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Indelible Love Jake's Story

Page 33

by D. W. Cee

  “Tell us what?” Dad and Gram walked in right Mom finished asking this question.

  “Well… Dad… Gram… Emily’s pregnant!”

  Nine months and many pints of ice cream later, my beautiful girlfriend, turned radiant wife, became a proud mother of twins. Elizabeth Logan Reid and James Logan Reid, named after their maternal grandparents, became the center of our universe. After a quick trip to London to pick up all of Gram’s essentials, Mom, Dad and Gram came back home to be with Emily during her difficult pregnancy and have become the most doting grandparents. Uncle Henry and Aunt Barbara had also spoiled our children to a point where their own children complained about the lack of attention in their own lives.

  “Hello Beautiful!” I called out to my girls, rushing through the front door to see my kids before bedtime.

  “Which one of us are you addressing?” Emily chuckled as my baby squealed once she saw me.

  “Hello, Ellie. How was your day today?”

  She responded with the most dazzling smile. I picked her up to more squealing and delight.

  “Where’s James?”

  “Upstairs, asleep – where this little one should be right now. You were a naughty little one today. You are so lucky your daddy is home early.” Emily warned with a smile and kisses to our daughter.

  “Were you naughty today? How could a cute little three month old like you misbehave? What did you do today?” I couldn’t stop kissing my daughter. She and James had my hair, my eyes, and my coloring but looked exactly like their mother. In all honesty, Ellie was even more beautiful than my Emily. Though, I’d take this information to the grave with me.

  “Are you talking to me?”

  “Uh-huh. What did you and the kids do today?”

  “Let’s head upstairs and put this little one down and I’ll tell you. You mind if we have dinner after Ellie falls asleep?”

  “Not at all. Let’s go, cutie. I’ll rock you to sleep.”

  “Please don’t do that. Both kids – this one in particular,” Emily said pointing to Elizabeth, “gave me a hard time today because they’ve been so spoiled. Gram, Mom, Dad, and all your aunts and uncles went to some function all day today so I thought it would be a perfect time to start training them to sleep on their own.”

  It drove Emily crazy that neither Ellie nor Jimmy had ever slept in their bassinets or cribs during nap time. Mom, Dad, and Gram, along with the other four aunts and uncles who dropped by on a regular basis, fought over who got to hold either child during nap time. There weren’t enough babies for the arms waiting to hold them. Neither child had been on the floor to practice tummy time, and we were sure they’d never crawl since they were always laying comfortably in someone’s arms.

  “After everyone left, I fed and changed the twins then put them down in their bassinets for their naps. They both hollered! So I held them at the same time, rocked them a bit, and placed them separately, Ellie in our room in the bassinet, and James in his room in his crib. They both hollered again but James eventually got tired and napped. This little one refused to sleep. I would pick her up and she’d quickly fall asleep; I’d put her down, she’d wake up and scream. We battled for a couple of hours until it was time for James to wake up and for both of them to be fed, again.”

  “After another round of feeding and changing I needed a change of scenery so I strolled them to the park.”

  “You walked all the way over there with the kids?”

  “Yup. I hoped Ellie would sleep. She didn’t! She stared at the scenery, stared at me, then stared at her brother who fell asleep again after a bit of crying.”

  “So what did you do with our Elizabeth?”

  “I told her about our entire courtship and all the drama it entailed. The funny thing – I think this girl understands English already.”

  “Do you understand what I’m saying Elizabeth Logan Reid? Do you understand Daddy when I tell you I’m madly in love with you?” My daughter squealed in delight again.

  “You see what I mean? Hand her to me. Let me feed her one more time.” Though our little ones had worn out their mother today, Emily couldn’t help her continual embraces to our daughter. She hugged and kissed this little one, who demanded attention from anyone within a smile of her.

