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Midnight Legacy (Midnight Dynasty Book 3)

Page 5

by CR Robertson

  “Zee!” I screamed, my heels dug deep into the bed as my entire body arched.

  I wasn’t sure if I’d experienced an orgasm or an epiphany, but my body trembled in the aftermath. Xavier gently untied my wrists and massaged them until feeling returned to my arms.

  His erection strained and I went to relieve him, but his hand caught mine. “It’s fine, Cas. I don’t need sex every night. What I do need is you secure in my feelings for you. You don’t need to doubt that I want you.” He pressed a kiss to my lips, and I felt crappy about what I said earlier.

  “Fine, but I can give you a back massage to ease the tension from the past few days.”

  “Deal.” He grabbed another kiss, rolled onto his stomach, and folded his arms under his head.

  I climbed onto him, my pelvis on his ass, and viewed his muscular back. My hands swept over his powerful shoulders in wide arcs, my thumbs working deep into the muscles.

  “That feels great, baby.”

  My touches were tentative at first because I’d never done this before, but I took my cue from his reactions and followed the natural lines of his body to guide me. His wide shoulders tapered to a narrow waist. I knew the three guys all worked out together, but this was years of honing to perfection. In the end, I couldn’t help myself and my tongue and lips joined in, kissing and licking the ropes of muscles across his back.

  Xavier sighed and nestled his head further into his arms. My thumbs formed circles on the back of his neck, remembering how good it felt when he did that on me.

  “Don’t stop,” he moaned.

  I leaned forward, the tips of my breasts grazing his back. My tongue flicked behind his ear and I smiled when I witnessed him shiver. My hips ground down on him as I pushed his pelvis deep into the mattress, my hands grasping his sides as I kissed down his jaw.

  “Are you trying to fucking kill me?” Xavier hissed.

  “Nope. Just trying to get you to come without using my mouth or hands, as per our agreement.”

  “Not gonna happen, I possess control over my delinquent penis.”

  I’d never tried it before, even though I’d read it numerous times in books, but tonight I was feeling brave. Kissing down his spine, I moved off his ass so that I could massage the powerful muscles there. He groaned as I dug my thumbs deep into the tight muscle at the base of his cheeks. Popping my index finger into my mouth, I quickly took it out and then plunged it into his ass without warning, curling it to hit his prostate.

  “Fuck!” His hips bucked forward even as he reared up onto his arms, his spine curved.

  I rubbed fast in a small circle the same way he did when he hit my g-spot. When his body collapsed, I knew I’d accomplished my goal. I’d never milked a prostate before, and he was either going to kiss me or kill me.

  Xavier slowly rolled onto his back under me. “Let me get this straight, you can fuck me up the ass, but I can’t do it to you?”

  My cheeks heated. “My finger and your penis are not size comparable.”

  “Just remember that it was you who moved the boundaries, baby.”

  He grabbed me and rolled me onto my back, kissing me with a ferocity that stole my breath. His hands held the curves of my ass while he devoured me.

  The angel on one shoulder screamed for me to be cautious, but the devil on my other shoulder had already burnt our bridges and stood laughing at the flames.


  Chapter Seven


  The church on the estate was filled to capacity. Jordan insisted Megan had to stay at home, so Cassandra stood between Jordan and me. There was no way I was leaving any part of her unprotected. Even though Jordan protested about her sass, he treated her like an annoying little sister.

  The coffin sat at the top of the church as a stark reminder of the darkness of my soul. Michael had been Ash’s brother and I took that from him without thought. We were creatures lacking morals, removing anything that blocked our path. This was the first time those repercussions had come home to haunt me.

  He hadn’t been a good person, but he was family. I waited for the grief and remorse to arrive, but nothing came, and I stood in the church feeling numb.

  Cassandra’s hand slipped into mine and her weight leaned against me. I’d known people most of my life and they couldn’t read my emotions the way this woman could. From the first moment I found her, I knew there was something special about her. An intrinsic goodness that I needed in my life to balance the darkness.

  I listened to the words of the minister, who was trying to convince us that Michael had been a good man who currently resided in heaven with all the other saints that he’d buried. He’d been an arrogant bastard who destroyed the lives of anyone who opposed him. He may not have pulled a trigger, but he’d ensured that those he set his sights on wished he had.

  Ash’s mother went from sobbing softly to wailing. Ash wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tugged her into him.

  “Fuck,” I muttered. All this was my fault. We were all sitting here because of me.

  The reception afterward was just as mind-numbing. We were just trying to make our escape when a man sidled up beside Jordan and me.

  “I believe you wouldn’t speak to my minions,” he said, his voice deep with a slight accent.

  I refused to look at Cassandra, who was standing making small talk with some of the other wives. She was my weakness, but I could never show it in front of a man like this. Instead, I feigned indifference.

  “This is the funeral of a friend. What makes you think that I have any intention of discussing business right now?” My gaze ran over him, mentally assessing him and trying to find him in my memory banks. He was around my height at six-foot-two, muscular, with slicked back black hair and eyes that were so dark they were almost black. His tan suggested that he spent most of his time in foreign climates filled with sunshine.

