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Portrait of Jealousy (The Art Models Club Book 2)

Page 5

by Amanda Meadows

  “But what about your tummy's demands?”

  “I bet my tummy could be persuaded to wait a little while,” Amber murmured, slipping her fingers into the waistband of his jeans and tugging at the waistband of his briefs.

  “You're not feeling faint?”Hunter asked, nuzzling her neck.

  “Oh, I'm feeling faint,” Amber said wickedly.

  “But not from lack of food.”

  She stood and wriggled her hips as she moved in the direction of Hunter's bedroom. She was making her way to the bed when Hunter's hand on her shoulder stopped her.

  “Not so fast. I want to undress you first.”

  Amber grinned and started to unbutton her blouse.

  “No!” Hunter said, his voice firm.

  “I want to undress you.”

  Oh, okay. Amber felt a shiver of anticipation. She stood still, waiting for him to make the first move.

  Hunter stepped closer and gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead. Then he stepped back.

  “Um . . .I have a weird request,” he said shyly. “Obviously, you can say no.”

  Intrigued, Amber simply stared into his eyes.

  Hunter looked a little sheepish.

  “I was wondering if you would let me blindfold you?”

  Oh! That was different! Amber found it a bit thrilling.

  “Um . . .sure,” she said, her voice a bit breathless.

  Hunter eagerly searched in his closet and came back with a pale blue tie.

  “I really like you in this color.”

  He carefully secured the silky fabric around her eyes, knotting it tightly.

  Immediately, Amber felt as though her other senses were more heightened. She discovered that she was aware of both her own breathing as well as Hunter's.

  “Stay right here,” he whispered.

  Amber stifled a nervous giggle. Where would she go if she couldn't see where she was walking? She heard the sound of something, perhaps the chair, being dragged across the floor. What was Hunter up to? Those noises were followed by the sound of a chain overhead. What the hell?

  “Hunter?” she asked nervously.

  She didn't hear his soft footsteps so she jumped when he suddenly touched her hand.

  “Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.”

  Placing one hand on the small of her back and another on her elbow, Hunter guided her.

  “Just a few steps over here.”

  Amber clumsily walked forward, nervous she was going to crash into something.

  “That's right. Just one more step. That's it. Perfect!”


  Hunter leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “I promise I am not going to do anything to hurt you.”

  He stroked her face and hair.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, but, um . . .That sounded like . . .um . . . chains. I'm not sure if I can handle something like that.”

  Amber's voice was small and hesitant.

  Chapter 8

  “Chains?” Hunter sounded truly confused for a moment.

  “Oh, the mirrors!”

  “Mirrors?” Amber squeaked.

  “What are you doing with mirrors?”

  Hunter hugged her firmly.

  “I use mirrors when I'm sketching or painting so that I can see all the angles without going from easel to easel.”

  “So . . .are you painting or sketching me?” Amber asked, a little confused.

  Hunter spoke in her ear so that his breath sent shivers down her body.

  “No, Gorgeous, not tonight. Tonight I want to see every angle of your body as I undress you. And later . . .”

  “Later . . .?” Amber whispered, feeling a tingling.

  She had made love with Hunter many times but tonight felt entirely new and exciting.

  “Later,” Hunter agreed, his voice a deep growl.

  “Um . . . okay, I guess.”

  Better than okay, Amber thought. But she was too timid to admit that to Hunter.

  Hunter silenced her with a deep kiss. She felt her knees weaken and buckle.

  “Here, take your hand and hold on to the chair here. You'll be able to sit down in just a minute.”

  Amber clenched the back of the chair with both hands. She sensed Hunter kneeling in front of her and then felt his hands unfastening the button on her jeans. She heard the soft whir of the zipper coming down and felt her jeans loosen. Hunter's hands caressed her belly, making her emit a soft sigh.

