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Lucien's War

Page 13

by Jenika Snow

  A small sound escaped her at the fact he was so worked up that he had torn the material right from her. He had her pants off next, then the feel of his warm, humid breath against the cheeks of her ass told her he was behind her. He grabbed her bottom, massaged the globes until she felt herself pressing back against him. Could he see how wet her panties were? He groaned and palmed her ass right before he ran his nose up and down the crease of her bottom. God, this was so wild, so untamed and unusual for her that she felt herself grow wetter. He was acting like an animal, like a man that couldn’t control himself.

  “I can’t get enough of you. After having a taste of you all those weeks ago, you’re all I think about. I want to make you come around me, scream out my name, and know that you’re mine, Callie.”

  She didn’t even care that she had obviously spoken out loud.

  “I want to go slow, be gentle with you, baby, but I can’t tonight. I have to be with you this way. Tell me it’s okay,” he said against her flesh, and continued to palm her ass.

  “I just want you, Lucien.”

  He curled his fingers into her hips and groaned out, and she bit her lip and closed her eyes. He gripped the edge of her thong, and slid it to the side. The air left her when he used his other hand to spread her ass open and proceeded to run his tongue down the slit of her pussy. He sucked and licked, and nipped along her swollen, heated flesh. She was going to come.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me. Come all over my mouth.” He sucked her clit into his mouth. Lucien hummed around the bundle of nerves until she bit her lip hard enough she tasted blood. The orgasm that tore through her was so intense she panted for breath, and felt sweat start to line her spine and forehead.

  “Ask me for it, Callie.” He groaned out against her. “Ask me for my cock in your pussy.”

  Oh. God.

  His words were so vulgar and should have turned her off, but this was Lucien, the man that turned her on just by staring at her. “Lucien, please, give it to me.”

  In the next second he tore her panties off of her and threw them to the side. His rough pants wafted across her back when she felt him step away. Sucking in a great lungful of air, Callie looked over her shoulder and watched him shed his pants. All she could do was stare at what stood big and long from his body.

  Taking hold of the root of his cock he stroked it a few times. His gaze jumped from her ass to her eyes. “Spread for me, Callie baby.”

  Her heart was pounding so hard she couldn’t think straight. Reaching behind her she grabbed each cheek and spread them, feeling the cold air in the room, and her heated flesh part. This was obscene, but so hot that she wanted more. She may have been with only one man—this man—but all of this felt so right and good, and she wanted it all.

  “This is mine,” he said and took a step closer, reached out, and touched her pussy. “This. Is. Mine.” He stared into her eyes. “Say it.”

  She licked her lips. “My pussy is yours.”

  “Fuck, you’re so pink and wet for me.” He ran his finger down her slit and pushed it into her pussy. Immediately she clamped down on the digit, and he grunted in approval. Her inner thighs were so sensitive from the scruff along his cheeks when he had eaten her out. He pressed his length between her pussy lips, and a groan spilled from both of them.

  That first touch of his cockhead to her pussy sent a thrill up her spine. He rubbed himself over and over against her, up and down and faster and harder until she was moving her ass back against him, pleading without words that she wanted him buried inside of her body.

  “You’re greedy.” There was nothing but strained heat in his words. “You’re my greedy little thing. You understand?”

  She licked her lips. “Yeah, I understand.” They stared at each other for several seconds, and the only warning she got before he took her was his nails digging into her flesh. He shoved all of those hard, thick inches into her, and she cried out in pleasure and pain. Her inner muscles clenched along his length, and he grunted.

  “You keep doing that and I won’t last ten fucking minutes inside of you, baby.”

  He let go of her waist and spread her cheeks so wide she knew he was watching his cock move in and out of her body. “Fucking hell, Callie. I’ve been thinking about this since I was deep inside of you last time.” He picked up speed and slammed harder into her. “If I hurt you, baby, tell me, because I want you to come so many times you can’t even see straight.” He slammed into her again and again until she couldn’t suck enough air into her lungs. “You’re so fucking tight.”

