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Hockey Ring

Page 13

by Kristen Echo

  “I forgot having sex in a car could be this much fun,” she joked, smoothing his wild hair. Even with his ends sticking in all directions, he was the sexiest man alive.

  “Sex in a limo works. However, sex in a car would be too confined,” he responded, kissing along her neck. “Then again, I’d make love to you anywhere you’d let me.”

  Her smile reached from ear to ear. “You’d make love to me on a plane?”

  “Hell yes,” he barked and kissed below her ear. “Would you come with me to the draft? We can make love all the way there and all the way back. Private jets are very useful for privacy.”

  “Tempting, but I want to be there for Wes in case there’s any fallout from her announcement.”

  He sighed. “You’re a great mother.” He kissed the tip of her nose, “I love that you have your priorities straight.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere. Except today. This isn’t a pleasure trip for you. It’s business and you wouldn’t have more than a few minutes to spare for me between meeting players and networking.” She pushed against his chest, adding a little distance.

  He pulled her back, holding her hostage. “I’d rather get more acquainted with you. I’d rather make love to you,” he added with a slight lift of his hip. His cock hardened inside her.

  “Spencer.” She slapped his chest.

  “I just got you back.” He captured her hand and kissed it. “I’m not ready to let you go.”

  “We’re together and I’ll still be yours when you get home.” She angled her body back slightly. Using her hands on his knees as leverage, she lifted and then slid back down.

  With the different angle, his cock reached all the way to her G-shot. “Mine.” He leaned forward and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  The heat washed over her. She hissed with each tug and lick. She repeated the maneuver, impaling herself on his cock. He rubbed their combined fluids in a circular motion against her clit. Each rise and fall carried them higher towards nirvana. It didn’t take long for her climax to curl her toes and rip her apart. He followed a minute later.

  By the time they reached the airstrip she was ready for a nap. Gwen tossed on her dress haphazardly and watched Spencer. Seeing him put on clothes turned her on just as much as when he’d removed them. It wasn’t fair for anyone to look so amazing after getting so sweaty. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked as dashing as ever. A thoroughly fucked man with the smile to match.

  The car stopped, and he kissed her goodbye. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. Given our lot, I don’t think I’ll get who I want. We’ll get some great players, but I had my eye out on one in particular. If we get the kid, I’d be surprised.”

  “Who is he?”

  “Sergei Vadim. He’s got a bad reputation. Fights, booze, drugs and everything we don’t usually want, but he can play. He skates like his life depends on it. The young man’s got something special. With proper coaching, I think he’ll fit into the family. Between him and Montagne, we’d own the ice.”

  “You already own the ice, she stated.

  “I do.” He smirked and her insides quivered. “But I’m greedy. This guy is young and hungry. I’m hoping the others might overlook him because of his past mistakes and his life of the party persona. Time will tell.”

  “Yes it will. Good luck!” Gwen kissed him one last time and pushed him out of the car.

  He blew a kiss over his shoulder and she caught it. His swagger as he boarded the plane could never be matched by another. This man was the entire package, and he had her heart. As the limo turned back towards the house, she hoped she wouldn’t regret giving him a second chance.

  Before the limo pulled into the driveway, her phone rang. Reba.

  “Hello,” she answered, tucking her hair behind her ear as if anyone could see her. “This is Gwen Eastman.”

  “Hello Gwen. It’s Reba Blackburn. I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. Our board has been undergoing a shuffle and getting the players to move has been more of a challenge than expected. The good news is we’re ready to move ahead with a job offer. Are you still interested?”

  Gwen squeezed her hands and scrunched her face with a silent squeal. “I’m very interested. Are you offering me the position?”

  Reba laughed. “Good. I’m emailing the contract as we speak. The terms are exactly as we discussed, and it would be for one year. If we can secure additional funding, it might be longer. Look over the paperwork. If you have any questions, let me know.”

  She exhaled and wiped a happy tear from her cheek. “Thank you. I’ll return the document within the hour. When would I be starting?” Gwen did a happy dance in her seat.

  “Monday. If that’s too short notice, we can work something out, but it would be great for you to learn the ropes before Canada Day. That’s always crazy for us,” Reba added.

  “Monday is perfect. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “Perfect. I’m looking forward to working with you, Gwen.”

  They exchanged a few more details about the job before disconnecting. Gwen read the email and the contract while sitting in the limo. She dropped her phone on the cushion and screamed.


  She laughed and yelled again. Her feet tapped against the floor as she pounded the cushions. Her phone bounced to the ground, landing next to her bra and torn panties. Covering her mouth, she laughed and picked them up.

  A few weeks ago, she never expected things to end like this. Life had tossed her many forks in the road but this one was by far the best. Her daughter was on the road to recovery. Wes was smiling again, and she had a job. She had things to look forward to. Not to mention she was a superhero. Gwen exhaled and relaxed.

  Hugging her underwear, she smiled. Her first love was back in her life. She was in love with Spencer Northcote. She rubbed her swollen lips. The heavens had shined down on her twice. When they were younger, he’d saved her by giving her a reason to smile after her mother had died. He’d done it again, giving her a chance to start over.

