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Hidden Desires

Page 42

by T J Vertigo

  * * *

  Brooke awoke in a great mood, and to Harriet and Bert's surprise, was up bright and early cooking breakfast. "Good morning everyone!" She said with a smile as her parents meandered towards the smell of bacon. "Who wants pancakes?"

  Harriet and Bert shared raised eyebrows.

  "Well, this is a change." Bert said, sitting at the table and accepting the cup of coffee Brooke put in front of him.

  "Mom, tea?"

  "Yes, honey, thank you." Mrs. Hewitt retied her robe and stood there for a long moment, eyeballing her daughter, who was crumbling up a few pieces of bacon for Fred.

  Mr. Hewitt sipped his coffee peacefully. "This is a wonderful surprise, Sweetheart, thank you."

  "You're welcome, daddy, here." Brooke placed a plate of pancakes in the middle of the table and gave her mom her tea. "There. Now dig in." she said, sitting down to eat too.

  Harriet looked sideways at Brooke, then folded her arms across her chest. "You can't tell me you didn't have sex last night."

  Bert dropped his fork with a loud clang. "Harriet!"

  "Well, why else would she be this, this... look at her, she's glowing!"

  "Just eat your pancakes and leave her be. Sheesh, must we talk about this over breakfast?"

  Brooke winked at her father and poured a generous amount of syrup on her plate. "Yes mom, I had sex last night and it was fabulous."

  "BROOKE!" Harriet was horrified.

  Bert winced into his coffee.

  "Well, you were just dying to know, so now you don't have to guess any more. We did it, it was great and we'll do it many times over."


  "You asked Harriet, you asked."

  "That's enough of that talk!" Harriet covered her ears and squeezed her eyes closed.

  Brooke smiled evilly. "Okay then, lets eat."

  "I don't know that I can now."

  "Try Harriet, try."

  Brooke chewed cheerfully, Fred's little head poking just above the table as he sat in her lap. "MMm, this is sooo good." She made slightly lewd noises as she chewed, earning a disgusted look from Harriet, and a warning glare from Bert. She chuckled to herself and ate the rest of her breakfast in silence.

  * * *

  Jodie arrived at the shop to find Cayden sweeping the floor, singing along loudly to a commercial. "Well! Aren't you in a good mood?" She took the broom away and ushered Cayden to her chair. "Talk to me! Come on, you know you're dying to tell me. You're about to explode aren't you? "

  "I am not." The brunette shook her head.

  "Oh, yes you are. I know you are." Jo insisted.

  "Tell you what?" Cayden asked innocently.

  Jodie jumped up and down excitedly. "Everything! Tell me! Hurry!"

  "Are you sure YOU aren't about to explode?" The shop keeper snickered.

  Jodie flung herself on Cayden's lap and bounced up and down. "ALRIGHT! I'm about to explode! Tell me!"

  The tall woman sighed. "I don't kiss and tell. Besides, haven't you already heard from Wade?""

  "That lame ass story? Pulleease. You can do so much better." She got up off of Cayden's lap and sat up on the counter. "I'm all ears."

  "I know, your mother should have done something about that at birth."

  "Cayden!" Jodie pouted, lower lip distended and eyes fluttering. "Please."

  "Oh Christ! What do you want to know?"

  "How was it? Was it everything you imagined? Was she as soft as you thought? Is she loud?"

  Cayden blew out a breath, knowing she'd have no choice but to talk. "Yes, she's soft, very soft, but not mushy." She made a yuck face. "I don't like mushy. She's strong, yet soft, I like that."

  "Ooooo, go on."

  "What?" Cayden asked curiously.

  "You're gushing, I like it."

  "I am not gushing. I don't do that sort of thing." The tall woman said defensively.

  "Okay then, you're not gushing, you're exuding." Jo said with a grin. "Anyway, go on... what else?"

  Cayden narrowed her eyes, not quite sure she knew what she was exuding, but decided not to argue. "What else? We ate dinner, we went back to my place... and you know the rest." The shop keeper attempted to get up and walk away, knowing full well Jodie would have none of that.

  "Oh no you don't! You come right back here and give me details." Jodie pulled Cayden back to the chair and stood in front of her.

