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BADDY: A Small Town Crime Romance

Page 104

by Nikki Wild

  “My pleasure, my pleasure,” he said. “Hop in and I’ll take you to your new apartment!”

  Mom slid into the back of the limo first and I paused before following her, throwing a quick look over my shoulder at Bear. He flashed me a smile and pressed his hand into the small of my back for the quickest instant and then it was gone.

  But it was enough.

  That one soft brush of heat sent shivers of pleasure through me, flipping a switch inside of me and turning that constant tingling sensation back up to ten. My breath caught in my throat as I slid in next to Mom. Bear followed, sliding into the seat across from us.

  The limo was just as luxurious as the plane, with soft black leather seats and a full bar gleaming invitingly in the corner.

  “It’s so great to see the two of you,” Bear said, his warm, deep voice as soft as velvet.

  “You too, Bear,” Mom said.

  “Y-yes,” I replied, hating that my words stuck in my throat immediately. I lifted my chin, determined to remain confident and calm. “Thank you, Bear.”

  “Drinks?” he asked. “Whiskey? Wine? What can I get you?”

  “Sure, whiskey sounds great,” Mom said. I threw her a glance as Bear grabbed a bottle from the bar and she grimaced back at me.

  “Sure,” I replied, cocking my head as I shot a daring glance back at Mom. “Whiskey, please.”

  Bear handed the glasses to us and sat back with his own.

  “So, Matilda, your office is all ready for you to get started whenever you’re ready.”

  “I’ll start tomorrow,” she nodded firmly. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her eagerness.

  “Excellent,” Bear nodded. “I’ve taken the liberty of hiring an assistant for you. I believe he’ll be a great fit for you but don’t hesitate to find someone else if necessary.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be just fine if you chose him,” Mom replied.

  “I’m not always right,” he laughed. “Ask my ex.”

  Silently, I stared across the limo at him, studying him, searching his every move for information. I was hungry for him, in so many ways. He intrigued me beyond belief. I wanted to know everything there was to know about him, I wanted to know what made him into the man he was, the kind of man that thought he could manipulate the world to his liking in such a confident, take no prisoners kind of way.

  At the mention of an ex, though, I felt a sharp pang of jealousy. It was absurd, I know, but there it was. Hot, stinging and only increasing my hunger for knowledge even more.


  “What?” I asked at hearing my name. I’d drifted off while staring at him like a school girl in awe.

  “I asked if you’re excited about the move,” he said. His eyes were peering so deeply into mine, I felt hypnotized, mesmerized by the same darkness that had haunted me for the last week.

  “Excited?” I parroted. “Yes, of course. Very much so.”

  “Wonderful,” he nodded slowly, smiling, his perfect white teeth gleaming in the darkness of the limo as his gaze trailed up and down my body. I was hoping the smile he gave me as he met my gaze again held approval. “I’m glad to hear that. I have a perfect job lined up for you. I think you’ll be very pleased.”

  “Oh?” Mom asked. “I’m dying to hear all about it. I know Chloe is too. Aren’t you, Chloe?”

  “Yes, of course,” I responded, my eyes glued to his gaze. I swallowed hard as he let the silence fill the space between us, his eyes dark and teasing.

  “Well,” he said after a moment, “I’m still working out the last few details and I don’t want to say anything just yet, but it’s going to be huge,” he winked. “All will be revealed in time.”

  “I see,” Mom nodded, her smile frozen in place. “Chloe will need a little time to acclimate, but I’m sure it will be wonderful.”

  “Yes,” I replied. “Thank you, Mr. Dalton.”

  “Chloe, please call me Bear. Mr. Dalton feels so formal.”

  “Bear, yes, thank you,” I nodded, reminding myself to breathe, as I broke his gaze. I couldn’t take it for long. It was so invasive, as if every time he looked at me, he was crawling right under my skin, burrowing into my mind, reading my thoughts.

  I looked down at his hands and felt a hot blush creep up my neck. My mind flashed to the images that had been dancing around in there for days — Bear’s hands on my hips, his cock pressing into me from behind as I lay splayed out on the table, his for the taking, his fingers tangled in my hair as he pulled my head back, his mouth brushing against my ear as he whispered those filthy words to me.

