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Hourglass Squared

Page 12

by K, S

  "Mrs. Worthington. Brooke. You're back." She quickly fluttered into my office, shifting the files in her arm.

  "Yes, just for the week before I go on leave again. Thank you so much for handling things here while I was gone and communicating with me at home. It's been such a big help." I rocked in the chair as I caressed my belly. The baby was moving around a lot inside.

  "Of course, it is my pleasure. I pray for you every day, Brooke, and have even added your name to my church's prayer list. How is the little one doing?"

  I looked over at Lisa, remembering our first year together. Savannah and I had put the poor girl through the wringer with our spat over Lucas, and now I considered her a friend. "The baby is doing well. Dancing around in there like crazy." I chuckled as the baby gave a jarring kick.

  "Well, I'm going to go drop these files in Monica's office. If you need anything just buzz me." With a nod, she backed out of my office and proceeded down the hall. I turned to my computer and pressed the power button to boot it up.

  The light tap on my door caused me to look up again, and I saw my best friend filling out my doorway in her adorable maternity tunic and skinny jeans.

  "Hey, stranger, how you feeling?"

  I typed in my computer password real quick and then faced her. "I'm good. This baby is kicking me to death."

  Savannah winced, and I cringed, the word carrying so much more weight now than it ever did before.

  "How are my little nieces?"

  "Nieces?" she asked, tilting her head to the side and looking at me in confusion.

  "Well, yeah, you have twins, so I figured they were the two girls, and I got the boy." My stomach jolted beneath my blouse. "And with the way these kicks are coming, he is a soccer player or kickboxer."

  "You bite your tongue. I already told these squatters that one better be a boy and the other a girl. I'm only doing this once so they better do as I ask."

  We both began laughing, knowing full well Savannah really wasn't joking at all. I could picture her sitting there giving out orders to two little babies in her belly, telling them exactly how life would be.

  "How is your nursery coming along? We need to go shopping again and start getting ready. These babies will be here before we know it."

  "Ahh, you know, we've been a bit preoccupied. We have some time though. I'm only twenty-one weeks along." A smile lit her face as she rubbed her belly.

  A genius idea struck me, and quickly I swiveled in my chair and typed out an email to Lisa, clicking send as Savannah watched me.

  "You're up to something," she accused, knowing me all too well.

  "I just realized something I'd forgotten to handle. I was emailing Lisa."

  Right on cue, Lisa stepped up beside Savannah and smiled.

  "I'm ready to work, Brooke. What do you need me to do?"

  Savannah looked between us skeptically, crossing her arms over top of her belly and making it known she wasn't moving.

  Nervous, I knew I needed to come up with something. I glanced down to my desk and saw the tab labeled Nike sitting there for me to review. "Lisa, it's the Nike campaign. We owe them three more runs, and I need you to get some ideas over to the graphic-design team."

  Apparently placated with what she'd heard, Savannah waved her hand and waddled down to her office.

  "Thank God, I thought she'd never leave. Get in here and shut the door."

  Lisa quickly scooted in and closed the door behind her. Sitting there, she took diligent notes of every last detail I gave her, promising she'd make it all come to fruition and more by my last day.

  The rest of the week flew by as I met with other design editors and went over my pending projects, each time having to spend ten minutes getting past the awkwardness of them wanting to tell me how sorry they were, but not knowing how. By Friday morning, I was almost relieved to be going on leave. Lisa popped in my office first thing in the morning.

  "Last day, I'm sure going to miss you. It's been nice to have you back." She leaned against the door jam, tears pooling in her eyes.

  "No crying. I forbid it." I smiled at her, trying to keep the day as happy as possible. "Is everything all set?"

  "Of course. I'm running to the airport now and will be back just beforehand. Do you want me to pick up anything else on my way back?"

  I shook my head no and waved Lisa off just as Savannah appeared in my doorway.

  "Airport? Who is flying in?"

