Indelible Love Jake's Story

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Indelible Love Jake's Story Page 26

by D. W. Cee

  “Hello favorite grandchild. How was your flight?”

  “It was fabulous. Gram, nothing could possibly spoil this day and the rest of my life, as a matter of fact. I’m going to be with Emily again.”

  “Follow me, Jakey.” She led me up to her room. From a safe in her huge closet, she pulled out the most stunning diamond. I couldn’t believe she was willing to give this to me and a girl she’s never met. “This is for you and Emily.”

  I hugged my Gram for a long time. “Thank you Gram for loving Emily so much. She will be very touched to know you gave this to us.”

  “My only requirement… hand it down to your daughter. That was my mother’s request and I failed her by having five sons.”

  “We’ll try, Gram. We’ll come see you after Paris and you can finally meet your newest granddaughter.”

  “I can’t wait.” Gram said, sending me off to Paris.

  I checked into Hotel Ritz, a stomping ground for my family when we were younger, and thought long and hard before deciding on getting two rooms instead of one. I kept telling myself Emily would want me to hold her to sleep every night like she did in Kyoto but I knew if I slept with her for six straight nights, sleep would be the last thing on my mind. In fact, Emily would lose sleep again. Against my better judgment I got adjacent rooms.

  “Bonjour, Monsieur Reid,” the concierge recognized me from my youth.

  “Bonjour.” I didn’t know whether I should speak French or English since the concierge was actually an American expat. My French was a little rusty so I decided to speak English. “You still remember me? I haven’t been here in years.”

  “Oh yes. How could I forget? Your family came here yearly. What brings you here this week? Are you here on business or vacation?”

  “Purely vacation – actually I need to go pick up my girlfriend at the airport soon.”

  “Ah, you’re here with an amour?”

  “Yes. Do you think I can ask you for a few favors?”

  “Of course, Monsieur Reid. How can I be of help?”

  “My girlfriend arrives at 12:00. Could you ask housekeeping to draw a bath for her? We should be back here in an hour. Also, would the chef do a cooking class for us at the Escoffier sometime in the early afternoon?”

  “Bien sur! I will take care of it for you and I will get you a car and driver for the week. Anything else?”

  “Do you think we’d be able to get a reservation for dinner at Le Jules Verne’s tonight?”

  “I don’t see why not. I’ll take care of that as well.”


  “Your car will be ready in about twenty minutes. He will meet you outside.”

  “Thank you very much,” I repeated.

  While waiting for the car, I walked down the posh shops and noticed a striking outfit gracing the window of Chanel. Emily would look gorgeous in this outfit. I’d have to have her try it on and buy it for her even if she refused. A nice sales gal greeted me.

  “Bonjour, monsieur.”

  “Bonjour.” I answered. “Could you put this outfit on hold for me till my girlfriend can come and try it on?”

  “Of course, sir. What is your name?”

  “Put it under Jake Reid. Thank you.”

  This day was turning out better than expected. Emily probably had no expectations of this day except to be with me. I was sure she would be delighted.

  My driver was waiting when I got back to the hotel and we left for Charles de Gaulle airport ready to pick up my future bride. Emily came out early with one compact suitcase and ran into my arms. We couldn’t let go of one another. Her longing, no different than mine, expressed itself in a borderline wanton kiss that I thoroughly enjoyed. Sooner than Emily expected, I pulled away not wanting to get carried away with our embrace. I was inches away from about calling the hotel and canceling that second room.

  Trying to shake off her kiss, I held her hand and took her to the car.

  “This is not our car is it? You got us a driver, too? Aghast Emily stared at me and wouldn’t get in the car.

  “Yes, it is and yes, I did.” I didn’t see why she looked so embarrassed.

  “You have got to be kidding me. We cannot ride around Paris in this limo. How embarrassing. We’re not rock stars.”

  “Get in.” I commanded.

