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But Death is Not Forbidden

Page 33

by Kip Terrington

  “That is a disgusting game of whack-a-mole. What are the developers thinking? Granddaughter, if you're watching this, I need you to tell them to dial it down. It's too graphic for me. When I had to cut my forearm muscle out, the flesh looked like it was straight out of a Grey's anatomy textbook. There's absolutely such a thing as too much detail, at least for me. Okay, do whatever you can. I'm going to go ahead and re-engage with this game. Moes, I know that kind of talk bothers you, but it had to be said,” Joe said.

  “Play the game the way you need to play it,” Moes said.

  “I'm surprised to hear you say that, last time you seemed pretty bent out of shape about it,” Joe said.

  “I've made my peace with that part of the situation. Obviously there's still quite a few issues I'd like you to deal with,” Moes said. In that moment, Joe made a decision and walked over to Moes, putting his uninjured hand on Moes’ shoulder.

  “I, King Joe, master of the five-sided castle, defender of the weak and oppressed, immortal Champion of the Way, with true authority, break the bindings that hold you. Henceforth, you are bound only by your conscience and principles. Any who wish to challenge this decision, challenge me. My authority will not be stripped from me, and neither will your freedom. Stand. For your bonds are broken,” Joe said.

  Use kingdom authority and personal mana to break the bindings holding Moes? Yes/No

  Joe selected the yes and felt his mana, which he had already used too much of, draw down below 10%. The king fell to his knees and Moes tried to help him not fall over, a tiny halfling trying to steady a large man like Joe.

  Grork began to growl and finally spoke.

  “You are the king! The time for breaking of silly bindings is not now. Taking a vampire lightly is foolhardy. I swore that I would follow the king. Be the king!”

  In that moment, Joe could see that Grork was right, silly sentimentality would cause him trouble if he didn't remember there was a time and place for such things. Forcing himself, Joe stood up.

  “Thank you Grork, I am the king. If this vampire won't surrender, we will have to kill it like the others. This time, let's just fill that hole with Life Magic until there's nothing dead left in there,” Joe said.

  “WAIT! I surrender!” 342 screamed.


  Slowly, the vampire put her arms out, palms open wide through the mole hill she created.

  Pointing to two of his bodyguards, Joe spoke, “You grab one arm and you grab the other arm, hold her tight.”

  As the yetis grabbed her arms, the vampire looked at Joe and noticed that he was injured. The vampire knew she was faster than these yetis. If she could get out into the open and make a break for it, even with Portal Magic, the king might not be able to stop her. She elongated her fangs and prepared to pull one of the yetis closer to her so that she could bite it and free herself.

  Joe had moved closer and was having none of it.

  As the vampire opened her mouth, Joe shoved his MIL bar down its throat. This evil being had just murdered one of his subjects. Joe was not gentle.

  “Throw her in the air,” Joe instructed and the yeti swung her by both arms up into the air, letting her go. She spun fifteen feet into the air and Joe mind-clicked his MIL Bar. 342 was upside down, trying to free herself from the bar stuck deep into her tummy and still sticking out of her mouth.

  Joe looked up at the vampire struggling in midair and positioned himself just below her. Joe then mind-clicked the MIL Bar again and she fell to the ground. As she fell, Joe caught her around the throat and pushed her hard onto the ground, activating the bar again. The vampire was now being held down by an immovable object.

  “Step on her arms and legs, please,” Joe said to the yetis. Vaeloff and Apuk did so, but it was clear, as they stood on the arms and legs, that they were hoping to grind them off.

  “Take it easy guys, I didn't say to break the arms off,” Joe said to the yetis who were obviously looking for revenge. Positioning himself at the head of 342, Joe squatted down so as to better speak to the captured foe.

