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Taking Care of Business

Page 18

by Lauren Dane

  His thumb slid over her clit, so wet it was like a ball bearing coated in oil. And still he was slow, steady in his touch as though he had an eternity to please her.

  She wasn't going to last an eternity. She was barely going to last another few minutes. Leah's whimper leaked from behind her teeth and Brandon groaned at the noise.

  'Like this?' he asked, looking first to where his thumb was working its magic and then into her eyes.

  'Yes. Like that.' Leah arched again, still not moving on his cock but only shifting her weight to press her hips forwards and back. She tensed and released her inner muscles against his cock and strained to focus on the bundle of nerves behind her pubic bone as well as the tight hard button of her cit being so skilfully massaged.

  'Slower.' She gasped the word.

  He slowed.

  White noise crept from the corners of her mind to fill up every space of it. She would speak. He would do. She would have what she wanted. What she needed. Whatever it was, Brandon was ready to give it to her and she wasn't going to question or fear it. She couldn't. All she could do was squirm on his cock and against his hand as the sweet, sweet tension built inside her.

  Her heartbeat pulsed in all her secret spots. The steady thump of it sounded in her ears. She put a hand on her chest to feel it pound under her palm. Between her legs she felt it the most, not only in her clitoris but inside her too. A hundred thousand nerve endings sparked and fired with arousal.

  Filled by his erection and with the barely moving pressure of his thumb on her clit, Leah hovered on the edge of orgasm. She breathed deep with it, gave over to it. Gave in to it and him.

  'Stop.' Leah held her breath.

  Brandon stopped.

  Muscles leaped and jerked in her thighs and ass and lower belly. Each breath she took moved her body the smallest amount against the pressure of his thumb on her. There was no question she felt the throb of his cock inside her this time, no imagining it. It was real.

  'Oh,' she said, and opened her eyes. 'Oh . . . now.'

  She didn't know how he did it, only that in seconds he'd used one arm to push himself up while the other held her tight. He sat up without dislodging her from his lap and used both hands to smoothly shift her legs to wrap around his waist.

  He was already kissing her, his hands hot on her ass and grinding her on to his prick, when she came the first time. Face to face, his mouth devouring hers, Brandon lifted her up and down as he thrust. Her engorged clitoris rubbed his belly with every thrust and Leah didn't care if he was slamming into her, it felt too good to stop.

  She could smell him, taste him. Feel his breath on her face, his hands on her body, his cock inside her. Her body strained, reaching for more, more, her orgasm only the tip of the pleasure waiting for her.

  Brandon moaned into her mouth. Leah's entire body shuddered at the sound, that fucking sound, that deep, low, throaty fuck noise sending her over the edge again.

  She was the reason for that noise. His body was being overtaken by pleasure because of her touch, her kiss, her cunt slick and slippery and grinding down on his prick, as she used her thigh muscles to move her along with his thrusts. She was the reason he was shuddering now, and why his hand had come up to tangle in her hair and tug her head back so he could mouth her throat. So he could press his teeth there, and, oh yes, oh fuck yes, she put her hand on the back of his head to urge him on and he used his teeth on her sensitive skin, biting and sucking just over her pulse.

  Leah came again, this time with a shout.

  Sweat slicked their bodies. It only made it easier for him to move her up and down on his prick. Those big hands held tight to her ass. He kissed her again and she held his face to keep his mouth on hers.

  He said her name against her lips, the rest of his words lost in the frenzy of their kisses. It sounded like a plea. She sucked his tongue for another second before breaking the kiss to nuzzle into his ear.

  'Yes, baby,' she whispered. Two orgasms had left her pleasantly fuzzed but capable of real speech, not just a string of inarticulate groans.

  He turned his head to bring his mouth to her ear. 'I'm going to come . . .'

  He wasn't exactly asking for permission. Not exactly. But at sound of his voice, the yearning there, her body tightened around him again. Her nails dug into his back. Her clit bumped his belly as they thrust, and inside her the liquid heat had built until she thought she might explode.

  'Yes,' she said into his mouth. Her hand slid up his back to anchor in the hair at the base of his skull. She pulled, hard, fingers tangling, and when he moaned she started to come again. 'Come with me, Brandon . . .'

  He jerked and shuddered when she said his name and she had time to delight in knowing he had such a potent trigger.

  His arms came around her, holding her close in an embrace surprisingly tender considering how she was riding him as hard and fast as they both could move.

  His breath stole over her face when he kissed her again. Then he buried his face in her shoulder and cried out her name. The final waves of her orgasm washed over her as he spent himself inside her. Breathing hard, they clung to each other, glued by sweat.

  Even with her legs cramping and his erection softening inside her, Leah didn't want to move.

  'Cramp,' he said.

  'Right now?' Concern flashed over her face and she made to get off so immediately that he barely had time to get a hand between them to lock the base of the rubber so it wouldn't slide off when she did.

