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The Falk Clan Complete Series

Page 20

by C. D. Gorri

  Castle Falk had been designed with a special landing area for the brothers. To normals, it looked like a helipad, but she knew better. She watched from her mind’s eye as he transformed instantaneously into a huge red Dragon. His oval scales were dazzling in the moonlight.

  She felt his turmoil and his anger. She gasped and was briefly aware of Noelle touching her shoulder. Edric opened his enormous wings and flapped them upwards, touching the tips together. At that very moment, lightning touched the sky and seemed to shoot through him.

  She heard his roar before anyone else did. Saw the shock on his brothers’ faces, but that was nothing compared to the pain she felt. His pain. Heartbreak. Anguish. Betrayal. Death. Tears stung her eyes, and she bit her lip to keep them from falling.

  She ignored them as all three brothers, Nikolai, Alexsander, and Callius, turned and watched her. They turned in unison to the window where a nasty hailstorm had just begun to punish the grounds. They whispered to each other in their language, Dracan. She did not understand the words, but she knew that they whispered about Edric.

  He’d brought the storm.


  Edric wrapped the thick towel around his waist and ran his fingers through his hair. It was longer than normal. The wet, auburn locks looked almost brown and grazed his neck as he took in his reflection. Not quite as dark as the long, curly hair of that woman. The one who’d invaded his mind since he’d laid eyes on her.

  His cheeks flamed red at the thought of the spectacle he’d made of himself. He’d been so out of control, he even missed dinner! Of course, now he was paying the price. His stomach rumbled loudly in the quiet room, he needed food. Now.

  A hungry, not to mention sexually frustrated, Dragon was no good for anyone. He threw on a pair of sweatpants and headed downstairs. At least he could fill his stomach, if not his bed. Or his heart. Haven’t you already paid the price for believing in love?

  He shook his head trying to rid himself of the temptation that was her. Gods, Edric, get hold of yourself. It’d been decades since he’d indulged. Maybe he just needed a woman? A willing and able body to soothe his beast.

  No, sex without love did not appeal to him in the least. Besides, his Dragon had made up his mind. The Witch was the only woman he wanted. Shit.

  He opened the heavy wooden door that led to the industrial-sized kitchen. Dragons had huge appetites. Castle Falk’s kitchen would make even the haughtiest chef drool with envy. There were two enormous refrigerators, a walk-in freezer, a roots and vegetable pantry, miles of marble counters, two six-burner stoves, a triple-wide stainless-steel sink with restaurant style faucet and pasta arm and more.

  The décor was clean and classic, much to Edric’s own tastes. Dozens of solid wood cabinets topped with golden-hued marble lined the walls. There was a glass tile mosaic backsplash, stainless-steel appliances, a line of stools surrounded an enormous kitchen island like soldiers, straight and tall. The hardwood floors gleamed in the dim light. Edric approved of the room in every way. He was looking forward to rummaging for leftovers.

  He stopped mid-step as he caught her scent. Spicy saffron filled his nose before his eyes found her. Edric stopped in the middle of the room his mouth wide open. There she was, leaning over and giving him a perfect view of her assets as she searched one of the refrigerators.

  She was wearing a thin t-shirt and a pair of tiny shorts. Her shapely legs were on full display. Damn, how he wanted to wrap his hands around those thighs of hers. Edric settled for following them with his eyes all the way down to her pink painted toes. Her hair was loose and hung down her back in a wild display of tight, dark curls. He wanted to bury his face in it, in her, and stamp his scent all over her. Fuck.

  Edric hissed out a breath as a certain part of him sprang to life. The sound was loud in the empty kitchen, and Joselyn turned abruptly. The half-gallon carton of organic milk slipped from her hand, but Edric was in front of her in a flash. He steadied both her and the milk.

  “My apologies, I uh-”

  “No, it’s my fault, sorry,” she laughed softly and looked down, a slow blush crept up her cheeks and he felt himself respond.

  Her warm breath teased his neck. He reveled in the feel of her heavenly body as he held her tightly in his arms. Her soft, womanly curves were pressed up against him in a delicious accord that was almost too good to be true.

