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Stud Muffin

Page 10

by Lauren Landish

  Wesley is such a kook, but in a way, I can see why he always spouts the naturalist stuff. The land is gorgeous. It feels sacred and I want to cherish it.

  I walk over to the palm tree near the house and lean against it, sucking in another breath of air as I take in the gorgeous scenery.

  “Trying to cool off?” asks a deep voice in the shadows. I let out a strangled cry and drop my camera.

  “Shit!” I cry out, picking it up and checking it quickly. It doesn’t look like there's any damage. I turn to see Tony standing to my right. He’s still got on his shorts from earlier, but he changed into a tank top, his muscles rippling in the soft moonlight.

  “What are you doing out here?” I whisper loudly. Just when I had something else on my mind, my body remembers what it felt like being pressed against his, and I start to heat up once again. “You almost bought me a new camera!”

  He chuckles. “I could ask you the same thing.”

  “I was just going back inside,” I reply, but he steps in front of me. I start moving around him, but I freeze when he reaches out to grab my arm.

  “Wait.” I stare at him, not moving an inch. I’m like a bird frozen in the glare of a viper . . . but something tells me he’s not a snake. “Stay. I’m not going to do anything you don’t want.”

  That’s the problem. I want you so fucking bad.

  “It’s beautiful out here,” he says, making me relax.

  “Yeah,” I agree, my eyes drawn back to the waters. It’s absolutely gorgeous. I put my camera strap over my shoulder, keeping it safe. “It’s a paradise.”

  Tony sighs, then shakes his head. “You know, I’ve done evaluations and research on all sorts of places, but never something like this. I don’t think anyone can say they’re prepared for this place.”

  “I know what you mean. It’s the first one where I don’t know if I’m evaluating as a professional or for myself. Not that I could afford something like this.”

  “I know. Hey, come walk with me,” Tony says, holding out his hand. “I promise, just a walk.”

  My heart pounds in my chest. This is so dangerous in so many ways. Finally, I take his hand, and I’m thrilled at the warmth and strength in his grip. Walking together, we make our way down to the shore, walking just inside the high tide line where the sand is still compact. The waves crash on the beach in the moonlight, and it’s just gorgeous. Tony is quiet at first, just taking it in, then he clears his throat. “So . . . are you going to tell me what happened after the wedding?”

  I hesitate on going this deep with him. But I can’t hide the fact that our social circles are intertwined. I take a deep breath. “Life happened.”

  “That’s not very specific,” Tony says.

  “Well, after seeing Roxy, I just wanted more out of life than an empty apartment. I tried finding a guy of my own, but dating . . . well, it didn’t go so well. I tried photography, but I had to give it up when the choice was pictures or the light bill. Then I found my new job, and now I’m on this big mission to take this land, and in direct competition with you.”

  Tony chuckles. “Do you really want to win this thing?”

  I nod, letting go of his hand to pick up a rock and throw it into the waves. “It’s not about just wanting to win. Our department needs to show some signs of life.”

  He looks me over silently for a long time, and I turn back to him. In the ghostly moonlight, I see a softness in his eyes. “And if you don’t come away with the deal?”

  “Then I’m told we’re most likely going to be looking for new jobs,” I say shortly.

  Tony squats down and picks up a rock, tossing it into the waves along with me. He’s so elegant that I hurriedly snap a few shots, wanting to catch him just as he is in the moonlight. “I wouldn’t want to see that happen.”

  He sounds sincere, but I have to remember he’s a charmer. I knew that from the moment I met him. I lower my camera, curious. “And what would you want to see happen?”

  Tony throws another rock before turning and stepping closer. This close, I can barely see him because of the shadows of the night, but I can hear it in his voice. “A girl like you deserves every happiness in the world.” He leans in, and I take a step back, but I can’t escape when his lips press into mine again. It’s not fierce, but sensually sweet, and he tastes delicious. I let myself melt into him for a moment before we pull back.

  “I should probably get to bed. We have an early morning,” I manage.

  His eyes gleam with amusement as he nods, seeming to say he’ll let me go . . . for now.

