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Indelible Love Jake's Story

Page 3

by D. W. Cee

“Did I wake you again?” I couldn’t believe it.

  “Do you have something against me sleeping in?” she chuckled. “Why are you up so early? Do all doctors get up at the crack of dawn?”

  “Emily, it’s past 8:00. This is hardly the crack of dawn.”

  “It is for me on a Sunday. I like to sleep.”

  “I’ve noticed. How’s your ankle?”

  “Oh, it feels so much better. It’s not as swollen either. I was able to gimp around the house yesterday after you dropped me off. Did you have to work late?”

  “Only till about eleven.” Our conversation sounded so natural – like we’d been dating for months. “What are you doing today? Do you want to have lunch with me? I promise I’m not on call so we won’t be interrupted.”

  “I don’t know… I’ve lost too much weight since I’ve met you. Every time I try to get something to eat, somehow you get in my way.” Her voice teased.

  “That was a joke, right?”

  “Partially. I have lost weight since I’ve met you. Anyhow, I have plans today, sorry. I’m off to Charlie’s niece’s fourth birthday party. I got a personal invitation from Eunice, so I have to go.”

  “What time is the party?”

  “It’s an 11:00 party but it’s out in Oxnard so I’ll probably be out there the whole day. Charlie and Sarah are picking me up at 10:00.”

  “Will you be back by dinner time?” Already pathetically whipped and desperate to be with her, I begged for some of her time.

  “I don’t know. Since Charlie’s driving, I kind of have to follow their plan. What will you be doing today? It’ll be weird not to see you. I feel like we’ve spent this entire weekend together.”

  Her nothing statement encouraged me to believe she, too, wanted to see me. I proceeded to tell her about my day.

  “It’s my Uncle David’s birthday and our whole family’s having lunch out on the Westside. I was hoping to take you with me. After that, I thought we could hang out.”

  I heard her laugh. “I see. I don’t know if I can say I’m sorry to have missed lunch with your entire family but I am sorry I won’t see you today. I guess we’ll have to try for next weekend since tomorrow begins another work week.”

  Her statement sent me to the moon and back.

  “Have you had breakfast? You want me to bring over something to eat?”

  “I’d love that. Thank you. Can you give me about half an hour to shower and change?”

  “Sure. What would you like to eat this morning, Emily? Cereal?”

  “No, I don’t like cereal. I’m partial towards lattes and croissants – especially almond croissants.”

  “Almond croissant it is. See you soon.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  We hung up and I replayed what she’d just said to me. If I heard her correctly, she was sorry that we wouldn’t see each other today and she couldn’t wait to see me. That meant she liked spending time with me which also meant she liked me as well? I didn’t know whether to turn this idea into a question or a statement.

  Trusting she wanted to spend time with me, I zoomed down the street from my mom’s to pick up her croissant and latte. I also picked up a sticky bun, a vegetable frittata, a plain croissant and a scone, just in case she might like any of these items as well. I patiently waited for thirty minutes to be up and walked up her driveway hoping she was ready to see me.

  Ding Dong.

  Her hobbling turned to gimping. Her walk looked much better.

  “Hi,” she answered with that sweet smile. “Come in.”

  “You’re walking much better today.”

  “Yeah. I feel so much better too. I fell asleep soon after you brought me home and even though someone woke me up prematurely, I feel well rested.”

  “Here.” I handed her the box of food and her coffee.

  “Thank you.” We sat down at the breakfast table and she looked surprised. “Why is there so much food in here?”

  “Aren’t you the one who accused me of causing you to lose weight? And by the way, what do you mean you don’t like cereal? Isn’t that why you were at the market so late at night?”

  “Yeah. I had this freakish craving for Captain Crunch even though I don’t like cereal.”

  I just stared at her.

  “I know… I’m kind of unusual when it comes to food. If I get a craving, I need to satiate it. Have you had breakfast yet?” She got up to get plates and utensils for us and brought out some strawberries as well.

  “I’ve had breakfast already. This is all for you.”