  “I thought you weren’t allowed into this country, Dante,” Jordan said, sipping his coffee. “Last time I checked you were highly sought after by Interpol.”

  His dark eyes moved to Jordan. “You’re very well informed.”

  Jordan’s lips tipped up in a half smile. “I like to know who I’m dealing with. There are very few men who have the power and cash to own island sex resorts.”

  The stranger’s one blink was his only reaction before he turned his attention back to me. “I will be in the country for the next few days. Perhaps we could meet at the opening of your new club tomorrow night?”

  I gave him my best practised smile that I’d cultivated for the paparazzi. “Unfortunately, all the invitations have been sent out and the rooms booked. I can slot you in on Saturday afternoon.” There was no way I would allow a known criminal at the opening of our new venture since cameras would be everywhere for publicity shots before we opened. “I’m sure you understand.”

  His vicious smile told me he’d been testing to see how far he could push me. The answer was not very far.

  Jordan continued to sip his coffee. “We run legitimate businesses. If you need to speak to me or my client, I would suggest that the meeting be far from prying eyes.”

  Dante’s head inclined slightly. “Saturday afternoon is suitable. I have other people I need to visit while I’m in the country.” He retrieved a business card from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. “Let me know the arrangements. Since you refuse to deal with my men, I would appreciate that you do not pass my contact details around.”

  With that, he wandered across the room with the confidence of someone who owned the house and was entertaining guests. He deliberately stopped and watched Cassandra. I received his message that he obviously knew exactly who she was and wanted me to know he had eyes on my wife.

  I swallowed the rage that demanded I storm across the room and drag him from this house to beat him into a pulp. My hand fisted at my side.

  “Who’s that?” Ash appeared beside me.

  “That is the puppet master whose minions Zee insulted a few weeks ago,�
� Jordan replied, his own gaze locked on the man who’d added another problem to my growing list.

  “Looks like you got his attention,” Ash commented. “Who is he?”

  “Dante,” Jordan answered. “He has so many different names, I doubt anyone knows the real one. He was an arms dealer and diversified over the years. He’s obviously using his routes for the skin trade instead of gun-running.”

  “Why is he in my family home at my brother’s funeral?”

  “I think the bigger question is—why is he talking to your father as if he’s an old friend?” I retorted.

  Ash’s shoulders slumped. “Meaning?”

  “I’m not sure, but Dad was trying to sell Malcolm’s properties illegally. That’s not like him. Now this Dante guy walks in here like he owns the place and your dad welcomes him with open arms. Nothing feels right anymore.”

  As if they felt our eyes on them, Matteus and Dante turned to stare at us. A tremor of fear unfurled in my stomach. For years, we’d worked for the Council, and now I was beginning to see a sinister element that I’d never witnessed before. We were criminals, but I’d always classified us as the good type. Now, I was faced with the real possibility that our fathers had been involved in activities that made me sick to the core.

  Suddenly, the questions about Doulton and the files pertaining to him needed answers. The shadows around the death of Cassandra’s parents needed chased away so we could clearly see what happened. There were too many pieces missing from the jigsaw puzzle to see what the actual picture was supposed to be.

  Cassandra’s head came up and she followed my line of sight to the devil in a suit who was still watching my wife. Her brow furrowed and her mouth fell open as his lips tilted up in a smile.

  My feet were moving the moment he walked toward her. “Cassandra? Is that you all grown up?” His arms opened and I felt Jordan fall into step beside me.

  “Uncle Dan?” Cassandra replied, her expression confused. Her eyes flashed to me as I stepped between them, effectively cutting off his route to her.

  “Hey, baby. Is this someone I missed on the family tour?” My fingers dug into her protectively and her body tilted into mine.

  “Uncle Dan is my dad’s brother, but Dad said he died years ago…” Her face was so pale that panic began to rise in my chest.

  His dark laugh was enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention, “He probably wished that to be so, but I am still here. How are your parents?”

  Cassandra stiffened beside me. There was no way someone as powerful as him wouldn’t know his brother was dead.

  “I’m sorry, but now is not the time for family reunions. Cassandra’s family was killed in a car crash when she was young. Funerals are already hard for her…” I let my voice trail off, but my expression was set in stone. Gone was the playboy that the world saw, and in his place stood the killer who would cut his tongue out for upsetting her.

  “Frank and Elise are gone? What about Kimberley?” He was either a really good actor, or he really had no idea his brother was dead.

  Cassandra’s other hand gripped me, her body swaying.

  “Excuse us,” I replied, directing Cassandra to the door. Jordan moved to take the position on the other side of her.

  We’d made it outside when Dante caught up, grabbing my arm to spin me around to face him.

  “I’d advise you to take your fucking hand off me,” I jeered.

  “Frank was my brother. What the fuck do you mean he’s dead? Malcolm kept me up to date on him and my nieces over the years.” His gaze moved to Cassandra again. “When? How?”

  She wordlessly shook her head.

  “This is not the time,” I reiterated. “You’re causing a scene.”

  Curious guests had already found vantage points at the windows.

  “I don’t give a fuck!”

