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Billionaire on Top

Page 2

by Stern, Sophie

  “I don’t want to be anything but the best assistant I can,” I hear the other line beeping, so I say a quick goodbye to Holly and promise to fill her in when I get home tonight.

  “This is Allison,” I answer the other line as soon as I hang up on Holly.

  “Miss Byard,” it’s him. His voice sounds smooth and sultry even over the phone. My panties start to feel damp and I mentally slap myself. Come on, Allie. This is your boss. Your boss.

  “Mr. Fox? Did you need something?”

  “You. In my office. Five minutes.”

  The line goes dead and I’m left staring at the phone in my hand. If nothing else, it looks like it’s going to be an interesting day.



  I hurry into his office a little too quickly. He looks surprised to see me barreling through the door, but at least he bites back a smile.

  “That was…quick.”

  “You said you needed me right away.”

  “That is incorrect, Miss Byard. I said I needed you in five minutes.”

  I blush. He’s used to giving orders and being obeyed. I can tell. I wonder if he’s into the whole domination thing in bed. I could see him being the kind of guy who ties a girl up, licks her pussy ‘til she’s begging for more, then stops just to see her squirm.

  I wonder what he tastes like.

  “Miss Byard?” Trevor’s voice pulls me from my thoughts.


  “I have an event to attend tonight, but not enough time to run home and change. Which tie do you think says ‘Fuck me, please’?” His eyes sparkle a little as he holds up two ties. One is red and silky: my personal favorite. The other is black with a weird pattern on it.

  “I don’t think either tie says that unless it’s holding some poor girl’s wrists tightly against the bed frame.” I retort, not acknowledging the fact that I think my boss is insanely sexy, confident, and dominating. I’d love to wiggle around beneath him, seeing how hard we could make each other come.


  Trevor looks surprised at my response. He always seems to be surprised by me. I wonder if it’s because he thinks I’m a virgin who can’t handle his antics or if he’s simply not used to being around women who don’t swoon over him, being around women who actually speak their minds.

  “If that’ll be all?” I raise my eyebrow and he nods, dismissing me. I turn and leave the room, trying not to wonder if his eyes are glued to my ass as I leave. This guy is going to be the fucking death of me.

  When I get back in to my office, I settle down and push Trevor out of my mind. Instead, I decide to start getting acquainted with my computer, books, and room. I’ll need to decorate: that’s a given. There’s nothing wrong with the room as it is, but it needs a homey, feminine touch. I plan to be here awhile, so getting comfortable isn’t an issue.

  I make a mental note to bring in some pictures tomorrow. Surely I’ve got some lying around. The apartment I share with Holly isn’t huge, by any means, but it’s home. And part of it being “home” also means that it has an inordinate amount of junk in it now.

  The rest of the day basically flies by. Gina and Trevor both stop by my office several times to assign me random tasks, which I complete as quickly as they’re asked of me. Most of my work appears to be usual assistant stuff. I have to make some calls, schedule meetings, and check to make sure certain venues are available when we need them. By the time 5:00 rolls around, I’m feeling ready to conquer anything.

  “Closing time,” Trevor says in my doorway as I’m packing up.

  “Yeah,” I nod curtly. “I’m on my way out now.”

  He grins and leans against the doorframe as he watches me pack up. What is it now?

  “Just thought I’d walk you out,” he comments when I shoot him a questioning glance.

  “How gentlemanly of you,” I say with a hint of sarcasm, though secretly I’m pleased he’s giving me attention. It’s always better to work with someone who actually enjoys being around you, even if that enjoyment is mostly just him hoping to sleep with you. I’ve had way too many jobs where my bosses were self-indulged assholes, so I’m used to being around guys like Trevor. At least he just talks a big game. He isn’t actually squeezing my ass or harassing me the way some guys do.

  I ride down in the elevator with Trevor. Usually, I expect elevator rides to be quiet. I’m not sure why. It’s not the library or a funeral home. It’s an elevator. Even so, I’m surprised when Trevor strikes up a conversation.

