by Fran Leadon
Fort Tryon Park, xvi, 374–78, 380, 390
Fort Washington, 343–45, 349, 374
Fort Washington, Battle of, 351
Fort Washington Avenue, 343, 349–50, 375, 380, 386, 390
Fort Washington Park, 345, 350
Fort Washington Presbyterian Church, 343
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 289, 296, 300
Foster, William Z., 131
“Four Hundred,” 185
Fourth Avenue, 104, 111, 167, 255, 259, 397
Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, 365
14th Street, 50, 111–12, 117, 120–21, 123–25, 164, 165, 167
40th Street, 32, 228, 413
42nd Street, 4, 167, 172, 188, 193, 197–98, 255–56, 261
43rd Street, 176
44th Street, 188, 197, 200, 211, 376
45th Street, 197–98, 413
47th Street, 176
49th Street, 277
Fox, William, 354
Frame, James A., 252
Fredericksz, Cryn, 13, 412
French, P. W., 377
French flats, 256
Friars Club, 198
Frick, Henry Clay, 127
Fried, Emil, 383
Front Street, 37
Fruits and Fruit Trees of America, The (Downing), 99
Fuller, Margaret, 106–7, 245, 272
Fulton, Robert, 40
Fulton Fish Market, 49
Fulton Street, 45, 51, 52–53, 54, 59
funeral processions, 82, 84
fur trade, 184–85
Gaiety Theatre, 177, 198
Gallatin family, 145
gambling, gambling dens, 80, 142, 167, 169, 172, 276, 375
“Garden City” movement, 304
Garment District, 126, 261–62, 356
Garrison, William Lloyd, 286
gaslights, 162–63, 165
Gaynor, John P., 87
Geddes, Patrick, 304
Gehrig, Lou, 285
gender discrimination, 138–39, 141–42, 151, 276, 281, 282, 460
General Motors, 217
George III, king of England, statue of, 17, 20
George A. Fuller Construction Company, 155–56, 158
George Burns’s tavern, 16
George Foster’s dance hall, 225
George Washington Bridge, 343, 359–68
George Washington Bridge Bus Station, 367–68
Germaine, Alice, 209
Gibson, Ida McGlone, 210
Gilbert, Cass, 362
Gilded Age, 141, 143, 196–97, 278, 374, 399
Gilded Ghetto, 262, 266
Gilman, Arthur D., 41
Gilpin Park, 361
Gilsey House hotel, 188–89
Gimbel Brothers, 175
Girl I Left Behind Me, The, 200
Girl of the Golden West, The, 200
“Give My Regards to Broadway,” 204
Glackens, William, 147
Glance at New York in 1848, A (Baker), 69–70, 72
Godwin, Parke, 335–36
Goelet, Peter, 112, 305
Goelet, Robert, 112
Goerck, Casimir, 94
Golden Gate Bridge, 364
Goldman, Emma, xvi, 127–28
Goldman family, 260
Gold Star Mothers, 390
Good, James William, 362
Goodwin, Nat, 123, 202
Gorham’s, 140
Gorman Park, 171
Gould, Jay, 9, 10, 196
Government House, 23, 24
Governor’s Lady, The, 200
Grace Church (new):
building of, 103–7, 111, 327
class exclusivity at, 105–7, 108, 120
Grace Church (original), 26, 93, 100
Grachtengordel (Amsterdam canal system), 13
Gracie, Archibald, 235, 316
Gracie mansion, 316
Graham, Lillian, 232
Graham, Robert M., 78–79
Graham, Stephen, 212–13
Gramercy Park, 35, 39, 87, 108, 111
Grand Basin, 279
Grand Boulevard, see Boulevard
Grand Central Depot, 277, 397
Grand Central Station, 188, 193, 324, 418
Grand Street, 3, 4, 66, 68, 69, 80, 88–89, 115, 327
Grange, 315–25, 318, 321, 335
Granger, Alfred, 288
Grant, Hugh J., 169, 386
Grant Houses (General Ulysses S. Grant Houses), 300, 302, 304
failure of, 303–8
Grant’s Tomb, 282
Graybar Building, 191
Great Blizzard of 1888, 273
Great Chicago Fire (1871), 86
Great Depression, 6, 130–32, 210, 263, 291, 354, 363, 405–7
“Greatest Show on Earth,” 146
Greatest Street in the World, The (Jenkins), 409
Great Fire of 1776, 21–23, 37, 39, 40, 277
