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Dare Menage 2: Daring Proposal

Page 8

by Jeanne St. James


  She took a sip and the bubbles made her scrunch her nose. “Mmm. That is so good.”

  “Your face says otherwise.”

  “No, it’s really good, the bubbles tickled my nose.”

  “I kept that bottle for a special occasion.”

  She looked at him in shock. “Really?”

  So, it was probably an expensive bottle of bubbly… Did he really feel like tonight was an occasion worth opening a vintage bottle of champagne? He kept surprising her, keeping her on her toes. He was so not a typical jock.

  “What are you smiling at?” He asked her.


  “No, that wasn’t nothing.”

  She gazed toward the lake, avoiding his eyes. “I was merely surprised that you’d think a dinner with me would be a special occasion.”

  He covered her hand with his, where she had it laying on the table. “Don’t discount yourself.”

  “Are you sure you were a football player?”

  “I’m trying to show you my gentler side, the manners my momma taught me. Later, I’ll show you my beast side. The animalistic side where I’m going to tear off your dress and fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.” He growled like a tiger, which made her giggle.

  “You sure we need to eat dinner first?”

  He laughed. “Yes, Adelia would kill me if the gourmet dinner she prepared went to waste. And I do want to watch the sunset with you first. It’s beautiful, I promise.” He pulled the cloche off her plate and said, “’All must eat to live and nourish one another.’”

  “What’s that from?”

  He shrugged and unveiled his own meal. “I heard it somewhere and I liked it. It stuck.” He indicated the food. “Grilled lamb chops, grilled asparagus, and polenta. Grilled, of course.”

  She took a bite of the lamb. It was succulent.

  “By the look on your face, I think it’s safe to say you like lamb.”

  “I hardly eat it, but this is perfect. Wow. Thank the chef.”

  “I actually wanted her to make my favorite dish, but she thought this would pair better with the champagne.”

  “What’s your favorite dish?”

  “She makes an awesome gourmet burger, with a side of hand-cut fries doused in malt vinegar. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. And then she makes the best homemade coleslaw ever. Her food is orgasm quality.”

  “Wow. That does sound good!”

  “Next time.”

  Yes, next time. If there was a next time. Eve sure hoped to hell there was a next time. The man sitting across from her kept her guessing. He was like an onion with so many layers. She wanted to be able to peel all those layers away, to discover all his nuances. If he’d let her.

  With full bellies, they moved over to a cushioned love seat on the deck that faced the water. The croak of the bullfrogs and chirp of the crickets serenaded them as they waited for the sun to lower. The colors in the sky reminded her of a painting. It was peaceful and serene.

  The man next to her was solid, his arm wrapped around her bare shoulders. She leaned into him, practically tucked under his arm. She pressed her face into his neck and inhaled him, his scent. He smelled so good. She detected a fresh smell of what she thought might be honey…and oatmeal?

  “Why do you smell like breakfast?” she murmured against his skin. His deep chuckle sent a shiver up her spine, hardening her nipples.

  “It’s my soap. It’s locally made with honey, oatmeal, and goat’s milk. Are you cold?”

  “No. Is it also made up with the tears of angels? Because you smell like heaven to me.”

  Ren snorted. “Oh, you got jokes.” He squeezed her and lowered his face, kissing her hard, taking complete possession of her mouth and tongue.

  Eve’s wrapped a hand around the back of his head, and moaned into his mouth. Their tongues danced together, their breaths mingled. She closed her eyes to sink deeper into the kiss.

  Her other hand found his waist, trying to get even closer, if it was possible. His hands slid over her bare back, over her shoulders and down both arms until he got to her wrists. He pulled himself free and pulled back away from her slightly.

  “Baby, unless you want me to take you right here, right on this deck, we need to hold off a bit. I promised you a beautiful sunset. Once the sun is down, all bets are off.”

  Eve didn’t know if she could wait that long. Her breathing was strained and she was already wet. “How soon is the sun going down?”

