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Darkblood Academy: Book One: Half-Blood (A Supernatural Academy Series)

Page 14

by G. K. DeRosa

  I clenched my jaw to keep from saying something stupid.

  “Your safety is my number one priority. You can’t shut me out—ever. No matter what happens. Promise?”

  I swallowed hard, a knot of emotions clogging my throat. I nodded and he released his hold on my chin, moving his hands to my shoulders instead.

  “I need you to say it.”

  Damn those beautiful dark eyes piercing into me. “I promise,” I muttered.

  “Good. Now let’s get to class before you’re late.” He spun away and darted toward the door.

  My body deflated without his touch. Yup, hate him. I ran after him, lengthening my stride to keep up with his. It looked like my grand tradition of falling for the wrong guys was destined to continue.

  We reached the gym only a few minutes late thanks to Ryder’s breakneck demon speed. I’d practically sprinted to keep up. A few of the girls threw me side-eye when they saw me walk in with our hot instructor. And one guy—Drake.

  Weird. Maybe forsaking all men for a while was the best move. These supe guys were ten times more confusing than the human ones. And hotter…

  A nauseating thought crept through my mind as a wave of angry glares shot in my direction. How many of these girls had Ryder kissed and then rejected? From the evil stare downs I was getting, I couldn’t have been the only one.

  I shook the depressing thought off and headed for the locker room to change. Scarlett, the quiet vampire member of The Seven, stood beside my locker pulling her shirt over her head. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one frequently late to this class.

  She sniffed the air as I approached, her crimson-stained lips twisting into a pout. “You smell different today,” she announced as I stuffed my uniform in my locker.

  They were the first words the girl had ever spoken to me. Of course they had to be weird. “Um, sorry?”

  Her nostrils flared as her ruby-rimmed irises scanned over me. “I don’t know. I’ll let you know if I figure it out.” She shut her locker and walked out.

  Well, that was super bizarre.

  The rest of the class flew by, thankfully. Maybe all I’d needed was a good one-on-one smack down to start to feel normal again. Luckily, Raine was more than happy to oblige.

  As I limped from gym class, Drake ran up beside me. “Hey. Are you okay? Ryder told us—me what happened.”

  “He did? That’s funny, I thought the administration would want to keep a demon attack on campus under wraps.”

  “They do. I’m special.” He smirked, and I knew he really believed what he was saying. “Anyway, the demon’s gone so you don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  “Thanks.” And how did he know he was gone? More importantly, did he know about the mark?

  “So did you want to practice today after class?”

  “I can’t today. I have my one-on-one session with Ryder.” I groaned internally. “How about tomorrow before Defensive Magic class?”

  “Sounds good.”

  The click-clack of approaching heels alerted me to Raine’s arrival before she opened her mouth. “Hey, Drakey.” Wrapping her arm around the prince’s waist, she nuzzled his neck.

  Now they were together?

  He stiffened beside me, pulling away from Raine’s hold. She pouted but didn’t give him more than an inch of extra space. Turning to me, she flashed her big white teeth. “Glad to see you’re alive, human. Those relix demons don’t mess around.”

  Drake snarled. “Give it a rest, Raine. After the faery wine and the demon, the fact that she’s still standing means a lot.”

  Wow, was that a compliment from the ice prince himself?

  “Later, Luna.” Drake strode off with Raine following behind like a lost puppy. Of all the girls in the school, he had to pick her to date?

  I glanced up at the clock overhead. Ugh. The day had only just begun, and I already couldn’t wait for it to be over. If I’d been back at home, I would’ve dragged Jay out of class and skipped the rest of the day.

  I missed my friend. Since I’d been at Darkhen, we’d texted a few times, but neither of us was very good at keeping in touch.

  The rest of the day passed in a blur, and before I knew it, it was time to meet Ryder in the gym. My stomach roiled at the thought. The last thing I needed right now was some sweaty alone time with my hot instructor.

  Pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I crept in, hoping he’d somehow forgotten about our session. My eyes focused in on the most perfect male form hanging from the pull up bar. Sweat glistened off his bare chest, the black tattoos curling around his pecs and abs even more incredible than I’d imagined. A pair of loose black sweatpants hung from his hips, accentuating the V muscle disappearing beneath his waistband.

  I wiped the drool from my chin and marched forward. His eyes caught mine and he dropped down to the mat, grabbing his tank from the floor. “You’re early, mini minx, that’s what I like to see.”

  I shot him a narrowed glare, but a tiny part of me smiled at the hated nickname.

  He rubbed the shirt over his glistening chest and abs before tugging it over his head. “You ready?”

  I dropped my backpack on the floor and joined him on the mat. “I guess.”

  “Now more than ever, it’s important we get you well-trained. Until your magic fully surfaces, you’ll have to rely on your physical prowess to defend yourself.”

  “Right.” The only physical prowess I could focus on right now was his. His broad bare shoulders and massive biceps were still on full display.

  He stepped closer, handing me the bright red gloves and helped strap them on. His salty, musky scent enveloped me, and I was finding it hard to breathe without breathing him in.

  When he finished, I took a step back and my heart rate decelerated with the much-needed space between us.

  “Now, most of your opponents will be bigger, stronger and faster than you. Like me.” He smirked. “So I’m not going to take it easy on you.”

  I bounced from foot to foot. “That’s encouraging.”

  “Come at me. Nothing’s off limits this time. Got it?”

  My brow arched of its own accord. Maybe this was going to be more fun than I thought. After he stomped all over my heart, at least I could get some good retaliatory punches in.

  I let out a battle cry and charged, my fists flying. He let me get exactly one good punch into his gut before he started to defend himself. No matter how fast I thought I was moving, he was faster.

  I threw an upper cut, and he dodged it. I gave him my best roundhouse, and he ducked well before my foot made contact.

  I kicked, I punched, and I’m not embarrassed to admit, I even tried biting when I tackled him to the floor. But he was so fast and strong, the only hits I landed were those he allowed.

  I straddled him on the mat, my breaths coming hard and fast, and he was as fresh as a daisy. He hitched his hand under my thigh and spun me upside down so fast my head whirled. I smacked the mat, and all the wind siphoned from my lungs. He hovered over me, his big arms caging me in.

  “What are you going to do now?” he taunted.

  I squirmed beneath him, but the full length of his body pinned me to the floor. If I weren’t so frustrated, this would’ve been way hot. I shoved against his rock-hard chest, but he wouldn’t budge. My chest rose and fell rapidly, each inhale coming closer to brushing against his.

  “Come on, kid. If I were an actual attacker, I could’ve had you by now. Your soul would’ve been mine.” He pressed harder against me, and a flicker of yellow flashed across his dark irises. A low growl vibrated his throat, and my eyes flew to his bobbing Adam’s apple. “Do you know how easy it would be for me to…” He inched closer, his lips millimeters away from mine. The minute air between us crackled with intensity. I sucked in a breath as my heart wreaked havoc against my ribs.

  Roughly shaking his head, Ryder squeezed his eyes shut and sat up.

  My muscles ached from the past half hour, but most of all I missed the feel of
his body pressed against mine.

  When his eyelids reopened, the yellow was gone, only the bottomless black remaining. “I think that’s good enough for today.” He extended his hand and pulled me up, but my legs wobbled beneath me and I barreled right into him.

  Whoa, head rush.

  His arms encircled me for a second before he righted us both, slowly releasing me. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.”

  His gaze ran over me again, the laser sharp focus heating my skin. The crease between his brows deepened as he focused on a spot right below my collarbone.

  “What?” I slapped my hand over my chest.

  He leaned in, craning his neck. “Do you have a birthmark or something above your right brea—below your collarbone?”


  Ryder peeled my hand off my chest, and he hissed. “Shit, Luna. You’ve been marked.” A slew of more colorful curses flew from his clenched teeth as he ran his fingers over the sensitive spot. It tingled under his touch.