  “As I'm sure you can feel, I put a bar down your throat. Unless you have the sword swallowing hobby, it is probably uncomfortable. In front of your very eyes, you can see one looped end. We will be tying ropes to that loop and securing the bar to your body. I understand that this seems cruel, but until I have a secure cell for you, this is how you will be secured. The safety of my people must be maintained, and to some extent, it's also for your own safety. I gave you an opportunity to surrender, but you elongated your fangs. You and I both know that is tantamount to drawing a weapon. I can only assume that you saw my weakened state and decided to take your chances. It doesn't really change your position very much though. I will say that it has cemented the truth that your word can't be trusted. Later, we're going to be asking you a lot of questions. Your level of comfort in this new paradigm will directly reflect your willingness to cooperate. For now, though, we're going to take away your weapons and secure you in the castle. Safe and secure, you know, till the situation stabilizes,” Joe said with a matter-of-fact tone, but then added a wink and a quiet finger gun.

  “Bork, do you have any pliers? Removing this vampire’s weapons is going to require a little dentistry,” Joe said and 342 struggled even more futilely. With his good hand, he carefully placed the pliers, securely gripping one of the vampire's fangs. Using his legs, more than his arm, he tried to pull the fang out. His twenty-sided eye spun landing on a 1.

  Unsuccessful strength check, critical failure.

  As he strained to pull the thing out, Joe felt a small tear in his biceps. He dropped the pliers and stood up grimacing.

  “So, apparently I can rip the bones of a skeleton apart but I can't pull a tooth out. And I didn't just pull a muscle in my arm. I pretty sure I tore it. I need to get back to my place of power and heal up. We have more guests on their way. Grork, will you take care of this vampire’s weapons?” Joe asked.

  Grork brought a closed fisted right hand to his heart and bowed his head toward Joe in salute.

  This was the first time Joe had seen the salute. He liked it. “I would return your salute, Grork, but unfortunately right now I'm not capable,” Joe said. Grork casually pulled out a small vial of acid, pouring a little bit on each fang. Then, without any wasted motion, he pulled out his pliers and ripped out the vampire's fangs. The vampire’s skin seemed to mummify before their eyes. The transformation seemed to mollify the yetis a bit as well. After Bork and Grork blindfolded and expertly secured the vampire with ropes, Joe deactivated his MIL Bar. Joe asked the yetis to take San’s effects and they did so. Before their eyes, the huge yeti corpse disintegrated into ash, and then disappeared. The three remaining yetis were astonished at this, but said nothing.

  “Loot the three halfling vampires. Let the UI decide distribution. I'm going to go loot Devigo and the lizard that I killed,” Joe said, then he turned in the direction where he had fought the human vampire. Approaching his fallen foes, he looted their remains and received messages regarding his new items.

  Rare Item Set: Yellow Sickle and Yellow Sword of Pestilence

  You have found a rare item set: Yellow Sickle and Yellow Sword of Pestilence. These weapons were cursed by the living embodiment of pestilence. One cut from their blades cause rapid generation of deadly viral and bacterial growth. Note: even an accidental cut of oneself is fatal to living flesh. For more information on this set, click on the detail tab from your HUD menu.

  Pick up Yellow Sickle and Yellow Sword of Pestilence? Yes/No

  Uncommon Item: Cape of Shadow

  You have found an uncommon item: the Cape of Shadow. While worn, this cape grants the wearer the skill of stealth.

  Pick up Cape of Shadow? Yes/No

  Item: Subterranean Map

  You have found a Subterranean Map. This map depicts the main caverns of the vampire territory and their primary hunting grounds.

  Pick up Subterranean Map? Yes/No

  Item: Vial of Human Vampi
re Blood (Qty: 5)

  You have found a Vial of Human Vampire Blood. This vial can be used in alchemical experimentation.

  Pick up Vial of Human Vampire Blood (Qty: 5)? Yes/No

  Item: Riding Tackle

  You have found a Riding Tackle. This versatile kit can be used to saddle and ride multiple species of animals. Ride high on a mammoth or low on a lizard.

