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6+ Us Makes Eight_Baby Makes Three

Page 23

by Nicole Elliot

  I didn’t need a cab because it was close by, so I took the brisk walk to the pub and sat at the end of the bar, hidden in the darkness.

  “Scotch. Neat, please,” I told the bartender, who gave me a look. He was cute, but it didn’t affect me.

  It was then that I started to notice other men looking at me as well. I had never given much thought to how men viewed me, probably because I hated my red hair. I normally wore it up, but tonight, it was down, flowing over my shoulders and swinging whenever I moved my head, drawing plenty of attention. Men’s eyes would linger on me until I looked back, resulting in them either smiling confidently or looking away.

  But I remained unaffected, for there were only two sets of eyes that could have any impact on me at the moment, and they were brown and blue.

  Thinking about them again, I knew Jude and Maverick would be no good for me personally. But as for my body—that was another thing entirely. Besides, I was tired of my hand and my little toys from the corner street store. I wanted to explore my pleasure as much as they wanted to show it to me.

  “Another, please,” I said to the bartender.

  He smirked. “Long day at work?”

  I chuckled. “As soon as I find a job.”

  He laughed and poured my drink before walking off.

  I began scrolling through my phone, finding emails of employers telling me they’d chosen someone else, and notices from job sites removing my profile due to inactivity. It all just reminded me of why I needed this opportunity.

  Plus, my body needed orgasms and the touch of a man. And here I was, being offered two.

  I decided I had to shuck up my pride and take it as an opportunity I’d been granted for a reason. I knew my worth and would never do anything to compromise it, but I couldn’t pass this up.

  Once I found Maverick’s contact from his last call, I drafted the text that would change the course of my life. Whether for better or worse, I had no idea yet.



  I sat down to the pile of papers on my desk, wishing they would disappear. Weekly reports were a bitch and I knew it would take me forever to do them. I’d gotten started right after breakfast and it was now mid-way through lunch hour and I still wasn’t finished.

  The door of my office remained closed to keep out distractions, but the distractions were all in my head. I pressed my knuckles to my chin, swearing I could still smell Henley on them. Keeping my hand on her thighs without touching her had been one of the hardest things I’d ever done.

  It had been two days and we still had no answer. It was driving me mad, but didn’t seem to be bothering Maverick at all. He was casually in and out of business meetings, doing his part. Meanwhile, I was avoiding everyone because of my pissy mood. Usually I could bury my thoughts inside a woman, but now, I didn’t want just any woman. I only wanted Henley.

  We both knew her actually saying ‘yes’ was a gamble because she was so serious about her career. Any self-respecting woman would be skeptical about such a proposition, but I hoped she would still come around.

  We’d had to keep things as casual as possible at dinner so we wouldn’t overwhelm her, and that had been so hard that I’d almost exploded. I’d been sporting the same damned hard-on ever since.

  She’d known what she was doing, showing up in that dress trying to tempt us while still looking so damned innocent. If she said yes, I vowed to be the first to claim her. On the other hand, if she said no, she’d have no idea what she was missing.

  Maverick and I had barely seen each other since that night. The rest of dinner had gone by, tense with our desire. It had been hard for us to keep from taking her right there on that dinner table, but we had managed. We finished the dinner, walked her to the valet park, and watched her drive away.

  Maverick and I had driven in separate cars, and though we lived in the same house, we rarely saw each other; the place was big enough for us to have our space from each other. Besides, being together would only fuel our frustration and we would end up plotting ways to get her attention—and Henley wouldn’t like that at all.

  I pushed the papers off, finally done with them as I paged my assistant to take them to filing. Everything looked good, besides the possible pit if that investment went wrong. I’d told Maverick to stop fussing about it anyway, and he had finally laid off it.