  “I need to see it.” I raced to the locker room with Ryder on my heels. Bursting through the door, I darted to the mirror. Just above my right breast, an angry red mark puckered my flesh. Rising to my tiptoes, I leaned closer to make out the details. Three sixes arranged in a circle so that their bases all touched were emblazoned into my skin. “What the hell is that?”

  Ryder’s teeth ground together. “It’s the devil’s mark,” he hissed, “the symbol of the Underworld.”

  I traced the enflamed carving and winced. “So what does this mean? I’m an official demon target now?”

  “It means you and I are going to be spending a lot more time together.”


  Chapter 19

  Ryder paced the length of Cillian’s expansive office, that caged-lion look glimmering in his bottomless irises. The headmaster bent over me as he scrutinized the devil’s mark. For the third time, he placed his palm over my chest and warm light emanated from his fingertips. The soothing sensation penetrated my skin, filling my insides with a divine sense of peace and tranquility.

  And for the third time, he tore his hand away muttering curses in some language I couldn’t understand.

  “It’s not going to work,” Ryder hissed from the other side of the room.

  The crackling flames in the grand fireplace did nothing to lessen the frostiness in his voice. I kept my eyes glued to the deep orange and yellow dancing flares because looking at either of the angry men was starting to stress me out. The more worried they got, the worse the anxiety building in my gut became.

  Cillian sank down into the leather chair across from me. “I just don’t understand why they’d come all this way for her,” he mumbled to himself. “Getting into Darkhen Academy is no easy feat. And to risk that simply to mark a half-blood?”

  His gaze lifted to mine, and his lips pressed together. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong.”

  “Whatever. It is what I am after all, right?” My fingers twitched with the need to touch the eerie symbol, but I clasped my hands together on my lap. “Why would the Underworld be interested in me?”

  Cillian’s gaze swiveled to the still-pacing demon. “Ryder, any thoughts? That is your area of expertise.”

  Clenching his fists at his sides he stalked closer. “I have no idea, but I know someone who will.”

  Cillian nodded, but I was still lost.


  “Dear old dad. The devil himself.”

  I wanted to smack myself—duh. How could I forget that Ryder’s father was Lucifer, the actual prince of hell?

  Ryder’s heavy gaze bored into me before swerving to the headmaster. “Cillian, change of plans, you’ll have to be on mini minx’s guard duty until I get back. It shouldn’t take me long, but you never know with father.”

  The angel headmaster stood and moved closer to Ryder, lowering his voice he whispered, “I was thinking this could be a good test for the team.”

  My ears perked up. I may not have had supe hearing, but even I heard that one.

  Ryder shook his head, his dark brows furrowing. “Absolutely not. Not when it’s her life on the line.”

  “But how will they ever be ready if they’re not tested?” Cillian argued. “I’ll supervise.”

  “Um, guys, I’m right here.” I shot up to my feet, waving. “Shouldn’t I get to have a say in whatever you’re talking about? And if you’re trying to be sneaky about it, learn how to whisper.”

  A smirk pulled at Ryder’s lips before it hardened to its bad boy mask. Cillian approached me and laid his hand on my shoulder. “I’m very sorry this is happening to you. Darkhen Academy was supposed to be a home for you, somewhere you’d feel safe. And you’re right, you deserve to know the truth and be involved in these decisions.”

  “Cillian,” Ryder growled. “She’s not ready.”

  “Luna’s in all their classes, she’s been studying alongside them from day one. It was why she was brought here to begin with.”

  I slapped my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes at Cillian then Ryder. “Someone better start spilling now.”

  The two men exchanged a covert glance, and Ryder threw his hands in the air. “Fine. What do I know?”