  Ren let out a ragged breath. “Damn, you’re not making this easy for me. We need to stand up.” He grabbed her hand to help her up. “I’m hard as fuck.” He adjusted himself in his tailored black slacks. He guided her to the deck rail. She leaned her belly against it, and he stood behind her, his hips tight against her ass. “Can you feel me?”

  Eve’s breath caught; she could only nod.

  Ren swept her hair to one side and nuzzled her neck. He worked his way down, kissing and licking her heated skin, then nipping her where her neck met her shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her waist, the weight of her breasts against his forearms. He leaned his cheek against hers.

  “There. See that? Mother Earth is going to bed for the night. She’s giving us all those amazing colors as a goodnight.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “It never gets old.”

  They watched as the sun lowered until it slowly disappeared behind the horizon, the vibrant colors slowly turning to hues of dark blue, gray, and black.

  Her heart skipped a beat when he grabbed her hand and escorted her back through the house. He led her to the impressive staircase in the foyer.

  “That’s a lot of stairs,” she teased.

  “Do you want me to carry you?”

  “I thought you’d never ask!”

  When he swung her up into his arms, she squeaked in surprise. She could feel the rumble of his laughter in his chest.

  She lightly punched him in the arm. “I was only kidding!”

  His biceps flexed, and she smoothed a hand over the muscle as he climbed the stairs with ease, even under her weight.

  “So strong,” she said, laughing. “So manly!”

  He gave her a look, trying to appear serious and “manly,” but failing.

  He strode down the hall, carefully carrying her through the door of what she assumed was his bedroom. Bedroom wasn’t quite the right description. It was more like a suite. Okay, not even that. More like a small apartment, since the average bedroom doesn’t have a sitting area near a stone fireplace. She got a glimpse of a walk-in closet the size of her own modest bedroom. And the en suite bathroom? She couldn’t wait to see it. She bet it had a shower big enough for a Slip’N Slide. But it would have to wait.

  As he approached the bed, she expected him to dump her on it. But he didn’t. He gently lowered her to her feet on the hardwood floor.

  She turned in awe of his headboard. “Wow, you really take this steampunk seriously.”

  “You like it?”

  The headboard was massive, but a showpiece. It was clutches, gears, pistons, and exhaust manifolds, all pieced together and welded into an interesting piece of art. All in powder coating, giving it a dull black appearance. Very masculine, like him.

  “It’s crazy. And I mean crazy good. My dad was a big car buff. He would’ve loved this.”

  “Believe it or not, a fan made this for me. He found the scrap parts in a junkyard, welded it all together, and there you go.”

  “How did he know you liked steampunk?”

  “A piece was written about me in one of the sports magazines. The writer came here for the interview and took some pictures of my house. Not even six months later, this was delivered to my door. The note said it was a thank-you for bringing the Super Bowl trophy home to Boston for the first time ever.”

  “Did he at least get an autograph?”

  “Oh yeah. I sent him a nice package of autographed items.”

  She wandered over to one of th
e floor-to-ceiling windows. She could see the moon just rising enough to reflect off the water.

  Ren stepped up behind her, running his fingers down her arm, from shoulder to fingertips, and back up again. He grasped her shoulders and turned her around, so she had to look up into his face.

  He reached out and brushed her hair over her shoulder. His mouth opened, as if he were having a hard time forming a sentence. “I’m trying so hard not to be a beast right now.”

  A beast.

  A shiver ran up Eve’s spine, puckering her nipples even harder. Enough to be painful.

  She fought the urge to rub them, to soothe them. To circle her fingers around her own nipples, inviting him to take over.

  Ren stared at her intensely as she searched his features, his face.

  “You’re a very handsome man, you know. I’m going to touch you.”

  “Only if you’re prepared for the consequences,” he warned her.

  “Would I touch you if I wasn’t?”

