and when Cayden looked at her, she wanted to scream she was so excited. THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING! WAHOO!!!!!

  Brooke giggled excitedly and Cayden grinned. "What was that all about?"

  "I can't wait! I feel like I'm going to explode!"

  The tall woman knew the feeling well. "Me too." She caressed Brooke’s hand with her fingers and chuckled quietly when the blonde shivered. Boy she's receptive. I can't imagine what she'll be like when... uh oh. I wonder if she's loud? Cayden's nostrils flared just imagining what Brooke would sound like in the throes of passion. She stifled a whimper and squeezed Brooke's hand tighter. Oh god, Wade will have a field day with that... he promised me he'd get lost, I'll kill him if he doesn't, I swear I'll kill him.

  "Cayden, are you alright?"

  The tall woman shook loose her murderous thoughts, looked at Brooke, and immediately smiled. "Oh yeah, very alight. We're almost home, are you alright?"

  Brooke nodded and beamed. "Perfect."

  * * *

  Brooke waited patiently, pressed up against the back of the tall woman as she fumbled to get her key in the door.

  "I can't think with your boobs touching me." Cayden complained.

  Brooke snickered. "Um, Cayd, you're going to have to do much more than just think with my boobs touching you soon. Think of this as practice."

  Cayden groaned. This was true, she'd soon have Brooke's beautiful naked breasts touching her anywhere she pleased. GOD! Get a hold of yourself, you've had them in your mouth for crissakes! Why is this so difficult? "Okay, I got it. Be prepared for anything with Wade."

  "Aye, aye." Brooke said, making a show of bracing herself as the door opened.

  Wade was sitting at the kitchen table with La La, both of them had on walkman headphones. "Oh, hello." He said ultra-calmly. "La La and I were just sitting here listening to Barry Manilow, don't mind us."

  Cayden glared at Wade, Brooke laughed out loud.

  "No, really," Wade waved his hand in the air, "Don't mind us."

  Cayden narrowed her eyes and inspected the walkman. It was on, and La La didn't even seem to mind. "Alright," she said, still skeptical, "You promised." she reminded him.

  "Homo's honor." he said, crossing his heart.

  The tall woman gave him one last narrow-eyed look and took Brooke by the hand. "Let's go in my room, I don't trust him."

  Brooke winked and gave Wade the thumbs up, Wade threw his fists in the air and celebrated silently. When Cayden turned around, they both stopped and played innocent.

  "Do you want something to drink?" The tall woman asked, right before she closed the door to her room.

  "Sure, anything will be fine." Brooke looked around the bedroom and her eyes widened. This is it! It's going to happen now... She smiled at Cayden as she left the room for the drink, and sat on the bed. Here's the bed, in a few minutes, I'll be laying here with Cayden, doing what I only dreamed of doing. Her heart pounded like crazy and she stood up. Oh, wow... I'm more nervous than I thought. That's alright though, Cayden said we could go slow, she even said we don't have to do anything if I don't want to. Oh, but how could I do that to her? No, she said it and she means it. Brooke became surprisingly calm and smiled brightly. Just knowing she said that makes so much difference. I trust her, this will be fine. OH MY GOD! This is really happening!

  "I hope water is alright."

  Brooke spun around at Cayden's voice and took the water. "It's just fine."

  Cayden sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

  Brooke put the water on the night stand and sat down. She wrapped her arms around the shop keeper and sighed. "I'm fine, I keep getting these waves of trepidation, but not in a bad way. Just nerves, but don't get me wrong, I really want this."

  Cayden turned and wrapped her arms around Brooke too. It never ceased to amaze her how good it felt to have her in her arms. "I want this too." she said quietly. Brooke shivered. "Are you cold?" Cayden asked, tugging at her blanket.

  "No, just excited, I'm far from cold." Brooke took Cayden's hand off the blanket and started touching the tall woman's fingers.

  Blue eyes felt heavy as Brooke's fingertips traced up and down her fingers. It was relaxing and erotic all at the same time.

  "When I first saw you in the shop, I was fascinated with your hands." The blonde said so quietly, it was almost a whisper. "I don't know why... but I can remember staring at them and getting an excited twinge in my stomach. I dreamed about what they'd feel like touching me... everywhere."

  Cayden took a deep breath to mask a groan. She was really going to feel Brooke, all of Brooke with the hands that were being sensuously caressed. Innocent as it might have been on Brooke's part, it was the best foreplay Cayden had in years.

