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Dirty Bad Boys Box Set: Forbidden Romance Collection

Page 61

by Kat T. Masen

  Ash switches topics to the relief of Wesley who looks bored with the conversation. “So, I guess I forgot to say congratulations. You know, with the engagement.”

  Wesley keeps his smile fixed, not letting on we aren’t together. He slides his hand above my knee until it’s resting on my hemline. I wriggle to move it away, only for him to grip tight. “Thank you. Your sister is quite the catch.”

  “Just take care of her, or else you’ve got me and Logan to answer to,” Ash warns in a serious tone.

  “Right. Of course, I’d never do anything to hurt her.”

  Wesley places his arm around me, moving my hair to the side and kissing the crook of my neck. Across from where we sit, Logan looks at me with deep curiosity. No other emotion on his face aside from that. His muscles are flexed underneath the navy, short-sleeved shirt he’s wearing, his fingers tapping impatiently on the headrest beside him. His expression turns to boredom then he stares out the window uninterested.

  “We’re here,” I announce with some relief.

  Scarlett’s mansion is a large, modern home hidden behind many trees to keep the property private. In the last few years, any movie she’s starred in has become a blockbuster hit. The tabloids are forever in a frenzy over her love life. She apparently dates actors and funnily enough, our friendship began when she was rumored to be dating Wes.

  Stories like that never faze me, so when I ran into her during a red-carpet event, we had a good old laugh and ended the rumor mill right there.

  Scarlett’s the most wanted woman in the industry. She’s barely in town, but when she has some downtime, we usually catch up for dinner or drinks. I admire her ability to juggle it all and I often seek guidance about how to cope with this demanding lifestyle we call showbiz.

  There’s a small booth at the bottom of the driveway with two security guards checking the guests’ names off on a list. Our limo drives through and up the steep hill until we stop out the front of the house. I can’t be more grateful. There’s way too much testosterone in the car and I’m desperate to escape.

  Our regular camera crew are already positioned out front. Scarlett has given permission for the network to use footage for our show providing she approves the final edit. She told them they can only film in the foyer, living room, and outdoor area, where most of the guests are congregated.

  “Okay guys, we need you to walk into the house. We’ll film you entering from here.” Josie points to the statue that sits out front. “Then Karl will come in from the right.”

  Ash waves goodbye, heading into the house with Logan beside him. I wait for Logan to turn around but he doesn’t. He’s looking too eager to join Ash and the loud music streaming from the house.

  I take a deep breath while waiting for Josie to hook me up with the mic. She clips it on and tucks the rest of the unit into the back of my dress then does the same to Wes. I try to keep my shoulders poised as Wes holds my hand while walking into the foyer.

  “Emerson,” Scarlett yells from the top of the stairs. She steps down, wearing nine-inch gold heels looking absolutely stunning in a white jumpsuit. Taking each step slow, she finally hits the bottom level and greets me with a double air kiss before leaning over to Wes and doing the same, careful not to smudge her signature red lipstick. “I’m glad you guys made it.” She walks us outside, linking her arms between ours. “Drinks are over there, make yourself comfortable, and please excuse the hoard of Playboy Bunnies that somehow got invited to the party.”

  It not difficult to find them. You only have to look at every man and where their eyes are directed to spot them huddled in the corner—fake boobies in tow. Wesley laughs, making some joke about ‘how many blondes does it take to change a light bulb.’ I’m not listening to his answer. Instead, my eyes move around the room until I find the only male not staring at them, but rather they’re staring at me—Logan.

  I want to go and talk to him, but Wesley pulls me in the direction of the bar. He orders some drinks then becomes distracted talking to some friends of his. Thankfully, Scarlett’s beside me and ushers me to the table sitting by the pool.

  “Okay, so we want you to talk about what’s been happening in your lives.” Josie lowers the camera, adjusting the lens and zooming in to where we sit, the boom mic held firmly above our heads and out of shot. “Scarlett, can you please move a little bit back?”