  I poured an early-afternoon scotch, as I always did. If someone ever told me to stop drinking, I would be even more annoyed with each hour of the day. I shucked off my suit jacket and rolled up my sleeves, showing the intricate lines of my dark tattoos. Everything had a meaning, but I honestly hadn’t cared the day I’d gone to get them. That had been during a time when I’d been sure nothing would come out of my life. Back then, I couldn’t have fathomed the money and respect I’d earned from every investment corporation in the world.

  Even thoughts of my success couldn’t preoccupy my thoughts for long though, for Henley just popped into my mind yet again. I kept thinking about the way her dress had hugged the swells of her breasts, making them spill over the top, looking creamy as ever, begging to be licked, sucked, and bitten.

  It was all a fantasy in my head until I checked my phone for the first time, seeing that Maverick had texted me a while ago with the news that Henley had actually agreed to our arrangement.

  I was so fucking ecstatic, I smiled as I looked through my boring emails rather than wearing my usual sneer of disdain. I hadn’t felt so excitement about something in a long time.

  My office door abruptly swung open. Startled, I glanced up, only to find Maverick strolling in wearing his gray suit, smiling smugly.

  I leaned back in my chair. “You can’t knock?”

  He flipped me off as he sat across from my desk. “Whatever. You can’t answer texts anymore?” He briefly waved his phone in front of me.

  “What is this, junior high? Sorry for ignoring you.” I rolled my eyes, and then we both laughed, our excitement palpable.

  “Right. Well, Henley agreed. Time to make our next move,” he said.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I saw that. Maybe we shouldn’t do the usual.” We usually started everything off in a hotel, nothing too personal. But Henley was different.

  Maverick’s eyes drifted past me in thought. “Yeah. Maybe dinner at the house. Invite her that way,” he suggested.

  “That’s perfect. We could lay everything out for her. You know, make sure she knows all the details.”

  “I’ll have it set up,” Maverick said and started clicking on his phone, fussing with that calendar of his where he kept everything scheduled. But for once, it didn’t annoy me.

  Nothing annoyed me because I knew that I would be seeing Henley again soon.



  Having a chef prepare an in-home meal was nothing new, but it felt different this time. Jude and I never had company in our estate because it was our private home, but Henley would be arriving soon, and she would be the first to ever see it.

  I wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her and that she felt as comfortable as possible. I wasn’t sure how far things would go, but I was pining for them to go pretty damned far. She’d been in my head all day, especially since she’d sent me that message agreeing to our offer. She had even answered the dinner invite immediately, and accepted my driver picking her up from her apartment.

  I didn’t have words for how excited I was to see her.

  Once the clock hit seven, I began eagerly awaiting for that knock on on our heavy wooden door; we didn’t have a doorbell since we rarely had company.

  When I heard the knock, I could hardly contain myself. Jude had agreed to wait in the dining room with the contract and wine so that she wouldn’t be overwhelmed with both of us right from the start. The last thing we wanted was for her to change her mind and retreat in fear.

  I opened the door and was graced with her presence. Henley looked stunning in a form-fitting dress that hugged every curve of her body, all the way down to
her calves and black heels. I looked back up to her face, which was lightly specked with makeup and gloss that made her lips appear even more plump and luscious. Her long red hair flowed down in waves, framing the soft curves of her face.

  “Good evening, Henley.” I took her soft hand in mine and kissed it. Her cheeks flushed, and I envisioned the way she would flush at other things…

  “Hi.” She bit her full bottom lip softly and stepped inside.

  I shut the door behind her and allowed my eyes to graze over her again. Her soft lilac scent drifted to my nose. “You look beyond beautiful tonight, Henley,” I said.

  “Thank you,” she said. She innocently batted her eyelashes, nearly driving me to the edge.

  How could she be so perfectly innocent and alluring at the same time?

  I smiled and offered her the crook of my elbow. I had decided to dress more casually, losing the suit in favor of khakis and a starched white dress shirt that I’d left untucked and rolled up to my elbows.

  I led Henley to the dining room, where Jude poured her a glass of wine.

  “What’s this?” she asked, looking at the thin pile of paper in front of her. A silver pen sat to the side of it.