  "Some big wig from the New York office to meet with me and the other design editors. They are trying to get us to utilize them for more projects." I shrugged my shoulders and stared at my computer monitor. I was lying, and if Savannah could look in my eyes, she'd know it in a heartbeat. "Hey, you want to go grab lunch with me in like an hour?"

  "I just ate lunch, but I can go for another. Sure. Just buzz down to my office when you're ready to go."

  I snuck out of my office as soon as she ducked into hers, heading to the board room to ensure things were set up and ready to go.

  "Brooke!" a woman squealed from behind me, making me leap out of fright. Turning around, I spotted my dear mother-in-law, Penelope, hustling up the main walkway toward me. As soon as she reached me, she wrapped her arms around me, kissing both my cheeks before giving my belly a quick rub. "How are you? You look fantastic!" Her hands came up to my cheeks and squished them together as she looked me up and down.

  "Penelope, I'm good. Josh and I are so happy to have you staying with us for a few days."

  "Oh, honey, I'm staying as long as y'all need me. I told my beau, Frank, that if you needed me I wasn't coming back. Quite frankly," she paused as a laugh erupted out of her, "frankly, get it? Oh goodness me. I want to get him to move here so we can be close to the babies."

  Penelope was such a free spirit, and I adored her. As soon as we had met after the engagement, we had all hit it off. She constantly had us in tears, laughing so hard. I knew her energy here would be just what we all needed as we got closer to doomsday. People began to shuffle in around us, setting their bags or boxes down on the table and then mingling around the room.

  "Well, it's time. You go ahead and get in there, and I'll be back in a jiffy." I closed the conference room door behind me and headed back to my office.

  As soon as I sat down, I scooped up my phone and dialed Savannah's extension.

  One short ring later she answered, "Hey, you ready to head out? I'm starved." I fought back my laughter, telling her to get down here so I could feed her. Within seconds, Savannah was in my doorway, rushing me along.

  "Easy, killer. Oh wait one second, run with me to the conference room so I can make sure Lisa got those folders laid out," I lied.

  The door swung open, and everyone jumped to their feet. "Surprise!"

  Savannah's head spun in different directions as she looked at all the people gathered in the room. Penelope rushed her from the side, hugging her and kissing her. "What is this?" She questioned.

  "Your baby shower, of course!" I cheered, leading her further into the room to give my best friend the party she deserved, knowing full well in a month's time, I wouldn't be able to.



  I COULDN'T STOP the tears from spilling over my eyes as I looked around the room. Damn these squatters for making me a blubbering idiot. My mother-in-law sat in the corner with my best friend, going on and on about her three grandbabies and how she couldn't wait to hold each one of them. The rest of the Hourglass team ohhed and ahhed over the gifts that I'd spent the past hour opening.

  My squished bladder forced me up out of my seat as I scurried to the restroom. Relieved, I stepped out of the stall and spotted Monica, washing her hands. I turned on the faucet and looked at her through the mirror. "I sort of have an idea that I wanted to run by you."

  Her eyebrow lifted, and I took that as my cue to fill her in. A smile plastered on her face as she made her way out of the restroom and into her office.

  I high-tailed it to my office and picked
up the phone, to dial Jake.

  "Hey, babe. How's your day going?" he asked.

  "I need you and Josh here at the office. Nothing is wrong. Actually, everything is going great. We are going to surprise Brooke with something, and I want to ensure that Josh is here when we do it. She is going to need him because I know it's going to be emotional."

  "You got it. We'll be there in twenty minutes. Love you, Sav."

  "Love you too. Gotta go. Drive safe."

  I rushed back to the conference room and over to Brooke and Penelope. "Where'd you run off to?" Brooke quizzed me.

  I pretended to do the pee dance as I laughed. "You know how it is when they start squishing your bladder, and I had to go so bad."

  She and Penelope laughed at my dance, and then I collapsed into the chair next to Brooke. I reached over and took her hand. "This is perfect. You spoil me way too much."

  Brooke let out a hearty laugh before she started in, telling Penelope the story of how I'd brought the baby boutique to her since she wasn't up to going out on that particular day.