  Pick up Riding Tackle? Yes/No

  Joe clicked yes for all the items. He found some gold and silver as well. After the loot was removed, the bodies quickly turned to ash. Carefully, Joe sheathed the pestilence blades, and then wrapped them tight so that no one would accidentally die. Joe was about to put the blades in his Holdall, but then he remembered the high-pitched voices. What if the blade diseased the voices? Instead, he attached the sheathed blades to his thighs, then received a message.

  Congratulations! You have completed your first item set.

  Pestilence Set- 2/2

  Set Bonus: Increased disease resistance.

  After Joe looted the human vampire, he saw that the slaves who now stood around were unsure of what to do. They were now listed as his slaves. In that moment, Joe made a decision. After he was back at his place of power and was able to heal his injuries, he would free all the slaves immediately. The other group of hundreds of individuals approaching his castle would have to wait until he was done, before he came out to deal with them.

  “Hello, I am sorry you all had to deal with those obnoxious slavers, but good news, they are dead. If you will follow me, we will head to that castle in the distance and see about getting all of you healed and free,” Joe said turning to walk back to the others. Though few of the slaves understood, they followed the bloody, yet positive Joe.

  As the others took their loot, there was silence. Just as Joe had said, the UI decided who received what items. There was no need for any interaction, and at that moment, no one felt up to it anyway. Joe walked up without another word and his people and the slaves followed in kind.

  Chapter 23 - Gesture

  As Joe and his entourage walked up to the top floor of his castle, he saw Bridcha having a heated discussion with Spooky. Knowing that his twenty-sided eye was going to react to the yeti chief, Joe closed it. The yeti chieftain noticed Joe and stopped his argument, bowing before the wounded king. Joe headed straight to the mithril-covered altar and sat down on top of it. He sighed in relief as his mana began to refill at an accelerated rate.

  “Hello Bridcha, I can see you have something on your mind, but I need to take care of some security issues with Spooky before you ask whatever it is you need to ask,” Joe said. The yeti began to interject, but Joe stopped him.

  “I'm sure it’s urgent, but unless it's about a child's safety or a woman going into labor, you need to wait,” Joe said and the chief stopped his fidgeting.

  “Spooky, as you can see, we captured a vampire. Is there a secure place I could house it for now?” Joe asked.

  “We have some small rooms we could use as a cell, but I would not count on them stopping a vampire from breaking through. However, because of the points I just received from leveling up, I can build something strong enough to hold it,” Spooky said.

  “That sounds good, then we can get my MIL Bar back. Let me heal up and I'll follow you down. We will get her locked up. For now, let's not discuss anything around this vampire,” Joe said as he began to cast healing spells. Growing a new forearm muscle required more concentration and mana that he would have thought. After about twenty minutes of spell work, his body was whole again. He asked the yeti chief to wait while the vampire was secured.


  Returning to his place of power, Joe finally felt free to speak.

  “Spooky, Moes, time for the Emancipation Proclamation. Start bringing the slaves up here so that we can free all of them,” Joe said.

  “Joe, some of them might not be ready to be freed,” Moes said.

  “I didn't say we're going to kick them out, just remove their slave marks. I understand there might be a good reason to wait, but at the very least I need them up here where I have more access to mana,” Joe said. Moes looked uncomfortable, but Spooky broke in.

  “We can do this, Joe, but it's going to take time. Most of them are not very mobile. You'll understand when you see them. Also, the approaching party will most likely reach the castle within an hour. You may not finish freeing the slaves before they arrive,” Spooky said.

  “Whoever that group is, they can wait. The other thing that needs to happen now is that all of the yetis who were injured, in the battle that shouldn't have happened, need to be brought up so I can fix them,” Joe said. Bridcha nodded and one of Joe's remaining yeti guards went to help the wounded.

  “Now, Mr. Yeti Chief, what was it you needed to talk to me about?” Joe asked.

  “I see message front of eyes,” Bridcha began waving a paw in front of his face.

  “Yes, it's called a HUD, which stands for Heads-up Display. What was the message you received?” Joe asked.

  “San die,” Bridcha said with confusion and grief evident in his voice. Joe did a facepalm.

