by Fran Leadon
Tiffany & Company, 5, 87–89, 117, 140, 164, 243
Time, 405
Times Building, xiv, 176–77, 189–91, 190, 193, 197
Times Square, 124, 175–77, 209, 217, 305, 348, 356
building boom in, 197–98
as Crossroads of the World, 193
as emblematic of American culture, 183
historical evolution of, 183–94
naming of, 191–92
theater district of, 195–206
Tin Pan Alley, 122
Tip Toe Inn, 265–66
Titanic disaster, 194, 260, 330
Title Guarantee & Trust Company, 412
Tobin, Thomas, 170
Tombs, 309
“Tony Pastors” (baseball team), 123
Toppi, Louis, 290
Toscanini, Arturo, 231
tourists, tourist attractions, 9–10, 27, 47, 57, 63, 75, 109, 158, 168–69, 180–82, 212, 272, 326
Tower Building, 12
“towers-in-the-park,” 304
traffic, 51–59, 121
Trans-Manhattan Expressway, 366–67
Treasury Building, 86
Trench & Snook, 42–43, 75
Tresca, Carlo, 129
Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire, 442
Triborough Bridge, 364
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, 297, 366
Tribune Building, 9
Trinity Cemetery, 327–28, 330, 331, 337
Trinity Church (original), 15, 16, 276, 315, 326
burning of, 21
Trinity Church (second), 22, 24, 26, 28, 40, 56
Trinity Church (third), 5, 35–38, 40–42, 41, 93, 103–4, 113, 156, 193
Trinity Churchyard (cemetery), 40, 319, 326–27, 464
Tripler Hall, 48
trolleys, electric, 153, 253–55, 254, 350
Trollope, Frances, 27, 29, 428
trotters, 272–74, 378
True, Clarence F., 252
True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture, The (Pugin), 40
Trump, Donald, 133
Tubby Hook (later Inwood), 396–97
Tucker, Gideon J., 100–101
Tuke, William, 270
Tully, Thomas, 150
tunnels, 359, 366
Turner, James, 81–82
Turtle Bay, 411, 474
Tuthill, Isaac H., 320
Tweed, William M. “Boss,” 58, 221, 223
12th Street, 161, 218
20th Street, 89, 141, 145
21st Street, 39, 104, 111, 155
23rd Street, 4–7, 109, 144, 146, 148, 153, 218, 298, 360
24th Street, 145, 146
25th Street, 164, 244
26th Street, 94, 145–46, 152, 186
27th Street, 168, 222
28th Street, 168
29th Street, 169
204th Street, 401–7
207th Street, 398
210th Street, 402
213th Street, 406
214th Street, 405
215th Street, 395, 398, 400
218th Street, 400, 403
221st Street, 352, 398
225th Street, 402
Ulmann, Albert, 192
unemployment, 97, 122, 126, 127, 130, 148
Union Baptist Church, 225
Union Club, 35
Union Place, 108–9, 111
Union Square, xiv, xvi, 3, 32, 35, 48, 87, 89, 94, 104, 118, 144, 145, 154, 163, 195, 196, 219, 251, 255, 261, 305, 330, 439
as cross-section of New York City, 133
entertainment district at, 120–25, 146
establishment and evolution of, 108–19
incendiary speeches and demonstrations at, 126–33, 129, 132
Union Station, Washington, D.C., 155
Union Street (later Greene), 66
Union Theological Seminary, 284, 296
United Nations Singers, 132
United States Illuminating Company, 163
United States International Exhibition (proposed), 273
United States Sanitary Commission, 346, 429
United States Ship Canal (Harlem River Ship Canal), 395, 416
University Heights, 386
University Missourian, 182
University Place, 111
Upjohn, Richard, 40, 103–4
Upper Manhattan, 343–418
urban decay, 296–97, 306–7
urban renewal:
demolition and displacement by, 226, 299–300, 303
failure of, 303–9
Vanadis (yacht), 379
van Amburgh, Isaac, 50
Van Cortland Park, 419
Van Cortlandt family, 314
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 38, 86, 397
