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But Death is Not Forbidden

Page 36

by Kip Terrington

  Types of Magic and Woefully Incomplete List of Spells

  Binding Magic, color: dark shadow

  L1 Binding Oath- Makes the words of an oath mean something. Holds target to the oath that they swear. The efficacy of this spell and ability to hold one to a given oath depends on a number of factors. The primary factor is the overall strength of the casting mage. The secondary factor is the power and willingness of the oath giver.

  L2 Sticky Ground- This spell makes the ground sticky. The spell can cover a five-meter diameter circle. The ground wishes to bind with things above it. The longer those standing on the sticky ground remain still, the stronger the binding.

  L3 Increased Viscosity- This spell strengthens the bonds in any liquid creating a more viscous fluid.

  L3 Cone of Silence- This spell binds a cone of air around the caster, stopping sound vibrations from penetrating the cone.

  L4 Stone Binding- Ability to bind stone back together, but only if it has been broken for 60 seconds or less.

  L4 Weak Bound Will- Ability to cause the will of a monster to become bound to the caster. Monster will remain aware of the bind and its actions, growing steadily in its anger toward the controller. Every ten minutes the monster is given an opportunity to break the spell.

  L5 Iron Lung- Ability to cause an enemy’s lungs to bind together, leading to a struggle to breath. If the enemy fails to resist the spell within ten minutes, the enemy dies.

  Death Magic, color: ash

  L1 Absorb- This spell allows the caster nourishment from the suffering of those around them.

  Energy Mass Conversion Magic, color: variable

  L1 Minor Structural Changes- Ability to use daily building points to make minor changes in castle. Example: move non load-bearing walls, create beds, or closets.

  L1 Non-magical Item Creation- Ability to use daily building points to make non-magical items you are truly familiar with.

  L1 Tiny Ivory Automaton- This six-inch ivory automaton, when provided with automating code, can be a great servant with many uses. Note: this level of automaton cannot leave castle walls and has no combat ability.

  L2 Ivory Automaton- This six-foot ivory automaton, when provided with automating code, can be a great servant with many uses. Note: is able to leave castle walls and has limited combat ability.

  L8 Tussaud’s Dream- This spell gives the caster the ability to create a wax mannequin that can perform a small monologue.

  Extraplanar Magic, color: greenish purple

  L8 Friendly Phasing- This spell allows a Plane Mage to bring a monster that he has cultivated from another plane, slightly into phase with the caster's current reality.

  Force Magic, color: purple

  L1 Kinetic Missile- This missile contains condensed force. With distance, the force dissipates. As with any kinetic strike, an anchoring of either the target or the caster can increase the damage done. Small chance to cause injury, but increased damage over time. Intensity of force increases with anchoring and a higher mass of the caster.

  Hybrid Magic, color: variable

  L5 Clarity of Thought- This spell creates new pathways in the brain, helping both the left and the right hemisphere to work together more efficiently.

  L5 Trance Cast- This spell allows the caster to cast spells they truly understand, continuously while in a trance state. This state allows the caster to lower the mana cost of the spell by 10%. Warning: for the caster, time does not appear to move. It is as if one is unconscious, and must be woken by an outside force.

  L10 Yeti Puppet- This spell was created by Moes, master of Mind and Spirit Magic. It allows the caster to replace the target’s will with the caster’s own. Warning: this leaves the caster's body completely vulnerable.

  Life Magic, color: white

  L1 Lesser Healing- Heals small amount of damage. With an infusion of life, things seem brighter because they are. Cheer up, life is all around you.

  L1 Lesser Life Link- Allows a stationary individual to draw a small continuous stream of Life Energy from a nearby mana pool. Drink up, the water's fine.

  L4 Unrelenting Proliferation- This spell causes cells to quickly multiply as long as the spell is active. This spell can be useful in regrowing tissue in large wounds. Note this spell can cause harm if not ended in a timely manner.

  L6 Apoptosis Enemy- This spell can bring a well preserved dead body back to life. Cell death does not have to be the end. Note: can only be cast on non-sentient soulless creatures.

  L8 Mass Life Synergustification- The spell allows the caster to release their life mana in a whirlwind of healing power. Size of the area affected is based on the combination of available mana and the skill level of the caster. Note: when used on the severely injured, the power of this spell can cause a dangerous feedback to the caster.

  Mind Magic, color: blue

  L1 Psi Blast- Mental attack causes pain and has a 10% chance of stun for 2 seconds. Chance of successful stun decreases with higher target levels and mental defenses.

  L4 Peekaboo- This spell allows the caster to glimpse the thoughts of the target. Small chance that the caster will change the target’s thoughts into ones that benefit the caster.

  L4 Mind Control- This spell allows the caster to cause one enemy to fight for the caster’s interest. Duration: 20 minutes. Successful recast with unoriginal target becomes less likely with each cycle.

  L4 Made Masochist- This spell causes the target to interpret pain signals as pleasure.

  L5 Mindstorm- This vicious spell jumps from mind to mind. As it continues to jump, it hurts each successive target more than the last.

  L7 Callosum Concussion- This spell causes the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere of the brain to begin sending contrary signals to each other causing the body to freeze up.

  Portal Magic, color: yellow

  L1 Ley Line Feel- While this spell is active the caster has the ability to sense strong ley lines within one mile of their location.

  L1 Tiny Jump- Short cast time. Teleportation of up to 30 feet along a horizontal track with no solid obstacles. Note: No ley line required. In lieu of a ley line, caster’s own magic creates a magical horizontal track.