  “You did well today,” he tells me honestly. “I wasn’t sure how you’d do with your limited work history, but I’m impressed, Miss Byard.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him, somewhat taken aback at the genuine compliment. “I’m a hard worker, so I’ll do my best not to let you down.”

  He hesitates, as if he wants to say something, but doesn’t. The elevator dings and as we step off, I notice he decided to wear the red tie tonight.

  “Good choice,” I tell him, nodding to his tie as we part ways on the first floor. “You’ll have to let me know how she likes it.” I turn to walk outside, but Mr. Fox grabs my arm. His grip is firm, but not painful or hard.

  “The woman I have in mind likes anything I’m willing to throw at her.” His eyes flash dark with lust, letting me know exactly what he means. His words are not lost on me. I know exactly what Trevor Fox is worth. I know exactly how many bimbos throw themselves at him day in and day out. I know exactly.

  “Sounds like a real keeper.” I retort playfully, yanking my arm free. I try not to think about the way he’s going to look pulling on her hair while he fucks her from behind.

  I try not to think about how big his cock is or how fast he likes to thrust during sex.

  No, those are things no one needs to be thinking about their boss, let alone me. I don’t know why I’m even letting myself fantasize about Trevor. I have my work cut out for me as it is. I really, really don’t need another distraction.

  It’s not dark yet, so I decide to save myself a few bucks and walk home instead of taking a cab. Granted, my feet are killing and they’re going to be begging me for mercy come tomorrow, but tonight, I just want to be outside.

  It only takes me about 45 minutes to walk home from the office. Yes, that’s at a leisurely pace, but who’s counting? A walk is a walk. I’m not fat, by any means, but even I know that I’m not getting enough exercise. A little bit of walking could be great for my waistline, not to mention my wallet.

  When I traipse up to our 4th-floor apartment, Holly is already home, showered, and changed. She’s lounging around in her pajama pants, eating a bowl of cereal and watching her favorite television show. It has something to do with zombies. I don’t really know.

  “So?” She mutes her show and sits up when she sees me. “How was it? Tell me everything!”

  “There’s not much to tell, really,” I kick off my shoes and grab my own bowl of cereal. I skipped lunch today and suddenly, I’m starving. Diet be damned.

  “Was he exactly like he seems in the magazines?” She asks curiously.

  “Stuck up, pretentious, and a little too big for his britches?”



  We both share a laugh and then I tell her about the NDA I had to sign.

  “That’s in case he bangs someone at the office,” Holly tells me. She’s a paralegal at a law firm. When we moved here for college, we both joined the legal program at our university. Only Holly actually decided to pursue her dream of working with the big wigs and I set my sights on Kayfox. Now she spends her days dealing with new and interesting cases, and I spend mine trying not to get sucked into the black hole that is sleeping with Trevor Fox.

  “Yeah, well, it’s just me and his cousin working with him in our section, so no big threat there.” I don’t mention the adorable interns who work on the other floors or the fact that they’re frequently traipsing up to his office with “very important” questions.

  “Uh, yeah
, he’s totally gonna try to fuck you, Allie.”

  I spit out my cereal. “Come again?”

  “You’re hot!” She playfully punches my shoulder. “Any guy you’re around more than, I dunno, a second can see it. Mark my words, girl, before the end of the week, you’re going to have your chance.”

  “There’s no way.”

  “There’s no way you should do it, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to try.”

  “He did already ask if I wanted to blow him.”

  “What!?!” She screeches. “TELL ME EVERYTHING!”

  I recount the first meeting I had with Trevor and his comment about me staring at his dick. A shiver shoots through me as I think about the way I felt around him. I tell myself it doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t. And besides, I’m not going to act on those feelings. I actually value my career.

  “Wow,” she says, “I knew he was blunt, but that’s in a league all its own.”

