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D. C. Noir 2

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by George Pelecanos

  This collection is comprised of works of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors’ imaginations. Any resemblance to real events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Published by Akashic Books | ©2008 Akashic Books Series concept by Tim McLoughlin and Johnny Temple D.C. map by Sohrab Habibion

  ISBN-13: 978-1-933354-58-3

  e-ISBN: 9781617752148

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2008925937

  All rights reserved | First printing

  Akashic Books | PO Box 1456 | New York, NY 10009 |

  Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the stories and poem in this anthology. “A Council of State” by Paul Laurence Dunbar was originally published in The Strength of Gideon and Other Stories (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1900); “The Last Days of Duncan Street” by Julian Mayfield was originally published in Lunes de Revolución (July 4, 1960), © 1960 by Julian Mayfield, reprinted by permission of Joan Cambridge; “Washington” by Julian Mazor was originally published in the New Yorker (January 19, 1963), © 1963 by Julian Mazor; Cast a Yellow Shadow (excerpt) by Ross Thomas was originally published by William Morrow & Co., Inc., in 1967, © 1967 by Ross Thomas; “Reflecting” by Rhozier “Roach” Brown is reprinted by permission of Rhozier T. Brown; “Nora” by Ward Just was originally published in the Atlantic (May 1973), © 1973 by Ward Just; “Our Bright Tomorrows” by Larry Neal is reprinted by permission of Evelyn Neal; “Kiss the Sky” by James Grady was originally published in Unusual Suspects (New York: Vintage, 1996), © 1996 by James Grady; “The Dead Their Eyes Implore Us” by George Pelecanos was originally published in Measures of Poison (Tucson, Arizona: Dennis McMillan Publications, 2002), © 2002 by George Pelecanos; “A Rich Man” by Edward P. Jones was originally published in the New Yorker (August 4, 2003), © 2003 by Edward P. Jones; “Wonderwall” by Elizabeth Hand was originally published in Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy (New York: Roc, 2004), © 2004 by Elizabeth Hand; “Christmas in Dodge City” by Benjamin M. Schutz was originally published in Unusual Suspects (New York: Vintage, 1996), © 1996 by Benjamin M. Schutz; After (excerpt) by Marita Golden was originally published by Doubleday, in 2006, © 2006 by Marita Golden.


  Title Page

  Copyright Page




  R Street, N.W.

  A Council of State



  Kingman Park

  The Last Days of Duncan Street








  Cast a Yellow Shadow (excerpt)



  Lorton, VA




  Connecticut Avenue




  Georgia Avenue

  Our Bright Tomorrows




  Lorton, VA

  Kiss the Sky




  The Dead Their Eyes Implore Us



  Claridge Towers

  A Rich Man



  Hyattsville, MD




  6th & O Streets, N.W.

  Christmas in Dodge City



  Woodmore, MD

  After (excerpt)


  About the Contributors



  When Johnny Temple, the publisher of Akashic Books, approached me with the idea of editing a sequel of sorts to D.C. Noir, our best-selling 2005 anthology of original Washington crime fiction, I told him I’d need to think on it. After all, I felt as if we’d covered the waterfront with that collection, and wasn’t particularly interested in being involved with a second-tier batch of stories meant to cash in on the original. Johnny assured me that this would not be the case. What he was shooting for was the top-shelf of Washington short fiction, previously published stories of a noirish bent by some of the best writers who have come out of or written about this town. Now I was interested.

  What I found, once I was in the hunt, was that it was not as easy as I imagined it would be to find stories that would fit the bill. I first spent several days at the Washingtoniana Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, searching and reading, and found only a couple of stories that I liked. A young man who worked there put me in contact with a Margaret Goodbody, formerly of the MLK, now with the Bethesda Library in Montgomery County, Maryland. Ms. Goodbody suggested stories by Julian Mazor, which I eventually used, and helpfully pointed me in the direction of several databases and private collections. It’s fair to say she got me going, and I’m very grateful for her assistance. In addition, Ibrahim Ahmad of Akashic Books was particularly diligent in researching, coordinating, and reviewing material that he felt would make a good fit for our project.

  What Johnny Temple and I began to envision, as we got deeper into it, was a century-long overview of D.C. fiction that would focus on issues of race, ethnicity, politics, class, and the attendant struggles and changes that occurred in various eras of our history. In the finished product, the stories are arranged chronologically, in the order in which they were originally published, and geographically, by neighborhood or locale, to give you, in effect, a timeline and map of our literary city.

  I have to say, I am very pleased with what we have compiled. The stories are high quality, the list of authors reads like lit royalty, and the package is handsome. Allow me also to give a nod to my friend, the accomplished photographer Jim Saah, whose evocative work once again appears on our cover. D.C. Noir 2: The Classics is a keeper.

  Now, to the contributors.