  “That’s no fun. I hate eating by myself,” she complained. “Will you eat a little more?” Her voice so sweet, she could have asked me to rob a bank and I would’ve said yes.

  During breakfast, this girl whom I couldn’t get enough of told me her favorite food was sushi or foie gras – she had expensive taste; she loved to watch sad movies; and her favorite book was Pride and Prejudice. Thirty minutes might as well have been thirty seconds. Time flew by as Charlie and Sarah were at her door at 10:00 sharp. They both looked startled to see me here again.

  “Jake. Are you here to check on Emily again?” Sarah gave me the third degree.

  “No, I came to feed her this time. I was hoping to spend the day with her but she told me she had plans with you so I’ll get going.”

  “You’re welcome to come with us to the birthday party,” Charlie quickly invited.

  I nearly ditched my uncle’s 50 birthday party when I noticed the excitement in Emily’s eyes at Charlie’s invitation. The Reid family would have disowned me if I did. “Thanks but I have a family function I can’t miss. Perhaps next time we can go out, the four of us?”

  “That sounds like a date.” Charlie and Sarah agreed. “We’ll wait for you in the car,” Sarah told Emily.

  I appreciated Sarah’s attempt to give us a few more minutes together.

  “I guess I won’t see you for a while once work begins?” Surprisingly, Emily was the one who was sad we were parting. “I’ll call you when I get back.” She actually sighed.

  Tension filled the room as we stared at each other wondering where to go with this moment. Do we just walk out and part? Should I kiss her on the cheek? Do I dare try on the lips? Emily lightly bit down on her lips with some sort of anticipation but I held back. I wanted to smother her with kisses among other things and stay that way the rest of the day but looking at her wide-eyed countenance I felt no assurance she would agree to my idea.

  “Sarah and Charlie are waiting.” Emily broke our silence.

  “Sure. Let’s go.” I locked the door behind us and took her hand in mine, interlocking fingers one by one. A highly charged volt ran through both our hands. I couldn’t remember the last time I held a girl’s hand and felt such heightened emotions. With her head down, reticence mixed with a smile peered through her beautiful face. We stopped near Charlie’s car and I pulled her in for a hug. “I’ll miss you today.”

  “I’ll miss you too,” she answered back. Since I wasn’t expecting this response, her four simple words shot happiness into my heart. I decided to push my luck and leaned in to kiss her. To my dismay she pulled away and explained, “I’m not big on PDA. Can I take a rain check?”

  Deciding I didn’t care about her not liking PDA, I lightly kissed her lips and answered, “Sure.”

  It was going to be a long day without her.

  “Jake, do you want to drive to the Westside with us?” Mom asked.

  “No, I need to stop by and pick up a present for Uncle Dave. I’ll meet you at the restaurant.”

  “What are you going to get him? Do you want me to come with you?”

  “Not sure what but I want to stop by Cartier. I’ll walk over to the restaurant from there.”

  “Cartier? Could it be that you want to pick up something for Emily and not Uncle Dave?” Mom smiled at me. “Isn’t it a bit premature to be picking up jewelry for her already? I’m dying to meet this girl.”

  “Mom, I don’t think I’v
e ever felt so strongly about anyone in my life. This is the girl I’m going to marry!”

  “Marriage? Already? Alright… See you at lunch.” Mom sounded skeptical but curious.

  Before leaving, I thought it might be too soon to call so I texted her a message.

  Call me when you’re done. I’ll drop by and see you if it’s not too late. I miss you very much, already.

  She sent back another quick response.

  How can you miss me already? It’s only been ten minutes. I think you are lying. Maybe I am lying too when I tell you that I miss you as well.

  I wanted to text back, I love you but thought I should wait on that one.

  There were about thirty of us at brunch. Bobby, my father was the oldest of five boys and Uncle Dave was the youngest. All my aunts and most of my cousins were here to celebrate Uncle Dave’s 50 birthday. Though we cousins didn’t get together on our birthdays, we were pretty religious about getting together for all holidays and our uncles’ birthdays.

