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The Ex Killer Series

Page 57

by Bridget Bundy

  The tears erupted in my eyes. I stared at him, waiting to hear his answer.

  “Because you broke the rules. Do you see the results of your mistake? I don’t play games, girl. I’m not stupid. I got a business to run, and you put it on the line when you left.” Roscoe eyes burned. He was pissed off. He continued, “Your aunt saved your ass.”

  I knew he wasn’t expecting me to say thank you. I could barely stand much less speak now.

  Roscoe approached me. I was going to step back but thought about that again. His very aura was intimidating, and I didn’t dare breath. He said, “I’ll see you around, girl.”

  He went around me, and they went towards the room where everyone was waiting. I stood right where I was, trembling, and I heard Poppy announce that a deal was made. I didn’t move from where I stood. Champagne was opened, glasses were being filled. I didn’t join in on their celebration. I wanted out of that house, but I was too scared to move.

  “Angela,” Tanie’s voice sounded from behind me.

  I turned around. “What do you want?” I asked irately.

  “I had no choice.” She spoke in a calm voice.

  What was she expecting me to say? She wanted forgiveness. It wasn’t going to happen.

  “You left town, and he threatened my family. He was going to kill them. He was going to kill me.”

  “I wish he would have killed you.” I responded.

  “You’re so selfish, Angela. I went through some shit, and you could care less.”

  “You weren’t the only one, Tanie! I told you I was leaving!”

  “And I told you what would happen if you did!” She yelled back.

  “You didn’t have to kill Olivia!”

  “It was her or me.”

  I snapped. I went to grab Tanie and instantly stopped when she pulled a gun on me. She pointed it directly in my face, a dead aim, and she was absolutely focused. I’ve never seen her on the opposite end of a gun like that, and I knew at that very moment she was a stone cold killer. I had no chance against her. I never did.

  Every one entered the room. Not a word was spoken. No one breathed. The moment was suspended in time.

  I waited for Tanie to pull the trigger. If this was a consequence of all my actions, I was ready for it.

  Her instinct began to fade. She backed away with tears in her eyes and eventually left the room. My tears released, as well, and I found my way out of that house. I got back in the SUV, and I cried. The sorrow and the pain were too much, and the only relief was letting it go in tears.

  TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2009


  Back in New Britain, I sat beside the pool with a laptop. I was by myself, enjoying the afternoon sun. I was reading an online article about Dillon Burkett. Beth Jenner was accused of killing him. They found evidence in her car that tied her to his murder. She told the police she was in training to be a bartender, but the class was out the day before she claimed it ended. She lied to the police several times apparently, and now, they were pinning her for Dillon’s murder. I didn’t feel sorry for her. She allowed a predator to mistreat brother, and Walter never deserved it.

  There was also an article about Lawrence Clark missing. Ms. Emma didn’t give it away. I bet she was loving life without that crazy old man around. I missed her a lot, and I hoped she found happiness with Mr. Coty.

  I didn’t find any information about the rapist in Raleigh. I guess he wasn’t newsworthy if he died, or he was still alive. There was no word of the stolen truck being recovered. Maybe, they took it to a chop shop, or maybe they dumped it someplace.

  There were no new developments in Olivia’s kidnapping and death. The Westings probably blamed me for Alex’s murder seeing how the same weapon was used to kill my sister, but the FBI couldn’t connect me to either one. They weren’t going to. Poppy had the weapon now. Roscoe gave it to her when were down there. I was glad she had it. I don’t know where she hid it, but I had a feeling I never had to worry about it.

  I reflected on the past two months. Everything I did was insane. I know I really didn’t have to kill Jason. Eventually, he would have left Colum, went on to a career in professional basketball. Alex didn’t have to die, either. He would have made a good husband for Hannah and a good father to their child. He would have fixed that old house up in Colum and moved back in with his new family. He’d be the staple of the community, the pride of his family. Dillon had to die. He was a predator that wasn’t going to stop. Every single stab to his body should have been doubled if it was possible, and as for old man Lawrence, he got what he deserved, too. Buried in his wife’s back yard probably forever and no one would miss him, except maybe his son.

  I closed the computer. What was in store for me next? I made it this far, barely. Poppy had the best advice. One second at a time, one minute at a time, one hour at a time. That’s all I had to do was let go of the past and simply live towards the future.


  Dear Reader,

  The Ex Killer books were the first series I ever wrote. At first, it was just going to be one book – one lone story, and I was going to move on to other book ideas. As a reader, I usually only read a book that are not continuations, but as an author, I saw the need for this story to answer some questions that were left opened. So, this series was in order.

  My lead character, Angela Gray, is truly a dark character. She doesn’t win a lot of fans over. She came from bad circumstances, and she let her past shape a horrible present and future. I had to be in a different mindset for Angela. I had to hang on to selfishness, hate, and anger to put her attitude across on paper. Also, the more I wrote, the more I wanted her to grow in love and in regret. I think I met that goal.

  I grew to love some of the other characters that became a part of Angela’s life. I truly liked Tanie Howard, and I went on to write two more separate books about her. I liked Olivia Gray, as well. Even though, she made her mistakes and you really knew very little about her, she had a place in my heart, too. She was overall a caring person and very smart. Unfortunately, I didn’t give Olivia an opportunity to express that to the readers.

  As a final note, I want to thank you for reading all of The Ex Killer Series novels and novella. It was my greatest honor that you allowed me to share my imagination and my love of writing with you. I welcome all of your constructive feedback at on the product pages of each book. I’ve said before that I am a work in progress and so is my craft. That statement will never change.

  Take care, be blessed, and have a great day!

  Thanks once again,



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  Alice the Fallen Mystery

  The Good Lady (Alice the Fallen Mystery Book 1)

  The Dimension Weaver (Alice the Fallen Mystery Book 2)

  The Witch’s Baby (Alice the Fallen Mystery Book 3)

  The Guiltless (Alice the Fallen Mystery Book 4)*

  Women Sleuths

  Gabrielle’s Promise


  African American/Urban (Standalones)

  Black Box: Alternate Ending (Kindle Version Only)

  Fragile but Strong


  The Bruce Family Series

  Burdens of the Bruces (The Bruce Family Series Book 1)

  Betrayal of the Bruces (The Bruce Family Series Book 2)

  Battle of the Bruces (The Bruce Family Series Book 3)

  Bond of the Bruces (The Bruce Family Series Book 4)

p; Beginning of the Bruces (The Bruce Family Series Book 5)

  The Bruce Family Series (The Complete Collection)

  The Ex Killer Series

  The Ex Killer (The Ex Killer Series Book 1)

  The Hidden Murderess (The Ex Killer Series Book 2)

  The Killer Consequences (The Ex Killer Series Book 3)

  The Ex Killer Series: The Complete Collection

  The Richmond Series

  First of November

  Second of November

  Third of November

  The Tanie Howard Series

  The Deepest of All Sacrifices (The Tanie Howard Series Book 1)

  Bringin’ Hell (The Tanie Howard Series Book 2)

  The Damage Is Done (The Tanie Howard Series Book 3)

  The Tanie Howard Series

  Women of Privilege

  Gia (Women of Privilege Book 1)*

  The Realest Lie (Women of Privilege Book 2)*

  Broken (Women of Privilege Book 3)*


  Science Fiction/Fantasy (Standalones)

  The Secret Weapon

  The Sins of Wishes

  The Breanna Raven Series

  Road to Clover (The Breanna Raven Series Volume 1)

  Path to Agni (The Breanna Raven Series Volume 2)

  Incursion Series

  Incursion (Incursion Series Book 1)





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