  Emily was in awe with the sights of Paris. Her eyes didn’t leave the scenery even with me by her side. At one point during the ride, I had to coerce her to look at me so I could embrace her. Indubitably, her face got red and told me to hold off till we got to the hotel. With all that was intimated since my love landed in Paris, that second room looked more and more unnecessary by the minute. Still, I would respect her – or better yet, her mother’s wishes – a little while longer till we got married.

  We walked up to her room and disappointment streaked across her face when I led her into her room. Little did she know how hard it was to see her to want me this much. Was this reverse psychology she was using on me? Why was I the one now trying to preserve her purity? I kept reminding myself I wouldn’t have to wait much longer.

  “This room is amazing, Jake.” I led her into the bathroom for her bath. “What’s all this?” Her lips formed an appreciative semi-circle and she came over placed her arms around my body.

  Housekeeping had done a fabulous job of drawing my love a bath. Hundreds of rose petals covered the water and scented candles lit up the room. Hot water flowed from the mouth of a gold swan and I encouraged Emily to relax before we began our many excursions.

  “Why don’t you unwind a bit and we’ll start our trip after your bath.”

  “Thank you, Jake. You know, you’re spoiling me. I can really get used to this.” I wanted her spoiled and loved. The theme of this trip would be to assure her of my love.

  “It can all be yours if you like, my love. No one is stopping you.” She looked like she was considering taking my offer.

  Heading to the door to run my errand Emily stopped me.

  “Where are you going?” Was this a trick question? Wasn’t she about to undress and take a bath? Did she want me to join her?

  “Um… out to give you some privacy. Do you want me to stay?” Staring into her face I saw her contemplate that thought. Absence truly had made the heart and body grow fonder. It was unreal – no it was perhaps my dream come true – to witness such desire in her eyes.

  She changed the look on her face and casually asked, “No, I mean where will you be while I’m taking a bath?”

  “I need to stop by Boucheron. I’ll be right back.”

  “What’s Boucheron?”

  “It’s a jewelry shop.” Before shutting the door I peeked at her curious expression.

  To build up to my proposal I wanted to drop hints along the way and maximize interest. I only hoped I could hold off till the end of the week to propose. Boucheron hadn’t changed since last I visited with Mom about ten years ago. Henri, her favorite jewelry setter continued to work here for the last thirty plus years. Unsure whether he would recognize me, I began to speak in French.

  “Bonjour Henri. Vous souvenez-vous de moi ?”

  “Of course, Mr. Reid. I remember you from when you were a little boy.” Henry spoke graciously as if he were my grandfather. “What brings you here? Is Madam Reid here in Paris as well?”

  “No, I’m here with my girlfriend and I need your help.”

  “You have finally found your mate?” He chuckled.

  “Yes, I have! I can’t wait for you to meet her.” Henri had known all of us since we were born so introducing Emily to him would be like introducing her to one of my family members. “Gram gave me her diamond and I’d like to reset it for Emily.” I handed the Asscher cut diamond to Henri.

  “Ah, yes. I remember this diamond. Your grand-mere has had this ring reset several times. You are a very lucky man to receive such an extraordinary diamond.” He took out his magnifier and began inspecting the diamond. “It’s an exceptional quality jewel. How do you want it set?�

  “I’m not quite sure. How do most people set it these days? I want to propose to my girlfriend by the end of the week.”

  “You can leave it alone; it can be set with micro bezel diamonds around the Asscher cut; or you can add trillants or traps on the side. With a diamond of such magnitude, I would leave it alone. It needs no addition.”

  “Okay. I’ll take your advice. I also have this two carat solitaire that I’d like to turn into an earring. You’ll also have to find me a matching pair for the other ear.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Is it possible to do this all by Thursday or Friday?”

  “I will make sure it gets done right away. We will need your amour to come in for a sizing. You will have to bring her in somehow without letting her know what your intentions are.”

  An obstacle - I’d have to come up with a story to throw her off. After Kyoto, Emily was probably on high alert for a proposal so I’d have to think of a good story.

