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Page 5

by Allyson Young

  Ash fused his lips to hers, while Craig trailed his over her shoulder and down the length of her arm before he stepped back, only to return sans clothing, his hot, muscular form enveloping her back. Ash tore away to allow them both some time to breathe, and his brother stepped in, an orchestrated dance, to sweep her up and lower her to the bed, dropping beside her to kiss her with tender avarice.

  When Ash lay on the other side, nude and gloriously erect, what had to be his cock, a fiery, velvet stroked against her hip. She blindly reached out and touched him. His groan fired her libido, and the kiss with Craig escalated into a tongue dueling escapade departing from any semblance of gentleness. She had no idea kisses could feel like that, as if he was touching her heart and soul.

  Biting her lip, then soothing the sting, Craig reared back and gazed down at her. “I’ve waited forever to do that, darlin’.”

  “I want to taste her.” Ash’s voice sounded disembodied.

  Craig grinned at his brother and swept in for another kiss, a quick one this time, before positioning himself over her breasts. She loved it that they took charge—of her pleasure.

  Ash’s warmth slipped down her side, and the bulk of him settled between her legs, pressing her legs wide apart, the motion causing her juices to flow. She tried to close against him for a moment, suddenly shy, but his rumble of approval stopped her.

  “Such a pretty sight, honey.” A fingertip traced over her cleft and she wished for it to do more, but he foiled her by stroking her inner thighs, pressing kisses along the same path.

  “Please,” she choked.

  “No rush, darlin’. We have plenty of time. Let us make it good for you.” Craig nuzzled her right breast and fit his mouth over one beaded nub. The conflicting sensation of his tongue lashing her nipple, and Ashton working his way with little caresses and licks up to where she ached the most, made her moan and whimper. She’d beg if they wanted, except they seemed determined to do this their way. And what did she know? She gave in and allowed herself to simply experience.


  Craig suckled and laved as though he’d never get enough of Sinclair’s sweet, round breasts. Their red tips contrasted starkly with the creamy flesh surrounding them, and kept him mesmerized. She was so fucking responsive to his attentions, arching to offer more of the succulence, and he obliged her. There were nipple clamps in her future. Neither he nor Ash subscribed to any particular program or routine when it came to their sexual preference. They shared, were dominant, and weren’t averse to mixing a little pain with their pleasure. Sex toys were utilized depending on the woman, and he stopped his thoughts right there, dead in their tracks. Without the need to discuss it with his brother, Craig knew there was now only one woman in their lives. Ever.

  By her sudden shriek and flex of her hips, Sinclair alerted him to Ashton’s sensual assault on her clit. Her hands came up from her death grip on the sheet and scrabbled toward Ash, but were foiled by Craig being in the way. She shoved at him and panted in short, sharp breaths before coming right before his fascinated eyes. Her beautiful face contorted with the sweetest of agony, and she froze in place, her breathing pausing for an instant before she sucked in a huge draught of air.

  Craig knew his brother was petting her down from her release, the fine dew of perspiration coating her upper chest. He traced a finger through it and wondered how much she’d given her brother to taste between her thighs. He couldn’t wait to find out. Sinclair blinked her pale eyes open, and the crystalline brilliance transfixed him.

  “I never…” She tapered off and gave him a blissful smile.

  “Hey, honey.” Ashton glided up to steal the smile, and Craig marveled at the urge to punch his brother right in his glistening, slicked mouth. He’d never felt jealous before, not with any of their other shared women, but it was going to be tough to share even one of Sinclair’s smiles. But then the feeling passed, having underscored how much she meant to him. Sinclair deserved everything they could offer her, and they’d take whatever she gave back. And treasure it.

  “Hey.” Sinclair looked at Ashton as though he’d invented chocolate, and Craig distracted her by a gentle tweak of her nipple, relishing the way she turned her attention to him.

  “Honey, I have to ask. Before we fuck you.” Craig automatically soothed Sinclair’s sudden tension and stared at his brother, who clearly knew something he didn’t. Sinclair recognized what Ash was asking, by her response.

  “I was going to tell you. But I got distracted. But you should know. I’ve never done this before.”

  By Ashton’s caring smile, Craig figured out she wasn’t referring to ménage, and his heart skipped a beat. How could he and his brother have pushed this woman away? She’d saved herself for them. And now he wondered how this was going to play out. Rock, paper, scissors? Inwardly cursing his irreverence, knowing it was his way of dealing with momentous news and to distract himself, he looked at his brother.