Great Fire of 1835, 34, 37
Great Fire of 1845, 33, 36–39
Great Jones Street, 116
“Great Union Meeting” (1861), 109, 116–17, 118
Great White Fleet, 280
Great White Way, 95, 172, 175–82, 190, 193, 368, 419, 448
country-wide emulation of, 181–82, 183
Greeley Square, 175
Green, Andrew Haswell, 217–21, 223, 269, 275, 346–47, 399
Greene Street, 167
Greenwald, Dorothy, 261–62
Greenwich Street, 3, 21, 35–36, 38, 39, 44, 78, 122, 241, 242
Greenwich Village, 64, 94, 184, 215, 245, 320
Gregory, Julian A., 365
Greyhound (ship), 18
Gribayedoff, Valerian, xv
Grinnell, George Bird, 337–38
Gude, O. J., 179–80
Guinan, Mary Louise “Texas,” 211–13
Gunn, James, 22
Gunn, Thomas Butler, 77
Hadden, John Aspinwall, 4
Haight, D. M., 76
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 18
Hall, A. Oakey, 128, 221
Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 245
Hamilton, 324
Hamilton, Alexander, 22, 40, 94, 314–19, 322, 335
burial site of, 319, 326
mansion of, see Grange
Hamilton, Alexander, Jr., 235
Hamilton, Alexander, III, 318, 321
Hamilton, Alexander, IV, 321
Hamilton, Alexander, V, 321
Hamilton, C. L., 321
Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler “Eliza,” 314–19, 324
Hamilton, Philip, 315
Hamilton Grange National Monument, 322
Hamilton Heights, 313
Hamilton Place, 313, 458
Hammerstein, Oscar, 155, 197–99
Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 197
Hammond, Abijah, 433
Hancock, John, 20
Handbook for Active Service (Viele), 113
Handbook of Artillery (Roberts), 113
Hankins, Marie Louise, 141
Harison, Richard, 96
Harlem, 172, 256, 259, 261, 262, 297, 316, 320, 368, 384, 412, 418
Harlem Canal Company, 382, 416
Harlem Cove, 297
Harlem Heights, 20, 270–75, 277–78, 282
Harlem Heights, Battle of, 270
Harlem Plains, 316
Harlem River, 363, 374, 395, 397–98, 413, 415–17
Harlem River Ship Canal (United States Ship Canal), 395, 416–18, 418
Harlem Speedway, 374–75
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, xiii, 396
Harper’s Weekly, 50, 51, 54, 55, 139, 163, 165, 221
Harrigan & Hart, 123
Harris, Sam H., 203
Harrison, Wallace K., 296, 303
Harrison, William Henry, funeral procession of, 101–2
Harrison & Abramovitz, 303, 305–6
Harsen, Jacob (nephew), 234–36
Harsen, Jacob (uncle), farm of, 234–36
Harsenville, 234–38
Hart, Francis, Jr., 36–37
r /> Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., 419
Hatch, Cora, 287
Hatfield, Robert G., 88
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 220
Haven, John A., 345
Hayes, A. A., Jr., 164–65
Haymarket Affair (1886), 127
Haymarket dance hall, 172
Hebrew Tabernacle Synagogue, 357
Heere Straat, 13
Held, Anna, 209
Hell Gate, 315
Hell’s Kitchen, 167, 172, 224–25
Hemstreet, William, 246
Henri, Robert, 147
Henry, Joseph, 21, 427
Henry Hudson Parkway, 308
Hepner, Elizabeth R., 300
Herald Building, 175–76, 176, 282
Herald Square, xvi, 124, 175–76, 176, 183, 192, 195, 261, 287, 305, 348
Herald Square Theatre, 175, 177, 200
Herschel, John, 242
Herter Brothers, 140
Heth, Joice, 46
Hevins (later Broome) Street, 66
Higgins, William H., 381
Hillside Avenue, 383
Hilltop Park (American League Park), 349–53, 350, 354
Hispanic Society of America, 338
History of the City of New York (Lamb), 409
Hitler, Adolf, 355
H. J. Heinz Company, 179
hoaxes, 242
Hoffman, John T., 58
Hollow Way, 297
Holy Ground (red-light district), 29, 167, 276
homelessness, 133, 148
