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The Falk Clan Complete Series

Page 25

by C. D. Gorri

  With his newest endeavor, they could have all the luxury they’d possibly want! He’d managed to secure the future of their newly founded Clan in a year! Booyah! He mentally fist-bumped himself, proud of his pending success. The four brothers would be able to provide for their mates and children for many generations to come.

  Generations that were coming upon them sooner rather than later. He frowned. His siblings had all been blessed with their fated mates within a year of settling in the supernaturally inclined town of Maccon City.

  They’d found their little slice of heaven in New Jersey of all places. He’d been none too happy when his elder brother, and their leader by unanimous decision, Callius, had told them where they were going to build their castle and live.

  Quite frankly, he’d always thought New Jersey sounded like a shithole. At least, it did according to the internet. Nikolai had flown around the world a few times before visiting. He’d tested his wings and tasted the freedom they’d all craved. Duty had forced them to serve out their sentence without much resistance.

  He’d always wondered why Callius hadn’t fought to get out. He’d asked his brother about that once and the FireDragon’s reply had been one word. Honor. Nikolai was young and didn’t understand, but he’d done his part. Because of that, he had always had more freedom than his brothers. For that, he’d always felt guilty.

  Nikolai had used his talents and brains for his captor for centuries. The technological advancements the last hundred years had made it easier and necessary for him to interact with the outside world.

  He’d travelled outside of his old cell every time he opened a book, and later, when he’d turned on the computer. His two eldest brothers were Clan Warriors, fierce Dragons of worth and honor, his youngest an artist highly valued amongst their kind, but Nikolai was the odd man out.

  A geek. A money maker. Sure, he had value, but the Blackthorn Clan followed the old ways. He’d been mocked and ridiculed, but he’d added to their jailor’s coffers. So much so, his excursions, virtual and real, had been tolerated.

  He fucking hated thinking about his old cell. His tomb of information where he’d thought to die under the weight of all the scrolls and books. Most of all, he hated when his mind strayed to that prick who’d kept them under lock and key for the past five-hundred years. Dragomir deserved no more of his time.

  The second he left that compound on the Isle of Pain, he’d sworn to never look back. He’d gone positively wild in the months since. Making a name for himself, converting the fund they’d been allowed to keep into stocks that multiplied with the slightest bit of concentration.

  He excelled at increasing their holdings, but lately he’d developed other interests. Software development. He’d started a small firm to get his toe in the market. He now found himself firmly grounded in technological advancement specifically designed towards supernaturals. Unheard of really, but totally obtainable.

  This New World, he smirked as he recalled his brother’s archaic name for the country, they now called home, was a wondrous place indeed. Supernaturals of all types intermingled with each other. Wolves and Bears, Goblins, Faeries, Witches, Vampires, Dhampirs, and now Dragons too.

  They conducted business just like the normals, who lived oblivious to the powerful creatures that surrounded them. From giant corporations to small independent consultants, they all used computers to operate. They were at the mercy of technologically inefficient firewalls created by normals to keep them safe.

  Not anymore. He’d just solved all their fucking problems! And he should be psyched and ready to party, but instead he was dreading going downstairs.

  Nikolai was the last single Dragon in his Clan. All three brothers found their mates, gave them their roses, and were fully mated. All but him. He tried not to think about it. Choosing instead to bury himself in work.

  Anything to stop him from dwelling on that one all-important question. Would he ever find his one true and fated mate? Would he find his emerald rose?

  He’d been hiding behind the old line that he would rather hang himself then be chained to some maiden, but the truth was, he’d simply given up. He’d circled the globe and had not felt the pull in any town or country. Better not think on it till after the party.

  The idea he was doomed to die alone was too damn depressing. That and the way he’d been fielding unwanted attentions for the last century had led rise to certain ugly rumors he’d rather not think on. Nikolai had a secret. A deep, dark one, he did not want advertised to the entire damn universe.