  Edric was in no hurry to release her. No hurry at all. She turned her body slightly to better stabilize herself, and the slight movement caused more of her scent to waft into his nostrils. Saffron and spice. He wanted to bury his nose in her every nook and cranny, just to see if she smelled like that everywhere.

  “Don’t be silly, Joselyn, I should have announced myself,” it was the first time he’d ever used her name. He felt the weight of it on his tongue keenly. It felt good.

  “Are you hungry?” His voice was a deep rumble. Gods was he hungry, and not for food.

  “Well, I couldn’t sleep. I had a call that didn’t go so well, so I thought I’d heat up some milk,” she eased out of his embrace, and Edric felt her absence immediately. He frowned. Want her back. Now. Grrr.

  “Ah, I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like to talk about it?” He watched the play of emotions cross her face.

  Something was wrong, and he bristled with the knowledge, though why he should feel so protective of her was a mystery to him. Whatever had made her look so lost was none of his business. She was none of his business. Hadn’t they both decided that neither of them wanted the other? He had better things to do than worry over her problems.

  Fuck that. She is mine. His Dragon snarled in his mind’s eye and it was all he could do to tell the curious beast to be still. The urge to roar and burn whatever it was to disrupt her sense of peace welled up inside of him. Thunder crackled, and lightning sparked outside the large window at the sink that overlooked the ocean. Shit. Calm down, Edric. He closed his eyes and counted to ten.

  The Witch tucked a loose curl behind her ear and frowned as she battled with the urge to tell him her troubles. Tell me, he silently begged. She padded over to a stool on bare feet, and he hid a smile. She looked so at home there. In his kitchen. Nom don’t get any ideas. The Witch is not for us.

  “Are you sure you want to listen to my sob story?” she asked.

  ‘I wouldn’t have said so otherwise,” he replied.

  “Okay then, but I did warn you,” she shrugged.

  “So, my ex-boyfriend is a normal and a bit of a douche bag. Bottom line is, it’s over between us, but he won’t leave me alone,” she ran a hand through her wild curls, and he smiled at her weak attempt to tame them, but he frowned at her words.

  “This man is obsessed with you then?” Edric growled the words. He’d tear the fucker limb from limb. Who was this man who dared worry his Witch? Wait, since when was she his Witch? Since the moment you saw her, idiot. Wait, was she speaking again? He turned to her and listened more intently.

  “He left me some dead flowers and nasty messages. Anyway, I am starting to get worried, so I petitioned the local coven for sanctuary. As a psychic, I don’t have much talent for protection spells or casting, but they won’t go for it unless I am willing to dedicate my powers to them.”

  “Sounds like a pretty hefty price to pay,” he mumbled. He did not like the idea of anyone using her. It hardly seemed a fair price for a few protection spells.

  “I know, right? I mean, I use my talents to survive. It’s how I pay the bills, but they won’t have that, and there is literally nothing else I could do. My visions take up a lot of my time and energy. I can’t hold a regular job with that kind of constant interruption, besides I am dedicated to cultivating my talents.”

  “As you should be, Joselyn. That doesn’t sound unreasonable on your part, but on theirs.”

  “Ugh, I’m sorry, you were probably just being polite when you asked me to spill. I shouldn’t have rambled on this way, I apologize,” she pressed her palm to her forehead while she gripped
her waist with the other. She was clearly tense.

  “Don’t be silly, after all I asked you,” Edric said.

  “Still, I feel like I said too much.”

  “Nonsense.” Say more. Please. Like my name out loud. Grrr.

  She fidgeted on the stool and he hated to see that she was nervous. It was so unlike her. Instinctively, he knew she was stronger than she looked. Sassy and brave. But yes, she did seem to have a problem.

  He suddenly hated the idea of her having to ask anyone for help other than him, foolish as that sounded. She’s not mine to protect. His Dragon roared inside of him at the thought of her ex-boyfriend. It took him another moment to quiet his beast before he trusted himself to speak.

  “I know we don’t know each other well, Joselyn, but I swear I am here for you, uh, that is we are at your disposal, my brothers and I.” Stubborn fool. Just admit it already. She is ours.