  Tony nods. “Yeah, but I think I’ll stay out here a little longer. Sweet dreams.”

  “You too,” I reply, turning and heading back toward the house. It feels like my legs weigh a thousand pounds as I move away from him.


  Watching Hannah walk away, she’s like a goddess, her hips swaying in the moonlight before the shadows from the trees swallow her. My body is throbbing from head to toe, lust pounding in my veins. I want her so badly.

  What stops me from chasing her down to take what we both know she wants to give me was the look in her eyes. I think about what she said and it haunts me. I’m out here for the same reason she is. But the intensity of what she said, what she will lose if she can’t ink this deal . . . that hits me hard.

  I don’t want that for Hannah. But at the same time, I know Oliver is depending on me and trusts me. I have the future of our family in my hands, and I have to make this work. I have to win.

  I pick up a rock and throw it into the ocean, watching it splash in the inky black water. I feel torn, conflicted. I want Hannah, and for some strange reason, I feel compelled to try to give her everything her heart desires. On the other hand, there’s my family, and my responsibilities and duties to them.

  I pick up another rock and throw it harder this time. For an instant, it’s a dark speck against the silver of the moon, and I keep my eyes there, hoping for guidance, for answers.

  But there aren’t any, just the crash of the waves and the crash of the questions in my head.

  Chapter 12


  I wake up with a moan, my eyes fluttering open as I hear bells going off from somewhere in the house. My back feels like iron rods have been shoved up my ass from the physical activity yesterday. My muscles cry out at even the thought of having to do more work. Dancing is one thing, but the Hawaiian dancing used muscles I didn’t know I had, never mind the hundreds of pulls on the bow string.

  “Someone kill me now,” I groan, not wanting to get up. It doesn’t help that I didn’t get a good night’s sleep. I spent all night tossing and turning, my dreams of Tony interrupting me every time I started to drift off.

  He seemed like a presumptive ass at the wedding, but maybe I had him wrong. Yesterday, he was the perfect blend of cocky flirting and seemingly honest intensity to pierce past all my defenses. And the way I opened up to him and he kissed me . . .


  It’s exactly what I said I wasn’t going to do, get drawn into another guy. Especially one like Tony, whom I have both history with and am competing against. If we lose this and by some miracle the division doesn’t shut down, Myra will fire me in a hot minute if she finds out my mind may have been on Tony’s affections and not the task at hand.

  I have to keep my eye on the prize. Besides, who knows if his intentions are genuine? He could be playing me like I did him at first.

  “Morning, sleepyhead,” Cassie says cheerfully from her bed. Hair crazy and sticking out in all directions, she sits up, stretching before she lets loose with a jaw-cracking yawn. “Have some good dreams? I heard you over there grunting in your sleep . . . I think your exact words were ‘ooh, fuck me, Tony, fuck me! Make me your big booty ho!’”

  I snort, my worry immediately disappearing at those last words. She’s just fucking with me. “Never gonna happen,” I lie. “I’m just sore.”

  “Tell me about it. I never thought shaking my ass could make me
this sore,” Cassie grumbles. She lets loose another yawn and rolls out of bed, bending over to touch her toes and unleashing another series of firecracker pops. “But you know what? I’m kinda glad Wesley wants to hold us hostage. Everyone here is growing on me.”

  She said as much last night. I feel the same way. “I’m beginning to think—”

  There’s a gentle knock at our door, and Alani comes in with our laundry from last night. “Good morning, ladies. I thought you could put these away. I also have things that—” Alani starts forward but trips over Cassie’s bags, which she left near the door. The bags tumble to the floor, and a large object thunks as it rolls across the floor.

  “I don’t know her!” I deadpan to Alani immediately when I see a big vibrator roll across the floor. “I swear, I was practically forced to bring her along!”

  “Oh, please!” Cassie half yells, rushing over to pick it up. “This is Hannah’s. She forced me to put it in my bags because she gets embarrassed. Why didn’t you just leave it at home then, hmm?”

