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Hunger (The Seductors Series)

Page 11

by B. L. Wilde

  “I think you gave me enough last night,” I groaned. Even through my jeans, I could feel his erection pressing against me.

  “Mm…I have no idea what you’re talking about. What are you implying that I gave you last night, Jade?” he purred, leaning down to plant soft, wet kisses down my neck.

  “You know very well what I’m talking about.” There was no way he could have forgotten about all the sex we had last night. I playfully smacked his back when his hands gripped my ass. “Oliver,” I giggled as the elevator door opened. He pulled away and when I looked around him, I came face to face with Alicia. She was standing there gawking at us.

  “Oh, Alicia, you remember Jade, don’t you?” Oliver said sweetly, taking my hand in his.

  “From the Brentford Opening in New York, right?” Alicia glared. Oh, I could see the fury behind her eyes as she saw Oliver’s hand in mine.

  “Pleasure to see you again, Alicia,” I grinned.

  “I’m taking Jade shopping. We’ll be out the entire afternoon,” Oliver called, pulling me with him into the lobby area.

  “She looked as if she was about to scratch my eyes out,” I giggled once we were outside.

  “Why do you think I pulled you out here so quickly?” he pointed out as the driver held the door open to the limo.

  “You’re not driving me this time?” I questioned, amused.

  “Jade, we’re in Moscow. I’d get us lost.” He did have a point.

  “What do you think? The silver one or this one?” I asked, spinning around in an elegant, deep purple, Gucci evening gown. We’d already decided on a black cocktail dress for the charity event. Now I was trying to find something for the gala.

  “You look beautiful in both,” he sighed, standing up. “I want you to keep that underwear on until we get back to the hotel room, too.” The white lace bodice was incredibly sexy, but when I added the stockings and garters, too, I knew Oliver had a problem in his pants. It was obvious when I asked him to help me out of my last dress.

  “Mm…some things never change,” I purred, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “I still haven’t had my fill of you yet, Jade. Not by a long shot,” he whispered. “Why don’t you get both the dresses? You’ll get good use out of them, I promise.”

  “Let me buy one, then,” I challenged.

  “What kind of gentleman would I be if I let a lady buy her own dress? I have a reputation to uphold.”

  “You have to let me do something.”

  “Invite me to dinner at your new apartment when we get back to New York.”

  “That’s it?” I frowned. I was getting a much better deal out of this.

  “I just want the chance to really get to know you, Jade. I can do that better when you’re surrounded by your own things. I learned so much about you in St. Petersburg all those months ago.”

  “Okay, deal” I sighed, turning around. “Can you help me out of this dress now, please?”

  “With pleasure,” he groaned, unzipping the gown before letting it fall to the ground. Oliver and I were alone in the grand changing room, and the atmosphere was fully charged. The entire room was covered of mirrors, so I couldn’t miss the hungry look in his eyes as he gazed at my body. “I’m going to devour you when we get home later,” he snarled, pulling my back against his chest while he hands roamed my body.

  “O…oh, w…why can’t we just go back now?” I pleaded, losing myself in his touch.

  “I have one more place I want to take you,” he whispered into the crook of my neck, biting gently. “Then we’ll have an early night, I think. Dinner in bed.”

  “Ugh…sounds perfect,” I panted.

  “But, right now, I’ll let you get dressed before I take you right in this changing room.” Hell, I’d let Oliver fuck me right now, but of course shy Jade…well, that wasn’t her style.

  “I think that’s a good idea,” I giggled, forcing a blush.

  He grinned, turning me around to peck my lips. “I’ll wait for you outside.” I nodded, a little dizzy when he finally let me go. “Oh, and Jade,” he called just before leaving, “I meant what I said about the underwear. Keep it on. I’ll clear it with the shop assistant right now.”

  There went the waterfall between my legs again. Damn you, Oliver!

  Chapter Ten

  “Oliver,” I gasped, taking everything in. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Is this too much?” he questioned, uncertain. We had the Pushkin Museum of Fine Art all to ourselves. It was supposed to be closed, but he had somehow managed to get us in after normal business hours.