  “Yes, she did, but she is different now. Just as you received a HUD, she also received a new ability. Not long ago, you saw me come back from the dead in this very spot I now sit. Sometime in the next few days, she will also be reborn in this same spot. She will have lost a little experience, but other than that, she will be as good as new,” Joe said.

  “Thank you king. May I die now? For my crime?” Bridcha asked.

  “Been talking to your daughter again, I see. No, I will not permit you to die because of stupidity brought on by grief. You're a big guy. There's a lot you could do if you need penance. You obviously want punishment, so in order to help you feel better, how about you go out and help widen and deepen the trench that's helping protect this castle? Good thing about that is the approaching party will see you and I can't think of anything better to make them believe caution is the smarter path,” Joe said and the yeti chief visibly brightened.

  “Bring some clan also? Outside good,” Bridcha asked.

  “Even better, but just none of the wounded,” Joe said.

  Bridcha stood up, closed his right paw, covered his heart, and bowed his head forward in salute. Joe, now fully healed, stood and returned the salute. Spooky had just returned and saw Joe return the salute.

  “So it was you who taught them that salute?” Spooky said.

  “No, I thought it was you. Probably just one of those fun things the developers put in. At least this is actually fun, unlike vampires poisoning us. That reminds me. We need to figure out a way to make their uniforms close in the front the whole way. The yetis can't work the buttons,” Joe said.

  “I don't understand why that wasn't in my calculations. I'll do some experimentation and find a latch system that will work for them. Are you ready to be partners again?” Spooky asked.

  “No, it's only been hours since we dissolved the partnership. Don't be one of those girls. See, I'm doing it again. You're an E.I.,” Joe said.

  “Just because I'm an E.I., doesn't mean I'm not a woman,” Spooky said.

  “It kinda does. You’re an E.I.,” Joe repeated.

  “If we no longer have a partnership, then I get to choose what I'm called. I'm a woman named Spooky Joy. Don't call me a computer, don't call me an E.I. I am those also, but I no longer like the way you say it,” Spooky said and Joe noticed the injured yetis coming up the stairs.

  “That's fine, I can call you Spooky, but it won't change the way I view you in here,” Joe said tapping his temple. Just then, two angels came in, carrying Joe’s Canvas of Netflixia and began setting it up about forty feet away from the mithril-covered altar.

  “Why are you setting that up?” Joe asked.

  “When the slaves got here, they were not in good shape. I've been letting them watch programming from Earth as entertainment and therapy. A few of them seem dependent on it. You wanted them brought up here as quic
kly as possible. This was really the best way,” Spooky said.

  Joe was going to ask another question, but then he saw one of the paraplegic slaves being brought up on a stretcher. It was only the first in line. Joe watched, stunned, as the mutilated slaves were carried or filed in. Some of them looked okay and were diligently helping the others. In his mind, he berated himself for not asking Spooky to create an elevator.

  Joe’s strongest magic was Life Magic. Because of his sensitivity, he could feel the bindings on them. Joe could feel the wounds that had never fully healed. The scar tissue that still hurt. The slaves sat before the canvas, having learned the small comfort it gave. On the other side of the altar, were the yetis who had been injured in the battle where Joe had ended up dying. The group of yetis and the group of slaves seemed to want to ignore each other. Instinctively, Joe looked through his HUD for a mass healing spell. He didn't have one. Frustration was evident on his face. A few of the slaves even noticed and shuttered in fear. That made Joe feel even worse. He wanted to heal them. There had been too many times in his life where he had felt powerless. The game should be different. He should be able to do what he wanted, and he wanted to help these people. Suddenly, a message popped up in his HUD.

  Would you like to choose Healer as your primary profession? Yes/No

  Joe's eyebrows raised and his mouth opened wide. Had the UI read his mind and offered a way he might accomplish this task? His open mouth formed the word yes and he clicked on the word.

  You have chosen your primary profession to be Healer.

  Current rank- Journeyman

  You have now acquired recipes and spells available to those with both the profession of Healer and the availability of Life Magic.


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