  While Emily nursed Ellie, she went on with the story. “When I got to the part where you left me at the Grand Canyon, Ellie cried. And this cry wasn’t an – I need something – kind of cry, it was a sad sob. I think she felt my pain. Her cry woke up James and I picked him up while pushing Ellie and finished our story up until Japan. Once we got to the park, I put them both in the infant swing and I pushed them for a long time.”

  “Did you love the swing?” I reached over and held my baby’s hand.

  “They both loved it. Maybe we should get one of those play structures in our backyard and add a couple of infant swings.”

  “Sure. I’ll look into one tonight. So did this little one nap at all?”

  “Nope, she listened intently to the rest of our indelible memories of love while walking back home then hollered some more while I made your dinner and here she is dozing off again in my arms. I’m going to change her one last time and you can put her down. Oh, I hear James whimpering can you get him? He’s probably hungry. He didn’t eat before going down for the night.”

  Ellie’s eyes opened the minute Emily put her on the changing table. “Mommy loves you so much Elizabeth Reid. Now please, go to sleep!”

  I walked over to pick up my son, the calmer and more reserved child. Emily compared James to her father since the day he came out of her womb and Ellie was the spitting image of her maternal grandmother. In a strange but happy way, the children have filled Emily’s void of losing her parents. Many times I’d watch her staring at the babies with tears in her eyes. But now all traces of sadness disappeared when she thought about her parents. Elizabeth and James reminded her of the parents she missed and for that she loved them doubly.

  “Hello, Son. I missed you today.” Picking up my son he welcomed me with a smile almost as bewitching as his sister’s. “Shall we change your diaper?”

  James didn’t squeal and coo like his sister. Instead, he liked to watch the room and the people in it. His smile was no less dazzling. Both kids seized my heart in a way I couldn’t explain with words. When together with my family, nothing mattered but them. The love and protection I wanted to give Emily while we were dating seemed trivial compared to the love and protection I felt for my family now.

  James began to whimper again. He looked so much like my wife when he cried. “Are you hungry? Do we need to go see Mama?”

  I walked back into our room and we traded off babies.

  “I changed his diaper already. By the familiar Emily-look in his eyes, he’s hungry. Come here my princess.” I took Ellie in my arms as Emily finished kissing our daughter and saying good night to her.

  “Hi James.” Emily cooed to our son. “Do you need to be fed? You’re hungry, huh?”

  I rocked Ellie to her room and saw her big blue eyes staring at me. She had that same look of unconditional trust that her brother and Mama had and I would work had to keep this look forever. Emily and I would also work hard to unconditionally love all of our children and help them to reach their fullest potential.

  “I know your mommy told me not to do this, but I’m going to rock you till you fall asleep, okay Princess? You are even more beautiful than your mother, but don’t tell her I said so or I’ll be in big trouble,” I whispered.

  Ellie sounded her version of a giggle and her eyes gently closed to sleep. I kissed her tiny, soft lips one last time and laid her in her crib for the night.

  “You’re done, already?” Emily looked surprised when I came back in the room.

  “Piece of cake. I don’t know why you struggled all day. She fell asleep immediately.” Chuckling, I talked to our son. “You’re a super fast eater, aren’t you?”

  “I think he’s exhausted from the park. Will you lay him down as w
ell?” Emily embraced our son. “I love you, James. Sweet dreams.”

  “Of course.”

  I kissed my son on his tiny, soft lips as well and we were finally done for the night. All this craziness would begin again early tomorrow morning.

  “Are we alone now?” I picked my wife up off her rocking chair and laid her on our bed.

  “Don’t you want to eat dinner?”

  “Let’s eat later. It’s been a while since we’ve been alone with everyone making pit stops at our house. The Chief would’ve shown up here tonight if it wasn’t for the hospital meeting he had to attend.”

  “It’s been crazy but I’ve loved every moment of it. Your family’s been wonderful with the kids. Do you know your cousins come by often as well? Doug and Laney practically live here when they’re not in school and Glen has been by at least once a week. This is what I imagined family life to be – bustling with people, overflowing with love.”

  I couldn’t help but kiss my wife. Something about motherhood – she oozed confidence and sensuality.