  “Do you know how many artists are on display here? Van Gogh, Gauguin, Picasso, Dufrénoy, and Matisse—just to name a few. Oh. My. God! The La Vigne Rouge is here!” I squealed excitedly.

  “The what?” he chuckled.

  “The Red Vineyard by Van Gogh,” I glared. “You know that painting, right?”

  “Can’t say that I do. I’m a science nerd, remember? I don’t really know that much about artwork.”

  “Then I need to educate you,” I snorted, dragging him inside the museum.

  “I could watch you gazing at these paintings all night,” Oliver murmured into my ear while he stood behind me.

  “How did you manage to get us in here after closing time, anyway?” I questioned, turning to wrap my arms around his neck. “Did you bribe security? I didn’t even know you could speak Russian,” I teased, nudging him playfully.

  “I think it’s more about Russia trying to bribe me,” he chuckled, shaking his head from a sudden thought. I couldn’t help but notice the humor in his eyes dull for a few seconds. Russia was trying to bribe Oliver? Why? Then it dawned on me… Did they want his machine? Was I working for Russia?

  “You know I have no idea what you’re talking about, right?” I frowned, running my fingertips across the back of his neck.

  “You will by the end of this trip with me. You’re going to be meeting a lot of my associates over the next few days.”

  “Why would Russia be bribing you?” I frowned, acting dumb.

  “Why do you think?” He smiled sadly, stroking my cheek as he looked into my eyes. “My uncle insisted on this trip. He wants us to strengthen our relationship with the military here.”

  “Are you going to sell them your machines?”

  “Not if I can help it,” he sighed, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers.

  “I remember you telling me that you only do business with certain countries.”

  “I’m impressed,” he grinned.

  “Is Russia a country you don’t like to do business with?” I asked, interested.

  “Russia isn’t part of NATO, which can complicate things. My father always warned me against them, Israel, and Japan. I know it’s wrong to judge some countries from their past…but…”

  “You don’t have to explain yourself to me. You’re a wise man, Mr. Kirkham. I knew that the moment I met you.”

  “Really?” His eyes widened. “And how did you know that?”

  “You had everyone in that bar eating out of your hands. I’d never seen anyone control a room the way you did. Everyone hangs on your every word.”

  “Mm…does that include you?” he smoldered, pulling me flush against his strong chest.

  “You know it does,” I panted, placing my hand over his heart.

  “What if I told you I wanted to fuck you in this museum…with all these paintings watching us?” Oh crap! There went another pair of panties. Why did that sound so wrong, but also right at the same time?

  “I think that would end up in us getting arrested,” I groaned, trying to break free from his hold.

  He chuckled, letting me go. “Maybe you’re right. How about dinner in here instead?” Was he being serious?

  “You can’t bring food into a museum like this. Do you have any idea how valuable these paintings are?”

  “I wasn’t planning on throwing my food at them, were you?” He grinned mischievously. He
was so damn cocky!

  “There is no way the museum would allow us to eat in here,” I pointed out.

  “Are you sure about that?” he questioned, taking a step back, silently beckoning me to follow him.

  “Yes,” I glared before my eyes fell upon a candlelit table set up for two. He was such a show off! “What the hell?” I gasped. “Oliver…how…when…” I was gobsmacked.

  “Let’s take a seat, Jade,” he chuckled, pulling me toward the table. “Would you like some wine?” I nodded, looking around. We were completely alone. Where had all the security guards gone? When I turned back to where he was leading me, I noticed a large, covered serving dish in the center of the table. “I’ve spared no expense on dinner tonight,” he grinned, pouring us both a glass of white wine.

  “I can’t believe you’ve managed to do this.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “Oliver, I love it!”

  “Good,” he beamed, lifting the cover off the serving dish.

  “Pizza?” I snorted. “My, you really did go all out.”

  “I didn’t want to go too over the top. This is me taking things slowly.” I could actually see his logic. Everything was perfect.

