by Fran Leadon
Lincoln Square, 219
Lincoln Square Urban Renewal Project, 226
Lind, Jenny, 48, 334
Lindenthal, Gustav, 360–62
Lindy’s restaurant, 211
Linlaugh apartments, 257
Lispenard’s Meadows, 63–65, 64, 94
Little Johnny Jones, 203–4, 207
Livingston family, 105
L. J. & I. Phillips furriers, 115
Lloyd, George K., 127
Locke, Richard Adams, 242
Loew Bridge, 54
Loew’s 175th Street Theatre, 355
Loew’s State Theatre, 210
Long Acre Square (later Times Square), 187–92, 195, 197
Long Island, 36, 270, 416–17
Long Island City, 179
Lord, Samuel, 396
Lord & Taylor, 88–89, 115, 140, 141, 164, 396
Loring, Charles, 78–79
Lorraine, Lillian, 231
Los Angeles, Calif., 181, 199, 305
Lou Dillon (horse), 378
Louis Alexander, prince of Battenberg, 193
Love and Lightning, or the Telegraph Cable, 5
Low, Abiel Abbot, 277
Low, Seth, 277, 280–81, 285
Lowell, Guy, 375–77
Lowell, James Russell, 244, 245
Lower East Side, 7, 260–61
Low Memorial Library, 155, 280–82, 281
Loyal Orange Institution of the United States, 221–22
Ludlow Massacre, 128–29
Lundy’s Lane Club, 80
Luxor apartments, 286
Lyceum Theatre, 177, 197, 200
Lyng, John, 82
Lyons, James J., 418–19
Lyric Theatre, 177, 197, 198
Macarthy, Jennie F., 412–13
MacKenzie, Andrew C., 189
MacLeish, Archibald, 375
Macy’s, 175, 176, 260
Madame Butterfly, 200
Madison Avenue, 145, 151, 277, 288
Madison Square, 87, 112, 124, 139, 140, 144–52, 155, 157, 158, 164, 165, 166, 167–68, 175, 195, 200, 219, 261, 305, 327
Madison Square Garden, 146, 198, 282
Madison Square Presbyterian Church, 145, 169
Madison Square Theatre, 146
Magazine of American History, 344, 397
Magnolia apartments, 257
Magnolia Hotel, 116
Magnolia Lunch, 116
Maiden Lane, 22, 139
Main Street (Lewis), 181
Majestic (ship), 192
Malcolm X, assassination of, 354, 467
Mammoth Star Company, 124
Mangin, Joseph-François, 94
British colonial period of, 3, 14, 63–64, 182, 412
Dutch settlement of, xv, 12, 13–14, 31, 63–66, 84, 101, 185, 218, 297, 314, 401, 410–13
fault lines under, 297, 395
measurement of, xiii–xiv
northernmost extremity of, 415, 475
Revolutionary War period in, 16–22, 297
wealthy elite of, 15–16, 23–24, 28, 66–67, 72, 74, 105–107, 108, 111–112, 120, 137–140, 145, 147–150, 184–185, 196, 314, 375, 381, 383; see also specific individuals and families
Manhattan Avenue (later 125th Street), 297–98
Manhattan Beach, 178–79
Manhattan Central Improvement Association, 180
Manhattan Life Insurance Building, 156
Manhattan Mini Storage, 405
Manhattan Railway Company, 10
Manhattanville, 297–99, 298, 308, 313, 384
Manhattanville Houses, 304–8
Manhattanville Improvement Association, 307
Manning, Robert, 99
Manning, William T., 288
mansions, 111–12, 117, 140, 186, 275, 345, 375, 396, 399–400
see also specific buildings
Marble Building, 45, 47
Marble Hill, xiii, xvi
severing of, 417–20
Marble Hill Houses, 475
Marble House, 396, 399–400
Marlborough Hotel, 176
Marshall, Thurgood, 306
Martin, Isaac P., 345
Martin, William R., 250
Massachusetts Volunteers, 8th Regiment, 114
Massett, Stephen C. (“Mr. Raymond”), 74
Matin, Le, 191
Matthau, Walter, 265
Maxim’s restaurant, 198
Maxine Elliott Theatre, 198
May Day rallies, 127, 131, 132, 132
Mayo, John B., 149, 160
Mazzulo, Carlo, 290
McAdoo, William, 170, 225–26
McCann, Jessie, 210
McCarthy, Helen, 210
McCarthyism, 132
