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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 27

by Amanda Clover

  Even as you know you have failed Theora’s test, you are surrendering to the ecstasy of that failure. You hilt your cock in her exquisite sheath, sending her breasts swaying once more as you let out a cry of pleasure. Your back arches and your balls throb. Your cock, seized by ecstasy, surges for a moment inside Theora’s clutching cunt. You pull back and push into her once more, the intense pleasure releasing into powerful orgasmic jerks. Your cum fires deep into her molten pussy. Her mocking smile seems to widen as she feels your seed gushing into her depths.

  “Oh, Theora,” you whine, each stroke into her slick cunt bringing another spurt of your cream. You pour out your pleasure into her fluttering channel, smearing her walls and slicking your cock. Your seed oozes out with your diminishing strokes and trickles down your bollocks and Theora’s pink anus. You press deep into her, head dropping with dismay, breath coming in exhausted gasps.

  “What a disappointment,” she says, releasing you from her silky thighs. “I expected all that time you were spending with the succubus might have taught you something. You’re as quick to the finish as ever, Lucas.”

  “S-sorry,” you moan.

  Your wilting cock slips from her cum-stuffed pussy. Theora reaches up, brushing your shaggy hair from your face and caressing your cheek.

  “You’re really pitiful, Lucas,” she says, her tone sympathetic but her blue eyes cold. “Now take your shirt off.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Your shirt,” she says, snapping her fingers. You strip off your tunic and hand it to her. She pushes you away and you flop onto your back beside her in the clearing. Theora stuffs your shirt between her legs and works the toned muscles of her abdomen. She sees you watching and says, “I am not going to ride in that jostling cart with your cum dripping out of me.”

  She wipes herself with your tunic and tosses it back in your face. It is musky with the scent of sex and slimy with your mingled juices. You try to brush off what you can in the grass, but Theora, quickly donning her cloak, is impatient to get going.

  “You are hopeless,” she says. “You will never defeat a monster girl unless you can fearless bed her. You must work on your stamina.”

  “Hina might help,” you suggest, thinking of the beautiful golem that serves you eagerly in the Crystal Sanctum. Theora stiffens and shoots you a hard-eyed glance. You remember she warned you not to become intimate with the golem. That she is dangerous.

  “What did you say?” Theora snaps.

  “N-nothing,” you reply, lowering your gaze.

  “Hurry up,” she says, climbing into the mule cart. “I sense the goddess.”

  Having failed to impress Theora, the ride back to your family farm is mostly silent and intense. As you approach, you see a strange ray of moonlight shining through the clouds and seeming to illuminate a window of your house.

  “Hurry,” commands Theora. “She calls you to action.”


  Try to trick her into a deal

  “Oola,” you say, trying to sound friendly, “You know, I would love to give you my seed. But I am very busy.”

  “Awooo?” She burbles with disappointment. “Lucas, human boy, there is nothing better than me! I will make you feel so good!”

  She squeezes her huge, jiggling breasts in her gelatinous hands and tilts her translucent hips to one side. The pose reminds you of the whores who sometimes parade outside the brothel in St. Ingbert on slow days trying to entice customers. Somehow, this slime girl has learned to adopt a similar pose to entice her human victims.

  You’re not falling for it.

  “I want to give you my seed, again and again,” you say. “And I have a special way we can do it.”

  “Awooo? Special way?” She gives you a curious look.

  “Right,” you say, brandishing your sword carefully. “With my sword I can send you to a special place, a beautiful palace called the Crystal Sanctum. It’s much nicer than this dank, dark place.”

  “A palace? Awoo… I like this dank, dark place.” She reaches out her arms and you retreat out of her grasp. Her feet are joined together in a mound of slime as she slithers after you. “Come here, Lucas. I will make you want to stay.”

  “No!” You say firmly. “If you like the dank and the dark, I’m sure we can find a place like that in the palace. Maybe in the dungeon or something.”

  “I always wanted a dungeon,” she burbles. “They are so much fun to creep around in. And you will give me much essence? Enough to make more slime? I do not want to be alone.”

  “Um, well, I can give you a lot. I can visit you all the time. And you won’t be alone. Some of my friends live there, like a succubus named Morelle and a golem named Hina.”

  “Fun!” Oola claps her gelatinous hands together. “Will you give me seed ten times a day?”

  “Not that many! That would kill me!” You lean a little closer to her. “Three might be possible.”

  “Awoo! Three is just a snack! Will you visit me every day?”

  “Well, most days,” you say. “I might be busy sometimes.”

