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Lucien's War

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  Chapter Eight

  Lucien stared down at Callie, took in the sight of her creamy, flawless flesh, of the way she was nice and plump in all the right places, and of how her breasts would overflow in his hands. She had been a tiny thing while growing up, and then it seemed like within one summer she’d blossomed into the woman that was standing before him right now. He was hard, harder than he had ever fucking been in his entire life, and although he should be backing away and not touching her, he couldn’t stop himself. She was his drug of choice, his addiction, and he wanted to get lost in this, get lost in her.

  He reached out and cupped one large breast. The weight was substantial, and his cock jerked forward. His balls drew up tight, and his muscles tensed. The image of spreading her out on this small-ass bed, opening her thighs so he could see her sweet, wet virgin cunt, and then shoving his dick into her, slammed into his head like a violent beast. He smoothed his other hand on her breasts, cupped both mounds now, and felt her nipples harden further under his palm. He should have never come up here, should have stayed away from her like he had done successfully for the last three months.

  But the thing was, when he had heard Kink talk about her going to some party, all these fucked-up images of her being taken advantage had consumed him. So now here he was, touching a woman that was way too fucking young for him, yet who he was infatuated with. He wanted her like he had never wanted another woman, and craved her like he was starving and she was the only thing that could sate his hunger. He fucking loved her.

  Being with her was so wrong, or at least he kept telling himself that, and maybe it was because of that fact that he wanted her like he did. But he knew that was a damn lie. He had never been in love, never wanted a woman for more than a few hours at a time in all of his forty fucking years of being on this planet. Yet with Callie he wanted to protect her because she was his, because he looked at her and knew that he’d kill for her, maim to keep her safe, and claim her in a way that was unstoppable and unbreakable. When he looked into her soft, sweet face, took in her long raven colored hair and bright blue eyes, he knew that what he felt for this woman had to be that elusive emotion … love.

  He loved her, would do anything for her, even risk his relationship with his club and Kink.

  She rested her forehead on his chest, and he closed his eyes just enjoying the feeling of having her this close. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her tightly and rested his chin on the crown of her head. He had sex with women that were whores on the best of days, that didn’t care about men using their bodies. They liked it that way in fact, and he hadn’t thought twice about it. But Callie was untouched, and her being a virgin meant he couldn’t be rough and insatiable with her in bed—the way he liked his sex—at least not this time. They’d have to approach the Kink situation sooner rather than later, because he wanted her and wasn’t going to give her up, no matter what.

  He inhaled deeply, took in the light floral scent of her hair, and closed his eyes. He was used to taking what he wanted when he wanted it, but he’d be gentle with her, show her that she meant more to him than just a quick fuck. No matter how wrong this seemed, or what others would think, she meant everything to him.

  She pulled back and looked up at him, and he cupped the side of her face. He leaned down and kissed her soft and slow. With her hands still on his chest he felt her smooth them down his abdomen until she wrapped her fingers around his erection. He groaned at the fact it was Callie that was touching him, gently stroking him. It made it that much more pleasurable. Moving his hand behind her head, he cupped her, held her as he deepened the kiss, and moved his tongue faster and harder against hers. His mind and body screamed for more, to be rougher, harder, but he fought those urges because right now he needed to show her that he could be a gentler man when it came to her.

  When she moaned against him he moved his hands to cup her panty covered ass, squeezed the globes, and then lifted her easily. She wrapped her legs around his waist right away, ground her pussy on his cock, and he grunted from the contact. The hard length of his dick prodded between her legs, and he wished the material that separated her from his were gone.

  With their mouths still fused, and her legs wrapped around him firmly, he started to move them toward the small bed again. He laid her on the bed. “Take off the panties, baby.”

  She breathed in and out fast, her breasts rising and falling from the force. She slipped her underwear off, and let them fall to the floor. The thatch of trimmed black hair that covered the top of her mound beckoned him, but the sight of her bare pussy lips had pre-cum slipping from the tip of his cock. The way her legs were wide open, giving him that prime shot of her wet, swollen, and red pussy, made him feel feral. He grabbed his shaft, started stroking himself from root to tip as he stared at her luscious body, and groaned out.

