Lucien's War

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Lucien's War Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  “I called you here tonight because I have something that I need to tell everyone.” Kink looked at everyone, and Cain and Tuck stopped eating their apple pie and glanced at him. “I figured we could have waited until all the guys were back from the run, but I wanted to tell everyone now since Callie will be heading back to college and you’re all my family.” He looked at Cookie. “Besides, we didn’t want to wait.”

  “What’s going on?” Callie shifted in her seat, and looked between Cookie and her dad. When she looked at Cookie again it was to see that she was staring right at her. Cookie had this worried, almost horror-filled expression on her face, and then she glanced at Lucien, as if wanting to say something, but fortunately not saying anything. When Callie looked at Lucien it was to see this blank expression on his face, his body relaxed in the chair, and one arm resting on the table. He looked calm, but Callie knew he was ready for anything.

  “You want to tell them or should I, Cookie?” Kink said, and when Callie looked at her dad she saw, for the first time in her life, this vulnerable expression on his face. All eyes turned to Cookie, and then she smiled big.

  “We didn’t mean to worry anyone,” Cookie said and looked pointedly at Callie. “But, we wanted to tell you all, well, the ones that are here at least, that we are having a baby.”

  The room was silent for a second, everyone staring at each other, and then Tuck and Cain burst out in joyous shouts.

  “I’m about five weeks along, and this is totally a surprise to us,” Cookie said and started wringing her hands together. And then she looked at Callie. “We didn’t plan this, but we are happy about the news.”

  Cain and Tuck stood and walked over to Kink, who was now out of his seat. He had this goofy smile on his face, and clapped the other men on the back as they gave each other those manly hugs guys did with each other. Lucien stood and did the same thing with her dad, and they spoke softly, both hugging again. Callie stood, and her dad and Cookie were not looking at her, maybe thinking she’d freaking out.

  “Sweetheart, we didn’t plan this, and although the time isn’t right—”

  She shook her head, stopping her dad from finishing. Yeah, it was only a few months since her mom had passed away, but that didn’t mean life stopped for the grieving process. She might not have had the best relationship with her mother, might have wished on a hundred different occasions that she could just leave because she was finished with living with her, dealing with her bullshit, and have to fight her on everything. But she was moving on, going forward with her life, and she wanted her dad and Cookie to do the same.

  “I think it’s the perfect time.” Callie smiled and saw the relief on her dad’s face. He came up to her and wrapped his arms around her, and gave Callie a big bear hug.

  “I’m glad you’re okay with this, sweetheart. I worried that maybe you’d be upset because this is pretty soon after your mom…”

  She shook her head. “We need to all move on with our life, Dad. And although I miss Mom, and did love her, we can’t worry about if it is too soon to do something.” She pulled back and looked at her dad’s face.

  “You’re pretty damn smart, baby girl.” He leaned down and kissed her on the head, and she glanced at Lucien over her dad’s shoulder. He watched them, this strange look on his face, but one that made her feel happy. Lucien made her feel special, wanted, and like nothing would ever hurt her.

  “Come on, brothers, let’s go drink and celebrate,” Cain said, and the four men moved into the living room.

  Cookie still sat at the table, and when Callie turned toward her she stood.

  “Congratulations,” Callie said and gave Cookie a hug.

  “You’re okay with being a big sister?” Cookie asked and chuckled softly.

  “You ready to be a mom?” Callie asked and pulled back, smiling.

  Cookie stared at her for a moment, and then grinned. “I think I really am.” They pulled away from each other, and then she tilted her head toward the kitchen. Callie followed her father’s old lady, and once they were several rooms away from where the men were, Cookie turned and faced her.

  “Tell me everything, Callie, because this is serious shit.”

  Callie nodded and exhaled. “Yeah, I know.” She stared at the woman that was like a best friend to her, that had been there during her hardest time, and that she looked up to. “But I love him, Cookie, and he loves me,” she said softly, feeling all of her emotions rise up. “We didn’t mean to do anything behind anyone’s back, but it just kind of happened.”

  The sound of the guys laughing had Callie looking behind her into the hallway. Her heart was in her throat, and she was so nervous about saying all of this out loud.

  “How long has this been going on exactly?” Cookie asked, and Callie looked back at her.

  “Officially? Like two weeks but we’ve stayed away since I’ve been back from orientation. We planned on telling Dad, but the time was never right.”

  Cookie shook her head and leaned against the counter. They stared at each other for a suspended moment. “Tell me what in the hell happened.”

  For the next several minutes Callie told Cookie everything. She told her about the party and Lucien taking her back to his place because she didn’t want her dad finding out. She told him how she had fallen madly in love with him, and how he had pushed her away for months until he had come to the university and they had finally been together.

  “So … you were like with him?” Cookie was sounding more and more shocked with each passing second.

  Callie didn’t go into detail, but she did nod.

  “Damn, Callie, this is so bad.”

  “No, Cookie, it’s not bad in the sense that we love each other.”

  Cookie shook her head. “No, I’m not saying it’s bad that you love him.” She moved closer. “This is bad because you’re with the President of the club, and hid it for three months from your dad and everyone else, Callie.” Cookie took Callie’s hands and gave them a light squeeze.

