Her Homebound Billionaire: A Love Conquers Fear Clean Romance (Billionaire Tech Tycoons & Titans Book 3)

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Her Homebound Billionaire: A Love Conquers Fear Clean Romance (Billionaire Tech Tycoons & Titans Book 3) Page 5

by Gigi Marlowe

  “What is that, exactly?” AJ had never heard of clean water projects before.

  “Clean Water Projects is an organization that strives to bring clean water to parts of the world that don't have easy access to it. I think it's incredible that we have such a large percentage of water on the earth and yet there are so many people who don't have access to it.” Patrick's face turned thoughtful as he took a turn into a sightseeing overlook. He pulled over and gestured out to the ocean. “It's a crime that people are going thirsty and dying because they can't have access to clean water. For many of those places, it’s either that the water has been contaminated by big businesses or the distance between the clean water and the people who need it are too great to travel. Could you imagine living in a place where you couldn't drink fresh water every day?” Patrick reached beside his seat to a cup holder in his door. He pulled up a bottle of water and took a large drink from it. Then he passed the water to AJ. “Can you imagine going thirsty because you didn't have the time or energy to walk 3 miles just to get one glass of dirty water? Now imagine that you have a family at home who needed that water, too, and it was up to you to get it. But when you got there, there was a line full of other tired and thirsty people. That's not right. We have water in abundance.” Patrick clenched his jaw and said, “we have so much water that we can be picky about it! Think about it AJ, when you go to the supermarket you buy water, right? You get to pick any brand of water that you want. These people, they don't have a choice. They drink the water that they get. It’s either clean or dirty and their only choice is to drink it or go thirsty.”

  AJ had never considered the water crisis like this before. She’d always just considered it as a problem that existed in the world, like hunger. But now she thought about how lucky she was to be able to take a drink of water wherever and whenever she was. She thought about how they had so much water that they thought nothing of wasting some. AJ looked down at the bottled water that Patrick had handed her. Lifting it to her lips she took a big swallow. The water was clean, cool, and refreshing.

  “Do you help out with water projects often?”

  Patrick pulled back onto the highway and continued to drive towards the house. “I try to go out there as often as I can. It just doesn’t make sense for me to have so much money and not try to give back as much as I can.” AJ considered that. She never would have expected a billionaire to be such a philanthropist. AJ was beginning to realize that Patrick was very much like a layered cake and each new layer of him was something wonderfully enticing.

  As they pulled up to the house, AJ watched Patrick take in the splendor of it. AJ had purposely picked this house because it was grand in all aspects. She knew that this home might not be something Patrick wanted, but she also knew that this was the type of home he thought he wanted. Especially after their conversation today, she knew that what Patrick probably wanted was a comfortable escape, not a grand mansion.

  “So, what do you think?” AJ opened up a document that included all the specs of the house for Patrick. As he put the car in the park she handed him the sheet. Patrick read over it slowly.

  “How many people live here?”

  “It’s just the owner and his wife.”

  “But it says here that this house has eight bedrooms.”

  AJ shrugged.“They wanted to be sure they had enough space for entertaining.” She could tell from his disappointment that he thought eight bedrooms for two people was excessive. AJ wouldn’t tell Patrick this but, she thought so, too. In fact, she had tried to persuade the couple to build a small, yet still extravagant home.

  “I don’t know, AJ, this doesn’t seem like the kind of house I’d enjoy,” Patrick said pulling her from her thoughts.

  AJ pause before answering. She needed to be sure that she phrased this exactly right. She wanted Patrick to understand that he didn't have to have a fortress-like home in order to feel comfortable. The more she got to know him, the more she realized that he felt the most comfortable in situations that made him feel relaxed. As AJ opened her mouth to respond, the front door of the house opened and her previous clients came out. They waved enthusiastically from the front door, beckoning her and Patrick to drive up the long driveway and come into the house. Patrick's eyes darkened.

  “We don’t have to go, do we?”