  The first name on my wish list was Edward P. Jones. I consider him to be the finest fiction writer to ever come out of Washington, D.C., and in the bargain he is a homegrown talent and graduate of Cardozo High School. From the collection All Aunt Hagar’s Children, we chose “A Rich Man,” which is not only a stunning piece of craftsmanship, but is full noir in its depiction of a man trapped inside a cage of his own making.

  I next sought a contribution from Marita Golden, one of our most celebrated, popular, and talented local authors, and reached her in her office at the University of the District of Columbia, where she is currently serving as Writer-in-Residence. Ms. Golden’s selection comes from After, her critically acclaimed novel on a police shooting and its psychological aftermath.

  Our earliest-set tale was written by Paul Laurence Dunbar. (This is a fitting time to address our definition of “noir,” which, with respect to this collection, is rather broad, particularly for the older stories. I tend to define noir by its psychological elements, rather than its crime elements or “visuals,” which come from our natural association with film noir. Remember, it was the French who told us what noir “was” to begin with, a half-century after the publication of some of our early stories. As usual, I have digressed.) “A Council of State” is a telling and troubling story of the reality of racial politics in the Federal City at the turn of the last century. Dunbar, the son of escaped slaves, was the first eminent African Ame
rican poet, as well as an accomplished short story writer, playwright, essayist, and novelist. Raised in Dayton, Ohio, he lived for a time in the LeDroit Park neighborhood of D.C., attended Howard University, and worked for about year at the Library of Congress, where the dusty environs were said to have worsened the tuberculosis that would end his life at the age of thirty-three. Dunbar Senior High School, D.C.’s first one exclusively for black teenagers—and for decades a model of academic achievement—was named in his honor, as were similar high schools in Baltimore and Fort Worth, Texas. It is fitting that his work be included here.

  Julian Mayfield grew up in D.C. and was a notable actor, playwright, director, and novelist, as well as a Writer-in-Residence at Howard University and a political activist. He also cowrote, with Ruby Dee and Jules Dassin, the screenplay for the film Up Tight! Mr. Mayfield’s story, “The Last Days of Duncan Street,” is an affecting time-capsule snapshot of boys and a neighborhood.

  Larry Neal was a writer, poet, and, with Amiri Baraka, one of the most significant members of the Black Arts Movement during the 1960s. For several years he was Executive Director of the District of Columbia Commission on the Arts and Humanities. His story, “Our Bright Tomorrows,” is a meditation on loss, revolution, and the passage of time.

  Julian Mazor, a graduate of Woodrow Wilson Senior High School in the District (as is publisher Johnny Temple), made a splash in the literary world with his outstanding collection Washington and Baltimore, brought out by Knopf in 1968. Several of its stories were printed in the New Yorker, including our tale, “Washington,” about a traveling young white man who gets off a bus in a black D.C. neighborhood and his ensuing afternoon adventure.

  Elizabeth Hand moved to Washington in 1975 to attend Catholic University, where she studied playwriting and cultural anthropology. She worked in those years and beyond at the Smithsonian and was an active participant in the city’s storied punk movement. Her novels and short fiction carry shades of autobiography and cross genre lines gracefully, with a reoccurring interest in outsider artists. “Wonderwall,” harrowing and nakedly honest, is one of my very favorite D.C. short stories.

  The Washington Post once called James Grady, fittingly, a “local legend.” His early career as an investigative journalist and an innate curiosity for what lies beneath resulted in a deep understanding of the workings of this town that is evidenced in his auspicious body of work, which includes fourteen novels to date and numerous screenplays and short stories. “Kiss the Sky,” set in the now-closed Lorton Correctional Complex, is a good example of Grady’s ear for dialogue, rhythmic pacing, and cinematic eye.

  Ward Just is one of the finest authors to ever write about political Washington and, by extension, America. Many have traced his literary lineage to Henry James and Ernest Hemingway. I would add Graham Greene to the mix, in that Mr. Just is as concerned with the cost of a life devoted to politics and the spy game as he is the mechanics. “Nora,” from the original edition of his story collection The Congressman Who Loved Flaubert, is a haunting example of his singular talent.

  Benjamin M. Schutz was the author of seven Washington-based mystery novels and numerous short stories, for which he won both the Edgar Award and three Shamus Awards. He was a noted forensic and clinical psychologist whose knowledge of the human condition was strongly present in his fiction writing. Here we have “Christmas in Dodge City,” which depicts a night in the life of a Cold Case squad detective. Mr. Schutz, who passed away early in 2008, will be missed.

  Ross Thomas’s witty, urbane political thrillers, several of which take place in our town, are some of the finest Washington novels, regardless of genre, ever written. He wrote knowingly of the backroom deals made in the Federal City, of dinner parties in Georgetown, and of trysts in the Mayflower Hotel and three-martini lunches at Paul Young’s Restaurant, but he could also riff accurately on any neighborhood of the four quadrants. Our selection comes from the novel Cast a Yellow Shadow, published in 1967, one year before the riots, six years after our streetcars had ceased operation. If there was a D.C. Literary Hall of Fame, Mr. Thomas would surely be in it.