  “We didn’t hide anything for the last three months aside from the fact Lucien helped me out when I was at that party. Nothing happened at all until two weeks ago.” Of course that wasn’t an excuse. “I should have told my dad about the whole party and me being drunk and going to Lucien’s the next day at the latest, but I was afraid of the repercussions within the club. I didn’t want anyone to get upset with Lucien for keeping it from them.” She shrugged, looked at the ground, and refused to cry. “But then everything just escalated when he was at the university with me. My feelings have only grown, even though he’s tried to push me away and kept his distance.”

  “Oh, honey,” Cookie said and pulled her into a hug. “Everything will be okay.”

  “No, no it won’t be, Cookie.” Callie shook her head. “My dad will feel betrayed, and I can see why he would, but I honest to God love Lucien.”

  Cookie pulled back and looked into her eyes. “And he loves you?” she asked, and Callie nodded.

  “He does. I know he does by the way he looks at me, touches me, and speaks to me. He’s different when he’s around me, if you can believe that.”

  Cookie gave her this soft smile. “Yeah, honey, I know exactly what you mean.”


  It was late, Cookie had called it a night an hour ago, and Cain and Tuck had already headed back to the clubhouse to finish partying. Lucien was happy for Kink and Cookie, knew that the club was just as much a part of his family as his old lady and daughter were, but wished they could have come clean about each other. Tonight was obviously not the night to talk to Callie’s dad about Lucien wanting her as his old lady, about how he loved her, would do anything for her and was so damn sorry for betraying Kink the way he had.

  He grabbed his keys out of his pocket, and although he wanted to go and see Callie before he left, he knew that wasn’t the wisest choice right now.

  “Heading out, brother?” Kink said from the stairway, and Lucien turned and faced him.

Yeah, it’s getting late.”

  Kink nodded. He scrubbed a hand over his hair, looked back at the bedroom door Cookie had slipped behind, and then this smile broke out across his face. “Can you believe I’m going to have another kid?”

  Lucien grinned. “Man, I hope you’re prepared for that. You’re getting pretty fucking old.”

  Kink started chuckling, and then flipped him off. “Yeah, I know. And if it’s another girl I’m fucked, because I’m already freaking the fuck out about Callie going off to college and those motherfuckers messing with her.”

  Lucien cleared his throat, opened his mouth to just tell Kink about every fucked up and shady thing he had done and thought about concerning Callie, but then the object of his affection, obsession, and love walked through the kitchen door. She stopped, looked between them, and he could see how nervous she was. Hell, this right here was an awkward situation.

  “Listen, I’m going to head to bed anyway, but I’ll see you at the clubhouse tomorrow.”

  Lucien nodded. “Sounds good, brother.” Lucien should have just left, but instead he stood by the front door and stared at the way Kink embraced Callie, kissed her on the top of the head, and then turned and headed toward his bedroom.

  Callie stared at him, smiled softly, and he wanted to kiss her, hold her, and tell her that they didn’t need to hide anymore. But today, now, was not the fucking time. “I’ll see you later, Callie.”

  She swallowed, ran her hands on her thighs, and then nodded. “Bye, Lucien.”

  Damn, he was getting hard hearing her say his name. He wanted her so damn badly, and the fact it had been two weeks since he had touched her was eating away at him. Before he said something, or did something, that would disrespect Kink in his home, he turned and headed out of the front door and to his bike. He straddled his Harley, grabbed his helmet, but then he heard the front door open and close, and saw Callie moving toward him with her bare feet padding on the cement. Before he knew what she was doing she was in his arms, her mouth on his, and her tongue sweeping along his. Callie had her arms wrapped around his neck, and he grew hard for her. Fuck, he wanted her so damn badly.

  “Baby, we can’t do this. We can’t disrespect Kink this way, not anymore.”

  She pulled away, breathing heavily, and her mouth glossy and red from their kiss. I know, but I missed you. I miss you, Lucien.”

  “Damn, Callie, I miss you, too,” he said softly, and then grabbed the back of her head and kissed her soundly. He ran his tongue along hers, swallowed her moans, and knew that he should stop, but not able to end his obsession for her. Kink was right inside. Lucien wanted to respect his brother and VP, but he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t bring himself to pull away, to do the right thing.

  “You’re right,” Callie said against his lips, and pulled away. They were both now breathing hard. “We need to tell him, but tonight isn’t good, not when they broke the baby news.” She looked down at the ground. “But tomorrow, since he’ll be at the clubhouse, the guys are still on the run, and we can be open and honest.”

  He nodded. Taking hold of her chin with his fingers, he lifted her head so she looked at him. “Yeah, baby, tomorrow we will tell him, and then we won’t have to hide. Everything will work out.” But he knew that wasn’t the truth, because shit was going to get real, and blood would be shed.

  “Let’s go for a ride, Lucien,” She said softly, and then smiled. “My dad and Cookie went to bed, and believe me when I say they won’t be coming out all night.” She grimaced, and then shook her head in disgust. “Believe me.”