Homestead Strike, 127
Hone, Philip, 39, 43, 101–2, 105, 272, 287, 333–34
Hooley’s Theatre, 122
“hootchy-kootchy” (belly dance), 177
Horn & Hardart automats, 356
Hose Company No. 7, 74
Hostos Community College, 405
hot air balloons, 242
Hotel Astor, 177, 188–89, 192–94, 197, 208
Hotel Bretton Hall apartments, 256–57
Hotel Cadillac, 177, 190
Hotel Gregorian, 209
Hotel Langham apartments, 257
Hotel Netherland, 187, 376
Hotel Normandie, 176, 180
construction boom in, 75–79
see also specific buildings
House of Refuge, 144
Housing Authority, 299, 306, 307
housing projects, 226, 304
crime and violence in, 307–8
failures of, 303–9
low-income, 299–300, 302, 304
middle-income, 299–300, 302, 304, 368
racial and ethnic demographics of, 306
Houston Street, 73, 74, 78, 113, 330
real-estate speculation on, 66–68
Howard, Ebenezer, 304
Howard Street, 69, 80
Howe, William, 18, 20
Huber’s Museum, 125
Hudson Heights, (northern Washington Heights), 373
Hudson River, 14, 15, 18, 21, 64–65, 81, 82, 183, 192, 224, 234, 236, 242, 243, 262, 270, 271, 297, 314, 316–17, 325, 327, 328, 335, 343–47, 349, 374–75, 379, 397, 413
commercial use of, 416, 418
docks, 114, 241
George Washington Bridge over, 359–64
Hudson River Railroad, 298, 337, 350, 375, 396–97
Hudson Street, 82, 321
Hudson Theatre, 197
“Hudson Tubes,” 359
Hughes, John J., 5, 117
Hughes, Richard J., 367
Humphreys, Moses C., 70, 434
Hunn, John S., 96–97
Huntington, Archer Milton, 338
Hunts Point, 418
“Hurricane Corner,” 158–59, 159
Huston, Joseph Miller, 387–88
Huston, Tillinghast L’Hommedieu, 353
Hyer, Thomas, 79
Ibsen, Henrik, 203
ice skating, 64, 64
Iconography of Manhattan Island, The (Stokes), 411–12
“Ideal Church,” 40
immigration, immigrants, 10, 119
bias and discrimination against, 73, 80–81, 84, 232, 346
Dominican, 313, 348
ethnic communities of, 259–66
German, 36, 119, 127, 140, 183–84, 259, 298, 346, 397
German-Jewish, 189, 259–60, 354–58
Greek, 259, 262
Hungarian, 259, 355, 356
internal discrimination and conflict between, 262–63
Irish, 36, 37, 42, 80–81, 119, 203, 220, 221–23, 224–25, 236, 259, 262–63, 298, 327, 330, 346, 355–57, 397, 403, 452
Italian, 127, 130, 178, 262–63, 290, 355, 397, 399, 405–7, 417
Jewish, 7, 127, 178, 200, 259–66, 456
in labor movement, 126–27
in multi-racial neighborhoods, 355–56
Polish, 127, 259, 355
Puerto Rican, 262, 296, 306–7, 355
Russian, 355
as servants, 378–79
wealthy, 259–60
West Indian, 224, 331
incandescent lights, 164, 177, 180
Independent Subway System, 262
Indian Paths in the Great Metropolis (R. P. Bolton), 409–10, 414
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW; “Wobblies”), 128–31, 442
Institute of Musical Art, 284
Interborough Rapid Transit system (IRT), 188, 189, 193, 197, 255–56, 398, 405
International House, 296
International Merchant Marine Company Building, 12
see also Archibald Kennedy mansion; Washington Building (Field Building); Washington Hotel
Interstate 95, 359, 366, 368
Interstate Bridge Commission, 360
Interstate Highway System, 366
Inwood, 297, 373, 417
archeological digs in, 409–10
development of, 405–7
farms and farming in, 401–7, 406
as remote and underdeveloped, 396–400, 409
see also Tubby Hook (later Inwood)
Inwood Hill, 395, 397–99, 402, 416
Iranistan (P. T. Barnum mansion), 48
Ireland, 221, 452
iron, in building construction, 8–9, 63, 85–86
Irving, Washington, 101
Irving Hall, 120
Irving Place, 120