  Just as she wrapped up, there was a light knock on the door, and Jake and Josh stepped in. I watched as Brooke's face lit up. She awkwardly lifted herself out of the chair and rushed over to Josh, before she threw her arms around his neck. "What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, more than happy to see him.

  Not listening for his answer, I focused on Jake, who was taking my hands and lifting me out of my chair. He leaned down and kissed my lips as his arms wrapped around me for a quick hug before finding their usual spot. He leaned down and kissed my belly before standing back up.

  Penelope gave both Brooke and me the time we needed with our husbands before she grabbed both of them, pulling them into her like she hadn't seen them in twenty years, plastering kissing on both of their cheeks.

  Brooke and I stood next to each other as some of the Hourglass employees leaned over toward us. "You two certainly know how to capture the attention of the most attractive men in Denver," one of the models whispered over to us.

  Shooting a knowing grin her way, I agreed, "Of course we do. Have you seen these bodies?" I rubbed my hands over my baby belly, and they all began to laugh at my sarcasm, quieting as Monica stepped into the room.

  "Party's over," Brooke said softly, joking about a boss she'd once feared.

  Monica stood at the head of the conference room and lifted her hand, signaling the group of designers outside to make their way into the room with everyone. "If you all would please have a seat, there is one last set of designs we'd like to review before Brooke leaves us for a few months."

  I sat down on Jake's lap. Brooke and Josh sat right next to us while Penelope stood behind the two of them, her hands wrapped around their shoulders.

  The designers set up five extra-large boards that were all covered with black cloth as Monica began, "In honor of Brooke Worthington, Hourglass wanted to do something it's never done before. Something that will bring awareness to women everywhere. So without further ado, we'd like to reveal the design concept for our brand new October Breast Cancer Awareness issue, dedicated to Brooke and all of the women who have been impacted by breast cancer."

  The designers lifted the black cloths, unveiling the layouts that we'd all worked so hard to create.

  I slipped my arms around Jake's neck and glanced over at Brooke, whose hands were covering her mouth as the tears spilled down her cheeks. I noticed the mist in Josh's eyes as he pulled his wife closer to him, kissing her temple.

  The room erupted in applause, and everyone raved about the designs, going on and on about the goal to ensure that this issue outsold any issue Hourglass had ever published.

  Brooke was speechless as each person made their way over to her, wishing her the best of luck and promising that they'd see her soon. Finally, Monica stepped up to Brooke, and Josh and I watched on, proud to be an Hourglass employee as Monica took Brooke into her arms. It was short-lived, but I knew that it meant the world to Brooke.

  Josh darted over to Jake while I was talking to Penelope, and I overheard him.

  "Would you mind taking Mom back with you and Sav? Brooke is so overwhelmed, and I just want her to relax tonight."

  Jake nodded. "Yeah, that's no problem. We completely understand."

  My assistant packed up all of the gifts and delivered them down to Jake's Avalanche while we walked Brooke and Josh to their car. I pulled her into a hug, "Go home and get some rest. We'll see you this weekend."

  She squeezed me tight. "Love you, Sav."

  "Love you, too."

  After a long day, Jake, Penelope, and I all relaxed in the living room. Jake looked at the bags of gifts I'd received from all of the employees at Hourglass.

  He'd been through over a hundred different presents, quizzing me on what each one was for and how we'd utilize it for our babies, when he finally leaned back against the couch and rubbed his stomach. "I'm starved. Any idea what we can do for dinner?"

  My belly rumbled, and I knew exactly what I was craving. "I could really go for a pizza. I've been craving one for the past few days."

  Jake shook his head. "We just had pizza last week. Didn't the doctor tell you to limit yourself to only having it once a month?"

  I jutted my bottom lip out. "Please!" I begged, hoping to guilt him into giving me what I wanted.

  Jake stood and shook his head. "No pizza, not tonight."

  I crossed my arms over my chest. "Fine, then it's peanut butter sandwiches with pickles slices and honey."

  I watched as Penelope's hand flew to her mouth, and she lurched forward.

  Jake smirked at his mother. "Pizza it is. But we're walking to get some exercise in, so go change and put on a pair of comfortable shoes."

