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Hakona: Dragon Warrior (Scifi Alien Dragon Romance)

Page 8

by Jamie Phoenix

  He held her close for a moment, letting her relax completely before releasing her.

  She collapsed into a heap on the ground. The feeling of sadness worked its way through her again, but she didn’t let it overtake her the way it had before. She buried her face in her hands and began to sob.

  He lowered himself onto the ground next to her. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I didn’t want to do that.”

  She looked up at him, his figure blurry through her tears. “So, you did do something to me?”

  “Not really,” he stuttered.

  “Damn it, Hakona!” Her voice was getting louder again, and he looked nervously over his shoulder at the door. “Cut the bullshit and tell me the truth for once!”

  He turned to face her again. The torch hanging by the door had all but gone out, and it was hard to make out his expression clearly. He looked sad, concerned, and afraid. The scales on the side of his face reflected what little light was being given off, and the patterns running across his chest seemed to glow slightly in the darkness.

  He fixed his eyes on hers and inhaled slowly. "I don't know how to explain it," he started.

  “Of course, not. Because no one knows how to explain anything to me. No one cares enough to try, either.”

  “I can’t explain it, because it’s not something that can be put into words, exactly. It’s something that your kind doesn’t have.”

  “It’s some crazy power or something, right? It’s like mind control or whatever?”

  “No!” he exclaimed in a loud whisper. “It’s nothing like that.”

  “Then what is it?”

  He reached out his hands to her. She pushed herself back, almost out of instinct. He pulled back and looked at her. “Trust me,” he said slowly.

  “How can I?” she asked.

  She was still crying, but her mind had cleared slightly. She wasn’t focused on anything else going on in her life in that moment. She wasn’t thinking about Dr. Cooper or the Samou or the people back at her camp. She was thinking about him. She wanted to feel his touch again. She wanted to move close and let him wrap his arms around her again. But, she was scared of him at the same time.

  “Please,” he said, reaching out his hands again.

  She placed her hands in his, slowly. The instant their skin touched a warmth spread through her. She felt safe. She wanted to pull back, but at the same time, she wanted to hold onto him forever.

  “This,” he said moving closer to her. “This is something that doesn’t usually happen.”

  “What is it?” She looked down at their hands. Their fingers were linked, and even in the dim light from the torch, the contrasting colors of their skins was noticeable and almost mesmerizing.

  “It’s the beginning of something,” he said. “It’s the first step—the initial spark, I guess you could say.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He leaned in closer, his face just inches from hers. She lifted her eyes to his, waiting for an answer. “I don’t want to tell you,” he admitted.

  “Of course, you don’t!” she said harshly. She pulled her hands back from his and moved to stand up.

  He reached out and pulled her down to him. She turned to face him just as he leaned in. She didn’t resist when he pressed his lips firmly to her own. He moved his hand from her arm to the small of her back, pulling her body into his own.

  Her thoughts were screaming at her to stop, but her instincts seemed to push her to continue. She wrapped her hand around the back of his neck. She could feel the scales there, pricking at her fingers with their soft texture but rough edges. The heat that poured out of them increased and the burning of longing forming in her stomach gained force.

  The air around them seemed to ignite. There was a blazing fire that consumed her as she pressed her body against his, pushing him back to the ground. They remained tangled up in each other’s arms as they kissed passionately. Their bodies seemed to melt into one another as they both became lost in the moment.

  She felt him become hard, almost immediately. Her body still pressed up against his, she reached her hand down and began caressing his member over the layer of fabric of his shorts.

  He let out a soft moan, informing her that he liked what she was doing. She continued to rub the protruding mass as he reached up and ran his fingers through her hair. Even through the fabric, she could feel that he was very large. She continued to let her hand run over him, imagining what it would feel like to have him inside her.

  She started to pull at the strings of his shorts, ready to free his large member, when he quickly reached down to stop her.

  “No,” he said softly.

  “But I want to,” she begged.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. He kissed her passionately as he lifted her effortlessly off the ground. The air around them had become so ignited, that she felt as if she were suffocating. It was a good feeling, though. As their tongues danced along each other’s she let the feeling of heat wash over her.

  He carried her over to the cot, where he set her down carefully, not pulling his lips from hers as he did so. He placed her on the edge and lowered himself into a kneeling position. His body was still draped over hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled herself up. He began to thrust forward slightly. She could feel his manhood rubbing against her. She felt herself becoming more aroused, and she matched her movements with his, her hips rising and falling as he pressed himself against her.

  They continued to kiss, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers along the sides of his face. The right side, covered in scales, felt like silk to her—a fire-like softness that she hadn’t experienced before.

  He moved his hands from her back to her stomach, leaving a trail of warmth as they went. He inched his fingers lower, finding the ties of her shorts.

  She pushed him back, just slightly, reaching down to undo his own straps. He looked at her, his eyes filled with lust and a sparkle of excitement. But, with a soft sigh and a quick shake of his head, he whispered, “no,” again.