  Sweat formed on her body, and she felt her orgasm start to churn inside of her, threatening her that what was happening would end far too soon. He worked his dick inside of her in deep, long strokes, and she curled her hands into the couch.

  “I’m going to come.” She gasped out, and even though she wanted to feel it claim her she didn’t want it to end yet.

  Droplets of Lucien’s sweat landed on her back, and she arched up, wanted it covering her. As if her unspoken desire was spoken out loud Lucien leaned forward so his sweat slicked chest rubbed along her back.

  “I want you smelling like me, tasting like me, and having my marks covering your body because I own you.” He continued to thrust into her, and she forced herself to hold off on coming. He pumped three more times and then pulled out. Before disappointment could fill her he had her turned to face him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He thrust back into her easily. God, she was so wet for him.

  As he bit at the base of her neck she let him fuck her senseless. He started walking down the hallway with her pussy still encasing his dick. Curling her nails into his biceps, she bit her bottom lip. He instantly stopped moving inside of her. She groaned in frustration. In a few quick strides he was in his bedroom with the door slammed shut behind them. The room was too dark to really see anything, but she didn’t need a visual. He had her in the center of the mattress only a second later, and was back inside of her, thrusting deep and long, and kissing the side of her neck again.

  “I love the way you smell.” He pumped into her slowly this time. “I love your flavor.” He retreated and thrust back inside of her. He took her hands and lifted them above her head. He made love to her soft and slow, long and deep, and she felt another orgasm rising.

  “Lucien,” she breathed out.

  “I love the way you feel, and I fucking love that you’re all mine.” He slammed into her, and the slow and long thrusting was gone. In its place was fast and hard, and so demanding and dominating.

  “Fucking hell, Callie.” His massive chest rose and fell from the force of his breathing. The sting of pain from his fingers digging into the sensitive flesh had her pleasure increasing. “I am going to tear you up.” He spoke filthy, dirty, and it all turned her on. He certainly had showed her exactly what he was made of, but she wanted so much more. “You want that, don’t you? You want me fucking you so damn hard you won’t be able to sit for a week, so that you know who you belong to.”

  “God. Lucien.” The air left her. Did he actually expect her to answer? A tingling sensation traveled throughout her whole body at his sandpaper sounding voice. The corded muscle and tendons that were laced and bulging right underneath his flesh had the urge to lick and nip his skin consuming her.

  The thick crest of his shaft pressed against the entrance of her pussy, and he held her gaze for a suspended moment before slamming into her with so much force she slid up the bed. A shocked cry left her when he bottomed out inside of her. Eyes wide and tears of agony and ecstasy slipping out of the corner of her eyes, she moaned for more.

  “Look at me.” Lucien’s voice was deep and hard as he issued the command. When she did as he said everything around her faded until there was only this one moment in time. He hovered above her, his upper body blocking out the moonlight that spilled through the window. “I want you to watch while I slam my cock into your tight little pussy.”

  Callie lifted up an
d braced herself on her elbows. He slowly pulled out of her, and she watched as his length became visible inch after huge inch. His thickness was glossy from her wetness, and right when she thought he would torment her with just the tip lodged in her entrance, he thrust back into her. Arms shaking and breath leaving her in uneven gasps, Callie knew she couldn’t hold out much longer. She needed to come … again.


  Lucien watched his dick slide in and out of Callie’s tight pussy. He wanted to go slow with her, make love to her and show her that she meant so much to him. But right now he was this fucking animal, needing her like a fiend. He didn’t make love to her, no, he couldn’t. He needed her like an addict, and it seemed she wanted him just as fiercely, too. Her flesh was pink and wet, swollen and gripped him like an iron-fist. Never had he wanted to be with a woman as badly as he did her, and it wasn’t just about the sex, which was incredible. It was just being with her.

