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6+ Us Makes Eight_Baby Makes Three

Page 26

by Nicole Elliot

  “Oh, nothing. More boring stuff of me being jobless, peanut butter ice cream?” I offered as I walked back into the living room.

  “No thanks. Oh no, no job yet?”

  I shook my head slowly, looking in his kind brown eyes. “No. I’m really sorry. I know I need to help with rent this month and you’ve helped me out so much.” He silenced me by laughing.

  “Oh babes, it’s fine. I can live here on my own and you are more than just a roommate. Find a good job—the best job, not a rent paying job. I don’t want you doing things you don’t want. I’m here for you.”

  Thank God for Denton. I was so worried I was cutting him short and using him in some way. But he didn’t see it that way. Denton had always been my sweet and caring best friend. Understanding too.

  “Anything else got you down? I know I’ve been gone for a minute.” He wiggled his brow.

  I had to lie because of the contract but all I want to talk about is Maverick and Jude. How good they felt and how cheated I feel now.

  “Nope. Same old me, but you have been doing well, I see.” I smiled and squeezed his hand.

  “Yeah. I signed a few new deals. We should celebrate—a great new club opened up downtown.” He gushed.

  I rolled my eyes. I was never one for the party scene or club scene. I didn’t do it in college and rarely in my adult life. I never had a need for it, and it was never fun. Denton dragged me to some of them, and I went and he made it fun. But I was just feeling so down I didn’t want to do anything. Didn’t want to be seen.

  It was hard to believe that just a week ago I was very seen and very in the light. By two alpha men who wanted to do anything and everything to me. who made plans to see me again. But didn’t go through with it.

  “I don’t know… I’m tired—”

  “From what, you’re jobless!” He laughed and the way he said it made me laugh too. He could always make me laugh.

  “I know… but Denton.”

  “But nothing. Come on, I need to get laid and I’m not going to the gay bars so I need a wing woman to make me look good. Don’t even argue with me on this.”

  “I—okay. Just for you.” I smiled softly.

  He grinned and hugged me. “Fuck yeah. Let’s go make you hot babes.”

  He pulled me into my own closet and started rummaging my things. He left nothing unturned and found the hottest thing for me.

  I stared at the outfit laying on my bed and wondered what Maverick and Jude would do if they saw me in it. They would freak, for sure, and want me in seconds. How could they make me feel so wanted, and unwanted at the same time?

  Only men like them could give you everything and make it seem like nothing.



  The bright red dress was a beacon for trouble. Sex… trouble. That I couldn’t even get into because I signed that damned contract. I knew it wasn’t really enforceable in any court, but I still signed it and as a lawyer I respected anything notarized and dated.

  But it was so difficult to grasp that they owned me, and I couldn’t even have fun when they were ignoring me.

  I matched the sleek, tight red dress by straightening my own red hair, that I usually wear wavy or in a bun. It made my face look completely different, but still with that innocent charm—cute, Jude would call it. I rolled my eyes and packed on makeup and lipstick like I never have before, even putting on mascara. I had transformed and topped it with black heels that made my calves scream.

  “Oh my God, babes! You look perfect—I seriously don’t even recognize you.” Denton met me in the living room, already dressed in his club usual of jeans and a blue blazer. He slicked his hair back most of the time, but he left it in disarray instead. My best friend was hot, and he knew it.

  “Oh stop… you picked it out.” I slung my chain purse over my shoulder and evaded his whistles.

  “Yeah, but its’ your body wearing it babes. Damn. Why are you still single, you must not be showering when you leave the house.” Denton followed behind me and slapped my ass softly as we left the apartment.

  “I hate you.” I laughed.

  He snickered behind me and we headed out to his car. He drove a pretty fancy sedan, courtesy of all his hard work. Once we got to the club he raved about the whole way, there was a long line out the door behind the velvet rope and rug.

  “Wow.” I said as we pulled into the back for parking. It was doubtful we would find anything for at least a block.