  Cillian’s big hand settled over my shoulder and he led me to the couch, sitting down beside me. “Everything I’m about to tell you must remain between us. You are familiar with ‘The Seven’ I’m sure.” I nodded, and he continued. “The rumors about them are varied, but there is one thing that very few students in this school know. The children of the seven houses were brought together for a very specific purpose—to fight the creatures of the Underworld. With their unique powers combined, we’d hoped we could train them into an elite fighting force.” He glanced up at his nephew. “And with Ryder’s instruction and knowledge of the Underworld, we’re succeeding. They’ve only been training so far—”

  “Until the relix demon showed up,” Ryder interjected. “You can thank them for ridding the school of that nasty beast.”

  “You see, they’ve proven themselves quite capable. I would like for them to guard you in Ryder’s absence until we find a way to remove the mark.”

  My head spun at the thought of Drake, Raine, Ash and the others as some sort of supernatural slayer squad. That’s insane… Sure, they seemed powerful, but they were all so young, like me. But I’d seen what they could do; I’d felt the power swirling around them when they were together.

  There was only one piece of the puzzle that still didn’t fit—me. Clenching my fingers into tight little balls, I spat out my question. “You said they were the reason I was brought to Darkhen. What did that mean?”

  Ryder and Cillian exchanged another veiled look. “You might as well tell her now,” Ryder muttered.

  “Each of the members of The Seven comes from one of the houses of Azar, along with Ryder as their trainer who represents the Underworld, that’s eight. Now with the merging of the supernatural and human worlds, there is only one group not represented.”

  “The humans,” I mumbled.

  Ryder shot Cillian a glare. “I told you she’d figure it out.”

  “And not just any human,” the headmaster continued. “One of Garrix’s offspring. The dark warlock is extremely powerful as I’m sure you’ve heard. Most of his children have inherited his many gifts. We believe it’s only a matter of time until you do as well.”

  “So that’s why I was brought here. As a test? To see if I was good enough to join this slayer squad?”

  Cillian nodded. “A warlock’s powers are different than those of its wiccan counterparts. Contrary to popular belief, a warlock isn’t just a male witch. In eons past, they were considered evil. Unlike witches, they have a small percentage of demon blood running through their veins. Their power is darker, more seductive. But for some reason, warlocks are always male, never female. Therefore we categorize you as half-witch, even though you are technically more than that. We were going to tell you everything eventual
ly. We simply were waiting for your powers to emerge. Coming to Darkhen was a lot to process to begin with, and we didn’t want to overload you with too much too fast.”

  Ryder refused to meet my gaze, his eyes pinned to the floor. They’d both been lying to me all along.

  “Does Kimmie-Jayne know the real reason I was brought here?”

  “Yes. But it wasn’t the only reason she wanted to find you, Luna.” Cillian reached for my shoulder, but I shrugged him off. “She wanted to get to know you, to become a part of your life. She found out late in hers about Garrix and her powers, and she didn’t want that for you.”

  Ryder bent down in front of me kneeling. His hand reached for mine, but he snatched it back at the last moment. I hated how much that hurt. “There will always be a place for you here, Luna, whether you have powers or not. We’d never force you to do anything, just like we didn’t force the others. They wanted to fight—to protect both of our worlds against the Underworld. If your magic decides to show up and play, great. If not, the academy is still your home. You belong here with us.”

  My throat tightened, a huge lump of emotion clogging my airways. I swallowed hard, but it didn’t help. Hot tears pricked my eyes, and I blinked rapidly to keep them from spilling over. After losing Mrs. Hallows, my life had pretty much sucked bouncing around the foster care system for a year before I ended up at Astor Home, which had never been a real home. This was the first time that I’d felt at home anywhere. Sure, there were monsters and mean girls and unrequited love, but I’d discovered a part of me that had been missing all along.

  Was I pissed they’d lied to me? Hells, yes. But did I kind of get it? Sure. If they’d brought me here and told me I was supposed to join some sort of supe slayer squad I would’ve run away screaming and/or laughing.

  Ryder rose, his intense gaze still weighing on me. “I have to go, but I don’t want to leave until I’m sure you’re okay.”


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