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Hakona: Dragon Warrior (Scifi Alien Dragon Romance)

Page 15

by Jamie Phoenix

  It must have worked, because just as the explosion filled the air again, Hakona dove down, the projectile just missing him, but making contact with one of the others in his group.

  The battle seemed to go on forever. Allison felt helpless as she tried to run back and forth, saving those she could—on both sides. It didn’t matter what she did, though. Bodies were falling quickly, both dragons and humans.

  The adrenaline that was pumping through her veins only served to keep her going for a short time. Eventually, the reality of the events set in. Her eyes burned from the smoke, and the tears began to fall freely, streaming down her cheeks.

  She stood, motionless. She looked around her. The camp was completely destroyed, but they were still fighting. The shots were still popping loudly, and the crack of the cannon fire continued to blast through the air at perfectly timed intervals.

  That’s when she saw it—the cannon fire that struck Hakona. She couldn’t pull her eyes away as she watched him go falling to the ground just beyond the fence. Her heart seemed to fall with him. When his body hit, the only sound she heard was the crash that came with it.

  Chapter 19: The Battle Rages On

  Her feet moved before her mind could fully process what was happening. Her eyes were fixed on Hakona, still in his dragon form, a heap of scales and wings. She ignored the calls from the men behind her, warning her not to continue forward.

  When she reached the fence, she hesitantly stepped beyond it. When the Samou who fell early on crashed into it, they must have deactivated it, because she was able to pass through the electric field without a problem.

  That’s when she burst into a sprint. Hakona wasn’t far from the edge of the trees, and when she reached him, she fell to the ground at his side.

  She wasn’t sure what to do, or how to react. She reached out, wanting to comfort him, but not sure how when he was like that—in his dragon form. At first glance, she was able to see that he was still breathing.

  “Hakona,” she said softly.

  His body shuddered, slightly at first, and then more violently. She scooted back slightly as a cloud of light-grey fog wrapped itself around him.

  “Allison,” she heard him say as the smoke evaporated around them quickly.

  She leaned in, wrapping her hands around the back of his neck. He was human again. She lifted his head slightly. The contact between them was heated, but she didn’t have time to focus on that, as much as she wanted to. She wanted to feel his warmth, to let his presence comfort her.

  “We need to get back,” she said quickly. “Can you stand up?”

  He pushed himself up and nodded. When he was on his feet, he wrapped his left arm around her shoulders and they stumbled off together, into the thick of the jungle.

  They pushed through the brush until they found a small, canopy-covered opening. She helped him to the ground, examining him closely.

  “You got hit,” she said, looking at the large, purple, red, black bruise that was forming on his left side. “I thought you were dead.” She bit her bottom lip to keep from sobbing as the memory of watching him fall from the sky replayed over and over again in her mind.

  He reached out and ran his finger slowly over the bruise on her jaw from Peterson’s outburst. “You did, too,” he said.

  “It’s nothing,” she said, shaking her head quickly. “It doesn’t even hurt.” She lied, it did hurt, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was to forget all about that and focus on him.

  He kissed her softly, hesitant at first, and then more fiercely. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his neck.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “It was just my side, and the wing,” he said. She pulled back, as he turned his head and peered over his own shoulder. “I can’t fly.”

  She scooted around him. The bruise on his side wrapped around and almost completely covered his back.

  “It’s so bad, Hakona,” she said. Her voice cracked as she spoke, and the panicked tears threatened to fall from her eyes. “Everyone is dying—they’re all dying.”

  He took her hand in his and squeezed it tightly. In the distance, they could still hear the sounds of the battle going on—the screams and pops, the crashes and the wails. They were muted but still seemed to hang in the air around them, almost deafening in their resonance.

  “You were right; they were going to attack. They knew about you. They didn’t care that your people were there; they wanted to take the planet for themselves.” Her words poured out of her mouth faster than she had time to think them. “They were going to kill Queane. I stopped them, but they were going to kill her. They didn’t even let her defend herself.”

  “Allison,” he tried to stop her.

  But she continued, adding, “but not all of them, Hakona. I was right as well. Not all of them knew what was going on. They hid it from us. They didn’t want us to know. They lied to us. Not all of them are bad.”

  “You need to relax,” he said softly.

  “I can’t,” she sputtered. “I can’t. It’s horrible! It’s all so horrible!”

  He squeezed her hand again. The feeling of familiar, comfortable warmth worked its way up her arm, and into her chest. She felt her breathing return to normal, and her heart rate slowed slightly.

  “Thank you,” she said when she felt somewhat normal again. “I wish I could do something for you.”

  “You do. Just being with you helps me, Allison.”

  “I didn’t want to leave this morning,” she confessed. “I shouldn’t have.”

  “You had to,” he replied. He sounded very sure of what he was saying as he added, “if you didn’t, you would have hated yourself—you would have hated me.”

  “I could never hate you!”

  “You would have wondered. You would have regretted that you didn’t do whatever you could.”

  “It didn’t do any good, though.”

  “I’m sure it did more than you realize,” he assured her. “You saved some of your people. When I saw you—I couldn’t attack.”