  The slickness of her pussy and the suctioning warmth that surrounded him had his orgasm rushing precariously close to the surface. He pushed into her and pulled back out. Her luscious thighs had him imagining himself with his face buried between them, and her long dark hair had him picturing it fisted in his hand. Dipping his head to her hip he removed his hand and ran his tongue around her skin. Her moans were soft and breathy, and he worked his hips against hers. It was taking all of his strength to hold off the inevitable. He let his eyes travel up her rounded belly, the kind he absolutely loved, and to her large breasts. He had always been more of an ass-man, and boy, did she have one killer ass, but her tits were something of beauty. His pumping hips caused the globes to bounce up and down, and her nipples were tight, pink tips. His mouth watered for a taste, but at the moment he couldn’t move as he became immobilized when she lifted her hips and met his thrusts.

  He placed his hand back on her waist, and he dug his nails deeper into her smooth body. She arched her back when the head of his shaft scraped along her G-Spot. God, he could feel that engorged little bundle of tissue. He couldn’t hold off from coming any longer. He needed this, needed to be with her in this way and fill her with his seed.

  “Your cunt is all pink, wet, perfection, baby. Sucking at my dick like you’re hungry for my cum.” He was speaking so dirty to her, so raunchy that he should be ashamed. She as innocent in every way, and he was being a dirty fucking bastard.

  His cock stretched her wide, and her inner muscles clenched around his girth. Arms and legs numb, he felt his orgasm move up his spine. She came for a third time, her pussy convulsing around his cock.

  “That’s it. Milk my fucking dick, Callie baby.” Over and over he slid in and out of her, prolonging the intensity of their climaxes until she was thrashing her head on the bed. Her clit swelled with each down stroke he made, and when his thrusting increased even more she cried out. “Shit. I could fuck you all night long and never get enough.” His sweat dripped onto her bouncing breasts, mixing with her own and sliding along her skin.

  Once, twice, and on the third thrust he buried his erection so far in her that his balls slapped against her ass. He came and came even more, his body strained tight from the pleasure, and his cock twitching in her pussy as he emptied himself into her. “God, baby.” His whole body shook, and although his orgasm was quite possibly the longest one in history, he never stopped slowly thrusting inside of her. With one final groan he stilled.

  He pulled out of her, but when he went to get off the bed she pulled him toward her.

  “Just hold me, Lucien. I don’t care about the sweat or anything else. I just want you to hold me.”

  He smiled and moved back onto the bed, pulled her close to his body, and kissed her on the forehead. She lifted her hand and brushed away his sweaty hair. He craved her touch, craved her presence. She trusted him, and he fucking loved that. He reached between their bodies and ran his finger along her pussy hole. He felt their combined fluids seep out of her, but he pushed his finger back into her, not letting any of his cum leave her. Lucien wanted her filled with his seed, and that it was so far up inside of her that she’d be feeling the wetness of it come out of her tight little body for the next day.

  She gasped, grabbed his wrist with a hand, but didn’t pull his finger out of her. In fact, she pushed it in another inch. He growled out low, dipped his mouth toward her neck, and sucked at her flesh.

  “I don’t know what I did to earn a gift like you, Callie.”


  “No, baby, please let me say this.” He kissed her again. “I’ve done a lot of fucked up shit in my life, hurt people, stolen and maimed, and just been an all around bastard, but when I look at you I feel like there is still good things in this world. What I feel for you borders on insane and possessive, but they are genuine emotions, real emotions, and I can swear to you that you will always be a priority to me.”

  She smiled, and he rested his forehead against hers.

  “It has always been my club that was important to me. I have a family outside of the MC, obviously, but when it comes to loyalty, they have always had my back, always been there for me. But now I have you in my life, and I will never let you go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Lucien.”

  “I want you to have a life, a future, and going to school is a right step in that direction. I will always be here for you. I don’t want you to ever worry about anything,” he said softly.