  'In another minute, if I don't move,' he explained as she moved to his side. With a hand on his dick. . . his cock, he thought with a smile, to keep the condom from sliding off, Brandon swung his legs over the side of the bed. He pointed his toes carefully, first one foot and then the other, stretching his muscles to keep them from locking up on him. He glanced over his shoulder at Leah, then stripped off the condom as he leaned forwards to hook the waste can with one finger. A nest of tissues already littered the bottom, but he threw a few more in on top. When he tested his legs again, it seemed safe enough to stand, but he didn't.

  'I'm going to use the bathroom,' he said.

  Amusement flickered in her eyes and she leaned forwards to kiss his shoulder in a gesture he wasn't expecting. 'You don't need to ask my permission to go. I'm not that harsh a mistress.'

  He hadn't been asking permission, just letting her know because girls could be squeamish about bathroom stuff. Something in her tone though stopped him from getting up just then. Or maybe it had been the kiss to his shoulder. Or maybe he didn't want to move away from her just yet.

  'I know you're not,' he told her, and brushed her hair over her shoulder.

  Leah's smile thinned a little when he did that and, he couldn't figure out why. She let him kiss her mouth though and, when he paused in the doorway to look back , she'd been watching him. He closed the door, more for her benefit than any modesty on his part. He used the toilet, ran some warm water in the sink and splashed his face and crotch, but hesitated before using the last towel hanging on the rack. The Hilton had a green policy of only replacing linens during a guest's stay at the guest's request. Leah must not have requested fresh towels every day.

  Before he could decide if he should drip-dry or use a washcloth instead, the door creaked open. Leah, still naked he was glad to see, came in. Spotting the water running in the sink, she looked at him. Then the towel.

  'Here,' she said. 'Let me.'

  She grabbed one of the unused washcloths from the rack and ran it under the warm water while he watched, not sure what she was planning. She squeezed it gently, but it was still soaked when she pressed it to his belly.

  Brandon jumped at her touch, and she shushed him with a small murmuring admonition that made him want to laugh . . . but he didn't. In order to laugh he needed breath and her touch had stolen it away.

  Looking up at him, Leah moved the cloth over his belly and thighs, wiping away the stickiness of sweat and the residue of her arousal. She moved between his legs, her
touch gentle as she wiped the cloth slowly over his cock and balls, too. She put her foot between his, nudging to get him to widen his stance, and though he felt foolish he did it because looking into her eyes, her hand on his cock, he was pretty sure he would do anything she wanted.

  She cleaned him thoroughly but swiftly and then ran the cloth under the warm water again and passed it over all the places she'd already covered one last time. Water pooled in his pubes and ran down his thighs and calves and feet. It tickled, but again he didn't laugh.

  Leah put the cloth in the sink and took down the last towel. Looking up at him again, her head tilted sideways so she could see his face and, with a quick glance, also his body, she crouched in front of him on the bathroom's terry-cloth mat. She didn't kneel, just bent her knees more gracefully than he ever could have. Her hair fell forwards over her face as she looked at the towel in her hands.

  His mouth dried at the sight of her there.

  She used the towel with the same quick efficiency to dry his feet and legs. She moved upwards, standing, and dried between his legs and, finally, his belly.

  It was the most sensually arousing experience of his life. He couldn't get hard again so soon, not after the mind-blowing sex they'd just had, but nevertheless arousal coiled in the pit of his belly, behind his balls. He let out a slow shuddering breath.

  Leah tossed the towel on to the counter and leaned back against it, her legs slightly spread and her hands gripping the faux marble. 'Your turn.'

  He took the cloth and ran the water, keeping his eyes on his hands so they wouldn't shake. He squeezed out most of the water, but when he turned to get down in front of her, his knee sent out a warning, loud and clear. Try it, buddy, the old soccer injury said. You'll get down, but you won't get up.

  Leah must have seen his wince because she put her finger under his chin to lift his eyes to hers. 'I don't want you to hurt yourself.'

  Brandon nodded and slipped an arm around her waist to draw her closer as he let the warm damp cloth slide between her legs and up over her belly. Leah tilted her head back to look up at him, and her mouth curved in that secret smile again. He wanted to know what she was thinking, but was a little afraid to ask. He was pretty sure she was the sort of woman who wouldn't have any problem telling him.

  'Very nice,' she murmured when he'd cleaned her as thoroughly, if not as neatly, as she'd done for him. She gestured for him to put the cloth in the sink, then took both his hands and settled them on her hips as she hopped on to the counter and drew him between her legs.

  Maybe he could get hard again after all.

  Pressed against her like that, an interested but not yet ready prick against her soft warm flesh, Brandon understood without question why Viagra had been invented.

  Leah slid her flat palms up his chest, stopping at his nipples. She rubbed them a little with her fingertips, and they pebbled as his skin broke out in gooseflesh. Brandon shivered, but not from cold.

  'You like that.' Her smile teased him again.

  'When you do it, I do.'

  Her lips rounded. 'Good answer.'