  The new job was the icing on the cake. Finally, she’d be able to take care of her bills and get back on her feet. She wouldn’t have to be homeless. Maybe her sister would be proud of her.

  Miracles happened. Right?

  It seemed that way. Gwen wanted to share the good news. She grabbed her phone and typed a message.

  “I got a job! I love you.”

  There were more people to tell and she couldn’t wait to spread the joy.


  N HL drafts were a much bigger deal than Gwen realized. She sat with Wes and Connie and watched the live broadcast. She considered herself a hockey fan, but never put much thought into the selection process. Over two hundred players waited to be selected, hoping to hit the ice in the fall. Not each one would sign a contract, but they were on their way.

  After the girls had gone to bed, she’d stayed up late watching the team’s season highlights. Hockey had always been her father’s favorite and something they chatted about. Since he’d passed, she’d lost interest somewhat. Coupled with everything going on this past year, she hadn’t paid much attention to sports. That was a shame.

  Seeing the puck sail across the ice and the hustle of the players reminded her how much she loved it. Having met one of the players gave it a more personal feel too. Nicolas Ivarsson was a franchise blue liner all the way. The team captain was a beast. He protected the puck better than most. Their defense did an amazing job keeping the offense at bay. But she had to give props to their goalie. Martin Thomas was impenetrable. Between him and Wilder, they allowed fewer goals than any other team in the league. Of course, Theo Montagne was a superstar. He’d been a first-round draft pick and she could see why.

  Spencer’s team had earned the Cup, but it hadn’t been easy. Despite her best efforts, Gwen had teared up when they won the final game. Seeing a brute enforcer like Luka Pedlanski drop to his knees proved too much. When Spencer held the Cup with his team, the da
m had broken and happy tears flowed. Moments later, she’d shut down the computer and gone to bed.

  Wes flipped through the channels. “There’s nothing on.”

  “I was watching the draft,” Gwen replied. “Can you switch back?”

  She huffed but did as requested. “Fine, watch boring TV.”

  Each team snatched the players they wanted, making young men’s dreams come true. The athletes were getting their shot at playing professional hockey. Big money would soon exchange hands. Their smiles and jubilation translated easily through the lens of the camera.

  Watching the television with an avid eye, she waited for a glimpse of Spencer. When his smiling face finally appeared, her heart soared. He tried to blend into the background, but it was impossible. He shook hands with Sergei Vadim and welcomed him to the Puck Battle team. The young man wasn’t a first-round pick, but you’d never guess from his cocky smile. The teenager looked like a handful. The GM, Head Coach and the player posed for pictures.

  She sent a text to Spencer. “Congratulations. You got what you wanted.”

  A second later her phone beeped. “Much to celebrate.”


  They had so much to be thankful for. If her sister would have returned her text, life would have been perfect. She had a new job she couldn’t wait to start. Spencer had some amazing new talent to add to his roster. And Westlyn was holding it together after her statement went viral the previous day.

  The hockey player winked and blew a kiss at the camera, surprising Gwen. The young man had a striking profile and a ton of arrogance. Gwen glanced at her daughter who was leaning closer to the screen. Her eyes were fixed on him, drinking him in. Wes wasn’t usually attracted to jocks, but she could tell this kid had peaked her interest.

  “Would you say he’s hot or just okay,” she asked.

  Wes nearly fell off the couch before straightening her posture. A bright pink blush crept up her neck and covered her face. She was as bad as Gwen at hiding her emotions.

  “He’s whatever. I wasn’t even looking at the hockey player. Um… I’ll be back in a minute.” She shot from the room so fast a trail of smoke could have followed in her wake.

  Gwen laughed. Connie seemed oblivious to all of it as she continued working on her puzzle. She’d made some huge progress. The field of flowers had been pieced together, leaving only the barn and sky. Gwen joined her at the table and leaned over the masterpiece.

  “You’re doing great. Need an extra hand?”

  “Yes, please.” Connie patted the spot on the plush carpet on the floor beside her. “Think we can finish before my dad comes home? I’d love to surprise him with it.”

  They had a few hours. Anything was possible. “If we work together, there’s nothing we can’t do,” she answered.

  Connie paused and peered up at her. “Daddy says that a lot. He likes you a lot too. I can tell because he’s whistling and humming more lately. He does that when he’s happy.”

  “I’m glad he’s happy. I like your daddy very much,” she admitted as she sank onto her knees next to the little girl. “And I like you a lot too,”

  She smiled and her tiny nose wrinkled. “Thank you. I heard him say you’re the one that got away. I don’t know what that means. Are you going somewhere? I don’t like when people leave.”

  Her heart thundered in her chest. “I’m not leaving. Don’t worry. Should I start on the sky or the big red barn?”

  Westlyn joined them, sitting across from Gwen. She shook her head and set her phone down. “My email is overflowing and I’m too afraid to open any of them.” She worried her lip between her teeth.

  The PR company had worked their magic. Her statement along with a recent picture were all over the news and internet. Spencer was no longer being portrayed as the bad guy. Rex Ressa and his gang were responsible for the disappearances and the influx of drugs on the city streets. Wes brought awareness to the peer pressures and how not saying no could have devastating consequences.