  “Stop lying!” I hiss, “before that damn bird hears you!”

  Alani laughs, not paying us any mind. “Breakfast is ready and waiting, then Wesley wants you to meet up for the next challenge.”

  I get dressed quickly, something comfortable, just shorts and a tank top with a pair of those water shoe things that Alani gave us. I grab my camera, just in case, and I’m ready. Looking up, I see Cassie’s dressed the same, except that her top is slightly tighter and she has her red bandana around her wrist this time. “Let’s go kick ass.”

  After a quick breakfast, Alani leads us across the main road and through the jungle to the base of the large hill that dominates the terrain behind Wesley’s estate. As we do, I hear falling water, and we emerge from our trail to an absolute paradise. The water plunges down the side of the mountain, breaking up on outcropping rocks along the way to fall into a pool that’s so deep it looks black as I stare into the depths, even though it’s crystal clear. Broadleaf trees and bushes surround the oasis, and with my thoughts so obsessed with Tony, all I can think of is a romantic moonlight interlude with him here. Especially on the edge of the pool, where there’s a natural shelf that would be just right for him to fuck me . . .

  Dammit, get your head right!

  I grunt at my own advice. I need to start coming up with a game plan to win. They’re ahead and there’s no prize for second here.

  Wesley, Caleb, and Tony are waiting for us at the foot of the waterfall, and as we approach, it feels amazing, a light shower of mist cooling the air. As usual, Mo Mo is perched on Wes’s shoulders, earning a glare from me.

  I hope Tony’s not trying to tease me. It’s working even if he isn’t. He’s shirtless and wearing the shorts that he had on last night, the ones that do little to hide what’s underneath. I can’t help it—I start to stare at him unconsciously.

  He gives me a smile and my skin flushes, realizing I’m looking at him like he’s a juicy piece of meat. To throw him off, I raise my camera and snap a trio of pictures of him against the backdrop of the waterfall, the whole time promising myself they’re just for gamesmanship and not personal gratification.

  “Good morning,” Wesley says. “To be ready to take over my estate, you will need to challenge your strength, but most importantly, your spirit. Your next challenge is a hike up the mountain, to the top of the falls. At the top, there’s a type of blue rose that grows nowhere else in Hawaii. I planted it there myself when Alani and I married. You will retrieve a single flower each.”

  “Ugh, okay. Just let me stretch my legs for the ass kicking I’m about to give you boys,” Cassie says.

  Tony smirks, and I feel another flutter in my chest. “When you’re ready.”

  Cassie grumbles but gives Wesley a nod, who drops his hand. “Go.”

  The path is clear and well-marked, and we start marching up the mountainside. As we do, I’m enveloped in the wonderful beauty of the forest, listening as small creatures move from tree to tree. It’s not scary, but enchanting, and I love the feeling of the dappled sun on my shoulders. There’s a small stream that mirrors the path, and part of me wants to just sit down on a nearby rock and relish the peace and quiet all around me.

  I can’t though. We need a win here, no matter what. Looking ahead, I see Tony, his muscles in his back, ass, and legs rippling as he strides ahead, slowly gaining distance on me. I want to ignore what the sight of his clenching glutes does to me as I think of how he could drive his huge cock deep inside me, but it’s difficult when he’s right in front of me.

  “Shit, this is rough,” Cassie says, wiping at her sweaty forehead. She’s trying her best, but already, the guys are way ahead of us. It’s not her fault she’s short and their strides are making more of a difference. “I don’t know how we can possibly win this damn thing, not unless they are too color blind to figure out what a blue rose looks like.”

  “I’m already thinking out a plan,” I rasp. “You gotta be ready.”

  “What? What kind of plan?”

  I whisper quickly to Cassie. “I’m thinking about pretending to be hurt—”

  “OW!” Cassie cries, her ankle twisting as she falls to the ground. “It hurts! Fuck my ass, it hurts!”

  I kneel down next to her, trying to move her ankle, and she screams louder. “Damn it, Cassie, I wanted a fake fall, not a real one!”