  Scarlett adjusts her position as per Josie’s direction. Josie turns the camera on while I pretend she’s not there, jumping straight into conversation. “So, I’ve been offered a deal to expand the fitness line to Europe,” I tell her, proudly.

  “Em! That’s great news. Does that mean you’ll be spending time there?”

  “Umm… not too much time. I’d be lonely, my family’s back here.”

  “Speaking of family… Ash and Logan are quite something.” She grins.

  “Something, as in talented?”

  “Logan Carrington,” she mouths slowly with a smirk. “Mister Sports Illustrated.”

  I don’t know how we got onto this topic so quickly, and I hate being filmed while talking about Logan.

  “And Ash modeling those sports boxers for Adidas... how do you sleep at night?”

  “Well,” I say with a mouthful of champagne. “Usually great, but maybe not so much tonight since you brought up my brother in underwear.”

  “Oh, I get it. But Em... your brother is sexy.”

  I scrunch my nose, disgusted by her comment. I’ve heard many women talking about Ash like a sex object and it gets grosser every time.

  “Okay, sorry.” She raises her hand laughing. “And Logan? Is he seeing anyone?”

  I shake my head instantly. “I don’t know. You’d have to ask him that question. Soccer players talk about one thing only… the game.”

  I’m well aware of the pang of jealousy that hits me. For all I know, he could be dating someone and all these flirtatious back-and-forths are merely to fill in his time. I scan my brain to find another topic to talk about, quick to change the subject to her latest movie. “I can’t believe you’re filming in Australia next month. I’d love to go visit.”

  “I’m excited. We’re filming for three months in Sydney. I need to find me an Aussie husband.” She sighs.

  “Oooh... that would be nice.” I smile.

  “I love their accents.”

  “And the way they call everyone mate.”

  “So easy-going,” she says dreamily. “Like ‘hey, there’s a spider! No worries, mate.”

  “You lost me at spider,” I tell her, with a shake in my voice. “I’ll take my American boy.”

  “Your American boy, of course. Wesley Rich.”

  Josie stops filming, telling the both of us to relax while she joins Karl for a short break. As soon as she leaves the area, I finally chill with some more champagne and a few other actors that join us.

  After my third round of drinks, my voice becomes louder as we fight to be heard over the music. With a sudden urge to pee, I remove my mic and tell Scarlett I’ll be back.

  Somehow, I stumble my way to the bathroom, waiting in line and chatting with a few people.

  When I finish, my vision becomes hazy and I forget which way I have to go.

  “Jesus, can’t take you anywhere.”

  I hear his voice but can’t see him. When I turn around, he’s standing right behind me.

  “Oh… there you are Mr. Hussy,” I tease, placing my hands on his chest for support. “Let me guess... you’ve screwed a Playboy Bunny already. Wait... maybe two.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “I’m right, right?”

  “I don’t like blondes or fake tits.”

  “That’s not what your mom said.”

  “What?” he asks in confusion.

  “I don’t know,” I mutter. “I had nothing to come back with.”

  “That’s not exactly a mom joke,” he chastises. “Stop drinking, okay? It’s like you’re nervous or something. In the limo you were all weird.”
  “No, you were all weird!”

  “Wait.” He pauses with a smile. “Another non-comeback?”

  “Logan,” I say in a soft voice, suddenly tired. “I just need an escape from reality. Three shots and I’m almost there.”

  He moves his head left then right, scanning the area then dragging me to a quieter section away from the bathroom. I notice his eyes appear slightly red like he’s tired or maybe it’s from the shots the Playboy Bunnies made him drink. “Are you drunk?”

  “I had a few. Not as much as you, though. I thought you told Ash you were laying off the drink because the tabloids said you had a drinking problem?”

  “Geez.” I lean on the wall, rolling my eyes at him. “Does Ash tell you everything? Don’t you have something better to talk about than me? What else does he tell you?”

  “I don’t know.” He keeps his expression blank. “Are you hiding something?”

