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Page 5

by James Crow

  As if it couldn’t get any worse, my stomach heaved and I vomited off the wall.

  Chapter Seven

  Things got a bit blurry after that. I remember being in the shower, under the hot water, my hands against the tiles, looking down between my legs at Drew’s boots behind me, thinking how wet they were getting as he fucked my arse clean.

  He’d told me I’d passed out. And while he was carrying me in a blanket through the fire exit and driving us off into the night, I was back at Dooley’s Pit, an old coal mine that had long been closed. I’d go there when Mother was on the warpath, or when she told me to get lost for a few hours.

  I’d sit hidden among the old coal piles and search for fossils. I always found one. Mostly they were leaves. Sometimes little fish. It was peaceful there, just me and no one else.

  I heard her sobbing, somewhere among the piles of coal. My Cherry. I ran, slipping, sliding. It took a while to find her. She was sitting cross-legged on the coals, wearing a neat little polka dot dress. Her blonde hair was in perfect pigtails. I wondered who’d done that for her.

  You did, Mummy, she said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  I hugged her, kissed her nose, and together we searched for fossils.

  The feeling of love was overwhelming. As if it was capable of anything. It felt like I could hug her to me and absorb her, be her, live her, love her so.

  She whooped for joy when she found a fish. A tiny one on a big lump of coal. She was giggling she was so happy. I laughed with her, but the giggling turned to horrible gurgling and Cherry was snatched away in a bloody rush. I was puking again, in the back of Drew’s truck as it rumbled through the night.

  Chapter Eight

  ‘Penny for them?’ Drew’s voice.

  Cherry, was my thoughts. Just Cherry.

  In for a penny, Just Kev said, and pushed me onto my face on the coal pile. In for a fucking pound, and he’d stuck it up my arse.

  I remember now. He fucked my arse a lot.

  ‘Dani? Okay, babe?’

  I was staring at a bird nest in the rafters.


  I pushed up onto my elbows. I was on a hospital bed in just my knickers. But this wasn’t a hospital.

  ‘Old barn,’ Drew said, ‘I used to live here.’

  He told me there was a spring-fed tap outside. He’d found the bed on a tip and hauled it up here years ago. Lived here when times were hard.

  ‘It’s real cosy,’ he said.

  I supposed it was cosy enough if you didn’t mind the bird shit.

  ‘Ready for more fun?’

  ‘Not mushrooms.’ My stomach groaned at the thought.

  ‘You won’t puke. That’s pretty much everyone’s reaction first time.’

  ‘Got any weed?’


  ‘Can you get some?’

  ‘Probably, but trust me on this, babe, give the shrooms another go.’

  I told him I hallucinated, that my old doctor had his hands between my legs.

  Drew said he’d tripped up here many times, that it was a peaceful place, that it would be a good trip. ‘When I fuck you, it will be the fucking fuck of your fucking life.’

  ‘Well fuck,’ I said, ‘but I could do with a coffee.’

  ‘Coming right up,’ he said and disappeared down the ladder behind him.

  I swung my feet to a carpet of soft hay and went to the rail. Drew was on his knees by a camping stove on the concrete floor below.

  I went down the ladder and we stood at the barn’s little side door. It was a warm and sticky night. We smoked cigs, the black coffee really hit the spot, and Drew kept his arm around me the whole time.

  ‘Drew, will you keep your boots on when you fuck me?’

  ‘Sure babe.’ He kissed my hair.

  The day after Mr Boots had kicked my ass, I hid in the bushes, hunkered down, well away from my tree. It was raining again, and I watched him coming down the path with my heart in my mouth.

  When he stopped walking, hesitated, then stepped from the path and looked behind my tree, I wasn’t sure hiding in the bushes was a good idea. I could have been standing there naked when he popped his head around. If only I’d thought of that.

  But the same thing happened the next day. He stopped to look behind my tree. And the same thing the day after that. Mr Boots had spoiled my fun. I’d wondered what to do about that. Maybe I should find another tree. Or maybe next time I would be there on my back with a cucumber up my cunt. What would he say to that? You’re asking for trouble!