  Moments later the hands were replaced by his tongue exploring her belly button. Then his hands returned, sliding down the back of her jeans. He squeezed her buttocks and she was glad that she was holding on to the chair because her legs began to tremble. Perhaps Hunter sensed her instability because he suddenly pulled his tongue away, grabbed the sides of her jeans and jerked downward so that the jeans fell to her knees in one swift motion.

  “Okay, Baby, you can sit down now,” Hunter said, guiding her to the seat.

  As Amber sat, she could feel that she was already wet. She wondered if it showed on her panties.

  Hunter didn't say anything as he carefully finished taking off her jeans but his breathing sounded labored.

  For that matter, Amber's own breathing wasn't exactly quiet at this point. Her foot brushed against the rough fabric of his jeans and she realized that Hunter was kneeling in front of her chair.

  “Oh, baby, you are so beautiful,” Hunter murmured. “Can you pose for me?”

  Amber gasped as she felt Hunter's breath on her belly.

  “What do you want me to do?” she whispered, her body on fire for him.

  “Just trust me and let me move you,” he said, his voice sounding strained.

  “Okay,” Amber whispered.

  She swallowed hard, her anticipation making everything feel more intense.

  She heard Hunter stand and move to the back of the chair.

  “Can I tie your hands?”

  The request at this point didn't surprise her. She found herself nodding her head but then realized that he was still behind her.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice breathless.

  She heard Hunter rummage in the closet again and the sound of a hanger clicking to the floor. Seconds later, she felt another silky piece of fabric gently hold her hands in place behind her.

  “That's better,” Hunter murmured, moving back around the chair.

  She felt a small tug on her shirt and realized he was undoing her buttons. As the fabric fell away, she felt his warm breath blowing gently over each breast. He didn't remove the shirt, but simply pushed the fabric to the sides.

  Seconds later, she moaned as she felt Hunter's teeth grazing each nipple through her lacy bra. She found herself wriggling on top of the chair but her bound hands kept her from moving closer to Hunter's body.

  Hunter moved back and she felt frustrated. She needed to feel him touching her. But then his hands were on each calf, gently guiding her legs until she was straddling the chair.

  Amber knew that if she could see what he was doing, she would feel intimidated. But with the blindfold it was kind of like having sex in the dark. She felt more emboldened.

  Hunter trailed kisses up one leg. As he got higher up her thigh, the top of his head brushed her crotch. Against her will, she jerked in the seat. Hunter kept his head in place, continuing the kisses until he was actually pressing hard against her with his forehead.

  Amber moaned until Hunter pulled away and started up the next leg. She was expecting a repeat when he reached the top of her second thigh. But she yelped in surprise and unexpected intense pleasure when he nipped her panties with his teeth.

  “I need you,” Amber said, her voice desperate.

  “Soon, baby,” Hunter replied.

  “You have to be patient a little bit longer.”

  He moved his mouth back up to her breasts. With one smooth motion he undid her bra clasp, pushed the cups aside and then rolled his tongue over each nipple.

>   Amber fought to wriggle free, wanting to get closer to his body. She rubbed her legs across Hunter's course jeans, straining to reach him with her lower body. As she lifted her hips, Hunter grabbed her panties and pulled them down her legs, letting her feel how wet they were.

  Amber was sure she must be literally dripping at this point. The entire inside of her thighs felt damp. She could hear herself panting but no longer cared. She didn't know how much longer she could stand the anticipation.

  She was relieved to hear the sound of Hunter's zipper sliding down and the rip of the condom package. Then suddenly she was picked up so that her arms slid over the back of the chair. Hunter placed her so that she was kneeling on cushions, her hands still loosely bound behind her. When Hunter moved closer, she realized that he was still wearing his jeans and shirt. The feeling of the rough jeans and the scratch of buttons from his shirt only heightened her pleasure.

  And then Hunter was lifting her so that he could enter and she cried out with joy. He clasped his arms around her waist and held her tightly.