  She sat up, reached for him, and pushed his hand away. He didn’t know what she was doing until she was the one who started moving her hand up and down his dick, grabbed his balls with her other hand, and made him on the verge of coming.

  But when she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the crown of his shaft, he about came right in her mouth. She sucked on his cockhead, stroked the root of his erection, and he speared his hand in her hair. Lucien thrust back and forth gently at first, but the way she hollowed out her cheeks, sucked him in good and deep, had Lucien nearly losing it. He pushed her back on the bed until she was lying on it, her legs spread, and her lips parted as she breathed in and out harshly from her arousal.

  She rested against the mattress and watched him. Lucien lifted his hands and smoothed them down her legs. The sound of her swallowing filled the too quiet room. For a suspended moment he did nothing but stare at where his hands rested on her inner thighs. A tightening started at the base of his spine the longer he stared at her pussy, and he needed to be buried inside of her tight, hot heat.

  Be gentle. Go slow. Take your time.

  “Please,” she whispered into the darkness. “I need you, Lucien.” She closed her eyes and let her head fall back when he moved his fingers along her silky folds.

  He needed to make this good for her. “Look at me when I’m touching you, baby.” His voice was soft, but there was a distinct note of command laced in the words, and he couldn’t stop that from coming forth. He was hardened naturally from the life he led, but he was trying to be the man she deserved for this first time.

  For several long seconds he didn’t speak, just stared at her and continued to keep a firm, yet gentle hold on her inner thighs. Slowly he removed his hands from her. Sliding his hands up her body, he stopped right below her breasts. Lucien could feel how fast and hard her heart was beating. Moving onto his knees between her legs, he leaned forward and ran his tongue along her cleft. She tasted sweet and slightly musky, was soft beneath his lips, and he felt this string in him draw tight before snapping in half. He started licking and sucking at her, wrapped his lips around her clit until she was pulling at his hair and moaning out. She moved her hips back and forth, thrust her pussy firmly against his mouth, and then he felt her explode around him.

  “Please,” she whispered into the darkness. “I need to feel you inside of me.” She stared at him.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Callie,” Lucien whispered. “You’re mine, baby. No one will have you but me.” Although being gentle with her was coming more naturally than it ever had in his life, Lucien had to rein in his desire to thrust right into her. He caressed her in gentle sweeps of his fingers, mouth, and tongue, until goosebumps formed along her skin. “Every part of you is mine.” He moved his hands up so they rested right under her breasts. “Look at me.” He waited until she obeyed, and then he caressed her breasts, stroked her nipples, and loved that she arched into his touch.

  He leaned up and took her mouth again, and Lucien became lost in the sensations of their lips, tongues, and hands moving along each other’s bodies. She ran the pads of her fingers across his bare chest, and he shook slightly
from the gentle contact. No woman had ever made him feel like that, feel like if he didn’t have her he’d lose his fucking mind. But it wasn’t just about sex. It was about claiming Callie as his own.

  “Tell me this is right, that you want this, too,” she said, as if she was delirious and trying to prove that what they were doing was right.

  He gripped her chin in a soft hold, waited until she stared into his eyes, and then he spoke. “This, right here, you and me, is what is right. It feels good because you are meant to be mine. Only the best things in life are worth fighting for, and if they weren’t worth the battle then they aren’t worth the time it takes to ensure they are yours.” He stared into her face. “You are worth fighting for, and I know I am going to have one hell of a war when it comes to making sure you stay mine.”

  She swallowed, and this small smile flitted across her lips.

  “Now, just say you’ll be mine no matter what.” He was acting so out of character, but nothing had ever felt this good.

  “I’m yours, Lucien.”

  And then he kissed her hard and possessively, and was about to take Callie in a way he had never taken a woman before.