  “It would probably be good for you to see the inside of the house. Besides, it would be rude of us not to at least say hello to them.” AJ said.

  Patrick slowly drove the car up the long driveway. AJ noticed that the closer they got to the house and the couple the more guarded he became. His hands tightened on the steering wheel, and she could see his face shift into a more rigid expression. Moments ago he had been a warm, inviting and welcoming person. And now he seemed as if he were locking himself into an impenetrable fortress.

  In that moment, AJ realized something about Patrick. She realized that strangers and new situations made him extremely uncomfortable. Whereas, before, she had just thought him a rigid and guarded man, she now realized that in his discomfort, Patrick was prone to shutting the world out. AJ thought about how inherently shy Patrick might be. But then she considered how friendly and open he was when it was just the two of them. She needed to get to the bottom of his contradictory personality and to do that she had to understand his past.

  AJ was mindful of keeping the conversation with her old clients short and to the point. She explained what they were doing at their house, and when they suggested a tour, she respectfully declined. She could have sworn that she saw Patrick slouch with relief as they got back into his convertible and drove away.

  “What did you think about that house?” AJ asked, choosing to ignore Patrick's palpable tension from meeting the couple.

  “It’s everything I said I wanted on paper,” Patrick said hesitatingly

  “But,” AJ probed.

  “Looking at it, it just didn’t feel like a place I could call home. AJ smiled in spite of herself. She knew that this would end up being the case. AJ reached into her purse and pulled out another spec sheet.

  “I think I know of a place you might like a little bit more.” As she started to describe a smaller home in Westlake, her phone rang.

  “Are you gonna get that?”

  “I try not to take phone calls when I’m working,” she said honestly.

  “You should take that one,” Patrick said. His eyes were soft and thoughtful as they flickered towards her for a moment. “You’re very talented, and that could be a new client. You never know what exciting new prospect could be awaiting you. You shouldn't deny yourself the opportunity. You deserve it.”

  A small blush rose to AJ’s cheeks. She had never been so honestly complimented by a client before. Looking down at her phone AJ saw that she had simply missed a text from her sister. A quick scan of what it said made her heart drop.

  “I need to go,” AJ blurted.

  “Is everything okay?” Patrick slowed the car as they pulled into another seaside overlook. AJ could hear the ocean crashing around her and she felt like it matched her current mood.

  “It’s my dad, something’s wrong with my dad. I’m really sorry but I need to take the next plane I can get home.” AJ frantically flipped through her apps until she could open the internet. To her dismay, she saw that she had very little signal. There was no way she would be able to check for flights back to Missouri until she got back into the city.

  Without hesitation, Patrick said, “I’ll take you”.

  AJ stared at him baffled. “It’s too far, there’s no way we could drive there–”

  “–We’ll take my jet.” AJ didn't have time to reflect on the fact that she would be taking a private jet with Patrick to see her family. She decided that it was now or never to go, and the fear of a potentially life-threatening scenario was too much for her to bear. Taking him up on his offer, the two drove speedily towards the airport. AJ hoped that everything would be alright. All her sister’s text message had said was:

  It’s dad. He’s in the hospital, Come if you can.

  It wasn’t like her sister to be so minimalistic in her description, so AJ assumed that the worst had happened. She just prayed that she and Patrick would make it there in time.

  Patrick sat on the porch of AJ’s parents’ house. He wasn't really sure why he had suggested that he could fly her to see her parents at the drop of a hat. Maybe it was the panicked look in her eyes. All he knew was that he could see the tears welling up in them, and he would do anything to make them stop. When they had gotten to Missouri, AJ had practically run through the airport. Then, the entire drive to her parents' house she had been calling her sister repeatedly until she had picked up the phone.

