by Fran Leadon
Philipse, Frederick, 415
Phillips, Wendell, 286
phonograph records, 207
Physiology of the New York Boarding-Houses (Gunn), 77
Piano, Renzo, 308
Piano Row, 122
Pickford, Mary, 209, 211
Pierrepont Place, 277
pigs, 31, 429
Pine Street, 10
Pioneer Express, 414
Pittsburgh, Pa., 188, 288, 376
Pittsburg Press, 384
Planters Hotel, 116
Platt, Thomas C., 123
Players Club, 198
Plug Uglies, 77
Plunkett, Charles, 129
Pocantico Hills, 389
Poe, Edgar Allan, 241–48
mantelpiece signed by, 246
Poe, Virginia Clemm, 241–42, 244, 245, 246, 454
police, 149–50, 321
corruption, 167–70
lack of protection from, 307
violence by, 128–33, 167, 224–26
see also Broadway Squad; Metropolitan Police Department
Police Commission, 168
political activism, 126–33
political campaigns, 84
political corruption, 58, 221, 223
politics, crime and, 79–81, 169
Polo Grounds, 349, 352, 354
Poole, Charlie, 148
Poole, William, 79–84, 80, 148
Port Morris, 418
Port of New York Authority (Port Authority of New York and New Jersey), 361–63, 365–66
Post, George B., 9, 12
Post Avenue, 395
potassium nitrate (saltpeter), 36–37
potters’ fields, 327
poverty, 30–31, 143, 224, 236
Powellton apartments, 458
Presbyterian Hospital (Sloan Hospital), 353
Prescott House hotel, 76, 78
celebrity interviews in, 334
hoaxes in, 242
sensationalist, 170
Price, Bruce, 194
Prime, Nathaniel, 235
Prince Street, 5, 46, 50, 66, 75, 87, 88, 123, 243
Produce Exchange, 9, 12
Prohibition, 210–13
promenading, 26–30, 428
Proskey, Winfield Scott, 154
Prospect Park, 346
prosthetics, 116, 440
prostitution, 28–29, 167, 169
Protestant Orange Order, 221–22
Protestants, 118, 221–23
Provoost (later Wooster) Street, 66
P.S. 125, 302
P.S. 169, 355
psychiatric patients, enlightened treatment for, 260–74
public parks:
debate over use of, 148–52
evolving idea of, 144–48
see also specific parks
Public Theater, 324
Puck, 396
Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore, 40, 103
Putto with Dolphin (Verocchio), 378
Quayle, William A., 181
“Queen’s Farm,” 15
Queen’s Lace Handkerchief, The (Strauss), 195
racial discrimination, 29, 168, 224–26, 228, 235, 261
racial mixing, 168, 170
radio shows, 357
proposed, 55–57
surface, 56, 58
see also specific railroads
Randel, John, Jr., xiii, 56, 65, 109, 344, 395
rape, 307
rapid transit, 261
building booms as dependent on, 249–58, 272, 286, 352
see also subways; trolleys
Rapid Transit Commission, 255
Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, 249, 256
“Raven, The” (Poe), 244–45
Ravenswood, Queens, 346
Raymond & Waring’s menagerie, 122
Rea, Samuel, 360
Reade Street, 42–43, 87
Real Estate Record & Builders’ Guide, 9
real-estate speculation, 66–67, 184, 186, 188, 248, 319–20, 330, 338, 360–61, 397, 433
by Commissioners’ Plan, 345
largest tract in, 403
pressure brought by, 272–75
West Side transformed by, 249–58
Rector’s Restaurant, 177, 190, 198, 210
Rector Street, 103
red-light districts, 28–29, 167–68, 276
Reed, Walter, 327
Regan, James, 194
Regnor apartments, 286
Reign of Terror, 236
Reinhart, Robert, 233
Reisner, Christian F., 288, 468
religious bias, 235–36
religious buildings:
multi-use, 289–91
tall, 286–91
Remedco, 299
Remsen family, 105
Renwick, James, Jr., 103–5, 327, 438
Renwick, James and Margaret Brevoort, 102, 103
Republican Party, 221, 274
innovations in, 42–43