  His big body rested against Callie’s, pressing her into the mattress and sending a lovely, heavy sensation coursing through her.

  “I want you so much, baby,” Lucien murmured against her throat, and she loved how his stubble scraped along her skin. He was so muscular, so big and heavy that she felt her breath leaving her. It was a pleasurable sensation. Warm, hard male flesh molded into hers, making the sweet anticipation of release just a reach away. His cock was long and big, and of course she was nervous about the pain that she would feel once he was inside of her.

  Lucien’s narrow hips fit perfectly in the cradle of hers, and the hard, impossibly thick length of him parted her labia. He moved his hips back and forth, rubbed her slickness along her pussy, coated his shaft, and had her so ready for him she was about to scream. She was wet, unbelievably so. A guttural groan left him, and he jerked his hips forward.

  “It feels so good, Callie baby.” He curled his fingers around her upper arms and pressed his hips into hers again, but harder this time. Over and over he did this, his length sliding up and down her cleft as he rocked against her. The tip of his erection bumped her clit on every upstroke, and Callie had to bite her lip or she would have begged for him to move harder, faster. She rose up slightly and stared down the length of her body. She saw his cock moving between her folds, watched the tip of his shaft rubbing her clit, and saw the pre-cum spilling out of him.

  “I’ve wanted you from the moment I picked you up three months ago, baby.” He rocked against her faster now. “My need for you is undeniable, and I don’t want to fight it any longer.” He was dry humping her, and bringing her closer to an orgasm. Another bump to her clit and she squeezed her eyes shut. So, so close to feeling that explosion. She fell back on the bed and breathed out as the sensations moved through her.

  “I’ve wanted you for a long time, Lucien,” she whispered into his hair. He still had his mouth at her throat, was still kissing and sucking at her skin, and she loved that he was erotically abusing her flesh.

  He pushed up from her, one forearm braced on either side of her head, and looked down at her body. The dark slashes of his eyebrows were knitted in thought. The muscles in his jaw jumped beneath his stubble covered flesh.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, but—”

  “Don’t think about it. If I didn’t want to be with you I wouldn’t be here right now, Lucien.” She reached up and touched the side of his face. Callie pushed herself up on her elbows and kissed the underside of his jaw. He groaned, and she heard him inhale deeply. When she lay back down, she took Lucien’s hand and placed it between her breasts. He braced himself on his other arm and stared down at his hand. She then pulled his hand lowered until he was cupping her pussy. “I’m so wet for you.”

  He swallowed, and she watched the way his throat worked from the act. “Yeah, baby, you are really fucking primed for me,” he whispered. He rubbed her clit softly for few seconds, back and forth until awareness traveled through her, starting between her legs and working its way up her body. Her nipples tightened as blood rushed to them.

  He latched his lips onto her neck again, licked and sucked at her skin until it felt abraded in a good way. “You’re so responsive.” He ran his tongue up her throat. A moan left her, and he breathed out. Her senses were attuned to the little touches of his fingers on her body, to the scrape of his teeth on her collarbone, and to the rubbing motion of his hand between her thighs. He lowered his head, trailing wet kisses along the top of her breasts before finally latching his mouth on an aching, hard nipple.

  God, so good. The wet sounds of his lips around her turgid flesh filled the room. Lucien’s harsh, guttural groans filled her ears. Without thinking, Callie grabbed Lucien behind the back of the neck and brought his mouth to hers. She swiped her tongue along his lips, loving the harsh sound that came from him. The musky, sweet flavor of her was still on him, and she grew wetter from it. For several moments Lucien gave in and allowed her to explore his mouth.

  “I need to be with you without anything, baby. I’m clean, always used protection, but with you I want to feel all of you.”

  She was on the pill to regulate her period, and although she shouldn’t be stupid about this and insist he use a condom, she trusted Lucien with her life. “I trust you. I want to be with you, all of you.”

  Lucien looked down at her, and lifted his hand to run his thumb along the swell of her bottom lip.