  The pizza was really good, not to mention the company. I fell a little more in love with him while we sat eating, surrounded by Van Gogh, Gauguin, Picasso, Dufrénoy, and Matisse. Oliver knew the real me so well. How was that even possible?

  “How would you rate that as a date?” he asked in the back of the limo as we headed back to the hotel.

  “One of the best I’ve ever had.” I scooted closer to him so I could rest my head on his shoulder. He draped his arm around me and we sat in a comfortable silence until we reached the hotel.

  “So nice of you to show your face, Oliver,” Richard glared as we entered his suite. “I was starting to wonder if you’d ever make it back.”

  “I told you, I cleared my schedule for the rest of the day. Jade and I needed to make sure she had the right attire for the charity event and gala.”

  “Have you even checked your messages?” Richard fumed. Oliver frowned, looking down at his phone. “Don’t worry, Oliver. I’ll run your company for you while you make a complete fool of yourself again.”

  “Excuse us for just a moment, Jade,” Oliver soothed, trying to compose himself before turning toward his uncle. “Let’s take this conversation out on the balcony, Uncle,” he seethed. This was going to be bad. I could tell by the fury in Oliver’s eyes.

  I tried hard not to listen to their confrontation, but they were both shouting so loud.

  “Why can’t you just be happy for me?” Oliver pleaded.

  “That woman is running circles around you. A man like you can’t be in that position. If your father…”

  “Don’t you dare bring him into this!”

  “Oliver, why can’t you see what a mistake you are making? Alicia…”

  “Will you stop trying to interfere in my personal life? I know what I want.”

  “I don’t think you do. You really think Jade will fit into your world? Do you really think she is strong enough? She ran scared before.”

  “Why are you doing this?” The pain in Oliver’s voice was clear.

  “I’m trying to make you see what is right in front of you. With Alicia by your side, you would be unstoppable. You know that girl is madly in love with you, don’t you? You’ve been so clouded by your feelings for Jade, but Oliver, open your eyes! Alicia is a strong, intelligent, beautiful woman. She is just what you need. She’ll help you to succeed in this world, not Jade!” I put my hands the wall in front of me, shaking my head. Alicia was not what Oliver needed. Richard had described me, too. Well, the real Jade, that is.

  “Uncle, you need to stop this. You will only push me farther away. I’m in love with Jade. She. Is. What. I. Want!” I closed my eyes at hearing his words. Okay, so I was on the other side of the wall, but Oliver had just said he still loved me. My heart swelled deep in my chest.

  “Then you’re a fool!” Richard spat before storming off.

  “It would seem I have some work to do with your uncle,” I sighed, walking out onto the balcony a few moments later. Oliver was leaning against the wall, watching Moscow come to life as the sun started to set.

  “He is so stubborn! He thinks he’s knows everything! I don’t have to listen to him, though. He’s just my Goddam lawyer. He has no real hold on me or my business,” Oliver stressed, pushing off the wall and turning to me. “I’m not making a mistake, am I? Please tell me he isn’t right? I’m so blinded by you, Jade. I’m not sure I can trust my feelings when I can’t even see straight.” The turmoil on his face was excruciating to watch.

  How many more times could I lie to him? The truth was, I didn’t know what our future held, but deep inside my heart, I knew all I wanted was him.

  “I know I haven’t been truthful, and I have kept things from you, but believe me when I say this…all I’ve ever wanted is you.” His eyes blazed with elation, and in one swift move, I was up in his arms as his lips crashed against mine.

  “Shit, Jade,” he moaned against my mouth, pulling my sweater over my head. “You’re wearing too many damn clothes.” I giggled against his lips as I began to rid him of his sweater and shirt, too.

  “It gives me longer to get you naked,” I purred, pulling on his bottom lip with my teeth. I needed to rein myself back in. I was being a little too bold for shy Jade.

  “Oh, it’s a race now, is it?” he smoldered, undoing the buttons on my jeans. “You know I’ll always win. Fuck, you did keep the underwear on from our shopping trip.” He groaned, cupping my breasts. I could tell from the look in his eyes that I was in trouble. “Do you have any idea how sexy you are?”