  “I know you want it, too,” she replied.

  “Of course, I do,” he said with a sly smile. “But not tonight.”

  “I want to do something for you,” she urged.

  He continued to work at the ties on her pants, his fingers occasionally brushing against her bare stomach, sending a shiver of heat running through her.

  “Not tonight,” he said.

  “But,” she tried to object. She wasn’t able to continue, however, because he quickly slipped his hand down, lower, running his finger back and forth over her clitoris quickly. She gasped for air as the feeling of pleasure worked its way through her.

  She laid back on the cot, giving him easier access to her secret folds. He continued to caress her softly, watching her with satisfaction as she squirmed about. The feeling of his touch drove her crazy. She had never felt like that before, and the more he pleasured her, the more she wanted.

  The racing of her heart and the heat that constantly surrounded them caused a fine layer of sweat to appear on her chest. Her breathing became heavy, and her hands shook as she lifted them to cover her face.

  When he pushed her shorts down to her ankles, she waited with anticipation for what would come next.

  He leaned over her, staring down at her as he quickly and fiercely slid two of his fingers up into her. She let out a quiet gasp, the feeling of warmth and satisfaction spreading through every part of her.

  He lowered himself slightly, just enough to place a few quick kisses on her chest. The contrast of his lips delicately tickling at her skin and the passion with which he continued to pleasure with his hand caused her to arch her back up and press her palms deeper into her face.

  She wanted to scream out. She wanted to let the moment wash over her and transport her away like it threatened to do. But, she knew she couldn’t. She had to contain herself, and for some reason, that made it all the more satis

  When he kissed her again, this time on her stomach, her head began to spin. He continued to lower himself down, pulling his fingers away from her.

  He kissed her inner thighs, smiling at her mischievously as he did. She felt the urge to wrap her legs around him and pull him down to wash over her, but she resisted. The torture of waiting would make the feeling of satisfaction that much sweeter. And the way he pressed his lips to her thighs, slowly, but playfully, inching closer and then further away from her secret opening was nothing more than pure, blissful torture.

  She gasped for breath as he went. Her body twitched and twisted on its own accord, the feeling of anticipation twisting her stomach into tight knots and causing her breathing to become quick and shallow.

  “Maybe I should stop,” he said playfully. “It seems to be too much for you.”

  “If you do, I’ll kill you,” she replied between gritted teeth.

  He laughed slightly before lowering himself back down, this time, she felt him run his tongue around her lower lips in small circles. The moist, wet feeling made her entire body surge with a frustrated lust. When he reached back up to pull apart the folds of her intimate place, she threw her hands down onto the mat next to her.

  She dug her nails into the soft animal pelt, all of her muscles tensing with longing as he let his tongue dance across her soft, wet lower lips. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he slid his finger inside her once again, moving his tongue up to her clit.

  The combination of the sensations was making the room start to spin faster and faster around her. She felt as if she were trapped in a flame of passion, heat, and pleasure.

  He slid his finger in and out, slowly at first, then with more force. Simultaneously, he continued to run his soft, wet tongue back and forth over the most sensitive of places.

  She tried to hold back the feeling of orgasm she felt washing over her at an alarming rate. She wanted the experience to last as long as possible. She wanted to feel his touch, to feel his lips, his hands, and his presence.

  But as he continued, she felt her stomach begin to tighten. The muscles in her legs tensed and her heart beat heavily in her chest. When she felt the rush of release wash over her, she let the sensation carry her away. Her body trembled slightly, as the orgasm worked its way through her—beginning at her toes and going all the way to the top of her head. It was all consuming and left her wanting more.

  When he pulled back slowly, a look of pride on his face, she pushed herself up, pulling her shorts back to her waist. The room was still spinning slightly, and he reached out, lowering her to the ground with him and holding her tightly.

  Chapter 10: The Truth Hurts

  “I’m still angry with you,” Allison said as they lay together on the ground of her cell. The cool feeling of the stone floor under her skin was mixing with the warmth coming off of Hakona as she rested her head on his chest.

  His breathing was heavy and his body covered in a fine layer of sweat. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead before answering. “I know,” he replied.

  “There’s so much you didn’t tell me,” she continued. “Why? Why did you keep all of that from me?”

  “I never intended for any of this to happen.”

  “What? Taking me prisoner? Because, as far as I’ve heard, you’re the one who chose me. You yourself admitted as much.”

  "Not that. I can't deny that; that I very clearly intended to happen."

  “What then?”

  “I didn’t mean for whatever is happening between us to happen.”

  "Still, don't want to tell me what that is?" she asked. She pushed herself up and crossed her legs in front of her.

  Hakona rested his hands behind his head and smiled up at her. "I don't want to tell you because I don't want to somehow influence you."

  “And whatever you did to me before—that whole calming me down nonsense—that wasn’t influencing me?”

  “It’s something that your kind doesn’t have,” he started.

  “You said that.”

