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Vitus: #9 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas)

Page 7

by Madison Stevens

  “Look, you can’t go around flirting with all my customers,” she said. “I’m going to start getting complaints.” A little white lie wouldn’t hurt. At least that’s what she told herself.

  Vitus unfolded his arms and stepped forward. “Is that what this is about? Jealousy?”

  Grace glanced from side to side as he took another step, his face a firm line, something she’d never seen from him before.

  “I… I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said. Grace mustered up all the courage she had and quickly made a beeline toward the door.

  Vitus was faster. He stopped her in her tracks and pinned her against the metal table there.

  “You’re jealous,” he said. “Admit it.”

  Grace huffed loudly. When she looked up to his face, she was surprised to find the smile there. She frowned at him. “I’m not jealous.”

  The smile on his face turned more to a smirk, and he pressed in a little farther. She could feel the warmth from his body as he did so. “Tell me you’re jealous, Grace,” he said, his voice low and husky as he leaned in closer to her.

  She felt her knees go weak as he spoke. As if some sort of spell were placed on her.

  “I know you wanted that girl,” Grace said, her voice trembled as she spoke.

  His eyes narrowed as he reached out and grabbed her body and pulled her tightly against him, pressing his thick erection against her stomach.

  “You feel that?” he asked.

  Grace gulped.

  “I don’t want her. I want you.”

  She gasped loudly as Vitus leaned down and covered her mouth with his.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Vitus’s frustration from the week came out in the rough kiss. He respected her boundaries. That’s why he’d never pressed more than she wanted. Or at least what he thought she wanted.

  But this was different. He didn’t just want her. She wanted him. He could smell her excitement in the air.

  With ease, Vitus lifted the small woman off the floor and placed her on top of a cold metal table in the back of the cooler. Her legs wound around him, and he groaned against her mouth.

  All week he’d had to suffer being hard near her but not being able to do anything about it. Just touching her like this damn near had him coming in his pants.

  Grace rocked against him, and he growled loudly.

  She broke away from his mouth to look over toward the door. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this. Tina could walk in any moment,” she said slightly breathless.

  “So?” Vitus grinned. “And then she’d walk right back out.”

  His mouth met Grace’s again. She sighed against him as he pressed his tongue between her lips. She opened to him, and they dueled in her mouth. Vitus let out another low rumble.

  He let his hands rove over her now, sliding up her tiny waist until his thumb brushed the side of her breasts. How he’d dreamed about this moment. Grace shivered in his arms, and he smiled around her mouth.

  Everything was perfect. She was so responsive to him, as if she craved him as much as he craved her. Before he’d thought he understood the Vestal-hybrid connection, but now he was truly beginning to understand what it meant: a connection of heart, soul, and body.

  Vitus let one hand trail from her side over the curve of her breast until he’d reached a button on her blouse. He didn’t care about anything: the chill in the air or employees who might walk in. The only person important was on the table right in front of him.

  With three quick movements, he had the buttons undone and was sliding his hands along the skin at her collar bone. So soft.

  Grace pulled back from his mouth as he traced the line of her bra. The soft see-through white fabric there hid nothing from him.

  Vitus bit down another growl. “Did you wear this for me?” he asked, his voice low and deep. He resisted the urge to tear the rest of her clothes off.

  She nodded slowly, her cheeks reddening.

  Vitus leaned in toward her mouth. “Say it, Grace.”

  Her blush spread from her cheeks to her entire face. “I wore it for you,” she whispered.

  That was all Vitus wanted or needed to hear. He leaned forward and covered the pink tip of her breast with his mouth and rolled his tongue over the fabric, using the rough feel of it to heighten the feeling for her.

  Grace rolled her head back, and Vitus glanced up the column of her throat. Her cheeks and lips were pink from his kisses.

  She was beautiful. The most beautiful woman in the world. He couldn’t believe he’d gone so many years without being with her.

  Vitus pulled back from her breast with a pop, and she glanced down at him. She watched him as he slowly made his way to the other breast. His mouth hovered just over the tender peak.

  “Do you like that?” he said.

  “Vitus,” she groaned.

  He gave a small smile before closing the distance once again. Grace’s mouth opened as she began to breathe heavily. Puffs of air billowed from her mouth as she did so in the cold room.

  More than anything, he wanted to be inside her, but he resisted the urge. Their true first time needed to be special. Not like this. Not in some back room in her store.

  Still he had to have more, or he’d go crazy. If anything, just a taste. Something to get him by for now.

  Grace moaned and couldn’t believe how good it felt.

  This was nothing like when she played with her nipples. Not even close. She wasn’t sure what the heck he was doing with his tongue, but whatever it was, she never wanted it to end.

  Her insides were already clenching with need. His thick erection was still clearly pressed against her as her hips moved of their own accord. Would they actually have sex in her cooler? She wasn’t sure. She couldn’t even say that she didn’t want it.

  Grace knew in the back of her mind that it was a bad idea. She was clearly setting a bad example doing something like this. But the attraction was overwhelming her, more and more each day.