  Or maybe I could be really sexy for him, seduce him, and he’d let me suck his cock. But Mr Boots wasn’t like that. I’d have to wait with a noose, lasso him, drag him to my bush and tie him to the ground with guy ropes like the little people did to that giant. Then I could do whatever I wanted. Suck him. Fuck him. Sit on his face. But then I knew I’d have to kill him. Slit his throat before he could tell.

  An amazing plan had come to me then, right out of the blue. So amazing it made my nipples hard.

  ‘Feeling better, babe?’


  I dropped my cig and Drew stubbed it out with his boot.

  Drew said we’d eat the shrooms on the bed, because that’s where he was going to fuck me. We had beers. No rum this time. Which was probably for the best.

  So we ate those dried-up worms, a hot kiss and a neck of warm beer between each one. Drew’s lips, his godly mouth on mine, just melted me. We laid tight on that small bed. Him a wall of muscle around me. His hand on my thigh the whole time.

  It didn’t take long for the hay around us to shine like gold, and for the bird nest above us to come alive with the sweetest birdsong, and for Drew to strip for me. He was a ripped god all the way down to his scuffed leather boots, his body firm to the touch in all the right places. Rounded pecs so smooth they cupped nicely in my hands. I swear he had bigger tits than me. And that V, the one that leads to a thick girth of cock. That V that I’d only ever seen before in pictures on the internet. I ran my tongue up and down it and watched his cock rise before my eyes. I stroked a nail down it, following the path of a curling vein that was pumped with blood.

  ‘I want it all the way down your throat.’ His hand went to my hair, stroked it. ‘All the way, Dani.’


  He pushed onto his back. The bed was way too small. It creaked and moved about. I got between his legs, sucked the end of his cock. It tasted nice, salty, and it was hard like his pecs. I scraped it with my teeth, applied a little pressure, enough to make that fat cock pulse, to make Drew moan.

  His hand on my head guided me onto him.

  ‘All the fucking way, babe.’

  Both his hands now, gripping my hair, he pulled my head down and thrust his dick into me. I gagged but didn’t puke, couldn’t move an inch, and he held me there. I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t see as everything went blurry. Couldn’t feel as his dick took my breath away and my body seemed to drain of life.

  Crows cawing somewhere. Caw caw. Caw caw. A scary sound.

  Crows on the pylon across the road from the bench I was sitting on. It was the main road; the one Mr Boots would come down before the shortcut across the fields. My first dare was to get my knickers into my pocket as the traffic passed by. I felt much braver than usual, checked none of the cars were cop cars then just stood up, put my hands up my skirt, tugged down my knickers and stepped out of them. I caught the eye of one man as he drove past. He had a smile on his face. The crows on the pylon were smiling too.

  They’d seemed to follow me as soon as I’d spotted Mr Boots, pushed up from the roadside bench and started walking. I’d turned onto the path that cut through the fields and so did the crows. Mr Boots soon did the same. He was twenty paces or so behind me. My amazing plan was underway. I was so excited I could barely walk straight.

  Mr Boots didn’t say anything. His boots stomped behind me and those crows cawed as I continued down the path. I remember how wet I was. I could feel it on my

  I kept the same pace, my eyes on my tree as it loomed. And when I reached it, I stepped from the path, went behind the tree, counted twenty paces, then bunched my skirt around my waist and squatted just as Mr boots arrived. He stopped dead when he saw me.

  I didn’t even look at him, not at first. I just pissed, loudly, a good long piss that I’d been saving up all day. And even though my legs were shaking and my face burning, I’d stood up before I’d finished and that’s when I looked at Mr Boots. He was staring.

  I wiped myself with tissues from my pocket, threw them to one side, patted down my skirt, and walked straight past Mr Boots and back onto the path.

  He didn’t say a thing. Not a thing. I walked fifty paces before I looked back. No Mr Boots. He was still behind the tree. I wondered if he was wanking into my tissues. I wondered if I should stalk right back there and tell him he’s asking for trouble.

  But I didn’t. The crows were in my tree, cawing loudly. I thought they must be watching Mr Boots. I wished I was a crow, then I walked away, knowing I needed another plan.