  He helped me up off the couch, and I lifted onto my tiptoes. "Thank you, babe."

  I devoured my fifth piece of pizza as Jake and Penelope watched on, unable to comprehend how I was reaching for my sixth piece.

  "Should we order another one?" Penelope asked.

  I let out a laugh, and Jake gave me the stink eye. "Not going to happen. Six slices is enough."

  I shoved the crust into my mouth and talked to him with my mouth full of food. "You don't want a fat wife?" I teased.

  His hands rested on my belly. "I don't care if you're fat or skinny. I just want our babies healthy."

  He walked over to the counter and paid the bill as Penelope leaned across the table, reaching for my hands.

  "Honey, I am so happy for you and Jake and Josh and Brooke. You girls have been the best things that could ever happen to my sweet boys, and now we've got these three bundles of joy on the way." She took a break, peering down at the table and then back up to me, her eyes filled with tears. "We've got to make sure Brooke gets through this. Josh won't survive without her."

  The tears poured down her face, and I sat there, holding her hands as the emotions that we'd all been dealing with finally caught up with our mother-in-law.



  THE NEXT FEW days flew by in a flurry as we got everything ready. Today was my last day with boobs, and as I stared at my naked form, I couldn't help but be repulsed by the redness and swelling on my right breast that had started it all.

  "Brooke, it's nearly noon. Are you okay?" Penelope called from my bedroom. She had been pampering me like crazy, cooking us dinners and making sure my house was tidy so I could rest.

  "Yeah, I just stepped out of the shower. I'll be down in a moment." I heard the door click shut, knowing it meant I was once again alone in my room. Josh had gone into work that morning, trying to get his spreadsheets and meetings in with the board so that he could take some time off after my surgery.

  I pulled open my lingerie drawer, and my white lace bra caught my attention. It was the one I had bought for our wedding night. I grabbed the matching panties and quickly slipped them on, soaking in the womanly feeling of being sexy in a matching lace set. After committing the reflection in the mirror to me
mory, I walked into our closet, tugging a green summer dress off the hanger that I knew Josh loved. On my way out the door, I grabbed my nude heels and then made my way downstairs.

  "Good afternoon, Penelope." I greeted her with a hug and kiss as I made my way over to the coffee pot. "I just have one errand today, and then I'm all yours. Did you want to go to that art museum before dinner?"

  Penelope tossed the sponge in her hand to the sink and leaned against the sparkling countertop. "I'd be happy to go with you, Brooke. Let me just go touch up my make up."

  As she turned to head to the guest bathroom, I called out to her, "Oh, Penelope, this is for work. I forgot to settle up a contract with a vendor, and they are pretty ticked. I'm going to go smooth things over. I'll be back in no time." My coffee splashed in the sink as I poured it down the drain. On my way out, I grabbed my purse and bolted out the door before Penelope could come up with a new plan or contact Hourglass.

  My car slowly crept in to the large skyscraper's garage, as my nerves began to get the better of me. I knew I needed to do this, but it didn't make it any easier. As I waited for the elevator to arrive in the lobby, I shifted on my heels, anxious to get upstairs and get this done with.

  The ding of the elevator had my eyes shooting up, watching as the doors rattled open. Once I stepped in, I turned around and pressed the button for the thirty-seventh floor. I waited as the doors slid shut, then the elevator rocketed upward, leaving my stomach below in the lobby. As I walked up to the receptionist desk, the young woman sitting there looked up at me with a smile.

  "Good afternoon, do you have an appointment?" Her voice was so bubbly and friendly that I smiled back on instinct.

  "Yes, I'm Brooke Worthington. I called about getting a will drawn up with Mr. Clark. He is expecting me."

  "Of course, Mrs. Worthington. If you'll go ahead and have a seat in the conference room, I will go let him know you have arrived." She stood up and walked down the hall toward what I assumed were the offices, as I took a seat in the room she had pointed out. Staring out over the panoramic view, I was awestruck by the Denver skyline from that altitude.


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