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, II, 196
Vanderbilt, William H., 196
Vandewater Heights, 270
van Hook, Isaac A., 96
van Huyse, Teunis Eidesse, 402
Van Nostrand’s bookstore, 113
van Pelt, Charles, 81
Van Rensselaer, Catherine, 314
Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, 273, 314
Van Rensselaer, Stephen and Peggy Schuyler, 314
Van Rensselaer family, 66, 314, 383
van Zandt, Wynant, Jr., 24
Varuna Hotel, 232
Vassar College, 103
vaudeville, 122–25, 197, 202, 203, 210–11, 232, 354
Vaux, Calvert, 118, 126, 133, 219, 250, 272, 328, 345–47
Vauxhall Gardens, 67–68, 70, 72, 162
Verdi, Giuseppi, operas of, 120
Verdi Square (“Needle Park”), 220, 263
Vermilyea Avenue, 395
Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, 364, 366
Verrocchio, Andrea del, 378
Victoria, queen of England, 5–6, 48
Victoria Theatre, 177, 197, 198
Viele, Egbert L., 113, 249–52, 250, 259–60
Vietnam War, protest against, 133
Villard Houses, 278
Ville Radieuse, la (the Radiant City), 296, 304
crime and, 77–84, 307
among immigrants, 356
in labor movement, 127–33, 376
in 1930 riot, 131–32
police, 128–33
racial, 168, 225–26
religious, 118, 221–23
slums and, 296–97
against tourists, 169–70
“Visit from St. Nicholas, A” (Moore), 235, 330
Viviparous Quadrupeds of America, The (Audubon), 336
Volstead Act (1920), 210
Voyages from Holland to America, A.D. 1632–1644 (Murphy), 410
Wabash, Ind., arc lights in, 163–64
Wadsworth Terrace, 356, 373
Wagner, Robert F., 303
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 186–87
Walker, Jimmy, 131, 212, 364
Walker Street, 79
Wallack, James and John, 120–21
Wallack’s Theatre, 73, 82, 120–21, 146, 434
Wall Street, xiv, 14–15, 17, 21, 23, 32, 35–36, 40, 51, 59, 101, 104, 113, 139, 212, 245, 315, 320, 418
parades on, 3, 6–8
Wanamaker’s, 140
W. & J. Sloane, 140
War of 1812, 97
Warren Street, 57, 88, 115
Washington, D.C., 86, 155, 199, 241, 319, 346
Washington, George, 18, 20, 22–23, 46, 48, 247, 314, 363, 402, 419
in place names, 343
statue of, 117
Washington, Lund, 22
Washington, Martha, 18
Washington Bridge (Harlem River), 363
Washington Building (Field Building), 8–12, 11, 419
see also Archibald Kennedy mansion; International Merchant Marine Company Building; Washington Hotel
Washington Heights, 288, 341–420
archeological digs in, 409–10
Fourth Reich neighborhood of, 354–58
George Washington Bridge and, 359–68
Washington Heig
hts, Battle of, 363
Washington Heights Taxpayers Association, 365
Washington Herald, 210
Washington Hotel, 8–9, 39
see also Archibald Kennedy mansion; International Merchant Marine Company Building; Washington Building (Field Building)
Washington Senators (baseball team), 350–51
Washington Square, 35, 87, 108, 327
Washington Square (James), 112
Washington Times, 192
Waterbury, Conn., 375
water management, 31–32, 34, 63–66
see also Croton Aqueduct system
Water Street, 37
Watts, John, Jr., 94
Waverly Place, 105
wax effigies, 48
Webbers, Philip, 235–36
Webster, Daniel, 84
“Wedding of the Waters,” 417
Weehawken, N.J., 318
Weeks, Ezra, 316
Weinberg, Bernard, 299
Welch, Alexander McWilliam, 403–4
Westchester County, 32, 43, 270, 382, 402, 410–11, 415
Broadway extended into, 419
Westchester Guides, 402
West End Avenue, 249–52, 260
West Indies, 314
West Side, xvi, 113, 172, 217–21, 247, 383, 413
building boom and transformation of, 249–58, 286
decline and decay on, 263
diverse ethnic population of, 262–63