  Gwen didn’t love the idea of so much attention being on Wes, but the message was worth it. She couldn’t have been prouder of her little girl for fighting back and for telling the truth.

  So far, the backlash had been minimal, and she hoped it stayed that way. “I thought we agreed no social media or phones for the rest of the day.” She reached into her pocket and set her phone next to her daughters. “We can deal with whatever comes our way later. Those people will all still be there in a couple of hours.”

  “Make her do the sky,” she said and stuck her tongue out.

  “Yes. The sky,” Connie agreed.

  Gwen laughed as she stared at the hundreds of seemingly identical light blue pieces. Picking up one with a jagged edge, she glanced at the table. It didn’t look like it belonged anywhere. She started in the corner and quickly moved to another area. She tried a few wrong placements and almost gave up. But when she looked harder, she found its home right where she’d started.

  “Got it,” she announced proud of her small accomplishment.

  That tiny blue, unremarkable puzzle piece reminded her of her life. She’d come full circle and landed back to where she’d started. Deep in her heart, she knew this was where she belonged. She picked up another piece and a new search began.

  They worked together for hours until every piece was in its rightful place. When Spencer returned home, Connie tackled him before the door closed behind him. His entire face lit up at the sight of his daughter.

  He stumbled backwards with a laugh. The low rumble tickled Gwen’s eardrums. His laugh was as hypnotic as his eyes. She smiled when those baby blues landed on her. The intensity lasted only a moment before his focus returned to Connie. He spun her around and kissed her temple as he set her back on her bare feet. The love between them flowed so freely and easily.

  The little girl grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the den. “Daddy, you have to see my surprise.”

  “I can’t wait to see it.” He winked at Gwen as he passed her in the hall. His fingertips grazed her forearm, sending tingles across her body.

  Pointing at the completed project, she beamed. “Do you love it?”

  “Great job.” He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her shoulders. “Should we frame this one and add it to my collection or break it and restart?”

  Connie gasped and her eyes grew larger than a grapefruit. “You wouldn’t?”

  “I’m joking. We’ll frame it tomorrow,” he offered.

  Perfect ringlet curls bounced as she jumped up and down. “Yes, frame it. It’s so pretty. Just like Gwen and Westlyn. They helped me finish in time. Cool, right?” She raced to the door. “I’m going to your room to pick a spot on the wall for the new addition.”

  Spencer’s bedroom walls were covered with Connie’s art and projects. Gwen loved the way he showcased and supported both of his daughter’s talents. Along with framed art and canvases were sheet music and poems from his eldest intermingled with family pictures. It was a room filled with love and adoration. There was nothing impersonal about where he slept.

  “Sounds good. I’ll be up in a few minutes. Get ready for bed and I’ll tuck you in,” he said, stepping next to Gwen and taking her hand. His heat enveloped her.

  Drawn to him like he provided the air in the room, she leaned against him and breathed him in. She’d missed his clean masculinity. She’d missed him. They were apart for less than two days and she craved his presence. This wasn’t good. They hadn’t talked about the important things yet, like their future or the terms of their relationship. Rekindling the physical had taken precedent, but a serious conversation was in order.


  At this moment, she was content to simply be near him. “Welcome back,” she purred next to his ear.

  “It’s great to be home,” he announced as he draped his other arm over her shoulder. He gave her a gentle squeeze. “How are you doing Wes? Everything okay?”

  “I’m good. Things went well,” Westlyn rep
lied from the couch. Her phone was in her hand, but the screen was blank. “Work-wise I’m great. Connie is an amazing kid and I love working with her. I can give you a detailed account of what we did while you were away.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I’m more interested in how you’re feeling following your big announcement. Daisy has kept me in the loop for the most part, but I’m concerned about our city’s newest superhero. I’m used to the limelight, but it can be overwhelming.”

  “Oh,” she said, setting her phone on the coffee table. “I’m not a superhero. Are they really calling me that?”

  He chuckled. “Haven’t you been following the online chatter?”

  Wes glared at her mother. “Mom suggested I avoid social media for a while. We’ve hunkered down here since it went live. I’m curious.” She worried her lip and picked up her phone. “What if they’re saying bad things? I’m kinda nervous.”

  “You’re a brave young girl. I think you’ll be surprised by the responses.”

  Touched by his concern, Gwen squeezed his hand. “Unlock your phone and get it over with. We’re here for you.”

  The ‘we’ comment slipped out. She didn’t hate the way it rolled off her tongue. Still, she cringed inside, not knowing how he would react. They weren’t an official we. She glanced at Spencer. Either he didn’t notice or cared not. She looked back at her daughter whose cheeks were stained pink.

  “Over a thousand new friend requests.” She clicked on her screen. After a few minutes of swiping her eyes filled with tears as she read something.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Gwen asked.

  “Nothing.” Her daughter stood and walked towards the door with her nose practically touching her screen. “I need to do this alone. I’m going to go to my room to catch up on the buzz. See you two tomorrow.”

  “If it’s nothing, why are you crying?” Spencer stepped in front of Wes before she could escape.


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