  “This place is fairly new but it’s part of a string of clubs in some other major cities. It’s pretty successful, and well known too.” Denton explained to me.

  “Hmm. I still don’t get why anyone would wait in line just to stand inside.” I scoffed.

  “You lawyers, always pointing out random shit.” Denton flicked my nose and I crossed my arms in mock defiance.

  “I’m not. It’s just wild to me.” I laughed.

  For the first time in a while I actually felt care free. I guess that’s what friends do, and Denton was the best of them. He just always had a way of taking my worries away. Back in college when I would be stressed for finals he would show up and save the day with food and encouragement. Maybe a crazy story or two. And law school… ugh. I never would have slept if he hadn’t helped proofread everything. He has always been there for me, and when he needed me, I was there too. We just always had this easy friendship and living together didn’t mess it up, as some people would say. Even his parents loved me.

  He was probably the closest thing to a relationship I would ever get.

  “Okay babes.” He managed to find a tight spot and we made our way to the long ass line of the club, except he just skipped up right to the front and went to the bouncer.

  “Hey, thought you wouldn’t make it.” The burly guy said. Denton laughed and they shook hands before we got let in.

  As we entered, the loud blaring music and the dim blue lights, he had to lean in close and still yell so I could hear him. Every pop song seemed to be on at the same time.

  “He modeled with me for this shoot last month. Swimsuits.” Denton winked and we headed right for the bar.

  I got a martini to start and could barely sip it down before Denton dragged me to the dance floor. I was laughing before something caught my eye, something that made me turn my head and stare. Private lounges lined the perimeter of the club and in one of them, I saw Maverick and Jude. I knew I wasn’t imagining it—they were there in their black suits and firm expressions but they weren’t alone. They sat opposite two busty blondes—I could literally see their implants from where I stood.

  It wasn’t just a conversation, they were leaning in, giving their sly smiles. I didn’t know why I was so hurt—they weren’t mine. Yet I was fuming. I was so mad, because…. Because why?

  “Denton, let’s dance.” I tugged him with me instead and found a tight spot on the dance floor close enough to those… assholes.

  They wanted to break the contract, then so would I. Erm, in theory of course, since Denton was gay and I wasn’t actually trying to hook up with him. But they didn’t know that and if they saw me, I wanted them to be as pissed as I was.

  “You trying to get a man?” Denton shouted in my ear as I turned and grinded against him. It wasn’t anything we hadn’t done before.

  “Yeah!” I shouted back.

  I felt him laugh as he grabbed my hips. “Not like that you won’t.” He turned and groped me in turn, flashing his sexy smile. Hell, it was sexy to anyone.

  We danced for a while and I almost forgot what I was even doing because Denton and I really started to mess around. He was grinding all over me, against me, feeling me up, and I was doing the same. He didn’t even know the whole story and he was just along for the ride. A good friend.

  I started having fun until I heard a familiar growl. Everything stopped, I stepped away from Denton only to turn and find Jude standing there like a man truly scorned.

  His furious expression hid under the dim lights, all to be
seen was his sharp jaw and sneering mouth.

  “Who the fuck is this?”



  Maverick and I planned to lick our wounds by visiting another successful investment. We had our money in a lot of places, and always wanted to expand our reach in any way we could. Years ago we went in on the nightlife market, after realizing how lucrative it was. One strain in particular started a whole string of night clubs in other major cities and one in particular just opened up in ours, so we had to go check it out. But we also needed a major chill pill after what happened at the office.

  I respected Martha a lot, but I was pissed she was so crass with us. at the same time, I understood where she was coming from. We screwed up a little, maybe a lot… but I refused to believe the whole company was in jeopardy. Yeah, it was a bad move making that investment, but it couldn’t have been that bad. At least it shouldn’t have been.

  “Now you’re thinking about it.” Maverick poured from the bottle of scotch we bought.