  The only ones not present were Gram, who lived in London, Jane, my sister who lived in New York, and Laney, my cousin who was in Japan on an undergraduate student exchange program. We had a lively lunch.

  “Hey, Jake,” Uncle Dave called, “your Gram says she wants to talk to her favorite grandchild.”

  Of course that would be me. “Hi Gram. How are you doing?”

  “Jakey, when are you getting married so I can have great grandchildren? What’s taking you so long? Why are you so picky?”

  “Gram, I promise you within a year, I’ll be married. I’ve met the most incredible woman.”

  All eyes and ears fixed on me.

  “Who is she? Why don’t you bring her to London to visit me?”

  “I just met her. I’ll bring her soon, I promise. I have to warn you, though, she’s even more beautiful than you are and I may already love her more than I love you.”

  “She’s no good for you, then. I can’t have someone stealing my grandson’s love away from me.” We both chuckled. “Be good to her, Jakey. Call me often.”

  “Okay, Gram, I love you.”

  “So who’s this girl you’ve met?” Aunt Barbara, the Chief’s wife, wanted to know.

  “Only the most amazing woman!” I answered.

  “You sound pathetic,” Uncle Henry replied. “If she’s so amazing, why didn’t you bring her today and introduce her to all of us?”

  “I tried but she already had plans.”

  “Hey, bring her to Mom’s for Thanksgiving,” Doug suggested. “You know Mom throws the craziest theme parties.”

  “Aunt Babs, what’s the theme this year for Thanksgiving?” one of the cousins inquired.

  “Pilgrims and Indians – everyone must come in costume.” Aunt Babs threw the best themed parties. Each family took turns hosting a holiday. Christmas was always held at our house, Thanksgiving at the Chief’s, Easter at Uncle Billy and Aunt Sandra’s, Mother’s Day at Uncle Dave’s and Aunt Debbie’s, and Father’s Day was at Uncle Roy and Aunt Pattie’s home. We had a good relationship with one another.

  “Can I bring Emily this Thanksgiving?”

  “We’d worry if you didn’t,” Aunt Babs reassured me.

  Several times during our meal I texted Emily but got no response. Once our meal was over, I called to find out how her day was going.

  She picked up on the first ring.

  “Hi Jake.” She sounded happy to hear my voice.

  “Hi. Are you busy?”

  “Um… kind of. How was lunch? Is your whole family still there?”

  “Lunch was good. You would have enjoyed it. Have you had lunch?”

  “Not really.”

  I heard her saying no thank you to some guy who kept asking her if he could get her a drink. I hoped she had not been spending the day with another guy.

  “Who are you talking to?”

  “Oh… you don’t want to know.”

  “I think I do. Is he the reason why you haven’t responded to any of my texts today?”

  “Uh huh. Let’s just say he reminds me of those ER doctors I met on Friday.”

  That wasn’t good news for me. That probably meant he hit on her. He probably had her cornered since she couldn’t move around too well.

  “Do you want me to come get you right now?”

  “I’d like to say yes but I need to stay. I’ll call you when we’re done. I hope it’s soon. I’m hungry.”

  “Why haven’t you eaten?”

  “I don’t do hot dogs at kids’ parties.” With that she gave me a cute giggle and said good bye.

  My cousins and my brother Nick wanted to catch a movie so I decided to tag along. I thought it would be a good way to kill some time while I waited for Emily to get back. Of course I couldn’t concentrate on the movie when I thought about the creep who had Emily cornered. I was on edge since my conversation with Emily.

  Nick, Doug and I decided to go have dinner in Venice and Emily still hadn’t called. It took every ounce of self control for me not to call her again.

  “Who is this girl who has you in knots right now? Why do you keep looking at your phone?” Nick shook his head in disbelief.

  The phone rang as I was explaining to Nick about Emily. “Sorry, Nick, I need to get this.


  “Hi. Are you still on the Westside right now? Sarah, Charlie and I want to go out to dinner. Do you want to meet us?”

  “I’m in Venice with my brother Nick and my cousin Doug. Where will you be?”

  “I’ll text you the address. Bring both of them. I want to meet them.”