  “Thank you, you don’t have to say that, and I’m sorry I burdened you with all of this. It’s my problem, not yours, anyway I’ll let you get on with whatever you were doing,” she mumbled, but he saw through her embarrassment to her worry and gritted his teeth.

  “A midnight snack,” he mumbled.

  “Makes sense, well, enjoy-”

  “Wait, you’re not getting any food?”

  He thought distracting her might get her mind off her troubles. It must have worked because she smiled, and when that happened, his heart just about stopped in his chest. Breathtaking.

  “Why? Did the big, bad lizard need help?” She smirked and raised her eyebrows at him. Brat.

  “That’s Dragon, I am not a lizard, and I can make my own plate.”

  “Ah, okay then,” she made to stand, but he stopped her.

  “However, I, uh, could use some company. I don’t like eating alone,” Edric held his breath as he waited for her answer.

  Fool, he chided himself again. He didn’t know if he could remain sane being so close to her. His chest rumbled as desire coursed through his veins. So not good. He should just leave. The room, the castle, the whole damn state. Yet, he couldn’t bear the thought of it. Especially if she was in danger.

  He felt his Dragon’s intense disapproval at the very idea of walking out on his Joselyn. Es meus. The beast’s growl was deep and threatening. Edric felt the possessive side of his nature roll through his entire body. He closed his eyes for a second to calm himself.

  “Um, sure, I’ll sit with you, since you asked,” she got back up and poured milk in a mug. She popped it in the microwave and sat down when it was ready.

  Edric prepared a plate of food and moved to the place beside her. His Dragon rumbled in approval, it liked being near her. She blew on her milk with pursed lips and he swallowed. Damn. She looked so good like that. He wondered how she would look, lips pursed, as she moved to kiss his bare skin.

  She was driving him up a wall. He needed a distraction. Food. That was as good as anything. His dish was loaded with a variety of roasted meats and fresh vegetables left over from the dinner he’d walked out on earlier.

  His future sister-in-law owned and operated a catering company, Present Tastes. They had prepared the meal for that night and from what he’d smelled before, it was incredible. He took a bite and moaned, savoring each morsel as it passed his lips. Delicious.

  He hummed as he bit into a hunk of perfectly roasted prime rib. The outside of the meat was seasoned with freshly cracked pepper, sea salt, and a blend of herbs that included garlic, rosemary, thyme, and parsley. It was pink and tender on the inside and went exceedingly well with the homemade horseradish sauce it was served with.

  Sure, it was unusual for a Dragon to eat his meat rare. Charred was the norm, but Edric had always liked it that way. Then again, his meals the last five hundred years were often based on the whims of a madman. He and his brothers had often had to make do with whatever scraps they’d been given.

  He frowned at the thought. Those long years of torture and servitude were behind him. It felt like another world. He closed his eyes and wiped the memories from his mind, focusing instead on the present. He watched the Witch as he relished the flavors of the fine roast as they burst on his tongue.

  He stiffened, suddenly aware of the beauty of the woman who sat beside him. Her olive toned skin was smooth and clear in the harsh light of the kitchen. She wore no makeup, but her eyes were rimmed with long, dark lashes and her lips were pink and plump. Just right for kissing. He imagined doing so right then.

  Would she invite him into her arms? Her tongue willingly curl itself around his? Would she taste of the spice that seemed to permeate the air that surrounded her? His Dragon growled roughly in his chest, and Edric attempted to cover it with a cough.

  “This is really good,” he said to break the ice.

  “Yeah, it’s one of Noelle’s signature dishes. May I?” Joselyn leaned over, her skin a hair’s breadth away from his, and yet he felt her there, down to his bones.

  Edric nodded at her request though he had no idea what it was she wanted. Me, take me please. He nearly swallowed his tongue when she took a long, grilled asparagus spear from his plate with her nimble fingers.

  Her nails were painted the same sexy pink color as her toes and his lips fell open as she turned the vegetable over in her grasp, scrutinizing it with her big hazel eyes. She is unbelievable. Brave too, to take from a Dragon’s plate. She took her time studying it.

