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The Cartel

Page 31

by E G Manetti

  “There is little to be done about insult, nor would it be wise to attempt it. I can take steps to protect her from assault and that I will do.” And I am well able to extract retribution appropriate to the offense.

  As for Keeper Virgil, Lucius curtailed the prelate’s vituperative tirades two months gone. It may prove necessary to force the man to recant. It will not be readily accomplished. Socraide’s Prelate was among those who supported the execution of Gariten’s tainted offspring.

  Sevenday 16, Day 7

  With a deft move, Lilian drops her sister as gently as possible onto the stone pavement. With maman’s agreement, Lilian has begun to augment Katleen’s training in Sinead’s Discipline with the Avoidance Discipline of Adelaide. Seventh Day training is followed with a practice on Third Day morning in place of Lilian’s sparring with Helena.

  As Katleen sits rubbing her sore posterior, the young girl asks the question that has been hovering unspoken since the session began. “Do you find it terrible to be a doxy?”

  Lilian knew that eventually the topic would arise, there is too much comment and she is too notorious. The events of the past sevenday have only served to escalate matters.

  As Lilian decided to do from the first, she settles in to answer as honestly as she can while allowing for her sister’s youth. Seating herself on a stone bench, Lilian beckons Katleen to sit with her.

  “’Doxy’, sweetling? That is a very rude word. Those of us under apprentice bond do not care for it. Would you please me, do not use it again.” At her sister’s nod, Lilian continues, “As for terrible, that is not a word I would have chosen. Why do you?”

  As it happens, Katleen’s recent studies in the protocol and stricture of the Twelve Systems have included the practice of indentured servitude. The followers of the Universal Way are uniformly opposed to the practice. Their faith maintains that it damages the fabric of the individual – both servant and master – and the fabric of the universe. Katleen was the object of compassionate concern from the scholars even before the ugly incident three days earlier.

  Katleen clasps her hands between her knees and gazes intently at Lilian as she speaks, “The Master Scholar wishes you to know that the School will shelter us. You need not continue if it is too much to bear.”

  “The Master Scholar is very kind, but we knew that.” Shifting her regard away from the young girl’s earnest expression, Lilian rests it on the dry fountain.

  Choosing her words carefully, Lilian begins, “Do not confuse the despite caused by the taint of Remus Gariten with the burdens of an apprentice bond. Your scholars are not incorrect. In some circumstances an apprentice contract would be very difficult. Mine is not so hard. Dean Joseph was very clever and worked very hard to find an indenture that would be fair for all concerned. We have spoken of this before.”

  “I know we need the funds the bond price provides, but you work long bells for those payments. Yet, you must lie with him and he can do whatever he wills with you,” the last is almost a wail from Katleen.

  Heart lurching at Katleen’s distress, Lilian puts her arm around the young girl and hugs her close. Shades only know what wild comment has taken seed in the precocious and imaginative child. After a moment, Lilian continues, “What you say is both true and not true at the same time. While the strictures do set limits on monsignor’s will and whim, without a strong family to enforce such limits, they are often ignored. As you well know, lack of a strong family is a common reason for indenture. So it could be very bad. Nonetheless, as I honor the bond, so does monsignor. I am not mistreated.”

  Casually, almost as an afterthought, Lilian adds, “As for lying with monsignor, it is not unpleasant at all.”

  Katleen’s openly dubious expression confirms Lilian’s suspicions. Maintaining a casual demeanor, Lilian insists, “Lying with a man is a pleasant activity. I know you know the how of it in your mind. In several years you will know the why of it in your body. We will speak more of this then. Until that time, you must accept that I do not lie to you. It is a pleasant enough undertaking.”

  “So being an apprentice is not so very hard?” With Lilian’s explanation, Katleen is starting to relax, tension leaving her shoulders.