see also specific stores
Retreat (mental hospital), enlightened treatment model of, 270–72
Revolutionary War, 16–22, 28, 39, 65, 66, 97, 247, 271, 276, 314–15, 319, 363, 402, 410, 413, 415, 419
forts of, 343–44, 374, 376–77, 395
Rexor apartments, 286
Reynolds, Maria, 315
Rhinebeck, N.Y., 187
Rhinelander, William, 235
Rhinelander family, 145
Rialto, 120–25, 124, 146, 195–206
Rice, Elwood, 180–81
Richards, T. Addison, 396
Rideing, William Henry, xiii, 163
Rifles and Rifle Practice (Wilcox), 113
Right to Be Well Born, The; or, Horse Breeding in its Relation to Eugenics (Stokes), 232
Riis, Jacob, 224
Riverside Church (“Rockefeller Church”), 289, 291, 296
Riverside Drive (formerly Riverside Avenue), 243, 250–52, 282, 289, 322, 335, 338, 362, 379
Riverside Park, 250
Rivoli Theatre, 210
RKO Palace Theatre, 210
Roach Guards, 77
Roberts, Joseph, 113
Robinson, Rabbit, 351
Rockefeller, David, 296–98, 300, 303
Rockefeller, John D., 288
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 129, 226, 289, 291, 296, 385, 386, 389–90
Rockefeller, Nelson, 296, 367
Rockefeller, William, 196
Romanticism, 219
Roosevelt, Cornelius van Schaack, 111–12, 117
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 364, 367
Roosevelt, Theodore, 112, 145, 155
Roosevelt Hospital, 225
Roosevelt Island, 128
Roseland, 211
Round Manhattan’s Rim (Worden), 399, 406
Route 9, 373, 419
Ruddy, Anne, 302
Ruggles, Samuel B., 111, 119, 126, 250, 330, 439
Runyon, Damon, 212
Ruppert, Jacob, 353
Russell, Lillian, 123
Russia, immigrants from, 260–61, 263, 265
Rutgers, Anthony, estate of, 63
Ruth, Babe, 231, 353
Rutherfurd, John, 344
Ryan, Jimmy, 351
Rynders, Isaiah, 84, 287
Sachs family, 260
Sage, Russell, 9, 10, 196
Saint-Domingue (Haiti), 331
St. Francis Xavier High School Glee Club, 132
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 282
St. Jacob’s Oil, 123
St. James Building, 152
St. John the Divine, Cathedral of, 282, 296, 306
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 320–23, 321
St. Luke’s Hospital, 282, 296
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 297, 309
St. Nicholas Avenue, 348
St. Nicholas Hotel, 76–79, 82, 114, 115, 188
St. Nicholas Park, 323–24
St. Nicholas Te
rrace, 322
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 5, 103
St. Paul Building, 11–12, 156
St. Paul’s Chapel, 20–21, 24, 26, 29, 39, 45
St. Regis Hotel, 187
St. Thomas’s Church, 330
Saks, 175, 176
Salon du Champ-de-Mars, 387
Samuels, Gertrude, 300, 302
Samuelson, Barbara (neé Shalita), 265
Sandburg, Carl, 419
Sandy Hill Road, 64, 94, 97
Sandy Hook, N.J., 18, 334
San Francisco, Calif., 181, 199–200
San Francisco Minstrels Hall, 146
“Sanitary and Topographical Map of the City and Island of New York” (Viele), 250
sanitation, lack of, 24, 31–32, 34
San Juan Hill (neighborhood), 225–26, 228
Sansone, Mary, 130, 442
Savage, John, 44
Save Our Homes, 299–300, 302
Schermerhorn family, 105, 145
Schieffelin, Hannah, 309
Schieffelin, Jacob, 297, 309, 314, 315
Schiff, Jacob H., 260, 456
schist, 270, 328, 349
Schmittberger, Max F., 129–30
Schomburg Collection of Negro History and Literature, 356
Schuyler, Montgomery, 157–58
Schuyler, Philip, 314, 316, 318–19
Scientific American, 57
Scott, Winfield, 114
Scribner’s Magazine, 146, 147, 168
Scudder, John, 44
Scudder, John, Jr., 44–45, 47, 49
Scudder, Mercy, 44