  Patrick knew that her distress was real. Everything about AJ was real. He thought about how she had almost cried once she found out that her father was fine. He had simply fallen from the roof, while he was fixing the shingles. It was true, that when her sister had first texted her, everything was up in the air. They weren’t sure how many bones he had broken because he had become delirious in his shock. While they were flying, AJ had learned that. After a thorough and complete examination, the doctors had discharged him by the time Patrick and AJ had arrived at the airport.

  Patrick didn't realize that AJ could be so strong. When she had reached her family’s house, she had instantly become steady like a rock. Only Patrick could see the slight twitch as she tried to control herself before walking in the door. Patrick’s hand tingled as he thought of the way he had instinctively reached out and grabbed her hand. He had squeezed it and she had looked at him like that was all of the strength she needed in the world. Then she went inside, leaving him on the porch to wait.

  “So you’re the guy who got her out here so fast?” Patrick turned to see an older-looking version of AJ smiling at him. She had an apron tied around her waist and freckles dusting the bridge of her nose.

  “Hi, I’m Patrick Walker.”

  “Oh, I’ve heard about you. AJ was just singing your praises. But I’m sure she would wring my neck if I told you that.” Patrick could feel his normal guard drop. It was hard to try and block out someone with such a warm disposition as this woman. Although she did look older than AJ, she didn’t look old enough to be AJ’s mother. Patrick assumed that this was the infamous sister, Stephanie, that AJ had told him about on the plane. AJ had described her sister as a firecracker. She had said that she was someone who could draw out even the shyest of personalities, and Patrick could see why.

  “Why don’t you come in the house, hon’, and get something to eat and drink. I’m sure you had a long day, what with AJ dragging you to a different state, now.” Patrick walked slowly inside and took in the house. It was nothing extravagant, but everything he would expect from AJ’s parents. There was something roasting in the oven that smelled like chicken, and he could see that the walls were decorated with a variety of pictures of AJ and her sister from all different ages. Patrick compared this house to the house they had seen a few hours ago. Even though this was much smaller, it felt more like a place that he could call home.

  AJ kissed her sleeping father on the cheek and turned to leave his bedroom. He had terrified her with his fall. AJ had always warned him that he was getting too old to do his own roof repairs. She had begged him to let her pay for a roofing company to come out and replace the entire thing. But he had insisted that as long as he could, he would do his own repairs. AJ knew that her father and her mother took pride in owning their home. They were part of the reason that AJ had such a hardworking and dedicated drive.

  Stepping into the kitchen, AJ saw that Patrick was in an easy conversation with Stephanie. Stephanie had clearly won Patrick over with her easy-going charms. AJ watched from the doorway as Patrick smiled. She thought of how kind he was to bring her all the way out here. And, as she watched, she thought about how handsome he was.

  Patrick laughed at something Stephanie said as she picked up his empty plate and refilled his glass. Out of nowhere, the thought struck AJ that she had taken her first trip with a man. As she considered this, she thought about how comfortable Patrick seemed in her family home. He looked completely at ease as he reclined in a wicker kitchen chair with a glass of ice tea in front of him. He had loosened his tie on the plane ride over, and somewhere between their flight and now he had lost his suit jacket. AJ studied in his well-defined muscles and chiseled jawline. She had to admit that this was a man that she wanted to get to know better on many levels.

  Patrick’s eyes drifted from her sister’s to hers. When he saw her, AJ noticed that the corners of his lips gently lifted. When Stephanie’s back was turned, he mouthed the words “are you okay?” to her. She was taken back by how supportive he could be, even though he barely knew her. In the brief time since they met, it felt like they had known each other for a lifetime. She nodded slightly before walking over to their table.

  “Dad’s doing much better, Stephanie,” AJ said more for Patrick’s benefit than Stephanie’s. AJ knew that Stephanie was probably well aware that their father was in no serious trouble. But, she wanted to make sure Patrick knew as well. AJ could see the relief in Patrick’s eyes. She wasn’t sure if his relief was because he been worried for her father or because he had been worried for her. She had a sneaking suspicion that it was a mixture of both. He reached his hand to AJ’s and held it lightly.