  Amber moved frantically with each thrust, trying to match his rhythm so that their bodies were inseparable. The urgency she felt was reciprocated by Hunter as his movements intensified and his own yells were mixed in with her own.

  As Amber fell forward towards his chest, sweating and breathing heavily, she felt him reach behind her and quickly remove the makeshift cuffs. She reached forward, clasping him in her arms as he rested his head against her breasts.

  Finally, he reached up and yanked off her blindfold, leaving her to blink at him in the sudden light.

  “You are so amazing, baby,” he whispered. “I wish that we could stay like this forever.”

  “Me, too,” Amber whispered back, lost in his deep green eyes that were looking at her with such adoration.

  “Don't forget me, okay?” he asked, smiling shyly.

  “I don't think I'll be forgetting you any time soon,” Amber said, with a sly grin. “That was pretty mind blowing.”

  Finally, Hunter looked at the clock and groaned.

  “Sorry, Gorgeous, but the driver will be here soon.”

  He got up, pulled up his briefs and zipped his jeans before helping her to his feet.

  “But before I go, I want to give you something.”

  Going to his bedside table, he pulled out a small card.

  “What's this?” Amber asked.

  “I already have your address there.”

  Then she looked more closely and saw that it was a car insurance card.

  “I don't understand.”

  “I added you to my policy,” Hunter explained, grinning.

  “So now you can drive the Range Rover.”

  Amber gaped at him.

  “Wow, Hunter, that's huge. Are you sure you trust me?”

  She watched his face grow worried and backtracked.

  “I mean, I'm a good driver!”

  She snatched the card before he could have second thoughts. Then she hopped up and down and squealed.

  “I get to drive the Range Rover!”

  Hunter looked stricken for a moment.

  “You'll drive carefully, right?”

  He sounded nervous.

  “No scratches or dings or dents?”

  Amber kissed him.

  “Don't be a worry wort!”

  A horn blared outside.

  Amber thrust herself forward and gave Hunter a tremendous hug.

  “You'll be great! Have fun, but not too much fun, and I'll see you in twelve weeks.”

  Hunter gave her a lingering kiss and then backed away slowly with a wide grin on his face.

  “That's the way I want to remember you, Gorgeous,” he said with a smirk, picking up his bags.

  “Just like that.”

  Then, just like that, he was out of the door. The silence in the apartment was overwhelming. Amber turned to look out the window when she realized that she was still almost completely naked. Running, she grabbed a robe and rushed to the living room window.

  Hunter had just given his bags to the driver and was looking up as though waiting for her. She pressed her face to the window, hoping that he could see.

  He did, a smile lighting up his face. He gave her a small wave and then got into the car.

  Amber held her hand up to the window until the car had left driveway. She knew it was ridiculous but she felt as though her heart was breaking.

  Chapter 9

  After Hunter left, Amber cleaned up Hunter's room. As much as she wanted the reminder of the afternoon, she knew that the cleaning lady would be by the next day. Amber certainly didn't want the matronly woman to discover discarded panties and condoms on the floor. She was also wary of Caleb going into the room to borrow something. The mirrors took her awhile. But she finally figured out that the chains holding them swung along a ceiling track she had never noticed before. The backs of the mirrors were painted the same color as the wall. Once they were put away you could barely tell they were there.

  She had hoped that cleaning would keep her mind off of Hunter but all she could think about was the feel of his mouth and hands on her. She kept imagining those green eyes locked with her own. Sighing, she at last closed Hunter's door behind her and padded back into her own room. She definitely didn't want to consider sleeping in her bed all alone twelve weeks. Sighing, she finally slipped out of her robe and changed clothes. An hour later she was forcing herself to plow through her history text while she finished off the tray of fruit and bagels.

  Even with a reduced class load, she had fallen behind in her reading. Thankfully, her sketchbook was up to date. Hunter had given her daily assignments to make sure that she stayed ahead, even with her new part-time job. In fact, he had made her promise to not miss a day, even when she had to work. As much as she grumbled when he tried to manage her time, she knew she was making more progress than before she met him.