  I shook my head, stepping out of my jeans as they hit the floor. “Maybe you should show me?” I suggested with a playful smirk. Oliver pounced, throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me to the bed.

  “You want me to show you how sexy you are, huh?” he smoldered into my ear, peeling the rest of my clothes and underwear off. “Well, we’ll need a mirror for that.” This guy was a sex God! He could be a damn Seductor with all these tricks.

  “A mirror?” I widened my eyes, acting shocked as he moved the freestanding, long mirror to the side of the bed.

  “Go and lie on your stomach in front of the mirror.” Of course I did as he asked. I loved the way he took charge. It was a refreshing change for me. Being a Seductor, I usually held all the cards. Oliver came up behind me, his hands instantly roaming up my legs, stroking over my butt. “I need you on all fours, Beautiful, and make sure you look at your reflection in the mirror,” he murmured once his hands had explored me.

  “You’re really going to make me watch myself, while you…while you’re…”

  “While I fuck you from behind? Yes,” he winked in the mirror, helping me get onto my hands and knees. “Can you see how sexy you are now?” he questioned, running his fingers in between my legs, right inside my core. “Look at yourself, Jade. You’re a goddess.” I looked up, watching myself while he began a frantic pace with his fingers. “You must be able to see that?” I couldn’t really focus on anything—only his fingers sliding in and out of me. “Maybe you’ll see it more with my cock inside you. Would you like that? Do you want to watch me fuck you from behind?” All I could do was give a low groan, gripping the comforter as I became even wetter. “Oh, you like the sound of that, don’t you?” he purred, circling his fingers around my clit. “You know I can’t resist pleasing you. If that’s what you want, then that’s what you’re going to get!” With his last word, he penetrated me deeply.

  “Oh fuck!” I cried out.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, Baby.” Oliver began to pound into me, holding my hips to keep me steady. “Keep looking in that mirror. If you drop your eyes, I’ll stop,” he ordered.

  Watching him fuck me from behind with such carefree lust was like a catalyst that set off my orgasm. He was watching his cock s
lide in and out of me, glancing every now and then into the mirror to make sure I was still watching him. “Can you see how sexy you are now? Can you see what you do to me? You drive me crazy!” he gasped, thrusting deeper and harder.


  “You are so fucking sexy.”

  “O…Oliver…deeper!” I was building quickly.

  “Are you going to cum all over my cock, Beautiful? I. Want. It. Right. Now!” At his words and the feeling of his fingers running over my clit, I came, screaming toward the mirror as I watched myself come undone. Jesus, I did look hot when I orgasmed.

  “Did you enjoy that?” he chuckled as I collapsed onto his chest from exhaustion.

  “I don’t deserve all these orgasms,” I yawned, pulling myself closer to him.

  “Oh, yes you do, and I’ve only just started with you, but for tonight…sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.” I closed my eyes at his words, secure in his loving arms but excited as what was to come.

  “I can’t believe you had the nerve to show up here,” Alicia seethed from across the table. Oliver had already left for the morning to attend an important meeting.

  “You really thought you’d win this mission, didn’t you?” I snorted, sipping my coffee. “It’s over, Alicia. Oliver is my target!”

  “That doesn’t mean you’ll complete this assignment. You may be back in his bed, but this case is impossible.”

  “To you, maybe, but if this power core is real, I’ll find it.”

  “You really think you’re something, don’t you?” she yelled with pure hatred in her voice.

  “Compared to you, yes,” I admitted. “You’re disloyal. You would have stolen your target’s money if I’d given you half the chance last year.”

  “You had no right to interfere! It wasn’t your mission! You were just the surveillance.”

  “I never turned you in, Alicia. You should be thanking me.” Looking back now, I wish I had informed Sonia of Alicia’s plan. She’d have been thrown out of the Seductors for it. Then again, I was worried she’d of have a far worse fate. I couldn’t be responsible for anyone’s death—not again.


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