  The limo slowed down and I looked out the window, my eyes traveling up for miles as I took in the huge glass skyscraper we’d pulled up in front of.

  “We’re here!” Bear said, as the driver opened the door. I stood on the sidewalk and lifted my head in awe. In Portland, there’s a law that buildings can’t be any taller than forty stories. Obviously, New York didn’t have any such law. I’d never seen a building so tall.

  “It’s so big,” I whispered. “How tall is it?”

  “Sixty stories,” Bear stood next to me, staring up at it with me, before leaning over and whispering in my ear, his lips barely brushing against my skin.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered. I turned to look at him and he smiled down at me. “Isn’t it?”

  “It is,” I agreed.

  “I designed it,” he said, his eyes shining with pride.

  “Oh!” I replied.

  “It’s a masterpiece, Bear,” Mom said. “You should be so proud.”

  “I am, thank you, Matilda,” he said, bending his head. “Let’s go in!”

  “Mr. Dalton, good evening,” the doorman said. He was dressed in a double-breasted suit with braided gold trim and tassels hanging from the shoulders, his hands covered in white gloves.

  “Jimmy, thank you,” Bear said.

  “This is Matilda McDonnell, my new CFO, and her daughter, Chloe. They’ll be in the penthouse.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Jimmy said, nodding and smiling. “Please let me know if there’s anything you need.”

  “Thank you, Jimmy,” Bear said, shaking his hand. When he pulled away, Jimmy discretely shoved the hundred dollar bill in his pocket that Bear had slipped him and opened the heavy glass doors for us.

  The lobby was incredibly posh, with shining white marble as far as the eye could see. Low slung white leather couches and gleaming glass and chrome tables filled the space, a huge abstract painting hanging over a roaring stone fireplace.

  Bear led us to the elevator, waving at the man behind the security desk along the way. Once the elevator doors closed behind us, he pushed the penthouse button on the panel.

  “Hope you don’t mind being on the top floor,” he said to Mom.

  “Of course not,” she said.

  “You have good taste, Matilda. I can tell you’re going to fit in the city just fine!”

  Mom laughed and took a deep breath.

  “I can’t believe we’re finally here!” she said. “I’ll find us an apartment as soon as possible, Bear. Thank you for letting us use the corporate apartment until then.”

  “Don’t be absurd. You can use it as long as you like. You might find you want something a little farther out of the city after a while, but until then, consider it part of your salary, Matilda.”

  “You’ve been so generous,” she replied.

  “Well, I plan on getting my money’s worth out of you, don’t worry,” he teased.

  “I’m worth every penny. You know that,” she replied.

  I stood in the back, watching them through a maze of mirrors created by the four mirrored walls that lined the elevator walls. I could see Bear from every angle, all at once. It was like the thoughts in my head had somehow exploded into the atmosphere. I’d been swimming in thoughts of him for days now, and it was all too much.

  I exhaled in relief when the doors opened.

  “And here we go! Ladies first,” Bear said, holding t
he elevator as we walked out into the most beautiful apartment I’d ever seen. I glanced over at Mom and she looked downright blissful. My eyes swept over the place and I realized just how perfect it was for her.

  It was modern and swanky, in a minimalistic kind of way. The furnishings were a mirror of the ones in the lobby, all white leather and gleaming glass. The view from the private terrace was incredible and sweeping, making the city below seem almost far away.

  It took us five minutes to walk through the five bedrooms and six bathrooms, the office, the kitchen and the den, with fireplaces in every room except the bathrooms. I couldn’t help but smile at Mom’s reaction. Whatever happened, whether I stayed or not, I was glad I was here to see this. She’d worked so hard after Dad left and she rarely stopped. I was happy she had a such a wonderful place that she loved to come home to.

  “So, what do you think?” Bear asked. He seemed pleased with himself.

  “Did you design the rooms, too?” I asked.

  “Partially. I used an interior designer for the details,” he said.