  “It was an accident!” Cassie says, but even as she does, I hear movement on the trail. The guys are coming back, and below us, I hear Wesley hurrying up to our position.

  “Hurts!” Mo Mo repeats, squeaking and beating its wings when Wesley arrives. “Fuck my ass, it hurts!”

  “Are you all right?” I say, ignoring the squawking bird. I feel bad for Cassie, and I feel even worse knowing this was just what I’d planned to pretend had happened. That would have been fucking low.

  “What happened?” Tony asks as the guys come back, both of them sweating. Tony looks at the whimpering Cassie with concern.

  “She fell and twisted her ankle,” I say, feeling guilty that I’m just a tiny bit jealous of the worry in his face. Seriously, why the hell should I feel that way?

  “Let me see.” Wesley says with concern. Cassie whimpers as he checks her ankle. “You’ve got a sprain. It doesn’t look so bad, but you should probably stay off it.”

  Tony and Caleb reach down, helping Cassie to her feet. “I think I can make it,” she says bravely, attempting to walk, but with every step, she winces a little bit. Finally, she looks up, tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can make the hike.”

  Wesley looks disappointed, but he nods. “Don’t worry, it happens.”

  “What do we do? Do we all go back down?” Tony asks, looking at me and Wesley.

  “Just go on without me,” Cassie tells him. “I’ll go down slowly. I’ll be fine.”

  “No, I’ll take you down,” Caleb says. “But don’t get too used to it.” With little effort, Caleb picks Cassie up and tosses her onto his back like a backpack.

  Cassie grins, running her hands over Caleb’s arms and shoulders. “Ooh, I need this for the rest of our stay! Let’s go, horsey!” she says, kicking him lightly in the ass with her good foot. “Giddyup!”

  “Don’t make me drop you,” Caleb threatens. “And for your information, I’m no horse, even if I am built like one from the waist down.”

  “I will join you for the rest of the way up the mountain,” Wes says, cutting in as we watch Caleb and Cassie make their way back. “Let’s resume, shall we?”

  We start up the trail again, and I find myself focusing on the scenery. I have to. Tony starts striding ahead more and more, and even as I push harder, my legs and my lungs burn. Still, even as it hurts, I’m swept away by the beauty as we climb higher and higher, emerging at the top to find a clear plateau that is windswept and clear. Tony’s ahead of me, but I still stop, what little breath I have left taken away. “It’s like I’m on top of the world,” I whisper, looking up at
the clear sky, the green grass all around me, and the ocean off in the distance. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Wesley clears his throat, and I hurry, reaching the rose bush just as Tony clips a single flower off and hands it to Wesley.

  Wesley turns to me, and I bite my lip before shaking my head. “No offense, but we’re all here. I might as well leave the flower on the bush. They’re beautiful and I don’t want to clip them.”

  Wesley nods. “I’m going to head back down and check on Cassie. You two stay if you want. If you’re not back by lunch, I’ll come and find you. I’ll announce the winner then.”

  He leaves, and Tony and I look at each other, not sure what to say. The land is beautiful, and eventually, we just walk together into the shaded forest that borders the clearing. Following the sound of more water, we find another mountain pool, where we sit down, soaking our bare feet. “I wonder if Caleb is still alive?” I say, breaking the silence, “Or has Cassie killed him by now?”

  “Oh, she’s not that bad, is she? She’s got spirit. How did you find her, anyway?”

  “I don’t know,” I reply, laughing. “My boss hired her, and until this, I’ve never really known her outside work. What about Caleb?”

  “We were friends when we were kids, and my brother hired him,” Tony confides. “I’ve been having some bad luck, and Oliver thought Caleb could . . . well, he could help me turn things around.”

  The more I see, the more I like Tony. He’s not perfect, even if his body is, and it makes him even more attractive. He’s trying to be a good man, which is so sexy to me. Gulping, looking to change the subject, I look around the little pool we’ve found. “Have you noticed, it seems like every time you find what you swear is the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen, you turn the corner and there’s something that tops it? This place takes my breath away.”


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