  "God, it's like the inquisition!" The brunette complained.

  "Ve haf vays of makink you talk. The sooner you spill it, the sooner I let you go."

  "What sort of details are we looking at here?" Cayden wondered nervously.

  "Dinner, what ya eat? Clothes, what did she wear? Sex, what was it like?"

  "I had swordfish, she had steak."

  "Decadent... and..."

  Cayden eyed Jodie, and continued. "She was wearing this hot little sun dress thing, with those adorable shoes she had on the other day, and the flower I got her? It matched her dress perfectly. It was so cool."

  "You bought her a flower? Cayden? Bought a flower?"

  The brunette harrumphed. "Yes, I did, a rose in fact." She replied smugly, neglecting to tell Jodie of her meltdown in the florist. "Brooke loved it."

  "Scored big did you?" Jo smiled, smacking Cayden playfully on the arm.

  Cayden smiled back. "I do believe I got a kiss. Anyway, speaking of kissing, I practically attacked her in the cab, couldn't control myself, but she got me back real good in the restaurant. Whoo! She played me like a fiddle." The tall woman began to blush while remembering.

  Jodi clapped her hands with excitement. "She did? What happened?"

  "She put her boobs on the table, not naked! Just laid them on top of the table for me to peruse... she did bad things with whipped cream too. She knew exactly what she was doing." She chuckled at her own reactions. "I fell for it hard."

  "Honey, you haven't been thinking all that much with your head lately, it's only natural that you'd fall for her boobs. Like I always say, if ya got 'em, flaunt 'em, and she's got 'em."

  "Sure does." Cayden nodded in agreement, her mind going straight to those boobs and how they feel. She groaned, and closed her fists as if those boobs were right there and she was avoiding touching them. "Jo, just thinking about her does strange things to me."

  Jodie smiled knowingly. "Aw, Cayd, it's normal, you slept together last night for the first time, probably replaying it over and over all morning... I bet you didn't get a wink of sleep either."

  Cayden grinned sheepishly. "It happens to everyone?"

  "Yeah, you're not special kiddo. However, you will be telling me more about last night. Who was on top?"


  "No, really!"

  Cayden groaned. "At first me, but then later her. She was really nervous and I figured if I just let her have at me, she'd feel better. Quick learner that Brooke." She grinned and crossed her legs.

  Jodie pointed at Cayden's knees and laughed. "Memories huh?"

  "Shut up."

  "So, our little Brooke knew what she was doing?"

  "Yeah, she did. I mean, it was nothing fancy, I could of did the same thing to myself, but I'd be damned if it would ever feel that good."

  "So it was good?"

  "Didn't I just say that?"

  "Did you tell Brooke?"

  Cayden rolled her eyes. "Of course I did, besides, she was there Jo, she knows it was good."

  "I'm just saying that because I think she feels a little insecure about it."

  Cayden looked Jodie up and down suspiciously. "You think, or you know."

  "I know. Cayd, it was her first time, she was worried that it wasn't good enough. She's a nervous wreck that she won't know how to please you with her tongue."

  Jodie just put Brooke, pleasing, and tongue in the same sentence and Cayden had to squeeze her legs together tighter. "She is?" The tall woman was surprised. "Really?"

  "Yep. So, should this discussion come up, I'm sure you'll handle it swimmingly. But you didn't hear it
from me."

  Cayden nodded, thinking about how Brooke must feel. How could she be insecure? She had to know that I liked what she did, I came in a second! God, all she really has to do is look at me and I'm ready. She couldn't possibly do anything wrong with her tongue. Oh god... her tongue...

  "You in there?" Jodie inquired of the dazed shop keeper.

  Cayden swallowed hard. "Oh yeah, I'm here. You got it, I'm becoming a real pro at calming her down lately. You would have been proud of me last night."

  "So I hear! Charming, special, wonderful, spectacular... all adjectives describing you, my cranky friend. Adjectives I never thought I'd hear attached to your noun."


  "Among other things, yes. You did good." Jo rubbed Cayden's shoulder. "Real good. I'm actually proud of you for being completely out of character and treating Brooke perfectly."

  Cayden blushed darkly. "Quit it! Don't you have somewhere to go?"