  “That was you. Who knows what’s happening now.”

  “I need to get back,” he said adjusting his weight to stand.

  She pulled at his hand firmly, forcing him to stay in place. “You can’t go!”

  “Allison, I have to. I’m…”

  “You’re hurt. You said it yourself—you can’t fly. What could you possibly do besides get killed?”

  “I have to at least be there.”

  “No,” she said firmly. “Stay with me. Please.”

  He looked at her, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions. He nodded slowly, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her into him. “Okay.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She wanted to push the sounds of the battle out of her mind. She wanted to forget what was happening. It would be impossible; she knew that. But, at least when she was with him, she still felt at peace; she felt happy—as happy as she could.

  He lay back onto the ground, pulling her down on top of him. She pushed herself back slightly, afraid to press against his bruise.

  “It’s fine,” he assured her, tugging at her arm.

  She leaned into him, letting her body melt into his. The instant their skin touched, she felt like she was transported away. The sounds of the battle faded. The only thing she could hear was the pounding of her heart in her chest and the heavy breaths that escaped past her lips.

  The feeling of the contact of their skin always had the same effect on her. She wasn’t sure if it would always be like that. It didn’t matter anyways; this would probably be the last time they were ever together.

  For that reason, she wanted to memorize everything about him. She wanted to absorb the feeling of warmth that spread from her to him. She wanted to feel his heart, beating strong and hard, against her chest.

  She planted her lips to his, sliding her tongue slowly into his mouth. She wanted to memorize how he tasted. It was sweet, but w
ith a sort of spicy flame mixed in. As they kissed, he instinctively began to let his hips rise and fall.

  She could feel his member, growing harder as he pushed it against her leg. Her body’s natural response to being around him kicked in, and she felt her stomach turn with desire.

  She pulled back from him slowly, staring down at him as she straddled her legs around his waist. Even between the layers of fabric, the sensation of his penis pressed against her intimate spot made her become wet.

  He reached up and ran his hands along her sides, letting out a soft sigh as he did. “I can’t imagine living without this,” he said softly. “Without the feeling of your soft skin, the taste of your kiss, the warmth of your body next to mine.”

  She pressed her hand to his chest, resting her palm over the place where the scales met the deep blue flesh. She loved that feeling; she loved the way the rough-textured patches of his body felt like fire and silk when she ran her hand over them. She loved the lines that wove their way throughout his skin. She loved the feeling of electric heat that spread up her arm and into her chest whenever she dragged her fingers over his body.

  “I don’t want to think about that now,” she said softly. The feeling of arousal was still strong in her stomach, despite the lump that was forming in her throat.

  “It’s the only thing on my mind,” he confessed.

  She smiled down at him, and lowered her hand to his stomach, “then I’ll have to distract you,” she said mischievously.

  She scooted herself back, just slightly—just enough to be able to pull quickly at the strings of his shorts. As she undid his, he reached up and began to pull at hers greedily as well.

  Once their shorts were loose, she rolled off of him so they could both wiggle out of them as quickly as they could. It was the first time she had seen his naked body in the light of day. The sun shone down on them, reflecting off of the threads of patterns woven into his skin.

  They were lying on the ground next to each other, each of them seeming to try to memorize the other. His chest was strong and defined, and his legs were more muscle than she had on her entire body. The way his blue skin seemed to shine in the rays of the sun mesmerized her. Her eyes wandered up and down his body, quickly trying to take it all in.

  Between his legs, she saw his member, slightly large, and waiting for her to excite him into complete arousal. She rolled onto her side, kissing his chest, then his stomach, then his inner thighs. She paused for a moment before taking his member in her mouth. She could feel it grow larger, extending over her tongue. The taste of him filled her senses.

  She ran her tongue over the tip of his penis, letting the sensation of satisfaction work its way through him. She could sense that he relaxed slightly, the feeling of sadness that was present on his face before quickly replaced by one of longing and lust.

  She wanted to continue to pleasure him, but his muscles tensed as he pushed himself up, grabbing onto her shoulders and pulling her up on top of him.

  “It’s best if we don’t waste any time,” he said gruffly.

  The sounds of the battle still rang out around them, but the roar of the distant explosions only served to increase her heart rate and force her to dive deeper into the moment she was sharing with Hakona.

  She once again placed her legs on either side of his waist. Lowering herself just slightly, she could feel the tip of his member rub against the folds of her lower lips. The sensation made her become even wetter than she already was. She lifted her hips quickly, smiling at him tauntingly.

  “But it’s more fun this way,” she said softly.

  He wrapped his strong hands around her waist and pushed her down forcefully. She felt him slide inside of her, the sudden heat pouring into and her taking her breath away.

  Even though he was beneath her, he still took the control. The inner beast in him came out, and he reached up, taking her breasts in his hands, squeezing them forcefully as he simultaneously rotated his hips around, brushing his member against every part of her intimate area.

  The fury with which he groped at her only excited her more. She loved that side of him—the insatiable lust that awoke in him whenever their bodies came together.