  “Nah, just bored.” I traced the condensation off the glass and took it down in one gulp.

  Maverick and I got comfortable in the private booth. It overlooked the dance floor, and it was packed full with a long line outside.

  “Right. You’re never bored.” He shook his head and took his own drink.

  I had a few more until I started to feel the buzz. I needed something stronger if I really wanted to drown things out. I never got drunk, barely even buzzed. But Maverick always stayed sober in public and I could do whatever I wanted as long as he was there to watch my back.

  “We’ll figure something out, eventually.” Maverick had to shout over the music and I still had to read his lips to even understand him.

  I nodded in agreement. The night was posed to be a shitty one, not even the show waitresses could make it better. They didn’t actually do any work, they just walked around looking pretty. The club did a lot of bookings and was mostly for the night life career type, the kind that made appearances and was advertised to get other people to come. The two women came over, busty and blonde, smelling like cheap perfume.

  Nothing like how Henley would smell. But neither of us wanted to think about that right now. We knew we were supposed to make plans but the weekend got away from us, because the week was so jam-packed we couldn’t get through much else but work.

  “You two look like you need to relax.” One of the blondes between us both tugged at the lapel of my jacket. Her eyes were blue and glassy, definitely been drinking all night probably mixed with other shit. I feigned a smile as I moved her hand from my three-thousand-dollar jacket.

  The other woman was all over Maverick too and I bet they thought they would be getting lucky. If we were any other men they might have been. Our agreement stated none of us could have outside relations, but that wouldn’t be what stopped us from having sex with them. I just didn’t want to do that to Henley, and neither did Maverick.

  I was leaning away from the one grasping at me when I saw a flash of red on the dance floor. I would recognize it anywhere, but I tried to convince myself it wasn’t her. But she only had to turn her head and I knew it was her—my Henley. I nudged Maverick and pointed until he saw too—our Henley. Out there on the dance floor grinding with some blond douchebag, who looked like he pumped weights and had his hair colored for a living.

  “Excuse me.” I nearly tossed the blonde woman off me as I got up, staggering a little from the rush of alcohol to my brain.

  But I reached Henley with laser focused eyes and pulled her from the asshole.

  “Who the fuck is this?” I growled at Henley. Her eyes stared up at me, wide and gray and beautiful as always. She wore more makeup than normal, her lips lathered in red lipstick that made her look even more kissable. My cock twitched immediately at the thought of her wrapping those lips around my cock.

  “He—he’s just my friend…”

  The friend stepped between us both and pissed me off even more.

  “And who the fuck are you?” He snapped. I glared at him, our height meeting and our frames of similar size.

  “Don’t fucking test me. Henley, what are you doing here?” I grabbed her arm from around him, moving her through the crowd of people around us.

  She stuttered and looked between me and the friend before her eyes widened behind me. Maverick touched my shoulder gently, telling me to calm down but I was fucking furious. And a little buzzed, which didn’t help anything.

  “I’m just dancing with my friend, I—” she hiccupped and looked at her confused friend before looking at both Maverick and I.

  A crowd of dancing people surrounded us and bumped against us which only made me more pissed. I grabbed her arm again and tugged her towards me. “Come with us. Now.” I growled and she knew better than to argue with me.

  “Henley!” The friend followed and Maverick tried to stop him, calmly, much better than I would have. Henley squeezed my hand as she turned.

  “Wait. Denton, it’s fine, I promise. I’ll explain later. I have to go.” Henley hugged him goodbye and left him staring after us as I tugged her away.

  Maverick followed behind us and I thought of where to take her and show her how I felt, but I came up short. The car was too small and driver was nosy, I wasn’t about to wait until we got to the house.

  I ducked into the private coat room and shoved the bouncer out, after I shoved a hundred-dollar bill in his face. Henley stumbled inside and we shut the door behind us.