  She kissed him softly and rested her forehead on his chest. He held her head to him with a hand to the back of her head, and inhaled deeply. “You’re mine, and I am yours. Forever. Irrevocably. Always.” He stared in her eyes, making her see that he meant every damn word. “I meant it when I said you are mine, and there isn’t anything on this planet that will ever take you away from me.”


  Cain sat on his Harley, took a hit off his smoke, and stared at the small house about an hour outside of River Run. He had spent a hell of a lot of time in prison, but he had finally rectified the situation, finished taking out the man that had hurt his daughter, and now he could move forward. There was movement behind the curtain, and his heart picked up pace. The one woman that had helped him through this entire process, never let up on giving him support, and had been the one to keep him updated on the motherfucker that he had just buried in the ground, was only a few feet away.

  Violet Wings.

  Her name was gentle, whimsical even, but the woman that he had know for longer than he could even remember, wasn’t just the person who had given him the location of the asshole he had wasted, but the one woman that he shouldn’t want because of who she was.

  You shouldn’t be here, just watching her like a fucking stalker, waiting to get a glimpse of her.

  He took one more inhale from his cigarette and snubbed it out on the heel of his boot before flicking it aside. Yeah, he should leave, but he couldn’t. Serving nine out of the sixteen years he was sentenced hadn’t taught him anything aside from exacting his vengeance when he got out. His brothers had been there for him the entire time, as was his daughter. But it was Violet that had kept writing him despite the fact he told her to forget about him, to move on with her life, and put all of this shit behind her. She wasn’t just the woman that his daughter had been best friends with while growing up, she was also a victim of that sadistic bastard he had had the pleasure of killing.

  He had never told anyone that Violet had been hurt by that asshole. He hadn’t told his club, and not even his daughter. Violet had told him in confidence, kept that shit inside of her for years after the fact, and he had taken pleasure in ending that bastard’s life for his little girl and the woman that he had grown to care about more than he should.

  Getting off of his bike, walking toward her front door, and knowing he shouldn’t be doing this couldn’t have stopped him. He had only seen her once, years after they had started talking on the phone and in letters, and that was when she had come to the prison. That had been the only time because he had told her not to c
ome back, that the shithole he was living in for all those years was not a place he wanted her to be at. And she had listened, thank fuck, because the men that lived in the prison were not good. Cain wasn’t good, never was, and would resort to things to make his point known, or to protect what was his. He was dangerous, violent, and that was just who he was, who he would always be.

  He found himself standing in front of her door, his hand curled into a fist to knock on the scarred wood, but before he could do that the front door opened and there she stood. Her dark hair was in a braid over her shoulder, and her bright green eyes were wide as she watched him with a mixture of emotion.

  Fuck, this was wrong for him to be here.

  “I wondered if you were going to come to me when you got out,” she said softly.

  He cleared his throat, not sure what to say.

  “I stayed away, knowing that was what you wanted.” She glanced down, and when she lifted just her gaze to his, Cain’s fucking heart stopped in his chest.

  “I wasn’t going to come here, was going to stay away because your life is better off without me in it.” He scrubbed a hand over his jaw. The last few months had been a whirlwind of him taking care of business, and deciding what he was going to do next.

  “I’m glad you came, Cain.” She smiled softly, looking down again. When she stepped aside, letting him in, he cursed himself for taking that first step forward. That was the beginning of the end, because what Violet didn’t know, shit, what no one knew, was that he fucking cared about her. He loved her, had loved her for years even though he was a bastard and didn’t deserve to feel such an emotion. She was his daughter’s best friend, had been raped by the man that had tried to do the same thing to his baby girl, and was twenty years younger than he was. He was going to ruin her life with his toxicity. But fuck, he couldn’t stop himself or his feelings, and only saw them getting more intense now that she was here with him in the flesh, and they didn’t have plastic or phones separating them.


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