  “Should we try for another baby tonight?”

  “Already? I can’t keep up with the two we have right now. Let’s give it a little more time.” She answered with advances of her own.



  “Do you know it’s our one year anniversary next week?”

  “Yeah. I can’t believe how quickly the year has gone by. We became an instant family in under a year. How crazy.”

  “I was thinking maybe we should go up north and relive our San Francisco date. Do you want to go up to Napa?”

  “It sounds ideal but what about the kids?”

  “Let’s take the kids up to the apartment along with Mom and Dad. Once we set up a room for the kids and get them settled, we can leave them for the night with my parents. We’ll go have dinner at French Laundry and spend a night in Napa.”

  “I don’t know, Jake. That’s a lot of work for your parents.”

  “Sweetheart. My parents can give them a bottle right before bed time then do what they normally do – hold them to sleep. Ellie and James both sleep through the night and we’ll be back before their first feeding – or maybe after their first feeding. Don’t you have a lot of milk stored in the freezer?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “No buts. We’re going. I’ll make sure no one is up there next weekend.”

  And this is how our life would be. In between Emily’s hectic days with the kids and my overscheduled days at the hospital, Emily and I would find time to love the children daily, love each other nightly, and live a lifetime of happiness eternally.

  Thank you for reading Indelible Love – Jake’s Story. I hope you enjoyed reading both novels as much as I enjoyed writing them. Though Emily’s Story has a special place in my heart as my first novel, I love Jake and the tremendous love he had for his girlfriend and eventual wife. He’s the type of hero I’d like to bottle and save as a future husband for my little girl. It would be a great favor to me if you would write a kind review on Amazon. Thank you, again, and continue to the next page for a chapter of my new book – Olivia.

  Present Day - OLIVIA

  “Olivia!” Shocked would be an understatement for what I felt right now as Jamie approached me. “Oh my gosh! What are you doing here? I mean, it’s great to see you again.” He grabbed me, hugged me, and wouldn’t let go. I felt like I was breathing again for the first time in many years.

  It had been a long and hard six years without him. Last we saw each other, he asked me to leave his life once and for all and never to contact him again. I choked at this memory and worked to control thinking about that night. All those times I needed him while raising Ollie. All those days I missed being loved by him. I shook my head and rid myself of these thoughts. After all, I should consider him no different than any other acquaintance – except for the fact that Oliver bound us for life.

  My heart pained at his release. “Hello?” Jamie waved his hand over my face. “Are you there?”

  “Sorry. I’m surprised to see you again. How are you? What brings you to New York and Central Park of all places?”

  “I was going to ask you the same thing. I’ve been so stressed out with work – with it being tax season and all, I’ve been running during my lunch breaks.”

  “Are you here on business?”

  “No. I live in Manhattan now. I moved a few years ago.”

  Here he was, in a neighboring state, and we run into each other at the park of all places with Ollie just a few steps away.

  “What are you doing at a kiddie play area and in New York of all places?”

  “I live in Jersey. We moved here five years ago.”

  Jamie’s face looked like I just solved a riddle for him. “So that’s where you went. I went looking for you at your house after we last spoke and I couldn’t find you. Did you come here to be near your mom?”

  “Yes.” My voice sounded monotone. I wanted to hide my true feelings. “It was nice seeing you again, Jamie but I have to go.” I wanted to get away before he saw Ollie. Though I wasn’t as anxious as I thought I would be, I wasn’t ready for him to meet our son.

  “Wait!” Do you have a number or an email address? Can I contact you?” There was some desperation in his voice – maybe that was more my wishful thinking.

  I probably had a half smile on my face wondering why he wanted my info. He was happily married with at least a couple of kids by now. His first child would be just a month or two younger than our Ollie. I didn’t need to complicate his life with our presence.

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea. I really have to go.” Walking away, my heart broke as he let me get away from him again so easily. Deep down, I wanted him to beg me for a number. It wasn’t right of me to desire a married man. My pace hastened.