  He hid the truth behind his good looks and charm, using his work, books, and computers as an excuse. Genius had its prices after all. He told himself he was too busy for such trifles as affairs. It was true to a point, he had plenty of pressing work to concentrate on.

  With several patents pending on groundbreaking new software, he was an extremely busy Dragon. Nikolai had been thoroughly involved with the technological age since its infancy. Being over five-hundred years old had its advantages.

  Right after they’d been granted their freedom, he flew solo for a few months. Stretching the wings of his emerald green Dragon and breathing freely for the first time in his long life. He’d met up with other supernaturals he’d done business with for the Blackthorn, attempting to reconnect under his new Clan.

  It had worked to a point, until he turned down the offer to spend the night in a certain skinny, blonde Witch’s bed. He’d pleasured her, there was no doubt, but he’d hated the taste of her on his tongue.

  She was a hard one, but she had many connections. Valuable ones. The excuse he gave as to why he didn’t seek pleasure for himself was the usual, lack of time, urgent business, etc... She’d accepted it at the time.

  He hated that he gave in to her seductions even a little bit, but she’d repeated the dreadful rumor and he’d had no choice but to stifle her tongue. So, he did. With his. It would have been funny if the woman wasn’t at the party tonight. Fuck.

  Afterwards, he’d flown to the mountains and stayed alone for a few days until he’d returned to the castle his eldest brother had built them feeling refreshed and ready to work.

  He’d partnered up with local guru, Randall Graves. He was the creator of the online gaming universe called Wolf Moon and an overall computer genius.

  They’d just finished the last round of testing on his secret project. An extremely sophisticated firewall system that had been recently purchased by Merlin Banking Solutions. The largest international bank covertly owned and operated by supernaturals in the world.

  Nikolai had worked on the finer details of the program using his very unique ability to imbue software with Dragon magic. Merlin Banking was just the kind of corporation to benefit from his expertise. They required a special system.

  When he’d approached Randall, who was a Werewolf in the Macconwood Pack, allies and friends of the Falk Clan, he’d been very excited to partner up with Nikolai. Being isolated as a result of his incarceration had left him at a distinct disadvantage when it came to networking and Randall had used his contacts to make the project happen.

  The Falk brothers had only been out from under the Blackthorn Chief for a little over a year. It was under Dragomir that Nikolai discovered his aptitude for technology. After making money for that cretin for centuries, he was finally allowed to reap the fruit of his efforts. And they were sweet as honey. The only kind of honey he was getting his hands on these days. Stupid stubborn Dragon!

  Nikolai shook off his anxiety. It was always difficult to keep his secret when confronted with a crowd of women as this party was sure to have. They were an important up and coming Clan. Their business connections alone afforded them a long guest list at any of their social events.

  Necessary for business, he reminded himself. He took in his appearance one last time in front of the large black framed mirror that sat against his bedroom wall. He nodded at himself. Taller and leaner than all three of his brothers, Nikolai had the same rugged good looks.

; His pale green eyes glowed with the presence of his Dragon and he worked to soothe the magical beast inside of him. He smoothed his hands over his dark hair and readied himself. You got this.

  He’d played the carefree playboy several times over the past year, and he’d do it again to save his reputation. Draco Fortis meant everything, and its CEO could not be perceived as weak in any way. Nik would get through the party just fine.

  He grabbed the small blue box from his dresser and headed to the first floor of Castle Falk where the naming day ceremony would begin.


  Nikolai went through the motions of greeting guests and smiling politely as well-wishers came forward with gifts and praise for his adorable little niece.

  It was somehow fitting that Callius, his oldest and most powerful brother, a rare FireDragon, and his Werewolf mate, Winifred, were the first to bear children. The dimpled beauty wore a pink silk gown and grinned at him from her father’s arms.