  Vitus was all she ever seemed to think about. Maybe if she caved just this once, she’d be cured of her addiction and could get him out of her mind for a while.

  Even the lie seemed hollow as she said it in her head, but it was all she had for now.

  Grace gasped loudly and looked down her body as his hand brushed the inside of her thigh. Her skirt was hiked up nearly around her waist now, although she couldn’t remember when that had happened.

  Vitus stared at her as he continued to suck on her nipple through her bra, a clear smirk still on his face as his other hand brushed closer to her center.

  Her breath seemed to still the closer he got. Her body trembled as his fingers made their way to the juncture of her thighs.

  A low, deep moan echoed in the room, and for a moment, she didn’t even recognize her own voice.

  When at last his finger traced the line of her panties, Grace nearly came right there. Her back arched to press herself into his hand.

  Grace gripped his shoulders, the dark fabric of his shirt bunched under her fingers.

  “Relax,” Vitus said as he pulled back from her breast.

  His words did nothing as he slid down her body, his face now flush with her most secret area.

  “You can’t be there,” she said, her heart racing. She’d let things get out of hand.

  Vitus frowned and looked up to where she was trying to right herself. “Why?”

  Her throat ran dry. “I haven’t…” She paused, not really sure what to say. “I don’t…”

  Her words died in her throat as he leaned in closer, pulling her white lace thong to the side.

  “Did you wear this for me?” Vitus whispered.

  He looked up to where she sat, and she wished like crazy he didn’t have those stupid contacts in. She wanted to see the blazing blue like in the dream.

  Grace nodded.

  Vitus smiled and continued to move forward. “Good.”

  All the oxygen from her lungs escaped in one rush of air as his mou
th closed over her center.

  Slick, so slick. Better than her fingers by a long shot, and he knew just where to press as if he’d been studying her body his entire life.

  Her hips moved off the table, and only his powerful hand could make her sit back down.

  Grace gasped again when Vitus pulled the scrap of fabric to the side and swiped between her folds with his amazing tongue.

  “Let me show you how much I want you,” he groaned.

  Grace closed her eyes as he worked his mouth over her center, his tongue flicking against the tender nub there and then delving inside her, as if she were the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted.

  He moaned against her clit, and the sensation sent a jolt right to her middle. She opened her eyes to stare at him.

  Vitus had his mouth buried against her, his eyes watching her as he now thrust deep inside.

  Never in her life had she been more turned on than she was at that moment. She came with his mouth on her. Her orgasm swept through, and she could feel her juices as they rushed out. She threw a hand over her mouth to stifle her cry.

  Vitus only sucked harder, dragging it out until her toes curled from how amazing it was.

  When he finally pulled back, Grace could see her juices on his chin as he grinned up at her.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  Of all the things he could have said, that was the least expected. Her chest tightened as the heat of another blush spread across her face.

  Not sure what to say, Grace awkwardly climbed down off the table and made her way to the door. She stepped out into the back room, only then realizing how warm she had been in such a cool place.

  “Grace,” Vitus said, following close behind.

  She turned and stared at him. Not really sure what to say.

  “Hey, a customer wants to know how much for these pickled eggs. Gross.”

  Grace jumped as Tina stepped into the room. The young teen looked between the two of them and for a moment, Grace was certain they had been discovered.

  “You got a fever or something?” she asked Grace. “You look a little red.”

  Grace shook her head quickly. “We were just disagreeing about juicy fruit. I love mine when it’s dribbling down my chin.”

  She turned to glare at Vitus as he grinned stupidly back at her.

  “Okay…” Tina said, rolling her eyes. “So about these eggs?”

  Grace snapped her attention back to the teen. “$7.99.”

  The girl wrinkled her nose. “For this? Seems like a rip off, but okay.”

  Tina turned and made her way out of the back. Grace had nearly escaped herself before Vitus’s large hand landed on her arm. Suddenly she was tangled up against his chest once more.

  “Now that I’ve had a taste, I’m not letting you run anymore,” Vitus said, his voice low and quiet as he spoke.

  Grace’s heart was already thumping wildly in her chest again.

  His mouth landed on hers, and she could taste herself there. Something about it was as erotic as what they had just done.

  When Vitus pulled back, again she thought of his blue eyes.

  “We’ll continue this later tonight,” he said softly. He glanced over toward the door. “When we know we won’t be interrupted.”

  Grace nodded and was surprised when he stepped away. Vitus grinned as he made his way over to the doors leading back to the main room of the store.

  “Later, Grace.”

  With that Vitus made his way out, leaving her with a million emotions.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Vitus sat on the counter near the register and watched as Grace stocked the candy aisle. Tina scurried about doing the final tasks needed for closing. Every now and again he would catch Grace glancing over his way through out the day and knew she was thinking of their time in the back room.

  He wasn’t embarrassed, and he didn’t regret it. If anything, he only regretted that it hadn’t happened sooner.