Seaman, John F., 345, 396, 399–400
Seaman Avenue, 395
Sears, Isaac, 22
Second Avenue, railway on, 56
Segal, Bernard, 300
Seize the Day (Bellow), 230
Seligman family, 259–60, 456
Senate, New York, Committee on Taxation of, 273
Seven Sisters, The, 116
Seventh Avenue, 167, 176, 183, 187, 189, 261
17th Street, 108, 111, 112
70th Street, 234, 235, 260
71st Street, 229, 233, 263
72nd Street, 236, 250, 251
73rd Street, 229, 230, 236
74th Street, 229, 231
75th Street, 237, 265
76th Street, 234, 237, 265
77th Street, 255
78th Street, 249, 258, 259
79th Street, 232, 249, 258, 262
Seward, William H., 114
Shalita, Barbara, see Samuelson, Barbara (neé Shalita)
Shalita, Celia Levine, 263
Shalita, Harry, 263, 265
Shanley’s restaurant, 177, 198
Shanly, Charles Dawson, 240, 247, 347, 415
shantytowns, 224, 236, 251
Shaw, George Bernard, 203
Shea, John Augustus, 330
Sheridan Building, 176
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 452
Sherman Avenue, 395
Sherman’s Creek, 398, 416
Sherman Square, 220, 263, 452
Sherman Square Hotel, 234, 263
Sherman Square Pharmacy, 263
Sherry’s restaurant, 376
“shilling side” (Broadway’s low-end east side), 28, 42, 69, 88, 245
Shinn, Everett, 147, 201
“Shoemakers’ Land,” 15
shopping districts, 137–43
see also Ladies’ Mile
Short Historical and Journal Notes . . . (De Vries), 410
Show Boat, 210
Shreve, Lamb & Blake architects, 290
Shubert, Lee, Sam, and Jacob, 198–99
Shubert Alley, 207–8
Shubert Theatre, 207
Sierra Nevada Mountains, 346
Silver, Lee, 262–63
Silverstein, Selig, 128, 129
Simmons, Eleanor Booth, 385, 399
Sims, George H., 225–26
Singer, Isaac Merritt, 251
Singer Building, 12
Singeron, August de, 236
Singer Sewing Machine Company, 251, 285
single-room-occupancy hotels, 296
Sing Sing, N.Y., 104
Sing Sing prison, 170
Sixth Avenue, 95, 172, 261, 287
railway on, 56, 175, 176
16th Street, 95
60th Street, 259
62nd Street, 172, 225
63rd Street, 225
68th Street, 180, 225, 234, 235
69th Regiment Band, 351
69th Street, 180, 222, 235
Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, The (Irving), 101
Skinnersville, 224
skyline, emergence of, 8, 10–11, 20
“skyscraper churches,” 286–91
elevators in, 193
use of term, 11
see also tall buildings
sky-signs, 179–81
slang, dramatic use of, 70
slavery, slaves, 65, 117, 235, 382
cotton industry and, 31
outlawed in New York City, 428
Sleepy Hollow, N.Y., 419
Slidell, John, 98
Sloan, John, 147, 158, 160, 446
Sloan, Tod, 204
Sloane, Eric, 322, 386
slum clearance projects, 295–302, 303–9
Small Boy and Others, A (James), 43
Smith, Alfred E., 364
Smith, Hannah Dyckman, 402
Smith, Henry Edward, 384
Smith, James Frederick (later Isaac Michael Dyckman), 402–3
Smith, William, 18
Smith, Wilson Cary, 397
Smithsonian Institution, 103, 193
S. M. Peyser’s dry goods store, 139, 443
snobbery, 148, 150, 345–46
Snodgrass, Joseph Evans, 246
Socialist Conference of the Unemployed, 128
Socialists, 128, 132
SoHo, 63, 85
SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District, 63
Somerindyck, Teunis, house of, 237, 237
Sousa, John Philip, 179, 207
South Ferry, 82, 84, 261
Spanish-American War, 225
Spate, Oscar F., 149–52, 153
speakeasies, 210
spermaceti, 162
Spier & Company, 113
Spingler, Henry, 96–98, 100
Spiritualists, 287
Spring Street, 50, 66, 75, 76, 88, 116
Spuyten Duyvil Creek, 397, 398, 402, 412–13, 415–18