Jewish migration to, 259–66, 456
Jewish retail institutions on, 263, 265–66
nostalgia for, 263, 265
undeveloped land on, 220, 223, 243, 249, 251, 252, 258, 272, 282, 286, 349, 373, 395
West Side Association, 250, 273
West Side Story, 226, 262
West Street, 116
Whalen, Grover, 130–31
Wharton, Edith, 145
When Cathedrals Were White (Le Corbusier), 364
Whig Party, 79–80
White, Stanford, 277–79
White, Thomas R., 79
“White City,” 155, 177, 278–79
as architectural inspiration, 278–82
see also World’s Columbian Exposition
White Eagle Club, 243
“white flight” migration, 263
Whitehall Street, 21–22, 37
White Plains, N.Y., 273–75
White Star Line, 157
Whitestone Bridge, 364
Whitman, Walt, xv, 51, 54, 112–13, 137, 245, 420
Whittier, Florence, 210
Wickquasgeck (Weckquaskeek; Weckquaesgwek) Indians, 410–14, 415
Wilcox, C. M., 113
Willett, James C., 345
William A. Colman’s bookstore, 334
William of Orange, 221
Williams, Alexander S. “Clubber,” 167–69
Williams, Henry W., 225
Williams, Jimmy, 351
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 261
William Street, 37
William T. Jennings & Company, fire at, 84
Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 242, 244
wind shears, 158–60, 159
Windsor Station, Montreal, 194
Winter, William, 199
Winterbotham, William, 23
Winter Garden Theatre, 177, 209
Withers, Frederick, 346
Wolfe House and Building Movers, 323
Woman’s Hospital, 294
as commercial targets, 43, 237–43
condemnation of, 141–43
evolving rights for, 141–43, 285–86, 460
fashionable, 26–30, 89, 113, 137–40
gallantry toward, 55
restrictions on, 138–39, 141–42, 151, 281, 282, 286, 460
“rubbernecking” at, 159–60
theater aspirations and broken dreams of, 208–13
in the workplace, 42, 141
Women of New York (Hankins), 141
Women of New York, The: The Under-World of the Great City (Ellington), 141–42
Women’s Municipal League, 180
Wood, Fernando, 117
Woolworth Building, 12, 191, 289, 361, 362
Wooster Street, 66, 67
Worden, Helen, 399, 406
World Building, 156
World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago; 1893), 155, 177, 279–80, 282
see also “White City”
World’s Fair (1853), 75
World Trade Center, 191, 324
World War I, 198, 210, 261, 287, 348, 388, 398, 446
World War II, 132, 263, 296, 298
Worth Street, 270, 286
Wortman, Tunis, 184
Wright, J. J., 79
Yankee Stadium, 353, 364
Yellin, Gene, 233, 234, 263
yellow fever, 66, 111, 327, 331
Yeshiva University, 356
Yonkers, N.Y., 419
Yorkville, 259
Young, Cy, 352
Zabar, Louis, 265–66
Zabar’s grocery, 265–66
Zeller, Lorenz, 149
Ziegfeld, Florenz, Jr., 209, 231
Ziegfeld Follies, 197, 209, 213
Ziegfeld Theatre, 210
Zion African M. E. Church, 29
Zorn, Magdalena, 398
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Book design by Barbara M. Bachman
Production manager: Anna Oler
Maps by Teresa Fox
NAMES: Leadon, Fran, 1966– author.
TITLE: Broadway : a history of New York City in thirteen miles / Fran Leadon.
DESCRIPTION: New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 2018. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
IDENTIFIERS: LCCN 2017052699 | ISBN 9780393240108 (hardcover)
SUBJECTS: LCSH: Broadway (New York, N.Y.)—History. | Broadway (New York, N.Y.)—Buildings, structures, etc.—Guidebooks. | New York (N.Y.)—History. | New York (N.Y.)—Buildings, structures, etc.—Guidebooks.
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