  “I’ll ask. See you soon.”

  “Was that my future sister?”

  “Yup. We’re meeting right now. She invited you guys to come but I’m uninviting you. I don’t need a third and fourth wheel. See you later.” I ran out the door.

  When I got to the restaurant, Charlie and Sarah were seated at the bar.

  “Where’s Emily?”

  “She’s answering a call. You didn’t see her outside?” Sarah asked.


  “I’m sure she’ll be right in.”

  “So, Jake… Did you and Emily really just meet on Friday?” Charlie asked.

  “Why do you both have such a surprised look on your face? Is something wrong?”

  Sarah and Charlie kept looking at each other like they were wondering whether or not to tell me what was already on the tip of their tongue. “Well, we’re just a bit shocked at how comfortable you two seem to be already. Emily hasn’t dated anyone in a while and even when she was with Max, I’ve never seen her so… what would be the right word, Charlie?” Her conversation started with me and ended with Charlie.

  “At ease? Relaxed? Let loose? Are those the right words?”

  “Do you like our Emily?”

  I found it comforting that Sarah and Charlie both protected this girl whom I was so fond of.

  “I like her enough to want be able to call her my Emily.”

  They both gave me an approving nod. “Please be good to her,” Sarah pleaded. “She’s been through a lot in her short twenty four years of life. No one deserves more happiness than she does.”

  Charlie sensed my alarm. “Don’t be so melodramatic, Sarah. Underneath that pretty face, Emily’s a tough girl.”

  I felt someone tap me from behind and I quickly turned the stool around.

  “Boo!” Emily attempted a scare.

  “Hi Beautiful!” I grabbed and kissed her catching her off guard.

  She unconvincingly nudged me away. “I told you I don’t like PDA,” she whispered.

  “You asked for a rain check,” I whispered back.

  “Not here and not in front of those two who are staring at us.” Sarah and Charlie laughed.

  “Who were you talking to for so long?” Sarah beat me to the question.

  “Charlie! Your sister gave that creepy guy my number. He wouldn’t let me get off the phone. Please tell Janice I won’t ever go back to her ho
use if Dr. Erickson is around.”

  “Who’s Dr. Erickson?” Though this probably wasn’t a story I wanted to hear, Emily’s mad face was darling.

  “This appears to be my weekend for attracting creepy doctors.” She quickly added, “Not you, of course.”


  “Charlie’s sister Janice wanted to set me up with her neighbor, Dr. Tom Erickson. He insisted I address him by his title the whole day. Then he followed me around from room to room, chair to chair and wouldn’t stop talking to me. He also had the gall to try and feed me a hot dog and spiked punch when he saw that I wasn’t eating. He was so gross.”

  Our laughs encouraged her to elaborate.

  “He was bald and short and had a six month pregnant belly. What was your sister thinking?”

  “I think she thought it would be nice to set you up with an established doctor.” Charlie weakly defended his sister.

  “He’s a podiatrist. All day long he talked about calluses and bunions. Eew! He asked me to go away with him next weekend. If I had eaten anything at all today, I would have barfed on him.”

  Sarah and Charlie continued to laugh but I put my lips over hers and kissed her again. Her shocked look was worth another try.

  “Why do you keep doing that?” Though she complained, she kissed me back each time.

  “I don’t want to hear about the Podiatrist anymore. Can we talk about something else?” I leaned in closer.

  “What do you want to talk about?” Coquettishly, her lips came dangerously close to mine.

  “How about us?”

  “What about us?”

  “Since you haven’t had anything to eat yet, I thought I’d attempt at asking you to go away with me. Do you want to go to Bacara next weekend?”

  “Didn’t we just meet yesterday? How are you any different than Dr. Erickson?”

  “Would you allow Dr. Erickson to do this?” Before she could react, I grabbed the back of her neck and rushed my mouth onto hers. She initially tried to pull away but quickly gave up and enjoyed our deep kiss.

  “I can’t believe I’m making out in public with a man I just met. What’s gotten into me, Sarah?”


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