  Something moved inside me. Something warm and big. So big it was a little painful. Nice painful.

  ‘You back with us, babe?’

  Drew was on top of me. The bed creaking and moving each time he pushed into me.

  ‘Yes. Having weird dreams. The birds.’

  Birds tweeted sweetly in the nest above.

  He took hold of my hand and pressed it to my stomach and pushed his fat dick into me nice and deep.

  ‘Feel it,’ he said and I did. I felt his cock under my skin as it filled me up.

  ‘That’s amazing. Do it some more.’

  ‘Nice and slow,’ he said, ‘do you like that, babe?’

  His cock stretched me wide as he pushed into me. My cunt felt alive, like it was a huge mouth sucking him in. ‘Yes. I like it a lot.’

  ‘Draw blood for me, babe.’


  ‘Blood. I want to see your blood.’

  I’d drawn Cherry in blood. The first drawing I did of her… the day after I’d murdered her.

  ‘Do it,’ Drew said and rammed his cock into me. He held it there, skin against skin, balls deep. ‘Make yourself bleed. I fucking dare you.’


  ‘Your call.’

  You crazy fucking bitch. Just Kev glared down at me, blood dripping from the scratches on his cheek.

  I put my hands to my tits and squeezed them. ‘Fuck me, babe. Fuck me and I’ll give you my blood.’

  I’m sorry. So sorry. Doctor Mort in his white coat was fucking me now. Sweat on his chin. He grew frantic. I could barely feel him inside but I knew he was coming when his glasses dropped off and landed on my stomach.

  I squeezed my tits hard and Mr Boots moaned. I hissed as my nails dug deep and Mr Boots told me he was going to come.

  I’d left the house early the next morning and walked to school, stopping off at my tree. I searched around, looking for signs that Mr Boots had spunked up. But there were no tissues. Nothing. There was nothing. When I turned to leave, I’d gotten one helluva shock. He was standing there with his work bag over his shoulder.

  Mr Boots walked to work. Of course he fucking did. I’d never thought of that. Good morning, he said with a nod. I told him good morning back. We stared at each other for a long time before he nodded again and made to leave.

  I yelled at him to wait. He stopped, looked at me. I told him I’d leave him a present after he finished work. He nodded again and left.

  I went to my tree and watched him walk up the path with my hand up my skirt. My new plan was hatched.

  ‘Fuck!’ Drew’s big hands gripped my hips, lifted my ass from the bed and he fucked me good and hard. Really fucking hard. So hard the bed was shaking.

  ‘I won’t come until you bleed for me,’ he said.

  I saw the outline of his fat cock-end pushing at the skin of stomach. I told him it was the horniest thing ever. I told him that if he whipped me over and pushed in just as deep he could probably fuck my womb.

  ‘Bleed for me,’ he said and I squeezed my tits as hard as I could.

  I was horny as fuck and my knickers were soaked with my own cream. I liked the taste, but made sure I left plenty behind. I dared myself to come in Mr Tinley’s class. I’d thought about buying gum, relished the thought of spitting it into his hand, and standing in the corner as he whispered in my ear. Because the way I was feeling, that’s all it would take to get me off. That couldn’t happen though. I couldn’t stay behind. Not today.

  I sat at the back of the class, told Mr Tinley I wasn’t feeling so good. He told me I was slipping, not putting enough effort in, that my A-levels were in jeopardy. I said I was sorry. He left me alone after that, picked on Witch Wilson. I envied her as he told her to stand up for talking. I lifted my skirt under my desk, pulled my knickers to one side and pushed a finger in as she walked her slut ass to the front. Rubbed at my clit as Mr Tinley whispered in her ear. Bit my lip when I came.

  I did it again in the toilets at final break. My knickers were soaked through by the time the bell went. I didn’t wait for the grounds to clear. Went straight to my tree, peeled my knickers off, made sure they smelled good, and folded them onto the grass in a neat little pile. I retreated to the bushes that had concealed me so well before, stripped out of my clothes and hunkered down.