  “One more thing… Emily has an eternity band I need slightly enlarged. I will bring it to you when she comes in.”

  “D’accord, Monsieur Reid. I will call when the ring is ready for sizing.”

  “Merci. Au revoir.”

  “Au revoir.”

  Feeling good about my trip to Boucheron, all I needed now was to hatch a good explanation as to why I needed Emily to go into Boucheron with me. Knowing without a doubt Emily would be hungry, I stopped by the boulangerie and picked up a strawberry and butter cream crepe.

  Excited to start the week with my love I hurried up to her room.

  “Emily?” I caught her mid-bite. Her eyes looked up but her mouth kept busy on the crepe. “Tell me some of the things you want to do in Paris. We can go out of Paris as well if you like.”

  Emily explained she had been to Paris with Sarah before and she wanted to visit all the usual places most tourists wanted to visit. I’d have to ask Francoise, the manager, to add a twist to all of our excursions.

  While she added to her list of places to see, she shared bites with me and once she was done, I led her to the Escoffier. I couldn’t wait to see her face when she saw the cooking lessons that were ready for her in the kitchen.

  Emily’s eyes almost popped out of her socket when she saw the huge kitchen she would cook in. This kitchen, at least five times that of French Laundry, contained kitchen equipment beautiful enough to place in any gourmet cook shop.

  “Are we really getting cooking lessons?” She could hardly contain her excitement.

  “Yes, Love. Put on the apron and let’s see what Chef Daniel wants us to make.”

  I donned an apron with no thoughts of cooking. My satisfaction and pleasure would come from watching Emily enjoy herself. She followed the chef around like a little puppy and did everything he asked her to.

  “Amily,” the Chef gave her name a French pronunciation, “Recevez s’il vous plait lets oeufs, le beurre, le lait et le crème du refrigerateur.”

  Her French was better than I thought. She took out the eggs, butter, milk and crème from the refrigerator as the chef had asked. Then she found bowls and mixers and knives and cutting boards and went to work. Several times I served as translator for both parties while I grabbed a seat and drank my cafe. Emily was in her element. When all was done, we had more desserts than was humanly possible to eat. Of all the sweets my sweet created, the croissants were the winners.

  Stomachs filled and hearts content, we walked towards the Tuileries Garden for a stroll in the park. Emily, lips spread with joy, was in deep thought.

  “What are you thinking right now?” I wanted to share what was so important on her mind.

  “I was thinking that our private lesson at the Escoffier was about the coolest thing I’ve ever done in my life!”

  I knew she cooked well but I didn’t realize she enjoyed cooking to this extent.

  “If life would have turned out differently for me when I was younger, I probably would’ve gone to cooking school after undergrad. I feel most comfortable in a kitchen. Maybe one day when I’m retired, I’ll enroll in a cooking school just for fun. Thanks to you, I’ve checked off another thing I’ve always wanted to do. Thank you.”

  Whenever Emily shared with me about her earlier years my heart broke. These stories never got any easier to hear. Confidently, I assured her through a kiss that I’d spoil her with not only with love but with everything her heart desired.

  “What’s next?” She pulled me down the block. “This is so much fun! I might never want to leave.”

  I led her to Chanel and forcefully nudged my thrifty girlfriend into the store. She positively refused to buy a dress here but I didn’t take no for an answer. She followed the same sales lady and tried on the dress and boots I picked out for her. By the smile on her face I knew she loved the outfit. It was a sleeker, night version of the outfit she wore up to San Francisco. She looked hot. We purchased the outfit and walked back towards the hotel.

  I noticed that the smile had left Emily’s face.

  “Do you not like the dress?” I asked concerned. “Are you upset I didn’t give you a choice in the matter?”

  “No, no. I love the dress. It’s beautiful and practical as well. I can wear it multiple times.”

  “Then why do you look unhappy?”

  She gave me a crazy apology for not having given me enough – emotionally and materially – since we started dating last October. Could she still not comprehend the depth of my love for her? Back to the theme of this trip, I had to assure her of my feelings.