  He could almost imagine it was something else in her hands, something that was about to burst at the image she made as she perused the tasty morsel before lifting the vegetable to her full lips. Her eyes met his and he swore she was laughing at him as she opened her mouth and bit the tip off with her brilliant white teeth. Grrr.

  How could the act of eating a vegetable be so erotic? He damn near fell off his stool when she opened her full, pink lips to take another, more delicate nibble. She used her clever tongue to lick some salt off her fingers and Edric damn near bent the fork in his hand. Grrr.

  “Signature dishes?” He forced himself to speak. He couldn’t trust himself not to lean over and finish the half of asparagus that she still held in her grip. He’d lick the remnants of the delicately salted vegetable from her fingertips. One. At. A. Time. Grrrr.

  “Present Tastes has come a long way in the six weeks since the Christmas party,” she chatted away seemingly oblivious to the tension rising in him.

  Thank the gods, she doesn’t see me near to bursting in my sweats for fuck’s sake, he thought, or maybe she just isn’t interested. He frowned at that latter thought.

  “That’s the one that brought our bride and groom together?”

  “Yeah, though a little birdie told me Callius and Fred may have had something to do with it,” she said and smirked.

  “A little birdie or your visions?” He noticed right away the rigidity in her posture, and he could’ve kicked himself.

  “Joselyn, look at me, please, I meant no insult.”


  “No, I think your gifts are extraordinary. Just like the rest of you.”

  “Thank you. It’s just that I’ve never had so many people know about me before. Fred, Noelle, and all you Falk brothers and, uh, I don’t know. It feels strange,” she lowered her eyes as she spoke, and he had to restrain himself from lifting her chin so as to gaze into them as she spoke.

  “I know what you mean, I’m a Dragon, and you know about me,” he raised an eyebrow and waited till she chuckled in reply.

  “Ha ha, like you care what I think,” she said.

  “I do care what you think, Joselyn,” he meant it.

  “I believe you,” she said. He saw the truth shining there in her eyes.

  Edric wanted to beat on his chest at the thought of this gorgeous creature’s belief in him. He couldn’t say why, but those three words meant a lot. She looked down again, and the momentary connection was gone. He missed it.

  “Yes, well, I think Noelle and Sander are perfect together. They complement each other
, both being artists of a sort,” he was rambling to prolong their encounter.

  “Mmhm. Noelle’s culinary expertise certainly require some artistic capabilities, and as for your brother, well, his tapestries are just beautiful. Is everyone in your family gifted?”

  Edric closed his mouth for a moment. He’d never felt jealous of one of his brothers before, but right then he wished he had one iota of artistic ability. What could he tell her?

  That the way he sliced open a throat or tore out the bowels of some dying filth was art? That running onto a battlefield in his half-formed state caused his enemies to shit themselves in terror? No. He was a warrior. A killer. That was all.

  “Well?” She asked her full lips tilted up in a sort of half-smile. He wished he had something else to tell her, but he wouldn’t lie.

  “No, I’m afraid art is not genetic. I’ve no gift for it. All I know is how to kill,” he couldn’t help the bitterness that crept into his tone. Just another reason why I am ill-suited to mate.

  “I am sure that’s not true, in fact, I know you are capable of so much more than that, Edric,” her whispered words barely registered as his mind threatened to be overcome by the past.

  The horror and gore of his history were enough to send many sane men to the asylum. Edric had committed many heinous acts of aggression against the enemies of his captor. He’d been rewarded for his feats at times and punished at others. But in the end, all he had were the memories. Sometimes he thought the stink of blood and death would never leave him.

  Luckily, the sound of her sweet voice brought him back to the present. He was no longer on the battlefield. He was there, in Castle Falk, eating fine food, and sitting with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. His Dragon stirred within him and not from thoughts of past battles. It was her, Joselyn, who moved his beast. Es Meus.

  They sat quietly for a few minutes. The air between them seemed to sizzle in the dimly lit kitchen. Her scent invaded his nostrils. Saffron and spice. He wanted to breathe her in. To bask in the solace of her scent, her warmth. She represented a kind of peace he’d never known.


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