  “No more waiting, Callie.”

  She opened her mouth and sucked his finger between her lips. He moved his other hand between their bodies, bracing his weight on his elbows, and placed the tip of his dick at her entrance. She was so nervous, but she knew she wanted to do this more than anything else. A shock of pain went through her when he started to push his dick into her body, but she closed her eyes and held onto his biceps.

  “So good. You’re doing so good.” He kissed the top of her head and continued to push into her.

  The stretching and burning sensation was intense, but when he was fully inside of her she sighed. The feeling of being completely filled by the man she loved was breathtaking, and then when he cupped both sides of her face and kissed possessively, her pussy clenched around him.

  “Callie…” Lucien said softly, but harshly, and started moving back and forth in her, slow and easy at first. The broad head of his dick stretched her unused muscles when he got to the entrance of her body, and then he pushed into her again. He did this over and over again until she was sweating with pressure and pleasure. With every inch he sank into her, Callie felt filled, claimed.

  “So good, Callie baby.”

  Oh God.

  He leaned back slightly and watched himself push into her and pull back out. She rose up on her elbows, saw the massive, long, thick length of him pull out of her, and her eyes widened at the sight of her blood covering his cock. It wasn’t a lot, just a few streaks of red, but it was as if that sight meant something a hell of a lot more serious.

  “It is fucking serious, Callie.” Lucien said, and she realized she must have spoken out loud. “It means that you’re mine, that this sweet fucking virgin pussy will only ever be mine. I claimed you, took your cherry, and because of that I can’t let you go.” He growled out the words, and thrust back into her. The play of muscles that rippled along his shoulders and biceps spoke of his strength, and a gush of moisture slipped from her, further aiding in his penetration. He pulled out slowly and pushed back in. Over and over he did this, slow and easy thrusts that had her lifting her hips in hopes he’d go faster. Beads of sweat dotted his brow and slid down his temple. The force it took for him to control himself was astounding, but she didn’t want gentle, even though this was her first time. She wanted his sweat to drip on her as he pounded into her body. She wanted to just … feel Lucien Silver.
br />   “I know you’re holding back, and I don’t want that, Lucien.” Something shifted behind his eyes after she spoke, and his movements picked up, as if he couldn’t control himself. His cock slid in and out of her, growing faster and faster as his hips slapped against hers and the sound of wet flesh filled the room.

  “Christ, Callie,” Lucien said harshly. He pushed himself up, leaning back on his haunches, and gripped her inner thighs. He pushed her legs impossibly wider and stared down at where his cock sank into her pussy. When he lifted his gaze back to hers he said hoarsely, “Look. Watch as I take you.”

  The pleasure was insurmountable, but when she braced herself on her elbows and stared down at where their bodies met once again, the ecstasy rose. He pulled his cock almost all the way out, and the glossiness from her cream and her virgin blood shone under the moonlight that came through the window. He placed his thumb on her clit and moved the bundle of nerves back and forth, over and over, and then she exploded without any preamble.

  Lights flashed before her eyes as her orgasm claimed her. But Lucien didn’t relent as he pistoned in and out of her, drawing her climax to the peak then keeping it there until she couldn’t breathe. When the world came back into focus the image before her had her arousal racing to the forefront again. He looked wild, untamed, and full of heat. Sweat dripped down his chest in droplets and landed on her breasts. His short hair was wet from his perspiration, but he had never looked so good to her. Before she could even blink, Lucien moved onto his back and had her straddling him. His hands were on her waist, and he lifted her, forcing his cock to almost slip out before he impaled her on him again. Callie’s head spun as he did this continuously. All she could do was brace herself with her hands on his chest as he fucked her on his shaft.

  Grunts and groans left him and grew louder and louder. She knew he was close. Taking matters into her own hands, Callie pressed all the way down on him and ground her pussy on his pelvis. She was sensitive, sore even, but she wasn’t going to stop this. A gasp left her when her clit rubbed against the short, coarse hairs of his lower belly.


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