  She traced her fingers over his brow. His eyes were large and a deep, dark brown. His nose was broad and a little crooked, probably from playing football all those years. At the corner of his left eye was a little scar. A result from rough game play? His ears were perfectly shaped; the square cut diamond studs in his ear were enormous, like his house. They must be two carats each, by her estimate. They seemed to be the only jewelry he was wearing. Or what she could see, since he was currently still overdressed for her taste.

  She ran a thumb over his bottom lip and he caught it between his teeth. His smile was so bright in contrast to his rich, dark chocolate skin tone. His cheek bones and his chin were chiseled and strong. His face was broad and one hundred percent male. From his chin, she moved her hands along each side of his jawline. It was powerful and distinct, like she imagined the rest of his body was. She cupped her right hand around the front of his throat, his Adam’s apple jumping beneath her palm. Her left thumb stroked across his perfectly shaped lips again.

  His eyelids had lowered during her exploration, barely hiding the heat behind them. When she was done and he finally looked at her, the heat had turned into raw passion. A slight tic pulsed in his jaw.

  She tilted her head as she studied him, and without thought, she murmured, “There is a saying: the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.”

  She barely heard his response. His moist breath washed over her thumb. She finally started to pull her hand away, but he caught her wrist.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I said that out loud. That was extremely inappropriate.” Her apology was a breathless whisper, the words catching slightly. But she didn’t care if what she said was inappropriate, because under her right palm, which was still tightly pressed against his throat, his pulse was beating even faster.

  “Tupac’s lyrics in one of his songs. ‘Keep Ya Head Up.’”

  The harder he held her left wrist to keep her thumb against his lips, the tighter her right hand wrapped around his neck.

  Heavily muscled and sinewy, this was not a throat that could be easily crushed. Hot blood pulsed strongly through pronounced veins.

  Ren Landis was built like a bull.

  She had no doubt his hand could crush her wrist with no effort at all.

  He was strong and solid.

  And she wanted to see him naked.

  HE WANTED TO see her naked, spread open over his bed. Soft thighs, curvy hips, handfuls of breasts. Damn. She had it going on.

  Her hand on his throat was tight, and restricting his breathing a little, but he liked it. He had a raging hard-on like no other.

  “You like to play rough?” he asked her.

  She gave a little shrug and the tips of her fingers dug into his skin a little deeper. “I don’t know.” A little nervous laugh escaped her. She was so playing with fire!

  He reached down, grabbed her ass, and lifted her up and against him, making sure she felt his hard length. “You don’t know?” He spun her around, breaking her grip. He placed her on the bed on her knees, facing her away from him.

  She shook her head, her hair sweeping down her back. It was long and silky and he wanted to grab fistfuls of it and bend her to his will.

  He bent close to her ear and growled, “We’ll see how rough you like it.”

  She made a little noise, and, since she hadn’t said no, he slipped the top of her smoking hot dress over her head, revealing what he already knew. She wore no bra. She had full, luscious breasts but they were still perky enough that she could go without support. And he liked that she was bold enough to go without. Nothing wrong with a woman with natural breasts. Just how he liked them.

  He reached around to cup both breasts, squeezing them slightly, his thumbs rubbing over her hard nipples.

  “I’m going to pinch them, twist them, and later I’m going to bite them. Do you want that?”

  Again, he only heard a small noise, which sounded like encouragement to him. He kissed along her shoulders as he played with her nipples, doing what he said he would. He pinched the hard tips before rolling them between his thumbs and fingers. He twisted them a little harder, pushing her until she cried out, not in pain, but a low sound of pleasure.

  She wanted more. And that made his balls tighten and his cock twitch within his pants.

  “Turn around.”

  She did as she was told and she turned to face him on her knees at the edge of the bed. Her face was flushed and her eyes were glazed. And she wore a bit of a distracted smile.

  “Get on your back.”

  She pulled her legs from out beneath her, putting them on each side of his where he stood. She lay back.

  “Hips up.”