  It also awoke a side in herself she didn't know she had. She became aggressive, clawing at his chest and digging her teeth into his neck. It was as if she, too, was being transformed into something else—something more animal, wilder.

  She ground her hips down on him, fighting him to take back the control. She threw her body back and reached down, digging her nails into his thighs and letting out a quiet moan as she pulled herself down onto him, pushing him even further inside of her.

  Another explosion sounded in the distance. The realization of the reality unfolding around them that it brought with it only spurred her on more. She wanted to forget—forget the lies, forget the battle, the stench of death that hung in the air. She gritted her teeth together and dug her nails deeper into his skin.

  He sat up quickly, wrapping his arms around her back and kissing her neck passionately. She wrapped her legs around his waist and continued to swivel her hips back and forth.

  When he lowered his lips from her neck to her chest, she arched her back, giving her breasts to him. He undid the string of her top quickly, ripping it off of her and throwing it to the side. She bit her bottom lip as he took her right nipple into his mouth. His tongue danced across it, causing her body to tremble slightly.

  She reached up and grabbed at his hair, pulling his head back. Leaning in, she began to kiss the right side of his neck, where the scales outnumbered the spots of flesh. She could taste the heat coming off of them. It filled her mouth, and slid down into her stomach, which was already tense with pleasure from his member, still deep inside of her.

  Another explosion rang out. This time, they both seemed to respond to the sound. Hakona increased his grasp on her waist, letting his fingers dig deep into her flesh. The sensation of pain and warmth that spread out from the place where he held onto her filled her with nothing but pleasure.

  It was as if they were both taking out their frustration. Not on each other, but with each other. The more the battle sounded in the distance, the more intense and violent they became. She loved it. It was freeing; it was passionate, and it was above all satisfying.

  Their bodies moved together, in a battle of their own, trying to fight past the anger they both felt at knowing they would soon be torn apart forever. She reached her hands around his back, digging her nails into his flesh. He bit at her bottom lip, so hard he nearly drew blood.

  “I want to make you scream,” he whispered harshly in her ear.

  She had been doing her best throughout the entire experience not to scream. Up to that point, any encounters they had had to be kept secret. They had to be quiet or risk losing their lives.

  Now, she realized as another explosion rang out in the distance, it didn’t matter. Even if they were discovered, the worst had already happened. The two forces had already met in combat, and any hope for the two of them gone completely.

  He lifted her up and spun her around, letting her fall back onto the ground. She kept her legs wrapped around his waist, ensuring that he remained inside of her. He leaned in, rotating his hips around as he did so.

  She could feel him brushing against every part of her. The tight sensation in her stomach increased and her hands began to shake.

  “Let it out,” he said to her firmly.

  She shook her head. She wanted it to last; she wanted it to go on for as long as possible.

  He continued to thrust in and out, each time sending a new wave of pleasure washing over her. That’s when he started to torment her. He slid himself out, only half way, staring down at her with fire in his eyes.

  She rotated her hips, lifting herself up in an effort to feel him deeper inside of her again. He pulled back slightly, then pushed in slightly. And again, and again. She felt the frustration building up inside her, and she knew that he once again had the contr

  She reached up to wrap her arms around him, in an effort to pull him inside her again, but he pushed back against her chest firmly, forcing her back to the ground. He took her breast in his hand and began to play at her nipple, as he did, he continued his taunting, only entering her half way.

  She squirmed on the ground, trying to fight him, to take over and to feel him brush against her sensitive spot again.

  “You wanted to resist,” he said playfully. “I’m just helping you do that.”

  “Damn you,” she said harshly.

  “Is that not what you want?”

  “No!” she yelled out. “I want this! I want you!”

  With that, he shoved himself inside her with so much force her vision became spotted. She tilted her head back, letting out a loud, long moan of satisfaction as he continued to drive himself in and out of her.

  “That’s it,” he said as he continued to have his way with her.

  She let out a loud scream just as an explosion rang in the distance. He leaned in and kissed her neck, nibbled her ear, and let the warmth of his breath wash over her.

  Her muscles began to tighten. She felt her toes curling up and her stomach turn to knots. “I can’t last much longer,” she gasped.

  “Good,” he replied.

  She felt the warmth of orgasm begin to work its way through her. Her breathing became quick and shallow and the muscles in her legs tensed. She let out one last long, loud moan as the feeling of release worked through her.

  Seeing that his mission was accomplished, Hakona grabbed her wrists and held them down, just above her head. "I'm not done yet," he said a lustful smile on his face.

  She kept her legs wrapped around his waist, but her body was too weak to continue following his rhythm. Every time he pushed himself deeper inside of her, she spasmed with the residual pleasure that surged through her.

  When she finally saw his face contort into an expression of ecstasy, she knew he was close. With one last, powerful thrust, he let out a loud cry, before leaning forward and taking short quick breaths.

  The bliss that hung in the air around them was short lived. Another explosion rang out in the distance, and Hakona pulled himself off of her. He rolled onto his side and wrapped his strong arms around her. They didn’t speak. They didn’t know what to say. It was time to face reality once again. But, neither of them wanted to.


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