  “The NDA. We supposed you would like to go over everything that should be disclosed before we begin,” I said.

  She gave me an odd look and I felt Jude even ridiculing my word choice.

  “Okay,” Henley said and took a seat after I pulled a chair out for her.

  Jude and I took seats across from her, watching as she began to read.

  “It’s pretty straight forward. Nothing that happens between us shall be disclosed verbally or otherwise without a party in the room present—which means all three of us,” Jude explained. “Your private information will be protected, and most importantly, you can opt out at any time you start to feel uncomfortable.”

  “I can?” she asked.

  “Of course,” I said. “We aren’t taking your free will here, Henley. Only your pleasure.” I grinned as she blushed further. She was so beautiful. I prayed she would just sign the paper and let me have my way with her. “There’s also a clause in there about your position as a mentee, if you would still like that,” I added.

  She nodded, flipping the paper over. “And…what kind of things will we be doing. I mean, is there anything off limits?”

  “Nothing is off limits,” Jude said. I glanced at him, and he simply shrugged.

  “Oh…okay.” Henley swallowed audibly. “I haven’t…done much. I would pretty much be learning everything.” She sat up straight, trying to pretend she wasn’t worried about her inexperience and having no idea we preferred it that way.

  “That isn’t a problem, Henley,” I said. “Relax and just try not to worry too much. And remember, we aren’t forcing you to sign. It’s your decision.”

  She smiled softly and nodded.

  Both my and Jude’s breaths hitched when she took the pen and signed. Afterwards, she downed her whole glass of wine in virtually one swallow. Her fingers fleeted around the glass before her eyes flickered between us both. “Can we… start tonight?”



  I barely registered the chairs clattering to the floor.

  “Stand up, Henley.”

  A deep shiver went through me. Never before had I ever been so aroused by the simple mention of my name.

  I stood, putting myself on display for two desire-ridden men, and I wasn’t even afraid. I knew when I was picking out the dress that I had to top the previous one. I’d actually been surprised how many nice clothes I owned but hadn’t worn yet; I presumed I would be wearing most of them soon for these two.

  Jude damn near growled like an animal just looking at me, and Maverick could hardly contain himself either.

  There was a fluttering low in my belly and I felt myself tightening. But these sensations paled in comparison to my throbbing nipples and hiccupping heartbeat. My chest heaved with the wait of their next command, but it never came. Instead, I was swept into a pair of strong arms and engulfed in Jude’s scent. I could hardly process what was going on. I simply felt the grip of his forearm on the back of my thighs as he followed, or perhaps was led by, Maverick’s footsteps.

  Suddenly, I was placed back on my feet. I wavered in my heels and Jude’s hands steadied me as he looked me over, his eyes darkened in the dimly lit room. “Turn,” he ordered, his voice so masked with desire I could barely recognize it.

  I complied and saw a bed, larger than king-sized, obviously built to accommodate three people.

  Maverick appeared in front of me. My eyes widened at his bare chest, following the deep valley of his pecs across to his muscular arms, and down to his abs, which had a hard ridge down the middle and a speckling of light hair toward his crotch. His cock jutted through his dark khakis.

  I looked back up into his eyes, my lips parting as he came forward and clasped my face in his hands. Instantly, his lips were on mine, and I could hardly even breathe.

  His lips were as soft and dreamy as I imagined, but I didn’t have time to appreciate them before hot hands were on my back. Through the fabric of my dress, they moved up to my front and cupped my breasts. I moaned as they then moved to my back and over the curve of my ass while Maverick pressed his front to mine. I felt his cock as Jude slid his hands up my dress, clenching my bare ass in my thong. At the same time, Maverick parted my lips and slid his tongue over mine. And then Jude moved his hand to the zipper of my dress, quickly sliding it down and exposing my back.