  "As a matter of fact, yes. I do." Jo gathered her things and started to leave. "Oh, and call her today, and don't be rude."

  "I thought you were going?" Cayden said with half a smile.

  "Ta Ta... She of the wonderful tongue."

  Cayden looked for something to throw, but couldn't find anything. "She did NOT say that!"

  PART 32

  B ROOKE WENT OUT roller blading, not quite sure what to do with her energy. She went to the park and joined the multitude of people who were skating around to the music, attempting to keep her mind on the beat. It worked sporadically, nothing could keep Cayden out of her head full time. While she was enjoying herself, blending into the crowd and dancing happily, she also wished Cayden was there. She had a feeling the tall woman wouldn't appreciate the sweaty throng of people, but she still wanted her there. After a while, she broke from the pack and skated off through the park, taking in the various greenery, and the occasional cute baby in a stroller. Even though she was having a good time, with her skating and her thoughts, it was a hot day, and she was getting over heated and decided to call it quits. Feeling less energetic than before, yet still full of smiles, she chalked the experience up as successful, and headed home.

  * * *

  Cayden just finished her lunch and was sitting peacefully watching television when the bell over the door tinkled. She glanced up in time to see Brooke, red faced and sweaty, climbing awkwardly into the shop. She stood up to see what was going on and noticed what the blonde was wearing on her feet. She ran out from behind the counter to assist her on the rather bumpy carpeting.

  "Aren't you sweet?" Brooke said with a bright smile. "Thank you."

  Cayden nodded mutely, taking in Brooke's skimpy clothing with a hungry look.

  "Is it alright that I came here?" Brooke wondered.

  "Fine! It's fine that you came here. It's just... look at you... wow."

  "Yeah, I'm sorry I'm sweating all over you, its just that it's so hot... " Brooke stopped talking when she noticed Cayden's facial expression. She grinned and pulled away from the shop keeper's grasp, doing a little circular maneuver, allowing Cayden a good look at her lycra covered butt.

  Cayden let out a little grunt of approval, and blushed a little for being unable to control it.

  Brooke giggled. "I take it that you like the outfit just a smidge?"

  "Oh, just a smidge." Cayden agreed, a wolfish expression on her face. "So, you want something cold to drink? I have soda, or water."

  "Water's fine."

  Cayden went into the back to retrieve it and when she turned around Brooke was right behind her. She calmly placed the water down on a ledge. “You know Brooke, " she began, advancing on the smaller woman, "You can't be this close to me, dressed like that, and not expect me to do this." The tall woman swooped down quickly, and latched herself onto Brooke's lips like she was starving.

  Brooke was surprised, but pleased and grabbed onto the shop keeper for support when she began to roll backwards. Finally hitting a wall, she relaxed into the kiss, using her tongue to tease the tall woman, tickling the roof of her mouth until she fought back. Their tongues tangled, first aggressively, then softly just as the kiss ended.

  Brooke took a moment to compose herself before opening her eyes to find Cayden staring at her with a lopsided grin. "Pretty proud of yourself there, huh?" Brooke breathed, fanning herself.

  "Quite. Now take that body of yours out there so you can feel the air conditioner." Cayden rolled the shorter woman out into the shop.

  Brooke grabbed the water on the way out and allowed Cayden to plop her into a chair. She was surprised when Cayden knelt down in front of her and opened the bottle for her. "You are just full of tricks aren't you?"

  The tall woman smiled. "I'm trying. I'm glad you're here, and not just because I got to kiss you. I was thinking about you all night."

  Brooke made a very contented sound when she finished guzzling the water. "Me too. I just had to come by to see you. I just can't get last night out of my mind."

  "Which part?" Cayden asked with a smirk.

  "All of it." Brooke said with a dreamy expression.

  "It was all good you know. Everything." The shop keeper said, taking Brooke's hand.

  "Was it really? I mean, I know you liked it and all, but was I good?" The blonde asked shyly.

  "Perfect. Just perfect. I couldn't sleep half the night just replaying it." Cayden admitted reassuringly.

  A sense of relief washed over Brooke and she leaned over and kissed Cayden quickly on the lips.

  The shop keeper pouted. "That's it?"

  "Cayden, if I get any closer to you, there's no telling what I may do." Brooke said with a playful grin.