  “Mommy.” Ollie called me over. “Can you push me on the swing?”

  “Sure. Let’s go.”

  I picked up our son and plopped him on the swing and pushed him gently.

  “Mommy, that’s not high enough!” Ollie yelled. “Higher… Faster!” he yelled even louder.

  I did as I was told and my son’s cackles of delight echoed through the park. I kept my head down not looking back at where I was, just a minute ago. He had most likely left. There was no need to check. Jamie was not mine anymore. He had made himself clear the last time we spoke.

  “I’m hungry. Can we eat, Mommy?”

  Slowing down the swing, I picked up Ollie and left the sand area. “What shall we eat?”

  “How about pizza?” My four year old could eat pizza every day if I let him.

  “Again?” I kissed his nose. “Alright. Let’s go eat pizza again for the third time this week.”

  I looked up from Ollie’s smiling face and nearly had a heart attack when I bumped into Jamie again.

  “Hey,” he called hesitantly.

  “Hey,” I called back.

  “Who’s this?” Jamie asked the both of us.

  I had no idea how I was going to explain Ollie to his father.

  “I’m Oliver and I’m four, almost five. I was thwee last year.” I guess I didn’t have to say a word.

  “Hi Oliver. I’m Jamie. What a great name. My middle name is Oliver.”

  Ollie stared at this stranger who should have been his closest friend. “Who’s this, Mommy?”

  I saw the surprised look in Jamie’s eyes. I knew what he was thinking.

  “Mommy?” Both Hutchison boys asked simultaneously - one out of shock, one out of curiosity.

  “He’s an old friend of Mommy’s. I knew him when Dani and I used to live in Los Angeles.”

  Ollie leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Could he be my Daddy? Is he the one?”

  Tears formed unwillingly. Lately, Ollie had been asking more frequently about his father. His father stood just a step away and I couldn’t tell him the truth.

  “Olivia, I thought you couldn’t have… Are you married?”

  Words halted, his eyes immediately darted to my ring finger. What were the chances that he’d recognize this generic gold band on my ring finger to be the one he gave me on our last night? It was scratched up and worn through since I never took it off. Though our relationship broke, the ring stayed on my finger to keep other men from paying any attention to me… or so that was the reason I gave myself and all those around me. Painfully I had to acknowledge now that I wore this ring as a constant reminder of what I once had with Jamie.

  “I’m hungry, Mommy.”

  “Ok, sweetheart. We’ll go now.” I stepped around Jamie without answering his question. “Good seeing you,” I said walking away.

  “Wait, can I join you?”

  Before I could answer no, Ollie spoke for me again. “Sure, Mr.… What do I call him, Mommy?”

  “My name is Jamie Oliver Hutchison. You can call me Jamie.”

  “Hey, that’s my name!” My heart skipped several beats. Ollie knew that his last name was Hutchison but I had told my son many times he could never tell anyone this information. He usually told people his name was Oliver Maize.

  “I told you we had the same Oliver name.” Jamie put out his hands ready to shake Ollie’s. Instead, Ollie gave him a high-five. “Where are we going for lunch?”

  “We’re having pizza!!!” Ollie shouted into the air and ran off ahead of us.

  “What happened? I mean, how did Oliver happen? Didn’t the doctor tell us you couldn’t have kids? Isn’t that why we had to break up? And when did you get married?” Jamie sounded anxious for an explanation. I wanted to tell him that it wasn’t me who ultimately broke off the relationship. It was him who didn’t want to see me anymore. He chose having kids and living a life with Melinda, his ex girlfriend, over me.

  I wanted to tell him the truth about Oliver but I didn’t want to disrupt his idyllic life.

  “Ollie’s adopted.” The words just popped out of my mouth. Why had I said this? What a mistake.

  “Huh? That doesn’t make sense. Why? How random. Ollie’s seems wonderful but you never mentioned wanting to adopt. What happened?” He sounded frustrated now.


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