  He smiled as he approached his healthy and beautiful little niece. A shame she would not inherit the Dragon gene, as Dragon Shifters were all male, but still, she’d be a Werewolf and that was nothing to scoff at. He watched as Callius laid the child down with such tenderness Nikolai’s breath caught in his throat.

  The babe was precious, as all young were. She had fine blonde hair and big blue eyes, cheeks round as a cherub’s, and a small cleft in her tiny chin. He leaned down to brush a soft kiss over her head as she slept in the small, elegant bassinet his other brother, Sander, had made for her.

  Sander had a profound talent for art, usually tapestry weaving. He’d put his talents to great use here. The unique crib was made of aged redwood, He’d carved an enormous Dragon, wings elevated to the skies next to a howling wolf with an enormous rose encompassing them like an umbrella on the tiny headboard.

  Three more Dragons circled the bottom of the bassinet, along with other bits of fancy, a magic wand, a Christmas tree, bows, flowers, and some stars here and there. The detail was amazing. He’d stained and polished the wood until it gleamed.

  A thing of exquisite beauty. It was perfection itself, as was his sleeping niece. His heart squeezed painfully. He was happy for his brother and his mate, but he secretly longed for what they had. A mate. Love. A family.

  “Brother! You’ve joined us at last,” Callius and Fred greeted him with fiery embraces. Nik couldn’t help but return them enthusiastically even as his own emptiness threatened to consume him.

  It always did when he observed any of his brothers with their mates. The bond between them beautiful and solid, thriving as if it were an independent living thing. Nikolai was ashamed of the jealousy he felt, but he did his best to keep it under wraps. He thrust the small blue box into Fred’s hand and laughed as she exclaimed over what he considered a trifle.

  “Oh my! Look at this! Two tennis bracelets for a child! Nik, it’s too much!”

  “Nonsense, this little one deserves the best, besides it’s only a total of about five carats, hardly worth mentioning.”

  “Are you nuts?”

  He laughed again, always shocked at his American sister-in-law’s outspoken ways. She was definitely something alright! Blonde and lovely, a perfect foil for his darker and formally brooding brother.

  Callius was admiring t the emerald tennis bracelets, smiling as he did so. Yes, Dragons certainly loved treasure.

  The gift was designed to please and honor both his niece and her parents. He’d called the world-famous jewelers known by their special blue boxes, with express instructions to have one bauble made to fit a child and, to make an exact replica suitable for when she was an adult.

  Emeralds to remind her of him. He always wanted her to remember her Uncle Nik on her name day. What better way than with jewels almost as precious as she was? He’d had them shipped raw from their mines in South America and cut and designed by the jewelers at his behest. A fine choice.

  Callius kissed his wife indulgently and practically beamed with pride at his newest treasure. He brushed a large hand gently over his precious baby’s head and beckoned Nikolai to follow him as he sought out their brothers.

  “Can you believe it, gentlemen? I am a father!”

  A round of congrats passed amongst the brothers as they toasted him and his family. Sander smiled blissfully, his own Noelle was pregnant with their first child, and he was soon to join the ranks of fatherhood.

  “While we are all here, I want to share the news with all of you,” Edric began.

  Nikolai plastered a smile on his face as yet another of his brothers announced his impending fatherhood. I am alone, the panicked thought had his breath struggling to get out. Yet through it all he remained passive on the outside.

  “Nik? I said aren’t you going to congratulate me?” Edric held out his hand and Nikolai grabbed it briefly.

  “Indeed, but don’t get too close, it might be contagious,” he barked out a false laugh, but the others ate it up.

  They rejoined the crowds, each of his brothers joining their mates while he stood to the outside. Crowds of people, some friends, other business acquaintances milled about the ballroom. Enjoying the food prepared by his sister-in-law’s event planning and catering company, Present Tastes. Noelle was radiant in a flowing blue dress that lit up her eyes. The small baby bump did nothing to detract from her beauty as she and Joselyn spoke to guests, their husbands at their sides.