  "Live dangerously. Come here."

  Brooke leaned forward and allowed Cayden to kiss her again, this time it was slow and sensual. Cayden caressed Brooke's tongue with her own, teased her lips, and finally, lightly nipped one.

  "Oooh... you better stop that." Brooke warned, laying her head on the tall woman's shoulder. "I'm getting way too turned on for my own good."

  "You know, you're not half bad yourself. You can do wonders with that tongue of yours." Cayden said, playfully peeking into Brooke's mouth.

  Brooke blushed. "Cayden, you don't know that I can do anything with it."

  "Don't I? Its that tongue in there, " she pointed to the blonde's mouth, "that gets me all fired up like nobody's business! Jeez, Brooke!"

  "Oh stop that." The blonde said, slapping Cayden gently on the arm..

  "Why would you think anything else?" She asked seriously, dipping her head to meet Brooke's eyes.

  "I've never used it in any other that counts anyway." The small woman was beet red.

  "Hey, there's no need to be embarrassed, none at all. I'm glad you told me that, it's important." Cayden kissed Brooke on the cheek. "Brooke, you don't have to worry about a thing. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that you can please me any way you try. Your fingers, your tongue, hell you could use a Q-tip and I'm sure I'll drop dead."

  "You're just saying that."

  "Excuse me? Just where the hell is MY Brooke? Mine is cocky, and determined and not the least bit insecure."

  Brooke giggled. "I'm not exactly insecure... nervous maybe." She put a confident look on her face. "Don't you think for a minute that I'm not going to try either."

  "That's more like it." Cayden smiled. "You better, I'm looking forward to it like you wouldn't believe."

  "You are?" Brooke asked with a sexy smirk.

  Cayden raised both eyebrows. "In the worst way." She looked down at her crotch. "You hear that? She's gonna do it so settle down."

  Brooke laughed and spoke between Cayden's legs. "You bet I'm going to do it, so don't you dare settle down!"

  "Oh? You want me this horny all the time?" Cayden asked, leaning close to the blonde.

  "It's to my benefit." Brooke took the opportunity to inhale Cayden's scent. "You always smell so good." she said, then buried her face in the tall woman's neck.

shivered from Brooke's breath on her skin. "Dangerous territory there, Blondie."

  "I thought you wanted me to live dangerously." She replied before licking a path to the shop keeper's ear. "You taste good too." she whispered breathily into Cayden's ear. "I bet you taste good everywhere."

  Cayden pulled away quickly. "Okay, that's enough." She stood up and took a deep breath. "The living dangerously mission is now aborted."

  Brooke, full of confidence, stood up too. "Meet you at your house at 8?"

  "You better."

  Brooke moved closer to Cayden and the tall woman stepped back. "Nuh-uh. My hands are sweating, my tongue is twitching and my personals are on fire. You best be leaving young lady."

  "And here I was worried that my tongue wasn't working."

  "Indeed." Cayden said with a chuckle. "Git!" She pointed to the door.

  Brooke laughed as she left, full of piss and vinegar, and more than ready for 8 o'clock.

  * * *

  Wade hurried to hide behind a rack of camisoles and answered his cell phone. "Hello there, oh sated one."

  "What are you doing tonight?" Cayden asked.

  "Nothing, I was planning on ordering in and watching a movie. Why?"

  Cayden glanced up at Butch and nodded. "You're going out with Butch tonight. He'll pick you up at 7:30."

  "Cayden! NO! The last time we went out he dragged that fat gas bag of a dog everywhere! No way!" Wade stomped his foot in defiance.

  Cayden laughed out loud. "Good, so be ready, he'll be prompt. He'd be pleased to know how much you like Anna Nicole."

  "CAYDEN! That dog was wearing a tutu! What are you punishing me for? Ohh... is this payback for the bearded lady I set you up with? I'm sorry, I'll never do anything like that again. Cayden! He doesn't wear any underwear and his nuts fall out all the time! And not in a good way!" Wade was whining pathetically.

  Cayden sucked in the roar of laughter bubbling inside. "Great, he's looking forward to it too. Bye bye." She said calmly and hung up the phone. "Great, Butch, he'll be ready at 7:30."


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