  AJ gawked at how small her hand felt inside of his. She knew she was a petite woman, but she rarely felt the significance of it. She had such a strong and confident personality that she often forgot she was smaller than most of the people around her. In fact, she never liked feeling small. Whenever she did, it made her feel unsafe. But now, with her hand tucked inside of Patrick’s larger one, her smallness made her feel like he would protect her. Although AJ’s common sense told her she should remove her hand from Patrick’s, she wove her fingers in between his. AJ looked deeply into Patrick’s eyes and returned his look of relief with a small smile.

  Stephanie coughed, interrupting their moment. “I was just telling Patrick that he would have to borrow some of dad’s clothes for the night.”

  “The night?” AJ asked.

  “Stephanie had suggested we stay the night here, so that way you could check on your dad’s progress. I would hate for you to worry about him when you got home.” AJ was sure that Patrick’s concern was genuine, but a quick glance at her mischievous sister told her that her big sister had different plans. Still, AJ didn’t want to dismiss Patrick's kind concern. He was proving to be the type of person AJ hated to disappoint the most, the type of person who only wanted the best for you.

  “There’s only one extra bed,” stuttered AJ.

  “I can sleep on the couch,” said Patrick. She thought she noticed a hint of a blush had crept across his cheeks. It was in that moment that AJ realized the two were still holding hands. She quickly let go of his hand and put her hands into her lap.

  “I can’t let you do that,” AJ said. She felt horrible. First, she had dragged this man to another state because she thought her father’s life was in danger, and then she found out that he was fine. Now, she was going to make Patrick sleep on the couch? That was out of the question. “No,” AJ insisted, “there's a bed. You can have the bed.” AJ saw Stephanie step out of Patrick’s eye line and into her own. Stephanie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at AJ. “What I mean,” AJ started, as she saw Patrick watching her thoughtfully, “what I mean is…” AJ couldn't figure out what she meant “What I’m trying to say is that it wouldn't be right for you to sleep on the couch.”

  AJ wasn’t sure if Patrick noticed the way she was fumbling with her words, but if he did he made no mention of it. “Really, I can sleep on the sofa.”

  “I’ll leave you two alone to figure out your sleeping arrangements,” Stephanie said as she left the room.

  “I’m so sorry for all of this,” AJ said as she resisted the urge to throw her head into her hands.

  Patrick reached over and lifted
her chin until she was looking at him. AJ struggled to fight her attraction for him. When they had first started working together, she had thought that her desire to know more about him was based purely on curiosity, but know, looking into his eyes as he smiled at her, she wondered if her desire had always been based on her attraction to him.

  “They’re important to you,” Patrick said as his eyes searched hers. He stood and reached his hand out for AJ. She took his hand and let him help her up out of the chair. She had never had known someone who was so consciously considerate of her and her needs. “You love them AJ, Patrick said. “It’s only right that you do whatever it takes for the people that you love.” Patrick gripped AJ’s hand a little tighter.

  As AJ let his words sink in, she thought about how Patrick had rushed without hesitation to help her. Could he love her? Then she thought of all of the different house tours that she had scheduled for the two them. Could she love him? AJ mentally shook herself. Now was not the time to be considering if she was developing feelings for a client. But as Patrick stepped closer to her, AJ gazed into his deep brown eyes. She realized that his face was just millimeters from her own. Every fiber of her being trembled as she breathed in the distinct scent of Patrick.

  Closing her eyes, she realized that she could still smell the ocean breeze on his hair. The smell was intoxicating and inviting. Without really meaning to, she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck. Patrick slid his hands comfortingly around her waist and into the small of her back. He pressed her into a tight a hug. AJ whispered in his ear, “Thank you, for everything,” as she relaxed out of their hug. she felt that Patrick’s four head was pressed lightly against her own and then it happened. Patrick gently pressed his lips against hers, and AJ felt like fireworks had exploded into the night sky.


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