  “Emily. Back in New York when I was stupid enough to go chasing after your ring rather than stopping you from leaving, then back at home when you left me nothing but a letter and ran off to Japan, I promised myself that if we ever got a chance to be together again, I would spare nothing of myself.” Her lips slowly motioned upward. “Whether material or emotional, what I have is yours. And I know that materially, if our situations were reversed, you would do the same for me. So please let me dote on you the way I dreamed for so many months while you were away.”

  Her face appreciative, her lips showing contentment, she answered, “I love you, Jake.”

  “I love you too. Now let’s get ready for dinner.”

  Emily went into her room and I hopped over to mine and called Francois.


  “Francoise, this is Jake Reid.”

  “Bonjour. What can I do for you?”

  “Could I sign Emily up for cooking classes the rest of this week while we’re here?”

  “But of course! The classes are held at the Escoffier at 6:30am ever morning. There are two other mademoiselles signed up.”

  “Thank you. I’ll let her know.”

  “Au revoir.”

  “Good bye.”

  Suiting up quickly, I used Emily’s card key and walked in on her as she was finishing. With her dress not fully zipped in the back, I took the liberty of helping myself by unzipping it and allowing my hand to travel up and down her body. Emily turned around and feigned a feeble attempt at loosening my hands. My lips carefully enjoyed parts of her body that weren’t covered in make-up.

  “Jake,” A tone of gentle admonishment I chose to ignore, “What about dinner? I need to finish getting dressed.”

  “Let’s skip dinner. We can go to the Eiffel Tower tomorrow.”

  I could feel her inner battle as she pushed me away only to pull me back in for a kiss full of lust. She was so ready to be with me. I tested her struggling will power even further and tugged off her dress. Quickly glancing at her almost naked body, my lips and hands reached parts of Emily that had never been explored. It felt amazing to touch her.

  “Jake?” She let out a weak plea. “Jake? Honey? Please don’t…”

  She continued pleading but I wasn’t listening. I was a few caresses away from sweeping her off her feet and making love to the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

  “Jake…” She was letting out another round of
pleas. “I’d really like to honor my mom’s wish and stay a virgin till I get married. Please?”

  UGH! I stopped immediately and walked away. “I gotta get this done,” I thought and spoke a little bit too loudly. I needed to get this ring on her and then maybe then she would be willing to be with me knowing we had promised to spend the rest of our lives together.

  Leaving the temptation of a bedroom we went and had a delicious dinner at Le Jules Vernes, then drove through the city. Around midnight we found ourselves back in front of Emily’s room. Our lips locking again, I let her go knowing if we stayed together any longer, I wouldn’t be able to yield to her wish.

  Sometime in the morning I was woken up by a phone call.

  “Bonjour Monsieur Reid. Can you come in this morning with votre amour and try on the ring?”

  “It’s done already?”

  “Oui.” I knew Henri was a master jewel setter but he exceeded my expectations.

  “Of course. I’ll be there this morning.”


  I had to get up and think of an excuse as to why I needed Emily to try on this ring. What would I say to her? Hopping in the shower I hatched a devious plan to make her believe she was trying on the ring for Mom’s sake as the ring was supposedly going to be handed down to her. Yes, that was a good idea. Then another thought came to me – I figured out how I would propose to my love.

  Quickly getting dressed, I went down to see Francois and asked to meet with the head chef. I asked the Chef if he could make five petit fours with pictures on each of them symbolizing our relationship. Each petit four would be placed in a ring size box with the thought that I’d put the engagement ring in the sixth box. He would also pack a picnic basket for us so I could cross off the last line item on her bucket list – to picnic in the Tuleries Garden with someone she loved. The chef would have everything ready for me on Friday. My plan was set and I raced back to my room.

  It was almost time for Emily to get back from her class but I was still a bit jet lagged so I decided to close my eyes till she got back.

  “Hi Beautiful.” I mumbled as Emily woke me up snuggling into my body. “How was class this morning?”


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