  Relieved that the hurdle has been so easily taken, Lilian reaches a hand to brush back a strand of hair that has fallen loose from Katleen’s queue. “I did not speak so. It is very difficult. It is intended so. Even when it is not Trial by Ordeal, it is a trial of sorts. It is a means to discover the talented, clever, hardworking and ruthless among the common orders. To provide training that will enable them to advance and contribute to the Order of the Five Warriors. Were Dean Joseph less able and my master more abusive, I would do it. It is the only avenue out of a very unpleasant box.”

  “That does not sound just.” Katleen’s comment is full of dismay.

  “It is not intended to be justice. It is intended to be effective.” In Lilian’s mind Katleen is old enough to release the idea that justice is a commonly available commodity.

  “Is there not a better way?” Katleen pleads, earnestly.

  “I have not thought of one,” Lilian returns with a shrug. In Katleen’s mind, if Lilian cannot find a solution, it is not there to be found. “And consider you this, without Master Chrys the Cartel would be a lesser place. Without the institution of indenture, he would be struggling to find food for his family instead of using his bond price to aid his younger sibling. I do not believe he would have it otherwise.”

  Katleen ponders Lilian’s words, absently pulling the queue over her shoulder and playing with the tip. It is obvious she remains troubled. “If it is not so terrible then why would someone choose the Final Draught?”

  Surprised by the shift in direction and pleased by Katleen’s insight, Lilian responds candidly, “That is a good question. Do you recall the counterfeiters from the dry season?”

  At Katleen’s nod, Lilian continues, “There were four in the group who received the Final Draught who were far enough from true guilt to be offered Trial by Ordeal. None would accept it. Over the years, custom has deemed it cowardly to refuse death. Although, I believe that originally the Final Draught may have been considered merciful.”

  Katleen releases her hair to give her attention to Lilian. Relieved to have her sister’s attention, Lilian offers carefully considered truth. “It is hard to go from giving orders to taking them; from having servants to doing for oneself. It is beyond difficult to yield control of one’s will to another; to have small transgressions carry severe penalties. It is humiliating to be treated as nothing by those who once honored one. It is unpleasant to be viewed as coward. In the end, the reward is commoner status and the opportunity to improve one’s circumstances.

  “It is not difficult to comprehend why many would choose not to face such a trial, and why they pretend that they have chosen the more courageous path.”

  “What if I do not have the courage to be an apprentice?” The young girl is looking at the pavement, the core of her worry now evident.

  Pulling Katleen into a tight embrace, Lilian hastens to reassure her, “Oh, sweetling, I did not know such a thought troubled you. You will never be indentured. Once I prove my bond, I will be worthy of an associate’s position. There will be funds for your university studies and maybe even some furniture.” And should I fail, you will go to the Universalists for shelter.

  “Furniture would be nice. Stone benches get hard after awhile,” Katleen admits.

  “Yes they do.”

  Chapter 21: Conservator Status

  Once the Code of Engagement was established, the Five Warriors embarked on different paths to achieve their ambitions. Socraide and Rimon looked outward and began to explore and expand beyond the Three Systems. Mulan exploited her monopoly on the ancients’ knowledge to establish archives and centers for advanced study while Sinead employed the natural resources of her territory to fund artistic and technological wonders that commanded a high price. Jonathan exchanged Vistrite for what h
e required from the others including the rights to any Vistrite discovered beyond the Three Systems.

  For a millennium the Order of the Five Warriors has held. The Three Systems are now Twelve Systems. They are ruled by a Governing Council and dominated by a series of commercial cartels. ~excerpt from The Origins of the Five Warriors, a scholarly treatise.

  For two centuries Serengeti has been fourth of the five dominant cartels. In less than a decade, through the leadership of the brilliant, unconventional and ruthless Lucius Mercio, Serengeti has advanced to compete for third position. Lucius has no intention of settling for third place.

  Sevenday 17, Day 1

  Lucius ponders the broken sky over the Garden Center while he considers his design. Seigneur Herman has confirmed it is both legal and with precedent. It has been well over a century since the last occurrence of what Lucius intends.