  Rhozier “Roach” Brown grew up in one of D.C.’s infamous alley dwellings. By his own admission, he came from a third-generation family of hustlers. In 1965, Roach Brown was sentenced to life in prison for his role in a robbery-murder, and alternated his serving time between St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and Lorton Reformatory. While at Lorton, he wrote poetry and conceived of Inner Voices, a prisoner-led theatrical troupe that performed plays written by Brown, one of which was broadcast on National Public Television. In 1975, President Gerald Ford commuted Brown’s sentence to time served. Brown has since been a local television producer, documentary filmmaker, has been appointed to congressional committees, and headed a media production and public relations firm. He was incarcerated again for a parole violation, and is now back out and writing, working with kids, and giving motivational speeches. We present his poem, “Reflecting,” written in solitary at Lorton Reformatory.

  I’ll leave you to enjoy these outstanding stories. With pride, and once again with hope and anticipation, here is D.C. Noir 2: The Classics.

  George Pelecanos

  Washington, D.C.

  June 2008





  R Street, N.W.

  (Originally published in 1900)


  Luther Hamilton was a great political power. He was neither representative in Congress, senator nor cabinet minister. When asked why he aspired to none of these places of honor and emolument he invariably shrugged his shoulders and smiled inscrutably. In fact, he found it both more pleasant and more profitable simply to boss his party. It gave him power, position and patronage, and yet put him under obligations to no narrow constituency.

  As he sat in his private office this particular morning there was a smile upon his face, and his little eyes looked out beneath the heavy grey eyebrows and the massive cheeks with gleams of pleasure. His whole appearance betokened the fact that he was feeling especially good. Even his mail lay neglected before him, and his eyes gazed straight at the wall. What wonder that he should smile and dream. Had he not just the day before utterly crushed a troublesome opponent? Had he not ruined the career of a young man who dared to oppose him, driven him out of public life and forced his business to the wall? If this were not food for self-congratulation pray what is?

  Mr. Hamilton’s reverie was broken in upon by a tap at the door, and his secretary entered.

  “Well, Frank, what is it now? I haven’t gone through my mail yet.”

  “Miss Kirkman is in the outer office, sir, and would like to see you this morning.”

  “Oh, Miss Kirkman, heh; well, show her in at once.”

  The secretary disappeared and returned ushering in a young woman, whom the “boss” greeted cordially.

  “Ah, Miss Kirkman, good-morning! Good-morning! Always prompt and busy, I see. Have a chair.”

  Miss Kirkman returned his greeting and dropped into a chair. She began at once fumbling in a bag she carried.

  “We’ll get right to business,” she said. “I know you’re busy, and so am I, and I want to get through. I’ve got to go and hunt a servant for Mrs. Senator Dutton when I leave here.”

  She spoke in a loud voice, and her words rushed one upon the other as if she were in the habit of saying much in a short space of time. This is a trick of speech frequently acquired by those who visit public men. Miss Kirkman’s whole manner indicated bustle and hurry. Even her attire showed it. She was a plump woman, aged, one would say about thirty. Her hair was brown and her eyes a steely grey—not a bad face, but one too shrewd and aggressive perhaps for a woman. One might have looked at her for a long time and never suspected the truth, that she was allied to the colored race. Neither features, hair nor complexion showed it, but then “colored” is such an elastic word, and Miss Kirkma
n in reality was colored “for revenue only.” She found it more profitable to ally herself to the less important race because she could assume a position among them as a representative woman, which she could never have hoped to gain among the whites. So she was colored, and, without having any sympathy with the people whom she represented, spoke for them and uttered what was supposed by the powers to be the thoughts that were in their breasts.

  “Well, from the way you’re tossing the papers in that bag I know you’ve got some news for me.”

  “Yes, I have, but I don’t know how important you’ll think it is. Here we are!” She drew forth a paper and glanced at it. “It’s just a memorandum, a list of names of a few men who need watching. The Afro-American convention is to meet on the 22d; that’s Thursday of next week. Bishop Carter is to preside. The thing has resolved itself into a fight between those who are office-holders and those who want to be.”

  “Yes, well what’s the convention going to do?”

  “They’re going to denounce the administration.”

  “Hem, well in your judgment, what will that amount to, Miss Kirkman?”

  “They are the representative talking men from all sections of the country, and they have their following, and so there’s no use disputing that they can do some harm.”

  “Hum, what are they going to denounce the administration for?”

  “Oh, there’s a spirit of general discontent, and they’ve got to denounce something, so it had as well be the administration as anything else.”

  There was a new gleam in Mr. Hamilton’s eye that was not one of pleasure as he asked, “Who are the leaders in this movement?”


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