  “It’s perfect, Bear. I can’t thank you enough,” Mom said.

  “No more thanks needed,” he said.

  “So, Chloe, which room do you want?” Mom asked.

  “I was thinking —,” I began.

  “— Oh, no, Chloe will be staying at a different apartment,” Bear interrupted.

  Mom and I both looked at him in shock.

  “What?” I blurted.

  “Well, you’re an adult, Chloe, I didn’t think you’d want to live with your Mother. I arranged for separate accommodations.”

  “Oh,” I replied, speechless. “But there’s so much room here.”

  “Yes,” Mom said. “There’s no need for the expense of an entirely separate place.”

  “Nonsense,” Bear replied. “Money is no object. I own so much real estate in this city, I couldn’t fill it all if I tried. I’m sure Chloe would like her privacy.”

  “But —,” I protested.

  “—But nothing. It’s already done,” Bear insisted.

  “Okay,” I replied. “Thank you.”

  “You’ll be a few blocks away. The building is a little less modern, but I think it’ll suit your needs and give you a true taste of the city.”

  “That’s so nice of you, Bear,” Mom said.

  “Y-yes, it is,” I replied. My stomach was in knots.

  Bear continued, “I’d like to take you there now. Do you mind if I show Chloe around the neighborhood?”

  “I don’t mind,” Mom replied, shooting a worried glance at me. “If it’s okay with Chloe?”

  “Yes, of course,” I replied, anticipation ripping through my veins. I’d finally be alone with Bear and I could hardly breathe just thinking about it.

  “Excellent!” Bear replied. “Take your time to settle in Matilda. If there’s anything you need, I’ve instructed the front desk to take care of you. I’ve also taken the liberty of booking you a hot stone massage. I find it to be a fantastic way of relieving stress, and I know the effect flying has on you.”

  “Thank you, Bear,” she replied, still sounding a bit anxious.

  “Shall we?”

  “S-Sure,” I stuttered, anxiety washing over me. I was so frustrated with myself. I wanted to appear the sophisticated young woman, ready to face New York and Bear with all the self-assurance that I was sure he expected. Instead, my hands were shaking and my palms were sweaty… and I was sure he could see my hard nipples beneath my clothes.

  When his hand touched the small of my back again to lead me to the door, I froze. I took a deep breath and said goodbye to Mom, promising I would call her later, and then there we were, all alone in the elevator.

  His hand remained on my back the entire ride down but he didn’t say a word to me. We stood staring straight ahead into the mirror, the two of us side by side, the heat of his fingers searing into my skin as I struggled to breathe.

  The image engraved itself into my memory. Me, trying to look professional with my tight pencil skirt hugging my hips. And Bear, to my right, towering over me, his expression relaxed and serious, his handsome face almost too much to bear. I wanted to turn to him, ask him a million questions, kiss him, touch him, beg him to slide his cock into me again.

  “You didn’t have to get me my own apartment,” I finally said, my voice finally calm and soft, a stark contrast to everything screaming inside of me.

  “Yes, I did,” he said, his voice just as calm and cool as mine. The elevator slowly came to a stop, the doors opening smoothly as he leaned his head down and brought his lips right next to my ear. He dropped his voice to a low, grumbling whisper. “We’re going to need our privacy.”

  My lips parted and a tiny sigh escaped my mouth as his hand pressed me forward out of the elevator, through the lobby and back into the waiting limo. This time, Bear sat next to me, his muscular thigh pressed against mine. He leaned forward, pressing a button that lowered the glass between us and the driver.

  “262 Central Park West,” Bear said. The driver nodded and the tinted glass rolled back up, leaving us alone.

  “I think you’ll enjoy living on the other side of the park, Chloe. Everything you’ll need is within walking distance.” His voice was low and velvety and I stared into his dark eyes.

  “What about you?” I asked.

  He raised an eyebrow and a slow smile spread across his face.

  “I live nearby, and my office is five blocks away. I’m keeping you close.”

  I nodded, trying to figure out how to form the questions wildly spinning in my head. He put a warm hand on my bare knee and a shiver of pleasure ran through me.