  Lucius is not concerned that his play will not yield the desired result. It is the impacts he cannot foresee that have him considering the elements in all their unpredictable glory. His apprentice holds to her duty. She also confounds him. Somehow, this will turn in ways he cannot imagine.

  Not for the first time, Lucius acknowledges that the Five Warriors own a wicked sense of humor.

  As eighth bell chimes, three pings from the scarlet door herald Lilian’s entrance.

  Milord is by the windows, his back to her. The darkening sky offers her a ghost of milord’s reflection in the window. It does not reveal milord's expression or mood. Milord's tone offers no clues, “I understand from Master Nickolas that you are performing all the operational control functions for the Western Fisheries and Desperation Mine and Refinery.”

  “Yes milord, it has been simpler to accept the additional duties than to continue to develop plausible reasons for my interest in the operational activities.” Lilian cannot reveal the true source of her interest to the protégé. He has not been admitted into the security-privilege of the Synthetics.

  Lilian hastens to assure milord she has not overstepped, “Master Nickolas is amenable. Master Nickolas barely glances at the requests or instructions before approving them.”

  “So he informed me. I discover no value in Master Nickolas’ continued involvement with those properties.” Turning from the windows, milord beckons, “Come here, I have something for you.”

  To Lilian’s astonishment it is a scarlet signet stamped in gold with the mark of milord’s personal holdings. Lilian knows it well. A similar device dangles proudly from Nickolas’ belt. It is a Conservator’s seal. It allows the bearer to act on milord’s behalf for the specified properties.

  Glancing from the small object in her hand to milord’s face Lilian struggles to comprehend what is occurring, “Milord, I do not understand.”

  Smiling, milord closes Lilian’s hand over the small object, “I believe it is quite clear. I am transferring the conservatorship of the fisheries and Desperation from Master Nickolas to you. Take good care of my property.”

  I am the sum of my ancestors. There is a rushing sound in Lilian's ears and her lungs constrict as if the air were suddenly taking on mass. I am the foundation of my family. How? Why? Lilian's stunned mind struggles to function. Honor is my blade and shield. The fisheries alone are staggering. Honor knows not fear. To be trusted with any of milord’s property is beyond ambition. Honor endures. A Vistrite Mine and Refinery? A protégé’s trust? Honor acts as duty commands.

  Gracefully Lilian sinks to her knees, her hand holding the seal remains within milord’s clasp. Her back and legs straight, Lilian briefly touches her forehead to milord's hand. Forcing her voice past her constricted lungs, "I am milord's servant in this and in all matters to the limit of my -- life."

  Lilian stumbles a bit as she modifies the ancient oath to omit the final phrase, 'and honor.' By law and custom, Lilian has no claim to honor.

  Lucius notes the brief hesitation in Lilian's speech and knows the reason for it. Considering the lovely woman kneeling before him, Lucius feels a brief fellowship with Trevelyan's disdain for legal pretense. "Lilian."

  At his voice, Lilian raises her eyes. Trembling slightly she places her free hand on top their clasped ones. Lucius completes the contact by covering Lilian’s. Both her hands are within his, the seal at the center. The hands in his clasp are icy. Lucius is suddenly aware of heaviness in the air. His earlier suspicion takes on certainty. This act will reverberate far beyond his design and extraordinary ambitions. Daring has brought Lucius this far. He does not hesitate now.

  "As you pledged, you will be judged," Lucius says softly. With a gentle tug on Lilian’s hands, he concludes, "Rise conservator and take up your service."

  As Lilian finds her feet the gray cityscape is riven by light and thunder as a brief, unseasonable electromagnetic storm breaks across the roof of Serengeti.

  Lucius grins.


  The Archives are crowded. Lilian’s goal is at the far end of one of the cavernous chambers. As she passes the massed associates and protégés, whispers swell. For a moment it is First Day again, comment surges behind Lilian as she finds her way to Chrys.

  As with First Day, there is hostility. This day there is also amazement, confusion and among the most junior of associates, a hint of concern.