  Ren reached underneath her to find the zipper at her waist and slide it slowly down, releasing the snug fabric. He wiggled the dress over her hips and down her thighs. No thigh-high stockings tonight. It was somewhat of a pity since those stockings were hot, but the skin on her legs was flawless and smooth, and, yes, he could find some freckles. His hands slid along her skin as he slid the bottom of the outfit down to her ankles and over her heels.

  Now she was only in panties and her heels. Almost completely naked on his bed. His heart felt like it would pound out of his chest. He inhaled deeply and slowly in an attempt to slow himself down.

  He debated whether to strip her totally naked or to leave the shoes and panties on for a little longer.

  His fingers fumbled with each button on his dress shirt in his rush to get it off and he finally threw it to the side. He unbuckled his leather belt, and with a quick pull, he yanked it from the belt loops and threw it in the same direction as his shirt.

  He kicked off his shoes and socks at the same time as he unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks, sliding them down and discarding them.

  As anxious as he was to get undressed, he paused when he noticed Eve was watching him. He looked down and saw how hard he was through his tight boxer briefs.

  “Take these off me.”

  She obliged, hooking her fingers into the waistband and slowly, ever so slowly, sliding them down his wide thighs. Her eyes never left his cock.

  He kicked them off and said, “Suck me.”

  He still stood between her legs and she shifted closer to him. Eve’s fingers wrapped at the root of his cock.

  And squeezed. Sweet mother!

  A pearly drop of precum escaped.

  She bowed her head and licked it up.


  Her lips captured the end and she licked around the edge, before slowly taking him deeply into her warm, wet mouth. The sensation was unbelievably fucking hot.

  She made a noise when she got to her limit, when she couldn’t take any more of him in. But she held him there for a second, two, three, before pulling her head up just enough to take a breath and then deep throated him again.

  Holy fuck. He was going to lose it!

  He fought the urge to thrust deeply, all-out fuck her mouth. But he wanted to. Oh, did he want to. He dug his fingers into
her hair, grabbing two handfuls. The little sounds she made as she sucked him almost threw him over the edge.

  She squeezed her fist harder around the base of him, causing his cock to become a deeper purple. Her mouth was a wet vessel for his length, her tongue lapping the tip on each lift of her head.

  “Stop!” Ren cringed internally; that had come out much louder than what he had intended. But if she didn’t stop, she would get a throat full of his come. He wasn’t made of steel.

  The first time he came with her, he wanted to be deep inside her.

  He backed away from her and went to the top of the bed, tucking a pillow behind him as he leaned against the metal headboard and settled himself.

  “Panties off, shoes off. Then come to me.” His cock was so hard. He was going to have to keep his cool so he wouldn’t blow his load in thirty seconds.

  Ren watched Eve stand up in her heels, her legs appearing longer than they actually were; she slowly slid her panties off.

  Her body was so damn luscious. She only left a little strip of hair above her pussy and he wanted to bury his face there. But he could only take so much at this point. Again, it would have to wait for next time. He looked forward to pleasuring her, and could imagine her rolling around, gasping, and moaning as he ravished her pussy with his mouth.

  He closed his eyes, trying to get that picture out of his head. It wasn’t helping.

  When he opened them, she was shoeless by the side of the bed, climbing onto the mattress.

  He held his hand out to help her balance, and she climbed up and over him, straddling his lap.

  “Your body is gorgeous,” she told him. He worked hard to stay in shape, and he appreciated the compliment.

  “Yours also. I was just thinking how next time I want to eat you out until you come in my mouth.”

  She wiggled slightly in his lap, probably getting the same image as he was.

  Her pussy was hot and damp against his skin, and with a slight shift he could have his cock at her opening.

  She leaned close and they met halfway, kissing. They sucked each other’s tongues and lips, and nibbled at each other’s mouths. Her breasts pressed against his chest, the tight tips pushing against his skin.

  She rose just enough to place her wet crease along his length. Then ground down against him as he kissed her.


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