  “Before I tell you, and I promise I will, will you answer me one question?”

  She rolled her eyes, but his innocent smile and pleading eyes made it hard to say no. “Fine,” she said, making sure to emphasize her exasperated tone.

  “How do you feel about me?”

  Her eyes went wide and her heart fluttered in her chest. “That’s…” she started, “It’s complicated, I guess.”


  “I don’t really know you,” she explained. “And, you’ve done nothing but lie to me, or hide things from me, since we met.”

  “Still,” he said pushing himself up and looking at her closely. The light was still flickering softly, not yet exhausted completely. “Despite all of that—how do you feel about me?”

  "I don't know," she said thoughtfully. "I like you. But, you scare me sometimes, too. I enjoy being with you when it's just the two of us. When you're with the others you seem different, somehow. I feel like I can actually talk to you, at least a hell of a lot more than I can anyone else around here."

  “That’s all?”

  “When you’re not here, I think about you. I miss you, actually. When I’m scared, I wish you were there. When I’m lonely, I want you around.”

  “Is all of that true?”

  “Yes, but,” she said quietly, “I also get very angry with you. I feel like I know you but that I don’t know you at the same time. I feel like I want to hate you, honestly. I blame you for everything that’s happening to me.”

  She could sense that her words were affecting him, greatly. But, she wanted to be honest. She couldn’t be angry with him for withholding things from her, and turn around and do the same thing to him.

  "I feel such a rush of different emotions when I'm around you. One moment I'm furious, the next I'm remembering what it's like to feel your body pressed up against mine, and longing to feel it again. I feel confused but safe. I feel lost, but found at the same time."

  He nodded his head slowly as he listened. When she was finished speaking, a comfortable silence fell between them. She felt good, being able to speak honestly with him. She was still hurt, and trying to process all of the information she had received from Kasma a few days before, but in that instant, none of that mattered. All that mattered was the easy feeling of security that she felt in that very moment.

  "The problem is, Allison," he spoke finally, "that you can't understand me completely because you're not like me. We're very different, clearly. But, not just in appearance, or even life experience."

  “Then how?”

  “We feel differently.”

  “Oh,” she said. Her heart sunk into her stomach.

  “No,” he said, almost as if he had read her thoughts. “It’s not like that. It’s just that…” he let out a frustrated sigh, “the way your kind and mine experience emotions, especially shared emotions between two people, is different.”

  “I’m confused,” she said. It was clear she didn’t need to say that, though.

  “We have what we call ‘the bond’,” he said.

  “Kasma mentioned that before,” she remembered.

  “What?” Hakona suddenly looked concerned. “When?”

  “He came to speak to me a few days ago. Didn’t you know?”

  “I know that he asked you about the arrival of the others from your planet.”

  “He told me about you and Hamala,” she said.

  “That’s not… It’s not what it seems like,” he said quickly.

  “Hakona,” she said, reaching out and resting her hand on his knee. “I’m waiting for you to explain it all to me. It’s difficult for me to be patient at this time. I’ve spent the last two weeks, completely confused and in the dark about everything. I’m getting little bits of information from the one person I never expected to tell me anything. And you, who I hoped would be honest with me, aren’t telling me anything.”

  “Hamala and I were supposed
to bond. We’ve been paired for as long as I can remember. But, it hasn’t happened yet.”

  “What does that mean—bond?”

  “It’s like I was saying. The connection that happens when we touch, the way that I react to you—that’s the bond. Or, at least, that’s the beginning of the bond.”

  “The way you react?”

  “It’s a physical as much as an emotional thing. When I’m around you, I feel like I can’t stay away. The heat that passes between us, or at least, from me to you, is something I can’t control. I felt it starting the first day I saw you. I tried to prevent it, but the very first time I reached out and touched you, I couldn’t deny it to myself any longer.”

  She remembered that moment—when he pulled her up off her cot to lead her to meet Kasma for the first time.

  She let out a soft laugh, somewhat understanding what he was saying, but not entirely. “It’s like an instinct?”

  “Sort of.”

  “So, your feelings for me, whatever they are, are based solely on your natural response to me? That’s not necessarily what a girl wants to hear.”

  “That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. Because you can’t understand. And I don’t want it to affect you in any way. It’s not that my feelings for you aren’t real. It’s the completely opposite, actually. It’s that they’re so real, they’re so much a part of who I am, that I can’t fight them.”

  “So you’re saying…?”

  “I’m saying that I care about you like I have never cared about anything before in my life. It scares me, and I don’t want to pursue it. But, as hard as I try, I can’t stop it.”

  “Oh,” she said. Her cheeks blushed slightly. She didn’t know how to respond to what he was saying. She cared about him, too. But, she wasn’t sure if she could promise him the same that he was promising her.

  "I didn't want to tell you because I know that your kind has a different process to all of this, I guess. I want to know that if you ever feel the way I do about you, it's because you came about it in your own way. Not because you felt obligated."


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