  After a couple of hours, she checked her phone for messages. Nothing. Even though Hunter had said that he probably wouldn't contact her until after his plane landed in Paris the following day, she had hoped for at least a text. Sighing, she pushed the phone away and got up to get a drink from the refrigerator.

  When she opened the fridge, though, she started to laugh. Neat rows of paper sacks, all labeled with her name and the contents inside, filled up one entire shelf. Or was this a good thing? Should she be concerned that he was so controlling that even her work snacks were planned in advance? Or was this Hunter's way of showing her that he was thinking of all her needs in advance? Sighing, she shut the fridge. She suddenly realized that there was only one person she wanted to talk to other than Hunter.

  With a guilty pang, she thought of the scant conversations she had made time for with Hannah. Her best friend! Grabbing her phone, she dialed Hannah's cell phone number.

  Hannah picked up before the third ring. “Well, well, if it isn't the elusive Amber Holloway! Please tell me that the infamous guy in your life is the reason or I'll be really angry.”

  Amber giggled. “I know. I know. I've been terrible and now I'm working too.”

  A mere half later, Amber had updated her friend with all the details, including Hunter's present absence.

  “That reminds me,” Hannah said. “I was hoping to hang out a bit with you during Christmas break. You're still coming to my house Christmas Eve, right?”

  “Absolutely! Maybe you could stay a night or two with me. I'm sure Hunter wouldn't mind a single guest staying with me?”

  Hannah was silent a moment.

  “Um . . .any chance that maybe I could bring someone as well?”

  “Are you dating someone new too?” Amber asked eagerly.

  “Tell me all about him.”

  “Uh, I'm going to have to get off the phone.”

  “Oh, okay,” Amber said, disappointed.

  They used to talk for hours. This phone conversation had felt forced.

  “So I'll be bringing a guest to stay when I see you,” Hannah

  “Um . . .I'd have to get Hunter's approval,” Amber said with a bit of reluctance.

  “I mean, of course you would be fine. It's just that I would feel weird allowing a guy to stay without him knowing about it. You know?”

  “Hey, we can talk later, sweetie,” Hannah said, now sounding like she just wanted the call to be over. know it sounds terrible Sounds great!”

  The two girls spoke for a few more minutes. Hannah continued to be vague about school and the mystery guest who must clearly be a man. Amber hung up feeling oddly depressed. She could feel that she and Hannah had definitely grown further apart.

  But a visit from Hannah would definitely help take the sting out of Hunter's absence. Surely Hannah could understand that one guy wouldn't want another guy in his own house without meeting him first.

  She grabbed her history book and notes and got to work. If she couldn't get time off from work, she at least needed to be ahead with her school work, especially since her history final exam and art project were both due after the Christmas holidays.

  She was still hard at work when she heard the Ranger Rover pull up. Caleb had taken it that morning for work. Remembering the insurance card, Amber smiled as she thought about being able to drive Hannah about in style.

  Caleb was whistling off key when he came through the doors.

  “Hi, Caleb!”

  Amber wondered if she could come up with an excuse to drive the Range Rover somewhere. It had been ages since she had driven. Hunter had never offered her the opportunity prior to this.

  “Hey, Amber. Did Hunter get picked up on time?”

  “To the minute. Almost as though they knew that he would go ballistic if they were even one minute late.”

  Caleb grinned.

  “Oh, I'm sure it's the same car service he always use. They probably have a file just for Hunter.”

  “I bet it's several inches thick,” Amber said, laughing.

  “I bet the drivers draw straws to see who has to pick him up.”

  Caleb dropped his backpack on the floor and headed for the refrigerator.

  Amber watched him, curious as to what he would say about the bags of snacks.

  Caleb took one look and then twisted his head back to look at Amber. He sighed.


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