Irwin, May, 123
Isham, Julia (daughter), 398
Isham, Julia (mother), 396
Isham, William B., 396–98
Isham Park, 398
Izard, Ralph, 22
Jacobs, Jane, 305–6
James, Henry, 43, 44, 47, 112
James, Rian, 354–55
James II, king of England, 221
James McCreery & Company, 140, 141, 396
Jameson, J. Franklin, 411
J. & W. Seligman & Company, 259–60
Janes & Leo architects, 257
Jan Jansen Damen farm, 15
Jay, John, 22
Jay, Peter, 101
Jefferson, Charles Edward, 287–88
Jefferson, Thomas, 22, 97, 315
Jefferson Market Courthouse, 148, 149, 160
Jeffrey’s Hook, 362
Jenkins, Stephen, 409, 420
Jennings, Ephraim, 439
Jerome L. Greene Science Center, 308
“Jewish Fifth Avenue,” 260
Jewish Grand Dukes, 259, 456
Jewish Theological Seminary, 284, 290–91, 296, 299, 300, 355
John Golden Theatre, 211
Johnson, Byron Bancroft “Ban,” 349, 351
Joseph, Chief of the Nez Perce, 159
Joseph H. Semmons & Company opticians, 115
Journey in Other Worlds, A: A Romance of the Future (John Jacob Astor IV), 187–88
Juilliard School, The, 296
Kagan, Clarice, 405
Karlson, Janet, 307
Kaufman, Theodore, 74
Keeler, Wee Willie, 351, 353
Keister, George, 200
Keleher, B
ernard, 55
Kendall, Edward Hale, 9
Kennedy, Archibald, 16
Kennedy, Archibald, Jr., 16, 17–19, 426
Kennedy, John F., 322
Kent, James, 318, 322
Kent apartments, 257
Keppler, Joseph Ferdinand, 396, 399
Kieft, Willem, 411
King’s Bridge, 413, 415
Kingsbridge, 419
Kingsbridge Road, 20, 270, 315–16, 335, 345, 373, 395–98, 402, 412–13, 415
King’s College, 21, 276–77, 314
see also Columbia College
King’s Handbook, 137, 147
Kiowa Realty Company v. Martin M. Molenaor et al., 383–84
Kip, Samuel, 97
Kisseloff, Jeff, 356
Klaw, Marc, 198–99, 203
Knickerbocker Hotel, 177, 190, 193–94, 197, 198
Knickerbocker omnibus line, 244
Knights of Labor, 126
Knowlton, Thomas, 270
“Know Nothing” party, 84
Knox, Henry, 18
Knox, Lucy, 18
Knox, William, 18
Knoxville Chronicle, 189
Knyphausen, Wilhelm von, 344
Konkle, Howard, 289
Konkle, Oscar E., 286, 289–91
Labor Day, 126, 132
labor strikes, 153, 194, 210, 232, 375
labor unions, 109, 126–30, 232
Ladies’ Mile, 137–43, 164, 167, 261, 396, 443
La Dinastia restaurant, 348
Lafarge House hotel, 114
Lafayette Circus, 48
Lafayette Street, 255
Lamb, Martha, 409–14
Lamb, Thomas W., 355
Lambert, John, 25, 26, 326–27
Lambs Club, 198
Landmarks Preservation Commission, 436, 452
money and, 93–95, 98, 102
rights of, 95–98, 100, 108–9
Larson, Morgan F., 364, 367
La Salle Street, 299, 303, 306
Laura Keene’s Theater, 5, 116
Laurie, James T., 74
Lawrence, John B., 297
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 54
Le Boutillier Brothers, 140
Le Corbusier, 295–96, 304, 364
Leeds, Lewis W., 346
Le Gendre, Grace, 209
Lehman, Meyer, 456
Lehman, Robert L., 358–59
Lenape Indians, 14, 409–10, 413
Lenox Avenue, 256
Lenox Hill, 259–60, 456
Lent, Lewis B., 50
Leonard Street, 29, 30, 36, 63, 80, 85
Leopard (ship), 97
Lescaze, William, 304–5
Leslie’s Weekly, 158
Lespinasse, George S., 252
Levy, Franklin, 383
Lewis, Sinclair, 181
Lewis B. Lent’s New York Circus, 50, 120–21
Lewisohn, Adolph, 456
Lew M. Fields Theatre, 198
Lexington Avenue, 148
Lexow Commission, 169
Liberty Street, 315
Liberty Theatre, 198, 203
Library of Congress, 86, 281, 334
Lincoln, Abraham, 114
funeral procession of, 129
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 87
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, 226, 228