  “Nope.” I hold his gaze. “I’ve pretty much told you everything. Wesley screwed some hookers, we’re pretending to be engaged for the sake of the show, and when I was eleven, I was the one that accidentally threw your ball over the school fence which got eaten by that psycho dog.”

  Logan stares back in astonishment. “That ball was signed by a soccer legend, and you threw it over the fence?”

  I lean in, playing with the lapel of his shirt, and sweetening my tone. “Accidentally.”

  “How do you accidentally throw it over?”

  With a pleasing smile, I alter my story to ease his pain. “My arm kinda slipped… over instead of under.”

  “You owe me,” he threatens.

  “Yeah, add it to the list, buddy.”

  “Buddy?” He raises his brow with a smirk. “I thought we had a deal.”

  Lowering my head to hide my grin, I cross my legs to ignore the delicious throb that began the moment he pulled me aside. Our petty arguments rile me up and now result in this—me wanting his tongue to run along the inside of my thigh.

  You did not just say that out loud.


  No, wait... his face remains the same.

  Stupid champagne.

  During my internal argument with my brain, Logan’s closed the gap between us.

  “The cameras have been following you all night,” Logan whispers courageously in my ear. “How will I get to prove my point?”

  This is it.

  There’s no cell between us to filter out the raging hormones.

  My body’s betraying me, calling out like a desperate whore. My brain is slower to come to the party, chilling in a hot tub telling all the rational voices to sit down and have another drink.

  “You know Karl? He’s easily distracted by good-looking men. Closet gay. When a model walks past him, he’ll forget I’m around. He chases dick like I chase chocolate.”

  Logan’s amused, shaking his head at my comment. “So, what happens if you want dick and chocolate?”

  “I’ve never been in that predicament,” I answer smugly. “Why? You got chocolate on you?”

  “Are you saying you want dick and chocolate, right now?”

  “How did we even get onto this?” I scratch my head, ignoring his cocky remark.

  “Nice segue, Chase,” he says with a broad grin. “What about your other camerawoman?”

  “Josie? She likes to talk… about her cats and her new boyfriend. He just moved in and told her he never expected to be around so many pussies.” I laugh instantly, remembering the moment Josie had innocently told us he’d said that. I swear she’s a virgin because the joke flew completely over her head.

  Logan tries to keep a straight face until something changes and his smile becomes a frown. “And Wesley?”

  “What does it matter?”

  “He’s your fiancé,” he states, dragging out the word fiancé like it fucking means something.

  “I told you. He isn’t,” I tell him for the millionth time. “You’ve got a choice, Carrington… prove your point or go run off with Ash and score some Hollywood bimbo looking to put an athlete on their resume.”

  He keeps his eye contact firm, then slowly, they move and trace my mouth. I can’t help but bite my bottom lip, attempting to control whatever the hell is happening between us right now. I’m semi-aware anyone can find us, including Wesley. But deep down inside, that possibility only adds to the thrill.

  “C’mon,” I push him. “What’s it gonna be?”

  He places his finger on my lips, lingering, then runs it slowly down my body, against my skin and between my breasts. I’m sure he can feel the thump of my heart as it almost bursts out of my chest from the nerves of being caught. He continues to move down until his finger has grazed between my legs causing me to suck in a breath.

  “You,” he whispers with fire in his eyes. “I choose you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “The thrill of getting caught

  is a dangerous thing.”

  ~ Emerson Chase

  He presses his finger hard against my clit, only the thin fabric between us. I’m still holding in that breath, scared if I let it go my legs will fail and I’ll drop to my knees which happen to be at eye level with his crotch.

  Maybe that’s not such a bad thing?

  “Emerson,” I hear my name being called, and like a giant bucket of cold water being thrown at us, Logan retracts his hands and shoves them in his pocket.

  Scarlett turns the corner, looking slightly flustered. “We need to talk.” She realizes I’m standing with Logan and she’s quick to notice no one else around. I can see her mind turning, wondering what’s going on and why the both of us look suspicious.