McClellan, George B., Jr., 193
McComb, John, Jr., 316
McCreery, James, 396, 399
McDonald, John B., 256
McFarland, J. Horace, 180
McGraw, John, 352
McGuire, William Anthony, xvi
McIntosh, Millicent C., 296, 300, 303
McKim, Charles Follen, 155–56, 277–82, 278
McKim, Mead & White architects, 155, 176, 277–78
McKinley, William, assassination of, 128
McLaughlin, Patrick “Paugene,” 82
McVeigh, Grace, 417
Mead, William Rutherford, 278
Meade, James, 125
medieval art and artifacts, 388–90
menageries, 45, 47, 48–50, 122, 233, 431
Menlo Park, N.J., 163–64
Mercer Street, 66, 67, 76, 78, 167
“Merry Chair War,” 148–52
Metropolitan Hotel, 5–6, 75–76, 78, 82, 113, 188
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 155, 390, 403
Metropolitan Opera Company, 196, 231
Metropolitan Opera House:
new, 228
original, 177, 195–97, 201
Metropolitan Police Department:
19th Precinct, 167, 169, 170
26th Precinct, 226
in traffic control, 54–55
Metropolitan Tabernacle, 290
Metzler, Henry Frederick, 88
Meyers, Peter, 274
Middle Road, 94
Midget Hall, 125
Midway Plaisance, 177, 279
Miner Lithographing Company, 176
Mines, John Flavel (pen name Felix Oldboy), 27, 247–48, 249
Minetta Water, 95
Minnie’s Land, 334–39, 335
Minor, Robert, 131
Minturn, Robert Bowne, 350
Mitchel, John Purroy, 348
Mitchell, John, 73–74
Mitchel Square (formerly Audubon Square), 348–49
Mite, General, 125
Moertje David’s Fly, 297
Mohawk Building, 155
Moiseyeff, Leonard, 364
Molenaor, Andrew, 382
Molenaor, David W., 380–84
Molenaor, Evalina, 381–82
Molenaor, Evelyn, 381–82, 385
Molenaor, Martin Montrose, real-estate claim of, 380–85, 385
Molenaor, Mercy, 382
Molenaor, Wilfred, 381–82
Molenaor Recovery Company, 381
“moon hoax,” 242
Moore, Clement Clarke, 235, 330
Moret-sur-Loing, France, 387
Morgan, J. P., 196, 322
Morgan Library, 282
Morningside Avenue, 300
Morningside Drive, 289
Morningside Gardens, 299–300, 302, 303–8, 304
Morningside Heights, 282, 284, 285–86
deterioration of, 296–97
and Manhattanville, 299
Morningside Heights, Inc., 296–300, 302, 303, 305
Morningside Heights Housing Corporation, 300
Morningside Park, 272, 296
Morningside Park Association, 273
Morris, Gouverneur, 344, 419
Morris, James, 183
s, Robert, mansion of, 20
Morrissey, John, 80
Morris Street, 21, 38
Morse, Samuel F. B., 335
Mortier, Abraham, 18
Mose (working-class character), 69–73, 71, 79
Moses, Robert, 226, 297, 299, 303, 322, 366–67, 373, 398, 436
Most, Johann, 127
Mott, Hopper Striker, 236–38
Mott Haven, 419
movies, 210, 211, 295–96, 354
Moylan Place, 303
Mrs. Jervis’s Cold Candy, 105
Mulberry Street, 70, 88
Mumford, Lewis, 296
Municipal Art Society, 180
murder, murderers, 78–79, 82, 148, 169–70, 296, 307–8, 398, 399, 410–11, 441
Murphy, Henry C., 410
Murphy, Michael Cotter, 149, 151
Murphy, Tayshana, 307–8
Murray’s Sturgeon, 266
Murray Street, 57, 276
Museum of the American Indian, 338
museums, sensational exhibits at, 44–50, 125
Mutual Insurance Company, 381
Mutual Life Insurance Company, 252
Mutuals (baseball team), 123
NAACP, 306
Nagle Avenue, 395
Napoleon III, 220
Napoleonic Wars, 97
Narragansett apartments, 256–57
Narratives of New Netherland (Jameson), 411
Narrows, 18, 20
Nash, John B., Jr., 23–24
Nassau Street, 244, 245
Nast, Thomas, 221
National Guard, 128
National Hebrew Relief Fund, 260
National League, 349, 352