  Vitus hadn’t intended for something like that to happen, but the sexual tension had been building between the two of them with them sleeping in the same bed every night, having her warm body snuggled next to his as they drifted off to sleep.

  Whether it was the Vestal connection or more basic attraction, she’d finally made it clear to him that she wanted him, not some dream version of him, but the real flesh and blood man. There was no way he could pass up the opportunity.

  Today had been a step in the right direction as far as Vitus was concerned. Grace had admitted her jealousy, and he had been able to show her that taking the next step with him wasn’t all that scary. They could be together if she’d just let go of a little control.

  Grace looked over to where he sat, a blush spreading across her face. He struggled to hide the smile that came to his face as she did so. He liked what he did to her.

  Tina came around the corner, and Grace turned away quickly, her back once again toward him.

  The teen moved a mop back and forth over the dirty floor. Vitus wrinkled his nose as a scent struck his nose. One thing was for certain, Tina had used entirely too much of the pine cleaning solution. The artificial smell choked the air.

  “Just about done,” the teen called over to Grace. A few more swipes over the floor by the door, and she was finished.

  Grace stood near the front door but stopped when Vitus also stood. If Tina was almost done, that meant she was almost ready to leave.

  “Is your mom here to pick you up?” Grace asked.

  The girl nodded toward two beams of lights outside from a car.

  “Yup,” she said.

  Grace smiled at the teen. “Thanks for your hard work today.”

  Tina nodded, a small smile on her face. He liked that Grace never seem to think any job was too small and was always grateful to her staff. Even if she didn’t have a powerful presence, she was a good leader in her own way.

  “See you Tuesday?” Tina asked.

  Grace nodded. “We’re closed tomorrow.”

  Vitus followed Tina over to the door. “I’ll lock the doors after you.”

  Tina started to open the door but stopped after a moment and turned around. “You know, I’m glad you’re happy,” she said simply.

  Vitus turned to look at Grace who seemed stunned by the teen’s words. “I… um… thanks?”

  Tina nodded and raced out into the cold night air.

  Vitus clicked the lock into place. He waited a moment, turned his back to the front door, and removed the contacts from his eyes. Now was the time for him to be on full alert, and he liked to have all his senses for that. Thrax was still out there, after all.

  He was surprised when he turned to find Grace still staring out at the headlights.

  “I wonder why she’d say that,” she mumbled more to herself than anyone.

  Vitus walked to her side. “Because she cares, and she wants you to be happy.”

  Grace frowned and looked up at him. “I was fine before…” She waved a hand in front of her.

  Vitus raised a brow. “Me?”

  She stared at him for a moment before huffing loudly. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, her words cut him to the bone. He’d thought they were making headway, but maybe it hadn’t been that at all. Maybe he had been lying to himself this whole time, or just letting his dick convince his head and heart that she cared as much as he did.

  This wasn’t what he wanted, being made to feel like he’d tricked some woman into being with him. Vestal or not, she needed to choose him, or it’d be pointless.

  “You know what I mean,” Grace said. She moved over to light switches and flicked them off.

  Vitus stared at her through the darkness. “I don’t think I do,” he said quietly, trying to keep any pain or anger out of his voice. “Why don’t you tell me what you mean?”

  Grace wrung her hands. He frowned. It was a nervous habit he hadn’t seen her do much that past week. That didn’t speak well for her thought process.

” she said softly. “You have to understand. I had a routine. A plan for each day and way of doing things. It’s what my parents did, and it’s what I did… I do. It’s how I’ve lived my entire life.” She sighed. “My parents worked so hard for me to have this place and not honoring their wishes just feels like I’m spitting on their graves. So I can’t just ignore things and pretend changes aren’t a big deal.”

  Vitus stepped toward her. “And what about what you want? Where does all that fit in?”

  Grace shook her head. “I was fine living like I was before. It’s just the way things have to be.”

  Vitus cleared his throat. It was suddenly far too dry. “And that life doesn’t have any room for someone like me?”

  Grace looked away from where he stood, and it hurt worse than anything she could have said.

  Vitus turned back to the door and opened it. “I think it’s time to go,” he said after a moment.

  Her feet shuffled behind him and without looking, he opened the door and stepped into the cold night air.

  After they both stepped outside, he waited a few feet away for her to lock the building. Her words still stung him in a way he never thought possible.

  When Grace moved behind him again, Vitus started the slow walk over to her house. It was the routine they had established just after the attack.

  Grace said nothing behind him. He supposed there was nothing else to say. They were strangers really. A few kisses and nights spent together didn’t change that in her mind. No matter how much he might want it to.

  He resisted a grunt. So much for the Vestal-hybrid connection. It didn’t seem to mean anything when it counted. At least to her.

  For the first time, Vitus understood what it meant when people talked about their heart breaking. He felt certain that if he were to listen to his heart at that moment, he would hear the sound of it cracking in two.

  Grace had been all he wanted for so long now, and now he wasn’t certain where to go with this. She was his Vestal. It wasn’t like there was another woman he could even connect with.


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