  “I’m sorry. Did I interrupt something?” She hides her smile, eyeing me with curiosity.

  “Nope,” I say casually. “Logan asked for a room so he can screw a Bunny.”

  “Wow! Talk about throwing me under the bus, Chase,” he notes with dark amusement. “Excuse her. She’s chasing dick and chocolate.”

  My shoulders move up and down while laughing at how ridiculous that sounds.

  “Sounds like I’ve interrupted a fascinating conversation. Maybe I should leave you guys—”

  Logan interrupts Scarlett, “I need another drink. The Bunnies have the stamina of a... well... a Bunny. I’ll catch you around later, Emmy.”


  Scarlett ushers me into her bedroom through a hidden stairwell behind the kitchen. Guests aren’t allowed upstairs, but she still closes the door behind us so we can talk in private.

  I’ve never seen her bedroom and even in my intoxicated state, I can’t help but utter the words “Wow!” a million times over. It’s huge. All white with a large four-poster bed in the middle of the room. Even her bed sheets look fancy with an intricate gold trim.

  A few pieces of abstract artwork hang on the walls which brings the room to life. I swear they’re couples in compromising positions but I’m drunk and have sex on my brain, so what would I know.

  “There’s not many people I trust, but I know you’re not like the rest of the fake people in Hollywood.”

  “Ah… thank you?”

  “My um… brother-in-law is here.”

  “Okaaay,” I drag, unsure of what that means.

  She shakes her head, almost in a state of panic. “You don’t understand.”

  “Of course, I don’t. You just said your brother-in-law is here.”

  “I’m in love with him, Em.”

  She crosses her arms, pacing back and forth at the same time I mouth, “Oh.”

  “Yes, oh. I’ve pretty much avoided him for the past few months since they had a baby, but my sister confided in me and told me they’ve separated. Things aren’t working out, and they both needed a break from each other.”

  “I’ve heard kids can do that to you.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “I’m trying to, Scarlett, but I guess you haven’t painted the whole picture for me,” I tell her.

  “I made a move on
him. When he first came here. It’s awkward between us and now he’s here, and single.”

  “I wouldn’t call him single. Is the separation final? People have breaks then realize they’re in love with each other again.”

  She nods her head in agreeance then quickly shakes it. “Morgan, my sister, she has a complicated life. Noah is... not so patient. I mean... he worships the ground she walks on but ever since she had the baby they’ve simply grown apart.”

  “That’s sad… for the baby.”

  “I know.” Scarlett lets out a frustrated groan. “Em, please tell me to get over this. I hate feeling this way. I avoid him at all costs, and when I’m forced to be around him I pretend like there’s nothing’s there. I’m embarrassed about what I did but... I don’t know. I haven’t even been with a man for so long because I just can’t get him out of my damn mind.”

  “Maybe you need a distraction fuck?” I suggest. “Like someone to just knock your socks off so you can move on.”

  She laughs. “I’ll cross Logan off my list.”

  I clear my throat. “Logan is single.”

  “You’re an awful liar.”

  “That’s the truth!”

  “Uh-huh.” She grins. “God, what do I do?”

  “Look, just have some wine and relax. You’re beautiful. Men love you. I mean, really, how good looking are we talking?”

  She grabs my hand and drags me outside the room and to the top of the stairs, the void opens to the main foyer where partygoers stand around. She points to a man positioned in the corner, chatting with some other men. It doesn’t matter which one he is because the three of them are as hot as fuck.

  The lighter-haired one is tall with a handsome face and sharp jaw—it’s like jaw porn. The darker-haired one is wearing glasses and is dressed in a plain white tee and jeans—totally glasses porn. The third one looks slightly older, dressed much smarter and looks like a model from a designer magazine—absolutely model porn.

  We’re standing a fair distance away, but even from here, I can see he has lighter eyes similar to those of Logan. Great, more eye porn.


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