National Park Service, 322–24
National Theatre, 48
Native Americans, 159, 186, 193
in Broadway’s original pathway, 409–14, 415
see also Lenape Indians; Wickquasgeck (Weckquaskeek; Weckquaesgwek) Indians
nativists, 73, 80–82, 84
Negroes’ Burying Ground, 65
Nervi, Pier Luigi, 367–68
Nesbit, Evelyn, 278
Neville & Bagge architects, 257
New Amsterdam, 13–14, 314, 401, 412
New Amsterdam Theatre, 177, 197, 198, 201
Newberry, S.C., 181
New Orleans, La., 199, 332
Newport, R.I., 184, 187, 197
New Street, 36
New Year’s Eve celebrations, 193
New York, Brooklyn, and Manhattan Beach Railroad, 178
New York Americans (baseball team), 350–51
see also New York Yankees
New York & Harlem Railroad, 56, 145, 146, 275
New York Aurora, 30
New York Central railroad, 338–39, 360, 397, 417
New York City:
ephemeral nature of, 324–25, 413
heat wave in, 148–52
as impersonal and anonymous, 77, 204
Jack Astor’s futuristic view of, 187–88
population figures for, 4, 24, 30, 67, 77, 188
present-day, xvi, 12, 59, 100, 133, 160, 210, 228, 243, 308, 315, 328, 330, 419, 452
as production center, 116
as temporary U.S. capital, 22–23, 315
see also Manhattan; specific locales
New York Elevated Railroad Company, 9, 251
New York Evening Post, 29, 38, 39, 150, 417
New York Evening World, 127–28, 150, 155, 158–60, 170, 172, 192, 203, 320, 376
New-York Gazette, 276
New York Gazetteer, 112
New York Giants (baseball team), 263, 349, 351–52
New York Herald, 6, 48, 114, 242, 328, 332, 334, 338, 345, 385
New-York Historical Society, 338
New York Historical Society, Field Exploration Committee, 410
New York Hospital, 305
psychiatric wing, 270–73
New York Hotel, 116
New York Institution, 44
New York Journal, 150, 151
New York Orphan Society, 319
New York Post-Boy, 16–17
New York Public Library, 32, 155, 309, 324, 356
New York State Militias, 114, 115, 222, 440
New York Stock Exchange, 139
New York Sun, 49, 117, 119, 128, 148, 150, 151, 164, 195–96, 220, 226, 242, 251, 274, 352, 417
New York Telephone Company, 407
New York Times, 3, 7, 76, 79, 121, 131, 132–33, 150, 165, 172, 180, 189, 221, 256, 274, 323, 324, 364, 367, 374, 376, 386, 387, 403–4, 407, 414
New York Times Magazine, 285, 300, 302
New York Tribune, 4, 37–39, 54, 79, 84, 89, 104, 106, 113, 123, 127, 140, 148, 149, 150, 154, 167, 175, 191, 196–97, 226, 245–46, 253–55, 258, 284, 287, 339, 351, 397, 399
New York University, Bronx campus, 279
New York World’s Fair (1853), 8
New York Yankees, 231, 263, 349–53, 354
Niagara (ship) 4
Niagara Falls, 146
Niblo’s Garden, 46, 48, 73, 75, 113
Nichols, Charles, 274
Nigger Hill, 224
night sky, 161–62, 446
Ninth Avenue, 219, 246, 257, 401–2
elevated railway on, 56, 247, 251–52, 272
9th Street, 87, 139
19th Street, 140
90th Street, 222, 246, 356
91st Street, 254
92nd Street, 246, 254, 261
93rd Street, 251, 261
99th Street, 261
Nixon’s Circus, 122
North American Review, 41
North River Bridge Company, 360
Norton, William F., 384–85
Notre-Dame-de-Pontaut abbey, 390
Nourmahal (yacht), 187
Oblinus, Pieter, 412–13
“Ocean, The” (Shea), 330
ocean liners, 157
Ochs, Adolph S., 189–91, 193
Odets, Clifford, 203
oil lamps, 162
Old Broadway, 308, 458
Olive, Nicholas, 237
Olmstead, Dwight H., 273–75
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 118–19, 126, 133, 219, 250, 272, 279, 345–47, 390