  Alerted by the rustling of the associates, the three gathered in a corner turn to find Lilian hastening toward them. As the whispers rise in Lilian’s wake, her alarmed consortium finds its feet. It is Chrys who first notices the bright scarlet ornament hanging from Lilian’s belt. The belt only Chrys knows also carries her thorn.

  “Conservator,” he murmurs in wonder.

  “What say you?” Clarice demands before she too notices the small oval and offers in awe, “Five Warriors bless us.”

  “What, what is it?” Rebecca demands. Whatever has occurred, Lilian is not endangered.

  “Well met my friends,” Lilian greets her consortium with a bright gaze and loosely swinging shoulders. She passed the last bell reviewing her new duties with milord. She glows with pride at milord’s trust. She cannot wait until midday when she may demonstrate her gratitude.

  “Well met indeed, conservator,” Chrys returns with a grin as he emphasizes her new rank.

  “Which properties?” Clarice interjects with an equally broad grin.

  “Desperation and the Western Fisheries,” Lilian replies to Clarice without her eyes leaving Chrys. In return Chrys’ eyes widen and he coughs to swallow what would be ill chosen words.

  “What’s a conservator? Why are you wearing that jewel? Lilian what has he done now?” Rebecca hisses.

  In response, Lilian’s face softens and brief smile graces her lips. Wonder in her voice, she explains, “Monsignor trusts me to take care of his property. It is a great honor.”

  “It is more than that Lilian,” Clarice interjects. “You now have status under the law and are able to give evidence as it relates to the administration of the holdings.”

  Glancing at Rebecca and Chrys, the Legalistics apprentice continues, “The authority is Monsignor Lucius’. Lilian is simply a vessel, as would be a protégé or any other retainer. To refuse Lilian’s instruction in any matter related to these properties would be considered the same as defying monsignor, with the same attendant penalties.”

  “Does the same apply to insults?” demands Rebecca. “When the associates move away from Lilian, are they showing disdain for Monsignor Lucius?”

  “That would be overreaching on the protocols and strictures,” Clarice denies. “The very nature of an insult makes it difficult to determine intent and target. A physical attack would be different. That could definitely be construed as an attack on monsignor rather than an attack on monsignor’s property. That is how most assaults on apprentices are treated, property violations. Such does not allow for nearly the level of retribution as attacks on the first families.”

  Finishing her dissertation, Clarice realizes she is receiving some rather odd looks. “I beg your pardon, Lilian. I w
ould hope no one would ever attack you. I was following the legal construct to its end.”

  “I am not offended,” Lilian replies. The brief smile has disappeared, the bright gaze remains. Clever. Clever, devious, remarkable man. Milord did not create this design in three days. I wonder what else milord plans. “I am aware of both the obligations and privileges of conservatorship. I do wonder what monsignor truly intends.”

  “What say you Lilian?” Chrys asks in response to Lilian’s last remark.

  “Monsignor rarely acts with a single purpose. I know some of monsignor’s purpose in this, but not all. It will be interesting to discover the full scope of this play,” Lilian replies as she settles into a chair in the Archives. They are gathered for a purpose. Milord’s purpose will be revealed in milord’s time.

  Coming in 2013– Bright Star


  The second volume in the Twelve Systems Chronicles, Bright Star, continues Lilian’s saga as Lucius Mercio’s motivations and ambitions are revealed. They are far more extraordinary than Lilian could have imagined. With the role Lucius has designed for her, Lilian is well on her way to proving her bond and redeeming her honor. It will not be easy. Lilian’s enemies are more determined than ever to see her destroyed and a ghost from her past will imperil her future. Those who are envious of Lucius’ success will continue to intrigue and threaten his plans. It will require all Lilian’s brilliance and determination to survive the next set of challenges and all of Lucius deviousness to circumvent those who would thwart him.

  List of Characters

  The Serengeti Group

  Blooded Dagger Cartouche - Vistrite

  Monsignor Lucius Mercio – Preeminence of Serengeti & Blooded dagger

  o Protégé Nickolas Cyncad

  o Apprentice Lilian

  o Executive Servitor Marieth


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