  “Well, I do!” Immediately I was in his face, Cassandra pushed behind me. “Maybe you should speak to your good friend Malcolm since he knew exactly where they were buried. I found him trying to rape my wife after he abducted her.”

  Dante’s jaw tightened and rage burned in his eyes. “I would gladly have a word with Malcolm, but my belief is that is not possible anymore.”

  There was no point in replying because both of us knew Malcolm would never be a problem again. It also made the point that I would protect my wife. Cassandra’s hands landed on my waist and her head pressed between my shoulder blades.

  “Cassandra is my niece,” he grated out.

  “Yeah, well, she’s my wife now.” Deafening silence surrounded us as we glared at each other.

  “Please,” Cassandra said in a small voice. “I just want to go home.”

  “Excuse us,” I snapped, pushing past him.

  Grabbing Cassandra’s hand, I headed toward the side of the house. My car keys were in my pocket and I’d parked with the rest of Ash’s family because I didn’t like to be hemmed in.

  “Zee,” Cassandra gasped, and she stumbled. Without missing a beat, I swung her up in my arms.

  I needed to put distance between me and that man before my darkness took control and I did something I’d later regret.

  Cassandra’s arm wrapped around my neck. “Thank you,” she whispered, and my heart shredded when I felt her tears against my throat.

  Jordan took my keys and got into the driver’s seat, while I held Cassandra in the back. He took off down the driveway with wheels screaming as if the devil himself was chasing us. It certainly felt like that.


  Chapter Eight


  Xavier paced around the apartment, his training bottoms riding low on his hips and his chest shining with sweat from his workout. His phone seemed to be surgically attached to his hand as he barked instructions into it.

  Megan threw me a troubled look when Jordan snapped at whoever was on the other end of his phone. “I don’t give a fuck. Get me that information immediately!”

  “Why did your dad say your uncle was dead?” Megan asked in a low voice since every time we made a noise we were treated to an exasperated look.

  “No idea. He used to be around a lot when I was younger, and then one day he stopped coming. Dad said he was dead when I asked. I just remember him always bringing me dolls from different places he visited around the world.”

  Xavier and Jordan had obviously worked out their frustrations in the gym downstairs, both of them appearing flushed and sweaty after an hour or so. Now they were down to business. Watching their intensity and determination, you could see why so many people either admired them or were terrified by them.

  A rap at the door had Xavier stalking over to peer through the peephole. Ash entered the room a few moments later still wearing his suit from the funeral.

  My stomach rumbled, so I brought up my favourite Thai restaurant on my phone and showed it to Megan. She nodded and I placed an online order to be delivered to the foyer downstairs. I didn’t feel like cooking since the atmosphere in the apartment was giving me a headache.

  Ash sat in a seat beside us, watching his friends plan a war. “It’s not often we have a resurrection at a funeral,” he finally said, giving me a small, sad smile.

  “It’s a pity we can’t choose who is resurrected,” I replied.

  I went to the drinks cabinet, lifted Xavier’s favourite bottle of whiskey, and poured the men a glass each. Megan already had a bottle of red wine open in front of her. I had a glass of Pepsi, even though right now I would love to drink that wine directly from the bottle.

  Ash nodded when I set his glass down.

  Jordan lifted his glass to the side of his head and saluted me with it.

  Xavier set his glass on the counter and tugged me in against his chest, his arm a wall of protection that made me feel safe. His lips skimmed my forehead.

  “Just make it happen,” Xavier said to whoever was on the other end of the phone. “I don’t care about the cost. I want this sorted immediately.” He hung up and
his other arm came around me.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, staring up at him.

  His lips tipped up in the semblance of a smile. “Nothing for you to worry about.”

  “In other words, no.”

  His fingers grasped my chin to tilt my head back. His blue eyes contained a storm in them. “You worry about incubating our baby and I’ll worry about everything else, okay?”

  I opened my mouth to argue and he pressed a kiss to it.

  “You’re earning an attitude adjustment later if you keep arguing,” he said softly in my ear before sucking my earlobe into his mouth.

  A shiver rippled down my spine and his lips twitched when he saw my reaction.

  “So, tell us about this Uncle Dan,” Jordan said somewhere to my left.

  Xavier winked and released me to lift his glass.

  I shrugged, returning to my seat beside Megan on the sofa. “I don’t know what to say. About six months before the car crash, he stopped coming to visit. He used to bring me dolls from places he visited around the world. When I asked Dad if he was coming for my birthday party, he said Uncle Dan couldn’t come because he’d gone to live with the Angels.”

  “More like Satan,” Xavier muttered.

  “Is he an official uncle or one of those men who claim the title because they’re close friends?” Jordan continued to interrogate me.

  “He’s Dad’s brother. There are photos of them together in his study as kids.”

  Xavier poured himself another drink. “What do you remember Dan to be short for?”

  “Danzer after my grandpa.”

  Jordan shot Xavier a look before typing on his phone.

  “What’s going on?” I asked. “Someone needs to tell me why my uncle being alive is so much drama.”

  Xavier sighed and it sounded like it came from the depths of his soul. “Danzer or Dante or Uncle Dan is the person running the operation Malcolm was involved in.” He let his words sink in, staring at me.


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