  L1 Charge- Provide jump energy to item or individual.

  L2 Bind Point- Change bind point of portal item.

  L2 Myopia Copia- This spell creates one portal in front of the caster’s eyes and another closer to what the caster is trying to see. This gives the caster the ability to see things close up. Note: cannot be used over vast distances.

  L3 Small Portal- This small portal can transport the caster and their clothing along cleared ley lines, or a short distance on uncleared ley lines. Distance traveled along ley line depends on strength of cast versus environmental resistance.

  L4 Ley Line Purification- when this spell is active, caster may walk or run along uncleared ley lines and in doing so, they become a clear and safe portal corridor.

  L4 Small Two-Way Portal- this spell allows the caster to open a portal in which items, no more than one foot in diameter, may be put through from either side. Note: both ends of the portal must be visible to the caster.

  L4 Small Portal with Carry On- This portal can transport the caster and whatever they can carry along cleared ley lines, or a short distance on uncleared ley lines. Distance traveled along ley line depends on strength of cast versus environmental resistance.

  Spirit Magic, color: silver

  L1 Spirit Shield- Creates a shield woven from spirit energy. Lowers or blocks magical attacks and effects. Can shield only self and allies.

  L4 Confusion- This spell causes a moment where your motivation for everything becomes muddled. Similar to when you get off the couch and go into the kitchen and then forget why you're there.

  L4 Fear- This spell causes enemies to flee with fear. Affects the area within thirty feet of caster. Duration of effect variable, highly influenced by enemy’s fortitude and level of courage.

  L9 Extraction- This spell concentrates and spins spirit,
forcing it to act as a drill that penetrates and drains energy. This spell is often used when Spirit Masters duel. The loser is left a spiritless husk.

  Summoning Magic, color: tan

  L1 Wolf Howl- Call to the wolves and one may show up. This is a variable summons, where success depends on a number of factors. Wolves are judgmental creatures, get on their bad side and they will never answer your call.

  L2 Take Heart- This spell summons resolve in one's own heart.

  Moon Religions Currently Encountered

  Continuality (predominately in select goblin tribes)

  This religion is based on cause and effect. It consists of simple and not-so-simple sayings and proverbs. These religious sayings explain different cause and effect relationships.

  They are often crude and obvious, but to a goblin, these proverbs are what hold together their community. Their holy book is called Only Way Goblins will Thrive by the wise goblin Mawpook of the Brown Drum.

  A short excerpt:

  - Respect powerful goblins. If you don't show respect, it eat you. You be dead. Don't be dead.

  - When you have kid, don’t eat it. If you do, when you old, weak, you neighbors eat you. You be dead. Don't be dead.

  - Don’t eat neighbor’s kids. If you do, then neighbors eat you kids. If all kids eaten, when you old, weak, another tribe eat you tribe. You be dead. Don't be dead.

  - Teach kids respect leaders and elders. If you do not, when you old, weak, you kids eat you. You be dead. Don't be dead.

  The Repetitive Binary Code

  Printing from the 1970’s Soviet Union computer

  within ‘Their Subconscious.’

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  Who reads acknowledgements anyway? Let me answer that question for you, as I have an exhausted amount of anecdotal evidence for you. The powerful read acknowledgements and also those of keen intellect. You might also be surprised to find out that the humble and pure of heart tend to read acknowledgements. So, if you're reading this, you most likely belong in one of those designations, just like both of my editors. I acknowledge you and thank you for reading, though I am obviously not worthy, as I don't fit in any of those categories.

  I want to thank my editors, who gave up their precious time to change my writing from amateur to professional. Both your time and your suggestions are greatly appreciated. Sometimes I truly believe that when my wife takes my writing, she performs magic. This doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibilities for me, because she’s already shown she’s capable of supernatural feats in dealing with a husband who gets excited about anything and everything. Thank you.

  I also want to thank my family for all their support and enthusiasm about my first book. It's also time for me to say I'm onto you. One of you, and I don't know which one, must be secretly inordinately wealthy. I can give no other explanation for how so many copies of my first book sold. Obviously one of you simply bought a few thousand copies without telling me or letting anyone else know. I'm not going to try to figure out who it was, I only ask that you continue to do the same thing for book number 2. Otherwise my white elephant gifts at Christmas may have to go down in quality a notch or two. Okay, okay, I can't lie. That's not a bluff I can back up. My wife buys the Christmas gifts and even if I wrote an international bestseller, my influence over that area of our lives is not going to rise.

  You know who else needs thanking? JD Jackson, that's who! This guy takes my fun story from book 1 and added his voice, making it something completely wonderful. With his talented interpretation and tone, he took a fun story and made it powerful and compelling. Every voice he chose was dynamic and drew you in. When I was listening, it was like it wasn't even my book, but rather a gift. JD Jackson, you're a man among men and I salute you. (Standing in my living room, I place a closed fist over my heart and bow.)

  I would also like to thank grammar. And by thank, I mean completely and utterly abuse. You can't control me grammar! If I choose to regularize a verb you will deal with it. I am flipping Pinocchio! I've got no strings on me! With each book that I publish, I will slowly but surely degrade the English language to become what I will it! The personification of grammar will cower behind the library desk of destiny as I decide when to ignore its rules and when to utilize them for my own completely non-nefarious purposes. Wait, did I say that right? Would it just be for my farious purposes? Wait, no, no you got me again grammar, when will I be free of your tyranny!

  Find me online. I love to hear from readers and fans. (my FB “page”) (my author profile)

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