  Holding my hand, Maverick helped me step me out the pool of my dress while Jude spread my legs. He crouched down, kissing my shoulder and then going down the curve of my back. All the while, Maverick tightened his lips over mine, and I had to break away for a gasp of air. Without missing a beat, he began kissing my jaw and neck instead, as Jude painted the rest of my body with his lips.

  I was already going out of my mind. I clenched my legs together so hard I thought they would break.

  As Maverick stole my lips for another kiss, Jude cupped my pussy from behind and squeezed his fingers over my clit. I squeezed my eyes shut and kissed Maverick back harder, gripping his strong shoulders to steady myself.

  Jude undid my bra and Maverick tugged it away, my bare breasts and hard nipples springing free. From behind, Jude pinched and rolled them before squeezing them and running his hand down rest of me. Maverick then replaced Jude’s hand with his mouth, suckling my nipple and swirling his tongue around one before moving to the other.

  When Jude slid my panties down, I could have sworn I heard them hit the floor from how wet they were. His slender fingers then dragged up my clit, all the way back through my crack, and then over my puckered hole.

  My breath hitched.

  “Relax,” Jude said, his hot breath in my ear. I shivered and he nibbled my ear before pulling away, leaving me wanting more.

  Maverick pressed his hard cock to my stomach and I bravely moved to free him from his pants. I undid the belt buckle before he chuckled and moved my hands away. Disappointed, I glanced up to see him smiling wryly. He kissed me roughly, taking my lips with sudden passion. I couldn’t move my lips fast enough to meet his fervor, but I certainly tried anyway, fisting my fingers in his hair with my breasts pillowed against his hard, hot chest.

  I yelped when Jude suddenly smacked my ass and spun me around. My lips were still throbbing from Maverick’s kiss when he replaced it with his own, his lips soft and coaxing mine. I never would have guessed that the crude and hard Jude would have a gentle kiss.

  I began to hear something in the background, but was too occupied to place it. I simply slid my fingers through Jude’s soft dark hair and leaned further into the kiss. I was surprised to find his chest bare as well, his cock pressing into my stomach through his jeans. I slid my hands down, exploring the hard planes of his muscles, which felt so good under my hands. He was built like he pumped iron relentlessly.

  I couldn’t believe I had ever hesita
ted to agree to this.

  His lips left mine and went to my neck. I closed my eyes, surrendering to the sensation. The throbbing warmth between my legs heated my whole body.

  Jude pushed his thigh between me. As his lips traveled over my neck and his hands fondled my breasts, I grinded against the hard denim of his jeans. Jolts of pleasure over took me, and I knew I was already close. By the time his lips went to mine again, I was on the edge. But then I was abruptly tugged away, finding myself hitting the bed with a thump.

  I leaned on my elbows and watched them prowl around me with their heated gazes. It was Jude who stepped to the side of the bed and caught my gaze my first. My eyes remained trained on him as he looked down at me and undressed himself. His tattoos and muscles rippled as he undid his belt, taking his jeans and briefs off at the same time. I could barely breathe. His skin was so tanned and smooth, jutting towards me with the arrow head glistening with moisture. I licked my lips.

  Suddenly, my legs were shoved open and I was dragged to the bottom of the bed. Maverick knelt in front of me, hard and erect, the skin there the same olive shade as the rest of him. Veins marred his hardness.

  I swallowed when he dipped low and kissed my stomach. His tongue swirled around my belly button and I watched him trail lower until Jude gripped my head and made me face him. He knelt onto the bed and I reached out to him bravely, my hand making contact with his hot flesh.

  “Suck me off with that pretty little mouth of yours,” he demanded.

  I licked my lips in anticipation, and when I parted them to take him in, Maverick lapped his tongue over my slick folds.

  I moaned loudly, clutching his hair in my other hand as I took Jude in my mouth. His cock twitched on contact with my lips. I slicked up the wetness, reveling in his hard taste. I sucked slightly on the tip and then slowly took in more before he grabbed my head with both his hands, fisting his fingers in my hair as he fucked my mouth.


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