  Brooke lifted Cayden's hand up to her face and kissed it. "I don't know what I'm expecting to feel, but I suppose you'll show me."

  Cayden's heart leapt into her throat as Brooke placed her hand on her left breast. She reflexively closed her fingers and held the blonde's breast... her eyes closed, when the nipple hardened under her touch. Brooke's face spoke of her nerves, but her body told a whole different story. The shop keeper leaned her face closer, letting Brooke know she was about to kiss her. Seeing no negative signs, she let her lips gently touch the blonde's, and Brooke met her more firmly. As it always did, Cayden's heart rate jumped at the contact, and she took a sudden gasp for air as Brooke leaned heavily into her hand.

  Brooke thought for sure her heart would burst out of her chest and was surprised Cayden didn't mention how hard it was beating. The brunette rubbed her palm around against the material of her dress, making her nipple tingle all the way to her sex. Did it feel like this in the bathroom? I don't think so... are her lips always this soft? Why can't I think? Cayden's other hand suddenly held Brooke's right breast and she groaned. Why am I even trying to think....

  Cayden reveled in that little groan, knowing it meant everything was alright. Their tongues met and caressed, fought playfully and retreated. It was like a little dance that they had always known and never had to practice. Kissing was never something to think about with them, it was just so perfect, it turned Cayden on so much when they kissed.

  Brooke whimpered quietly into Cayden's mouth when the tall woman removed her hands. She felt Cayden struggling and opened her eye to see the shop keeper opening the buttons on her shirt. Brooke didn't realize she was holding her breath, so by the time the Cayden pulled the open shirt out of her pants, Brooke broke the kiss with a huge gulp of air.

  "Oh no! I'm sorry, did you want me to keep it on?" Cayden yanked the shirt closed and started scrambling to close it.

  Brooke grabbed both sides of the shirt and pulled it off of Cayden completely. "Off, I want it off." She drank in the tall woman sitting in her bra and loved what she saw. She reached out and began touching the material around Cayden's breasts, but not touching them. Cayden was watching her, sitting as rigidly as she could, Brooke sensed Cayden was afraid to move. She glanced up at the tall woman's face for approval, then closed both hands around her breasts.

  Cayden's eyes closed of their own accord, but she popped them back open. She didn't want to miss one iota of Brooke's expression as she touched her. The blonde was tentative and soft, and it made it all the more sexy.

  "Is this alright?" Brooke asked nervously.

  Cayden nodded and leaned into Brooke's touch, trying to give her more confidence. "Very alright. You can touch harder, I won't break." she said with a reassuring smile.

  Brooke kneaded Cayden's breasts, exploring them and finding they're not all that much different from her own. With that revelation, she sought out the tall woman's nipples and began to play with them. The bec
ame hard as rocks and Cayden moaned softly, her head falling back slightly. Brooke felt a serious pang of arousal. "Can I take off your bra too?"

  "Only if you kiss me." Cayden replied, leaning in for the kiss.

  Brooke accepted the offer, melting when their lips met. She hummed her contentment as their tongues touched and felt her tension start to slip away. She moved to open Cayden's bra, but was stopped by the brunette's hands holding hers where they were. Instead, the tall woman reached around and unhooked her own bra, leaving Brooke holding it in place over her breasts. The blonde was eager to feel Cayden's skin but hesitant to move at all.

  Cayden had a feeling that would happen and intensified their kiss, conveying assurance with her mouth. She reached up and cupped Brooke's face with her hands, letting her know she was very satisfied to just kiss the blonde. At first Cayden was nervous, never having been in this situation before. She was always fighting off the more eager pursuers, but now, as she kissed the hesitant blonde, and gave her security, she felt a sense of control she hadn't ever felt before.

  Brooke reached up to pull Cayden closer, leaving the bra to fall on it's own. Once the tall woman was pressed against her, she realized Cayden was naked from the waist up. This excited her and she felt the adrenaline move through her veins, causing her heart beat to quicken once again. She had a sudden need to feel Cayden's naked skin against her own and pulled away from the embrace.

  Cayden took the opportunity to catch her breath, she sat up straight and let Brooke decide the next move. Oddly enough, she didn't feel the least bit exposed as she sat there watching Brooke look at her. She was dying to make love to Brooke, and to feel the blonde touch her again, but willing to let it take it's time. Her eyes widened in pleasure as Brooke stood up and turned around, presenting her with her back.

  "Can you unzip me?" The blonde asked in a shaky voice. She was filled with excitement, nerves and arousal, and wasn't sure she would be able to see straight when she turned back around.


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