  Ash appeared as peaceful as he’d ever seen him, if one could get past a raging erection. Craig was so hard he hurt, so he could empathize. He knew his elder brother would take care of her, and they didn’t need to decide who would have her first. Craig personally couldn’t wait to experience Sinclair’s sweet mouth around his cock.

  “We’ll make it good for you, honey.”

  “You’d better.” Ah, feisty Sinclair was back. They might choose to take charge in the bedroom, but she’d match them every place else. Except when it came to her taking stupid risks. Not that he was revisiting that because then he’d have to remember his and Ash’s actions, driving her from them.

  Craig cupped a breast and then rolled away to fish in the dresser drawer for some lube. Finding none, he pushed to his feet. “Be right back.”


  “Ash?” His sweet Sinclair snuggled into him.


  “I really want you. Just a little nervous is all.” Her hair spread out in waves and tangles over the middle pillow, the darkness such a contrast to the white of the fabric. Her eyes still slumberous from her orgasm, she pursed her full lips, and he stole a kiss.

  Pulling back, he passed a hand over her beautifully shaped breasts, enjoying how the tips hardened under his touch, reddened from Craig’s avid mouth. He liked that she hadn’t shaved her pubic hair, but had kept it cropped close, her labia easily accessible to his touch. Her scent and taste had driven him mad—witness his aching, throbbing cock—but he was damned if he’d rush her. He had better control than that, as did his brother, although he wanted her so bad he could pound nails. He’d heard that old adage before but never believed it until now. Denying his feelings for Sinclair all these years made their release and acceptance a truly momentous thing.

  “It’ll be fine. I promise. I’ll make it good for you.”

  “We’ll make it good for you.” Craig sauntered in, making Sinclair’s eyes widen as she took in his naked state and obvious arousal. The tube of lubrication and strip of condoms dangling from his hand appeared to take her attention next, and she raised her eyebrows. Ashton touched her shoulder.

  “We’ll both make it good for you,” he agreed, and reached for a condom. “This is something you’ll do for us in the future, honey.”

  “I’m on birth control,” she offered. “I’d hoped…”

  Loving her blush, Ash explained. “And we always glove up, but we’re getting tested anyhow, before we ditch the condoms. You’re a priority. Now pay attention.”

  Sinclair’s eyes were like saucers, and she watched carefully as he ripped the packet open, and after centering the circle on the head of his dick, he rolled it down.

  “Allow me.” Craig squirted a goodly amount into Ash’s hand and took some onto his own fingers. As Ash coated the condom, Craig put a knee on the bed and leaned over Sinclair, who flashed her gaze toward him.

  “Open your legs, honey. Let Craig get you ready.”

  A flush climbed her chest from the upper slope of her breasts to color her throat and f
urther pink her cheeks. He squeezed her hand.

  “No modesty in ménage, Sinclair. We’ll know your body like our own in time. And you’ll know ours. Now, spread wide for Craig.”

  Her eyes sparkled at his alpha challenge, and he made a mental note to talk dirty a whole lot in the future. Craig’s sound of approval told him she’d done as she was told, but Ash didn’t take his eyes off her face. She was lovely. And everything they could ever want. A tiny flinch made him aware she was experiencing some discomfort, but it immediately passed. They’d never had a virgin before, and he was damned if they wouldn’t do right by her.

  “She’s pretty wet, Ash. Our girl likes this. But I’ll just make sure…”

  “Oh. Oh, not again. Craig. I don’t think—”

  Ash bit back a chuckle and cupped a breast in either hand. Sinclair’s came up to grasp his wrists, and her fingernails bit in as she gave herself up to another orgasm. He relished the tiny pain and enjoyed the way her nipples tightened even more.

  “Just a little one, darlin’,” Craig said, as he dropped a kiss on her belly and clambered up beside her. “Wanted to relax you some, but not make that sweet pussy too swollen for Ash to plunder.”

  “Don’t you fucking scare her.” Ash was snapping at his brother, and he knew it, but he was so possessive and protective of their woman. They’d be working this out for some time. Maybe because no woman had ever meant so much—and never would. And they had come so close to losing her.

  Easing over her lax body, he carefully positioned and distributed his weight so as not to overwhelm her, and lowered his lips to hers. She instinctively hitched wider to make a place for him between her thighs, and the silken skin cradled his hips. He stared into her eyes and maneuvered his desperate cock against her folds, the head slipping between them on the copious amounts of lube Craig had deposited there. Tiny breaths of air tickled his mouth as Sinclair waited for his ultimate possession.