  As I waited, I realised I hadn’t planned past this point. What would he do? Would he steal them? Would he sniff at them? I hoped he’d wrap them around his cock and wank into them, then maybe leave a present for me. I wished I’d left him a note now. I laughed to myself. And then he was coming down the path.

  ‘Look at your fucking tits, babe.’

  The flesh of my tits bulged like dough through my clawed fingers, my nails digging in so hard it really fucking hurt.

  ‘Now, babe. Do it now.’ And Drew fucked me quicker. Rougher and quicker. ‘Fucking do it!’ The bed was creaking like mad, the metal legs sawing at the wood floor. I cried out and squeezed real hard. I felt the pop pop pop of breaking skin, felt the warmth of blood on my fingers.

  What would he do if I just stepped out from the bushes, naked, him with his nose in my knickers? I thought he might tell me off again, but then maybe not, maybe he wouldn’t be able to resist me.

  I was breathing so hard by the time Mr Boots arrived on the path next to my tree. And I’m sure I gasped when he stepped into view and looked around. He saw my knickers straight away and picked them up. I guessed they’d still be warm. And then he did it, he actually put them to his nose. I think I moaned then, in my little hiding place. He might have heard me. I don’t know. But his hand went to the buttons of his overalls and he turned to my tree with my knickers still on his face and I saw his arm moving.

  I heard him grunt, too. Knew he was coming, decided not to reveal myself, that I was shaking too much, that this was good enough for now. More than good enough. This was amazing.

  Mr Boots slung his bag back over his shoulder and hurried off up the path. I waited until he was out of sight before slipping from my hiding place.

  There was no sign of my knickers. No spunk lying about either. That made my cunt hot all over again. Mr Boots had come in my knickers. And he’d taken them with him. I wondered if he had a wife. It struck me then that that could be me. I’m sure he liked me enough. I went to where he’d leaned against my tree and touched it, certain I could feel his warmth. I pressed my nakedness against it, savoured the moment.

  You’ll need a whole box of band aids for that, Doctor Mort said as his cum dribbled onto my tummy.

  Got what you fucking deserved, Just Kev said and spat in my face.

  ‘Fuck!’ Drew said and pulled out of me. His veined monster erupted. All over my bloody tits and stomach. I rubbed it in, mixed it all together.

  And woke up in a hospital bed. A black man holding a glass of water to my lips.

  Everything went well, Cassius told me. That was the name on the pocket o
f his greens. He told me to rest, that he’d bring me chicken soup in an hour or so.

  I felt between my legs after he left. There was blood on my fingers. Uncle Kev picked me up after the chicken soup, settled me into bed at the Travel Lodge out of town. I asked him to fetch me a sketchpad. He did. And pencils. But I didn’t need those. I named her Cherry, then I painted her beautiful face with blood from my murderous cunt. Blood I was certain was a mix of her and me. And signed it Mummy loves you with lots of bloody kisses in a big bloody heart.

  Drew took my wrists and pinned me, licked at my bloody tits.

  ‘You’re one awesome fucking chick,’ he said.

  He kissed me then, long and slow.

  Chapter Nine

  ‘I once came, just from someone doing that. I had multiples,’ I told Drew as he sucked on my tits. As he licked them clean, licked at the little half-moon cuts my nails had made.

  ‘Came from getting your tits sucked?’ Drew laughed.

  I told him it was horny, not funny.

  I saw movement in the rafters, a black shape. A bird was looking out from the nest, peering down at me. I knew it was a crow before it even made a sound.

  Caw caw it went and I asked Drew to kill it. He told me there was no bird. So I told him to suck harder. He told me he didn’t know how to make a girl come through just sucking her tits. I told him it was a girl who’d done it to me. He’d laughed again, said he couldn’t measure up to that. ‘Tell me,’ he said.

  It was a few years back. At the biscuit factory. They asked for two volunteers to stay through the night. There was a new packing machine being installed. Someone has to oversee. We don’t want strangers wandering about, the manager had said. Double time and a day off, all for just watching a machine get installed.

  My hand shot up. So did Cory Clarkson’s. She hadn’t been there as long as me. We’d soon made friends. Cory liked a drink and a fuck as much as I did. We went on the prowl together every Friday night.


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