  He started chuckling. “Callie, that probably isn’t the best idea right now.”

  “I know, but I just want to be free, to be on the back of your bike, and when we tell my dad I know being with you is going to be hard.” She looked at the front door. “Just as hard as it is now, because he’ll be furious, Lucien, and rightly so.” She looked at him again. “Just let us enjoy this moment of solace in being together.”

  Looking at her face, taking in the small slope of her nose, the bow-like quality of her red lips, and the softness and brightness of her blue eyes, he knew he couldn’t deny her anything, even when he should. When he didn’t respond, but lifted the corner of his mouth in a smile, she leaned up and kissed him softly.

  “Let me get my shoes.” She looked sad almost, and he smoothed a finger down the bridge of her nose. “Just a quick ride, Lucien, because I know after this is all said and done things will definitely be different.” She turned and went back into the house, and he exhaled. He was a piece of shit friend right now. He knew better than to keep this going on even though he knew it was wrong until they spoke with Kink. He was a bastard, but loving Callie meant he couldn’t stay away, couldn’t stop being with her, even though that was what a brother, a member of The Brothers of Menace, should do.


  Callie tightened her hold on Lucien’s waist and rested her cheek against his back. If there was an outsider looking in at all of this, what she and Lucien were doing and how they were keeping all of this from her dad, they would probably see her and Lucien as a bunch of betraying assholes. But that wasn’t how she saw it. She saw it as not wanting to hurt her dad, as loving a man that others would consider to be forbidden, given who he was and who she was. But Callie couldn’t help how she felt, and didn’t want to stop her emotions, or be suffocated by what others considered wrong and traitorous.

  Lucien held onto both of her hands with one of his, and gave them a light squeeze. She closed her eyes and listened to the rumble of his Harley beneath them, of the wind moving over their bodies, and of the scents invading her nose. His cut was smooth leather and buttery soft, and the smell of age and of it being well cared for filled her nose. The strength and power she felt from Lucien consumed her. It might have only been a short amount of time that she had actually been with Lucien, but they were the most alive and exhilarating two weeks of her life. After months of pining after him, wanting something she never thought she’d have, she was finally feeling whole. It was strange feeling this, having this solidity in her life, and feeling like things were finally right.

  They had been riding for the last twenty minutes, were still near River Run, but were outside of the city. The trees surrounded them, and the moon was full and bright enough that she could see clearly. She didn’t know what the future held, but she knew that she wouldn’t give up on what she wanted, no matter what anyone said. And what she wanted was Lucien Silver, a man twice her age, the President of an outlaw biker gang, and her father’s friend. She just hoped her dad saw that being with Lucien made her happy, and that he accepted it because this was her life.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kink was due at the clubhouse a little later that day, and although Lucien was relieved to finally be at this point where everything would be out in the open, he was also nervous over Kink’s reaction. This was a man that had been there for him no matter what, that had risked his life for Lucien on more than one occasion, and who was like family to him. Kink was going to be hurt, and although Lucien wished things hadn’t gone down this way, he also wouldn’t take anything back he had done with Callie. Yes, he had pushed her away at first, and forced himself to focus on things that weren’t forbidden to him, but obviously his feelings weren’t just passing.

  The sound of a door opening had him turning away from the paperwork he had been going over. Aside from a few prospects and Cain and Tuck, the rest of the members were on a run to seal down some land in The Springs, along with a crate full of guns in trade for coke. The Brothers didn’t mess with drugs normally, but after getting a stash in trade for taking down some punks that were harassing local community college girls in Harlow, coke had been their payment.

  There was the sound of footsteps coming closer, and he stood and moved toward the door. He saw Callie looking around the main club floor, and then she stopped and stared at him.

  “Hey, what are you doing here so early?” he asked, knowing she wasn’t supposed to
be here for another hour, right before Kink showed up. He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest. She looked good, really damn good in fact. The denim skirt she wore wasn’t obscenely low, but he saw a good amount of her lush thighs, and his cock jerked painfully behind his zipper.

  She shrugged, and then smiled slowly. “I know, but I had to go to the store to pick up a few more things for my dorm…” She got silent, as if saying those things upset her.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” He moved toward her, took her hand in his, and gave it a light squeeze.

  “Is it bad that I wish I was staying in River Run with you?”

  He knew what she meant, but was not about to let her ruin her life because of him. Lucien pulled her right into the meeting room and shut the door behind them. Stroking his hand over her hair, he stared into her bright blue eyes, and knew that this woman could be the end of him. She held his heart in her hand, and he didn’t even think she knew it.

  “Baby, I know what you mean, but no fucking way am I going to let you even entertain the idea that you’re staying here because of me.” He scanned her face with his gaze, took in everything that made her up, and felt his love for her grow to an even more dangerous level. “You are going to get that business degree, come back home to work with the club, and everything else will fall into place.” She had told him that was what she wanted, and although saying it out loud to her, making her hear her own words, might upset her more, she needed to know he wanted this for her.

  She shook her head, glanced down, and when she looked at him again she was smiling. “I could stay in River Run and go to the community college so that I’m close to you, Lucien.”


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