Stamp Act (1765), protest against, 16–17
Standard Oil Building, 315
Stanwix Hall, 81–82
Staten Island, 18, 37
State Street, 15
Statue of Liberty, dedication of, 3
steel, in construction of tall buildings, 8, 12, 156, 189, 191, 289
Steinberg’s Dairy, 265–66
Steinway Hall, 120–21
Stevens, John, 55–56, 359
Stevens, Major, 47–48
Stewart, Alexander Turney, 42, 56, 75, 86, 87, 139–40
Stieglitz, Alfred, 157
stock ticker machines, 7
Stokes, Isaac Newton Phelps, 411–12
Stokes, William Earle Dodge, 232–33
Stone Bridge, 64, 162
Stone Street, 318
Strang, Adriance & Company, 87
Stratton, Charles (“General Tom Thumb”), 48
Straus, Isador and Ida, 260
Straus, Nathan, 260
Straus Park, 260
Strauss, Johann, 195
streetlights, 161–72
Strong, Bidwell & Strong, 35, 39
Strong, Ellen Ruggles, 111
Strong, George Templeton, xiv, 31, 35–36, 38, 40–42, 84, 103–5, 111, 113, 119, 429
diary of, 36, 105, 223
Strong, William L., 417
Struggle of the Two Natures of Man, The (Barnard), 387
Stuart, Mrs. A. M., 113
Sturtevant, John J., 26
Stuyvesant, Peter, 14, 65, 402
Stuyvesant family, 105
Stuyvesant Theatre (later new Belasco), 200–201
Subway Boom, 256–58, 286, 296, 298
subways, 58–59, 229, 299, 308, 313, 338, 347, 349
under buildings, 191
construction of, 188, 193, 249, 256–58, 260–61, 286
routes, 255–56
secretly constructed pneumatic, 57–58, 58, 188
see also Interborough Rapid Transit (IRT)
subway stations, 57, 251–52, 256, 272–73, 286, 313, 352, 398
Sullivan, Louis, 11
suspension bridges, 359, 361–63
Sweeny, Peter B., 220
Sweetser, Horatio, 254
Sweetser, Theodore, 254
Swits, Claes Cornelissen, 410–11
tall buildings, 45, 75, 104, 156, 160, 190–91, 194
commercial, 140
early structural construction of, 8–12
New York’s tallest, 40–41, 286, 361
religious, 286–91
world’s tallest, 9, 156, 190, 289
Tallyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, 236
Tammany Hall, 58, 81, 123, 159, 167, 220–21, 223, 254, 287, 349
Tattersall’s horse market, 73
taverns, 142, 167, 172
violence and, 78–82, 169–79
see also specific buildings
Taylor, George Washington, 396
Teachers College, 282, 286, 296
telegraph, 335
temperance, 34
tenants’ rights, 154, 439
Tenderloin district, 167–70, 172, 177, 224–25
Tenth Avenue, 219–20, 222, 225, 234, 248, 249, 252, 255, 277, 327, 396, 405
10th Street, 87, 103, 139
Broadway bend at, 93–102, 109
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 72
Thaw, Harry, 277–78
theater, 69–74, 354–55
celebrities of, 208–9, 211
“combination system” in, 121–24
creative peak of, 210–11
naturalism in, 200
roadshows of, 207
Southern sentiment in, 116
see also specific buildings
theater district, 73, 120–25, 146, 167, 434
building boom in, 197–98, 210–11
of Great White Way, 177, 180, 194, 195–206
notable characters of, 195–206
Theatre Republic, 197–99, 200
Theatre Through Its Stage Door, The (Belasco), 208
Theatrical Syndicate, 198–99
Third Avenue, railway on, 56
Third Avenue Railroad Company, 253
Third Street, 245
13th Street, 86, 121
30th Street, 172, 396, 397
32nd Street, 175
33rd Street, 168, 186, 191, 279
34th Street, 144, 164, 165, 170, 186, 219, 221, 287
ferry, 179
38th Street, 180
39th Street, 195
Thomas, Griffith, 88, 140
Thompson’s Saloon, 85
300 Club, 212, 217
Throgs Neck, 364, 366
Thumb, Tom, 48
ticker-tape parades, 3, 6–8
Tiemann, Daniel F., 297
Tiemann Place, 305