Olympia Theatre, 155, 197, 201
Olympic Theatre, 69–74
fire at, 74
Omaha Daily Bee, 181
Omaha Electric Light and Power Company, 181
100th Street, 259
103rd Street, 256
104th Street, 251, 260, 272, 290
105th Street, 260
106th Street, 218, 250, 260
107th Street, 269
108th Street, 273, 286
110th Street, 252–53, 258, 262, 270, 272, 286
112th Street, 255, 289
113th Street, 255
114th Street, 282
115th Street, 270, 271, 273
116th Street, 272, 277, 281, 285, 286
117th Street, 271, 289
119th Street, 273
120th Street, 271, 273, 277, 380
123rd Street, 272, 299, 302
124th Street, 299, 303
125th Street, 179, 286, 297–98, 305–6, 308, 322, 338, 416
126th Street, 269, 308–9
127th Street, 252
129th Street, 304, 380
130th Street, 322
133rd Street, 304, 308
135th Street, 299, 308, 313, 356
136th Street, 313
137th Street, 313
140th Street, 315
141st Street, 320, 323
142nd Street, 321, 327
143rd Street, 314, 320, 321
144th Street, 313
145th Street, 193, 251, 256
146th Street, 315
147th Street, 270, 412
152nd Street, 337, 350
153rd Street, 327
155th Street, 217, 327, 328, 335, 338, 344, 374
156th Street, 327, 338
157th Street, 338, 349, 352, 356
158th Street, 327,
159th Street, 349
160th Street, 355
165th Street, 344, 348, 349, 354
166th Street, 354
168th Street, 218, 348–50, 352, 355
169th Street, 313, 348
171st Street, 348
173rd Street, 288
174th Street, 288
178th Street, 359, 368
179th Street, 359, 365, 368, 373
181st Street, 355, 356, 373
183rd Street, 343
187th Street, 373
190th Street, 388–90
O’Neill, Eugene, 203, 211
opera, 120, 195–97
Oppenheimer, Margaret, 234
Orangemen, 221–23, 452
Order of United Americans, 80, 82, 84
Oriental Music Hall, 170
Orléans, Louis-Philip, duc d’, 237–38, 237
Ornithological Biography (Audubon), 337
Orton, Lawrence M., 296
Osborn Hall, Yale, 194
Ossining, N.Y., 419
Otis, Elisha, 8, 88
Owens, Charles, 79
pacers, 272–74
Paine, Albert Bigelow, 448
“Palace of Jewels,” 117
Palisades, 243, 316, 328, 363, 386
Palisades Interstate Park, 390
of 1837, 30
of 1873, 58, 403
of 1893, 127, 146, 153, 360
parades, 3–8, 6, 17, 48, 52, 71, 114–15, 118–19, 157, 177, 178
Paramount Theatre, 210
Le Corbusier’s proposal for, 295–96
street plan of, 220
Parish, Henry, 114
Park Avenue, 111
Park Avenue Baptist Church, 289
Parkhurst, Charles Henry, 169, 287
Park Row (formerly Chatham Street), 4, 9, 189, 412
Park Row Building, 156, 190
Parks Department, 148–51, 221, 398
Park Theatre, 26, 48
Parrish, Maxfield, 194
Parsons, William Barclay, 256
Partos, N. C., 386
Pastor, Tony, 122–25, 124, 202
Pastor’s Opera House, 122
patriotism, patriotic fervor, 73, 113–14, 116–19, 126, 132, 203
Peabody, Charles A., Jr., 186
Peale, Rubens, 35, 44–45, 47–48
Peale’s Museum and Gallery of the Fine Arts, 35, 44–45, 48
Pearl Street, 3, 37
on George Washington Bridge, 364
threats to, 54, 147, 158
Peekskill, N.Y., 337, 402, 419
Pelham Parkway, 209
Pendleton, Nathaniel, 319
Penniman, James F., 112
Penn Station, 279, 324, 360, 418
Pennsylvania Railroad, 360
Pennsylvania State Capitol building, Harrisburg, 387
Pennypacker, Samuel W., 387
Peoples Gaslight and Coke Company, 374–76
Peters, Richard, 317
Peterson, Otto, 146–47
Peyser, S. M. and Frederick, 442
Philadelphia, Pa., 20, 67, 237, 241, 263, 317
New York’s competition with, 23–25, 30, 315
Philadelphia Savings Fund Society building, 305