  Local Whiskey tycoon Mason Lane and his wife, Abigail were there. So was, Rafe Maccon, Alpha of the Macconwood Pack, and his wife, Charley. His beta, Seff was in attendance with his mate, a renowned White Witch, Sherry Morgan. They all laughed and chatted pleasantly.

  Everyone seemed to have a mate. Except him. Always on the outside. He supposed he could mingle with the business contacts who’d been invited, but he was not feeling up to it.

  His hiding behind work was like second nature. Fortunately, he had a small office in the main part of Castle Falk. It was nothing like his sanctum upstairs in his own private wing of the castle, but it was fully functional and allowed him to get info down whenever the inspiration hit.

  Unfortunately, a certain Witch that he’d been hoping to avoid took it upon herself to follow him in there. Fuck. He smelled the heavily perfumed woman and growled his distaste.

  “Hiya, handsome,” she said, pressing her artificially enhanced breasts against his back and curling her hand around his stomach.

  He wanted to snap and snarl and fling her across the room, but that would not do. She was a powerful businessperson and he had to keep that part of his life professional. His lip curled in disgust.

  Nikolai halted the progress of her wandering, red tipped hands, but he did not push her away. Impeccable manners wouldn’t allow. Plus, it was partly his fault.

  She’d obviously misread the bit of oral pleasure he’d given her some months back, for an open invitation. He’d acted the playboy for so long, his reputation was bound to make the rounds. Even at an afternoon family friendly gathering as this was.

  “Hello, Ms. White,” he chose to call her by her surname, hoping the formality would speak for itself, “I’m sorry but you caught me at a bad time.”

  He hoped to bluff his way out of this without the obligatory performance. As a matter of fact, he was damned determine to avoid it at all costs. She was not his type at all. No one was. But especially not her with her too much make-up wearing, bathed in perfume, and bespelled body. His Dragon snarled in revulsion.

  “Oh, I don’t think that’s true, Nicky-boy, you see, I’ve heard some fascinating things about you since we last met,” she said and ran her red tipped fingers up and down his silk shirt.

  Nik had to fight to keep himself from pushing her off. His Dragon was repulsed. The Beast wanted no part of any female who was not his mate. Ms. Angie White was certainly not his anything. She held controlling interests in several corporations. In fact, he’d learned that her tiny Coven was devoted to her desires for power in the business world.

nteresting, but not his business. He simply did not want to start anything with the woman. She could find ways of retaliating he was sure to dislike. His Dragon agreed. The beast would rather spend his time searching for his other half.

  The obsession with finding his one true mate had started centuries ago, but Nik had been able to hide his obvious lack of interest in the females who threw themselves at him in other ways.

  He used to be able to simply fuck them and leave well enough alone. A quick little lay and a pat on the head as it were. He knew it was wrong, but his conquests had all understood. Women simply threw themselves at him. And he hadn’t really wanted a single one of them. Not. One.

  A fact that was increasingly obvious to the Witch in front of him. Her pouty blood red lips frowned as she pressed herself more firmly against him, trying to grind her hips into eliciting a response from him.

  “Is it possible I heard wrong? And after we had such fun last time?” she narrowed her greedy eyes and he could see the wheels turning. Oh shit.

  “My dear, you wound me! On any other day, I’d be happy to take you for a spin, but my dear, it is my niece’s name day,” Nikolai forced a chuckle and casually distanced himself from her.

  Fuck. She knows! She smirked and plastered her lips to his in a skillful tease that did absolutely nothing to garner his interest. Luckily, the gong his brother had installed in the ball room sounded and he was able to extricate himself once again.

  “I am sorry, Angie dear, but I cannot miss this. Another time,” he inclined his head and looked at her over-used body with what he hoped she’d think was lust shining in his eyes.

  His acting skills were better than he thought he mused as she preened in front of him and turned around like the cat that ate the canary.

  “Later, lover,” she purred and slunk away on her too high heels.


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