  “Guide me, Sinclair.” His request emerged on a groan. He didn’t want to spend before he got inside of her, and nearly went off when her tentative grasp flirted with his control. She placed him at her entrance, and he worked past the tight muscles guarding her there before she tensed.

  Pressing his forehead against hers, he somehow kept his eyes open, willing her to relax and feel him. Her hands now fluttered over his shoulders, little butterfly movements. Craig crooned endearments alongside, and Ash knew his brother was stroking Sinclair wherever there was any available skin to touch. Accepting the inevitable, he snapped his hips and drove past the fragile barrier, her flinch and gasp driving a shard of sympathetic pain into his gut. He froze and let her adjust.

  “S’okay, honey.”

  Shakily, she nodded, and he took that as tacit approval to continue. The feel of her slick heat and oh-so-tight sheath squeezing his cock like a fist he could never hope to replicate, had him grinding his teeth, staving off an explosion from his anguished balls. He took most of his weight on his elbows and began to thrust, the drag of her swollen tissues a sweet torture.


  Sex didn’t feel terribly great, she decided, but the sight of her beloved Ashton so obviously doing his best to make it good for her, while struggling against his own release, and the way Craig inserted himself into their union to enhance the experience made her heart race. They were all so close, and that was all she wanted. And then it got better. The slight pain had passed, and with each rhythmic thrust of Ash’s sizeable cock, her own rhythm surged and her hips rocked in tandem. Flickers of energy teased inside her channel, up near her womb, and broke over her belly. She let her moans of appreciation slip free, and Ashton increased his efforts, tiny beads of sweat coating his brow, as he rose up to change the angle of his penetration.

  Something soft touched her cheek, a musky scent filling her senses, and she turned her head to find Craig’s cock at her lips, the wide head anointed with moisture. The thick pillow she lay on lifted her face enough to support her neck, and without letting herself think about it, she opened her mouth and let him slide inside. It was difficult to multitask, her body responding to Ash’s concerted efforts at driving her to the heights again. But Craig’s salty taste, and the sensation of him shuttling in and out of her mouth, much as his brother was taking her pussy, was so freaking erotic she was nearly overwhelmed. She knew enough to suck the engorged flesh, and experimented with using her tongue in concert with the movements of the cock she was bearing down on, to the sound of Ash’s intelligible muttering. Craig moaned his own encouragement and called her dirty, sexy names.

  Losing herself in the loving carnality of it all, Sinclair felt the now familiar signals of a burgeoning orgasm and held hard against it, the throbbing pleasure causing her to clamp furiously around Ashton, and her throat relaxed to accept and strangle the head of Craig’s cock. Hot liquid spurted out at his startled shout before he pulled back, and she swallowed his essence, thrilled with the mastery of her first blow job. Ashton shuddered, his cock pulsing deep inside her, and his arms slipped around to hug her close, the weight of him driving the air from her lungs, but not detracting from his whispered words of love.

  He rolled her onto their sides, his softening cock slipped from her channel, and then he turned to deal with the condom. Craig urged her to face him and cradled her head in his hands. That lock of hair trailed over his forehead, and his craggy features were softened with his very apparent feelings for her.

  “Love you, darlin’. Hope you got everything you were looking for.”

  It was an effort to form any coherent thought, and Ashton, now pressing against her back, a heated, muscled length of comfort with a stirring erection fitting between her buttocks, didn’t help matters. She could get used to this.

  “Maybe,” she allowed, and suppressed a grin at the way Craig’s eyes narrowed. Ashton was a little more direct. He pinched her ass again, and she giggled. “All I meant was that I’m certain you have more to bring, what with your experience and all.”

  “We’ll be pleased to have you benefit from that experience, honey.” Ashton’s promise was a sensual purr, his breath whispering across the nape of her neck. Craig smiled his assent, and it was an evil smile indeed.

  Sinclair didn’t care what they brought. She’d had her first taste of ménage and couldn’t wait for bigger bites.

  “This is forever, Sinclair.” Ashton sealed his proclamation with another breath-stealing kiss.

  Craig barely gave her time to process the depth of Ash’s statement before he, too, kissed her soundly. “Forever.”

  With a sigh, she snuggled between them. “I always knew we were destined.”

  The End

  Other Books by Allyson Young:

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