  “Maybe you should date him,” I tell Holly. “Then I’ll actually be able to talk about his love life with someone.”

  She laughs.

  “You think he’d make me sign a nondisclosure before I saw his cock?”

  “Probably,” I shrug.

  “Seems like something he would do.”

  “Oh well.”

  “Besides,” Holly says, picking her food back up. “I already have someone very sweet in my life, thankyouverymuch.”

  She’s talking about her coworker and sort-of boss, Quinton. She’s only been drooling over him since the first day they met. They’ve been on two “kind-of” dates, but haven’t so much as held hands. I think he’s far less interested than Holly is trying to believe. Still, Holly swears up and down that one day he’s going to notice her and fall madly in love with her.

  And when that day comes, she knows damn well that I want to be her maid of honor.



  Somehow, I don’t feel like playing at the club tonight. Ever since my new assistant, Allison, walked into office this morning, I’ve been off my game. The shit that comes out of her mouth just baffles me. I can’t quite get enough of it. There’s something about her that’s different from my previous assistants, and it’s not just because she didn’t blow me this morning, though that was strange. Usually I have to bat girls away: not beg them to come talk to me.

  My thoughts are torn when I reach my destination. I wasn’t lying when I told Allison I had an event, but she also wasn’t far off her analysis when she suggested my “event” was more of a game.

  It is.

  It always is.

  As I waltz into Club Blaze, I’m immediately sucked into the music, the sounds, the sights. It’s just as busy as it always is, only tonight, I don’t feel like I want the usual. I don’t know if I want to just dominate some poor girl who has no idea how good sex can be.

  Tonight I need to fuck Allison out of my mind so I can actually focus at work tomorrow.

  I make my way to the bar and nod to the bartender. I’m a regular, so he brings me my usual without even waiting for me to order. That’s what earns him the big tips at a place like this. Club Blaze is all about discretion and not drawing attention to yourself. If you can make drinks magically appear in front of club attendees, you’re going to have a much easier time and so is everyone else.

  Sipping my whiskey, I glance around the room. There are a couple of girls kissing in an oversized chair, but the real show of the night seems to be a trio of hotties going at it on the pool tables. I peek over for a moment and my dick immediately starts to get hard. You see a lot of kinky shit at Blaze, but sometimes just some regular ol’ girl-on-girl action is all you need, especially when it appears to be a group of new girls. I wonder what brought them in tonight.

  I down the rest of my drink and another one appears in its place. I drop a twenty at the bar and take my drink. It’s time to start working the room. I come here a lot and see quite a few familiar faces, but there are always newcomers. Whether it’s bored college girls who want to know what it’s like to be with a real man or newly divorced cougars who are curious about what they’ve been missing, I’m not lacking for hot girls. Not tonight.

  “Hey Tiger,” a 20-something redhead appears next to me. Purring, she starts rubbing her hand up and down my arm. “Feeling lonely?”

  I size her up quickly. Huge tits, tiny waist, and a smile to die for. She’s not going to be anything special. I can already tell from how eager she is, but I can do something special for her. She won’t be able to walk straight for days.

  “Not anymore,” I tell her. She blushes and leads me over to a corner where there’s an empty bed.

  “Feel like showing off tonight?” She asks, stripping her shirt off. Damn. Her tits are fake, to be sure, but they’re just as big as I thought they were. I wonder how they’re going to look with 8 inches of me sandwiched between them.

  I take one glance around the room, at the throngs of people who are about to see me fuck this girl silly, and I finish my drink.

  “I feel like showing off every night.”



  The rest of my week is a blur of meetings, paperwork, and scheduling meetings for Mr. Fox. Gina handles his basic schedule and receptionist work, but I’m the one who actually schedules the big stuff: the conference calls, the meetings with corporate honchos, all of that. When he’s planning on hosting a meeting or conference in his office or in the conference room across from my office, I’m the one responsible for making sure everyone has coffee, food, and anything else they could possibly want.