  He laughed and moved to kiss her. She didn't move towards him, but she didn't pull away. He stopped a breath's distance from her lips, patient when he had to be, until she slipped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Her tongue slid into his mouth, then out again. She tasted so sweet, his body stirred in a valiant effort.

  Without breaking the kiss, Brandon tightened his grip on her and lifted her from her spot on the counter. Leah let out a cry and clung to him as he turned, but a second later she relaxed in his grasp and beneath his mouth. He kissed her as he walked, praying the bed would find them before the floor did. His knee twinged but held. He lowered her on to the bed and crawled up after her, his mouth finding whatever spot he could.

  When she lay on the pillows with him beside her, Leah put a fingertip to his lips to stop his kisses. 'Brandon.'

  'Yes,' he said and waited for her to kick him out.

  'I'm going to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth.'

  'Why would you assume I'd lie?' he asked bluntly, not to be a jerk but because he'd already given her multiple orgasms and he figured he was entitled to a little trust.

  'I didn't!' She looked a little shocked.

  Brandon rolled on to his back, one arm behind his head, to stare at the ceiling. She didn't say anything. After a few seconds, he turned his head to look at her. She'd sat up and pulled a pillow on to her lap and was squeezing it.

  'I'm not a good liar,' Brandon said. 'You can see a lie all over my face, or so I've been told.'

  A smile twitched her mouth but she didn't quite give in to it. 'By who?'

  'My mother, first of all,' he said. 'And about half-a-dozen girlfriends. So I'm inclined to think they're right.'

  'Ah.' She nodded and chewed the inside of her cheek. 'Well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply you'd lie. I just wanted to be sure you'd be honest.'

  He sat up too, mirroring her position with the other pillow. 'I will be. But you have to be honest with me too.'

  She gave him an assessing look. 'Is that what you'd like to do? Trade secrets?'

  'Do you have some?'

  'Everyone has secrets, Brandon.' She looked at the pillow in her lap. Her hair fell forwards over her face and shoulders, so long it brushed the pillow where her hands twisted together.

  He couldn't think of any he had, but the playful, sensual mood was dissipating and threatening to turn into one of 'those' conversations. 'You can ask me anything,' he offered gamely. 'Go ahead. Just like Truth or Dare.'

  She looked up at him then. 'So, if you don't want to tell me the truth, I get to give you a dare?'

  He laughed. 'I'll tell you. Go ahead. Ask me what you wanted to.'

  Her shoulders rose and fell as she took a deep breath in through her nose and let it seep slowly from her mouth. 'I want you to tell me how you felt when I told you to leave.'

  He didn't ask which time. He knew what she meant. But he didn't have an answer he could articulate. Not right away.

  Leah studied him. 'Were you angry?'

  He shook his head. 'No.'

  'Hmm.' She tilted her head and sucked her lower lip for a second, which drew his attention inexorably to her mouth. 'Don't you think you should have been?'

  'Do you want me to have been angry?' His knee couldn't take the cross-legged position any longer so he stretched out his legs, then lay on his side with his head propped in his hand. He kept the pillow in front of him though, because she still had hers, and this was the sort of conversation where nakedness wasn't a plus.

  'I want to know what you felt, that's all.'

  'I wasn't angry. I was disappointed. I was surprised. But I wasn't mad.'

  She plucked at the pillow's white case, then held out her fingers like she was examining her manicure. Brandon had seen girls do that before. It meant she didn't want to look him in the eye.

  'How about you? What did you feel like when you told me to go and I did?'

  'I liked it.' The answer came out of her almost before he'd finished asking the question. She gave him a challenging stare, which was better than her avoiding his gaze.

  'And the list,' he said after a few seconds in which neither of them spoke. 'You liked giving me that list.'

  Leah lifted her chin. 'You liked that too.'

  'I could've cut diamonds with my dick that day, Leah.'

  She laughed and he was glad. 'Really? I couldn't tell.'

  He reached to trace a circle on the part of her knee peeking out from the pillow. She had tiny sharp stubbles there he hadn't noticed before. He doubted she'd appreciate him pointing them out, even though he liked feeling the prickles under his fingertips.

  'What do you like about it?' Brandon didn't need to think too hard to guess. He'd met her ex, that frigging punk. She'd told him, that first night, that Mike had liked to tell her what to do. Brandon figured she was just getting a little payback- with a different guy, but how could he

  'What do you?'

  'When you tell me what you want, I don't have to guess,' he said pointedly. 'It makes my job a heckuva lot easer.'

  He'd put it that way deliberately, the part about the job.

  He wasn't completely clueless. He couldn't pretend to guess at all her issues, but her asshole ex-boyfriend was a big part of them. Brandon wasn't going to imply what had just happened was anything other than what she seemed to want it to be: sex, plain and simple. Except there hadn't been anything plain about it and it didn't feel simple either.

  'Do you always get a hard-on that could drill brick when someone gives you a list?' Her tone was light, but her eyes weren't teasing.


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