  “I trust you followed my instructions?” he asked.

  “Instructions?” I asked, bewildered.

  “Did you not receive my note on the plane?”

  My face flushed with embarrassment when I realized what he was talking about.

  “The note,” I nodded, doing my best to meet his piercing gaze. A flush of embarrassment blossomed on my cheeks. It took all my strength not to look away.

  “Yes, I did what you asked…”

  “Good girl,” he said, patting my knee, before sliding his hand further up my leg. My eyes widened in surprise. We were alone, but the driver was right there just a few feet away. Not to mention the millions of New Yorkers just outside the window. His hand was so warm and my legs were so cold and the sensation of his warmth sliding up my thigh was quite possibly the most delicious, welcome touch I’d ever received.

  Slowly, I spread my thighs further apart as his hand traveled closer and closer to my bare pussy. The entire time, he held my gaze, his eyes widening with surprise as I opened my thighs to him.

  Every fucking thing about this man was white-hot. The heat rolling off his body, his searing hands, his piercing gaze that locked me into it like he was putting me under a trance. My body flushed with heat as his fingertips grazed my lips lightly. He turned his hand, his palm pressing flush up against my quivering center.

  I gasped, my lips parting as he continued to hold my gaze. Slowly, he pressed his fingers forward, one of them sliding between my lips and discovering the slickness that had threatened to fall down my thighs from the moment I read his note earlier. Another eyebrow raised and a slow smile of approval and then in an instant, he slid inside of me, a low moan escaping from my mouth.

  “Is that for me?” he growled.

  Speechless, I nodded as he sunk his finger in deeper, pulling out slowly and then plunging two back in. And then, just like that, he pulled away. I suppressed a whimper of protest, biting my lip hard instead.

  “Good girl,” he smiled, bringing his fingers to his nose. He inhaled deeply as another hot flush washed over my face. I couldn’t believe this man. And just when I thought he couldn’t shock me anymore, he pushed his fingers forward, sliding them between my open lips and twirling them over my tongue. Just like he’d done in that room at Departure.

  “Mmmm,” he murmured,
“see how delicious you are?”

  His fingers slid out of my mouth and I stared at him in awe. The balls on this guy, I thought. He was audacious and arrogant, daring and dangerous.

  I fucking loved it.

  He sat back in his seat as the car slowed to a stop in front of another apartment building, an older brick building not nearly as tall as the first one.

  “We’re here,” Bear said, smiling at me as if he hadn’t just had his fingers inside of me.

  “Wow, it’s awesome,” I said, trying desperately to compose myself. “I can’t wait to see inside.”

  “Let’s go in,” he said. “But Chloe?”

  “Yes?” I asked, turning back to him.

  “Pull your skirt down before you get out. You don’t want to show all of Park Avenue what we’ve been doing.”

  My eyes shot down to my lap and I quickly pulled my skirt down, hiding my exposed flesh. His laughter was low and deep and I flashed him a quick smile, even though I wanted to die from embarrassment.

  He leaned over and brushed a quick kiss on my cheek before the door opened and we stepped out.

  “Shall we?” he said, offering me his arm. I put my hand on his arm and let him led me inside, my face hot and flushed, my pussy quivering.

  Chapter 7

  “It’s so cozy,” I said, as we walked into my new apartment. First of all, I couldn’t believe how gorgeous and comfortable it looked, but secondly, I couldn’t believe I was going to be living here.

  “It’s smaller than Matilda’s, of course,” he said. “But I thought it suited you better.”

  “You guessed right,” I said and I couldn’t help but beam a huge smile at him. “I love it, Bear, thank you. You’re very generous.”

  “I’m happy to have you here, Chloe,” he said.

  I nodded, unsure what else to say as I walked around the apartment. It was older but it was stunningly beautiful. Intricate crown molding lined the ceilings, tall windows opened the room up to the city outside and the huge rooms were filled with informal furnishings—casual slip covered couches and dark red patterned fringed Persian rugs covered dark hardwood floors. The kitchen was entirely renovated, but even with the modern appliances and cabinets, it still had a rustic, cozy feeling to it.


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