  “What are you two doing here?” She whispered harshly. The dim lighting of the room was shitty, so I found a light switch before I turned and crossed the space between us as I stared down at her.

  I breathed her in, that wonderful scent of hers that drove me crazy. The gloss of her lips calling out to me.

  “We own the fucking club Henley, what are you doing out with another guy?”

  She glowered slightly and thought over her words, it seemed she didn’t know what she wanted to say.

  “And what are you two doing with other women?” She crossed her arms and I stared down at her bust spilling over that tight red dress.

  I licked my lips as I met her eyes once more and stepped around so I was behind her. Her small pants of anger filled the room and I tried to contain my own. I looked over her head at Maverick who got the message, and took off his jacket as I did mine.

  “UH… you can’t just ignore me you know.” Henley kept her arms crossed as she looked over at me and I shook my head.

  “I promise, we’re doing anything but ignoring you Henley.” I growled and before she could protest Maverick silenced her with a rough kiss.

  I undressed in seconds, leaving my briefs handing low over my painfully hard cock and I pulled her dress down in one movement. Her back was bare as she didn’t have a bra on and her black thong exposed her perfect ass to me. I smacked her and watched her curves ripple as she clenched in response, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  I didn’t have any fucking time to waste. I pulled her panties down and shoved two fingers inside of her slick heat, pleased to find she was wet for me already.

  “You’re so fucking wet.” I growled in her ear, reaching around to take her nipple between my fingers and she yelped.

  I pulled her away from Maverick and shoved her on the closest thing I could find, the side bench in the corner of the room. We were surrounded by everyone’s coats and the luxury red carpeting but I didn’t care, because I was about to fuck everything up and fuck her hard.

  She stared up at us, her chest heaving with her breath and her legs splayed open. Maverick knew I was taking her first so he undressed as she watched.

  “You belong to us, Henley. No one else gets to touch you.” I stood in front of her and took her chin in my hand as I kissed her deeply. I felt every inch of her pillowy lips on mine and laid my tongue over hers as I claimed her mouth and tasted her. I released her with a satisfied, fleshy pop and her eyes stared pointedly at me. I knew she was trying to be angry bu
t there was no use, she was mine.

  I shoved my cock in her slack mouth instead, getting a few good pumps out of her just to get my dick wet. I pulled out with my cock slobbering over her mouth as she looked up at me. I knew her big red lips would look perfect wrapped around my cock.

  “Get on your knees.” I growled.

  She complied with a sassy smile playing on her lips as I stepped around her. I pressed my hand to the curve of her back and lowered her onto her hands. I watched Maverick mess up her hair with his fingers before he silenced her gasps with a kiss.

  I got on my knees behind her and spread her legs from behind. I licked over her tight little puckered hole and she clenched around me, but I grasped her supple cheeks and held her open to me. I licked down to her slick wetness, my tongue lapping over her hardened clit pointing out between her folds. I dipped two fingers in her, loving how wet she was and the sweltering heat of her around me.

  I used my other hand to hold her open, and I paused my eating of her pussy to wet my thumb in my mouth. As I went back to eating her out, making her moans louder, I slid my thumb inside of her tight back hole and she pulled away from Maverick and cried out. I grinned against her as I slid it deeper and suckled her clit, focusing on her throbbing nub. Her legs started to quake and I knew she was close.

  I was so fucking pissed and buzzed that I didn’t care about the consequences of anything. I wanted to make her scream so loud everyone here would know who she fucking belonged to and she would never forget it. I pulled my fingers from her and pressed her farther down, making her back arch even more. I started to hear her gag and I knew she was sucking him off. I wanted her full in every way and shoved two fingers in her pussy again, then all three and she squealed. It was enough to get her to erupt with her orgasm, but I wanted her coming again. I let her gush all over me as I curled my fingers inside her deeper and sucked her clit harder. I kept her bordering on pain and pleasure as I kept my fingers deep inside her and her throbbing clit twitching without abandon.


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