  In other words, my job is fancy as hell and much more fun than I ever imagined it would be. I love getting to be what I call a fancy-waitress. No, I don’t particularly like putting up with Trevor’s constant slew of innuendoes, but I can learn to deal with them. He’s paying me enough, that’s for damn sure.

  Somehow, working with Trevor isn’t exactly what I thought it would be. I knew I’d be doing a lot of grunt work, which I don’t actually have a lot of. Instead, I find myself helping him pick out clothes and getting things ready for meetings. I still get the feeling that he would fuck me in a heartbeat. Somehow, the way he looks at me makes me wet. I know he’s a bad boy at heart: not the type to settle down or be in a relationship. That doesn’t keep me from wondering, though: would fucking my boss really be so bad?

  Just thinking it, I know it would be wrong. Very wrong. I know giving it up to Mr. Fox would be the last thing I need, but that doesn’t stop me from touching myself at night and pretending it’s him. I only hope Holly doesn’t hear my muffled moans through the closed door. Talk about embarrassing. She’s not exactly the type of girl who gets herself off. She’s definitely not the type of girl who talks about it, anyway, so the idea of masturbating to the thought of Trevor Fox’s tongue isn’t something I can be open about.

  When I walk out of the office on Friday night, I’m more than ready to relax. Holly got us on the guest list for a new bar that’s opening and I have the perfect shoes to wear. I’m almost to the elevator when Trevor catches up to me.

  “Hold the elevator,” he says, and I do.

  “Big weekend plans?” He asks once we’re inside.

  “Something like that. You?”

  “Something like that.”

  “You know,” I tell him, “You don’t have to sleep with every girl that catches her eye this weekend.” I don’t make eye contact as I say it. I’m not even sure why I’m saying anything. Because I have a huge crush on him, maybe? Because I don’t really want to think about him fucking another girl?” Not that Trevor Fox would ever notice an ordinary girl like me. He probably fucks supermodels: not assistants from Missouri.

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “It’s not about fun,” I comment, suddenly flustered. “Haven’t you ever just wanted to know someone on a deeper level?”

  The elevator dings and we step off, but he leans in close to me before I can leave.

nbsp; “The only deeper level I’m interested in is being buried hilt-deep in your throbbing, aching pussy while you cry and beg for me to give you just a little bit more.”

  Then he’s gone, and I’m left standing in the middle of the lobby wondering why my panties are suddenly soaked.


  “What do you think of it?” Holly practically screams over the music. I take another look around the bar, sipping my vodka cranberry, wondering how she managed to convince me to come out tonight. I should have just stayed home and saved myself from the slobbering, drooling idiots who have been hitting on us all night.

  “It’s great,” I lie. “I’m just going to get another drink.”

  Downing mine on the way back to the bar, I order two more drinks. If I have to be here, I can at least be drunk out of my tiny little mind. It’s times like this that I can’t quite help feeling like I don’t belong in the city, or that I never will. Moving here for college had been Holly’s dream. As her best friend, I had followed her, but city living has never really been my thing. I’ve never been good at parties or clubs or dating.

  You can take the girl off the farm, I remind myself with a smirk, but you can’t ever really take the farm out of the girl. Holly and I grew up in a tiny, Podunk town in the middle of nowhere. Escaping to a city with an ocean view had been a dream come true for her, especially when we both landed scholarships at the same school. She kept swearing we would both meet our true loves and have these amazing beach weddings, but that didn’t happen.

  What did happen was that Holly was super popular in college and I was her dorky friend who would rather bury myself in between the covers of a book than in between two frat brothers.

  And now we’re here.

  The bartender brings my drinks and I pay him, making sure to give a good tip. I plan to be back for plenty more tonight. And if Holly has her way, which she will, I assume we’ll be frequenting this bar on weekends to come. Someone has to keep her from making horrible decisions, after all. I quickly realize this isn’t me when I look over and find her making out with another blonde girl in the middle of the dance floor.


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