  “Awoo! Okay, Lucas, I will go to your palace! It sounds fun!” She turns her head as if looking around the tunnel. “Where do we go?”

  “Just, um, stand still,” you explain. “I have to take you there with my sword.”

  She stands very still, posing with a sweetly blank smile on her face and her voluptuous jelly body on full display. She seems too innocent you almost feel guilty dispatching her in this way, but Morelle seems none the worse for wear after you struck her down. You hover the tip of your sword at the top of Oola’s cleavage.

  “What is it, Lucas?” She asks. “Why are you waiting? I am ready to go to you—“

  You interrupt her words by plunging your sword into her gelatinous breast. For a moment, agony flashes across her translucent face. There is a bright flash of light inside Oola that is tinted violet by her translucent body. The violet color is blasted away by the brightness of the light and the slime girl is gone. All that remains of her is a small patch of residue on the stone floor.

  The pink gem in the hilt of your sword glows for a moment and then becomes dim again.

  Oola is in there, within the Crystal Sanctum with Morelle and Hina, your golem servant. She will find a home within that strange palace and soon you will be able to visit her.

  You feel suddenly very lonely in this underworld beneath the ruined temple. You need to get back to the surface.

  You begin your long trudge out of the tunnels.



  You place your faith in Veleda and reach up to the holy amulet given to you by Theora. You feel a tingling of holy strength as you run your fingers over the serpent of Veleda. Aa soft glow seems to suffuse your entire body. The warmth of the blessing of the goddess fills you with confidence and peace.

  “What are you doing?” Oola burbles curiously.

  “Veleda!” You cry, holding out the holy symbol. “Show me your strength, my goddess! Please, help me defeat this perverted creature.”

  “Perverted… creature?” Oola looks down at her jiggling body as if just realizing she is not a human. “Oh, Lucas, these words hurt very much! I am a friend! I will make you feel good!”

  You hold the symbol forward with both hands, your body glowing brightly with the blessing of Veleda. You feel the warmth of her righteous strength. You are not afraid as you raise your voice and shout, “By the great goddess of war and healing, um, I rebuke… uh…”

  Your invocation of Veleda dies on your lips as Oola surges towards you. Before you can even lower the holy symbol and reach for your sword, Oola is upon you. She hits your legs as a wave of slime and catches your arms in her gooey hands. Her jiggling breasts splash against your tunic, reform, and press heavily down upon you as she smashes her silky lips to your mouth.

  “Mmmmmmm!” You cry, trying to push her away and only managing to jam your hands deep into the cool gelatin of her body. You watch in muffled horror as y
our holy symbol is pull from your grasp and drifts harmlessly through her translucent violet body.

  Your struggle ends as she bowls you over backwards and catches you on her gelatinous lower body, cradling you in her shapeless slime. Her human-shaped breasts squeeze against your tunic and hands reach out from the slime beneath you to pull at your clothing. You can’t even cry out in defiance as her slimy lips press to your and her sweet, slippery tongue thrusts into your mouth. The coolness of her slimy tendrils reach the warmth of your bare flesh as she strips away your clothes.

  “MmmmmmHhhmmm!” You cry against her lips, still weakly trying to resist her, but already beginning to understand that your fate has been sealed. You relax against her slimy bosom and your tongue begins to swirl against hers. You feel her slimy hands on your ass and your back at the same time. She must be growing more than one pair to caress you. Her jiggling thighs part and she reaches a hand around you to guide your naked hardness to her silky folds. She is so soft and wet as her cool channel engulfs your cock that you nearly cum from a single stroke.

  “Oooooh, Lucas,” she burbles. “You’re so warm and yummy! I want to taste all your cum juice!”

  Her legs bind your body to the slimy cushion beneath you and she begins to ride your cock. Her cunt is a heaven of slippery softness, rippling and squeezing at you moment and sliding easily around you the next. Each time she rises and falls atop you, her huge breasts heave and jiggle. Thick nipples and slightly darker areolas form at the tips of her glistening violet orbs. The sight of her magnificent mounds makes your cock touch within the rippling tunnel of her cunt.

  “Ohhhhh,” you moan with helpless pleasure.

  “You like them, Lucas?” She asks, running a fresh pair of slimy hands over her breasts and plucking at her fat nipples. Gooey droplets of her slime form at her thick buds and dribble over her fingers.

  “Y-yes,” I admit, my pleasure rising by the moment as she rides atop me and massages my cock in her silky slime. She allows me to free my hands, but I only free them to cradle her hips wide hips as she bounces up and down atop my slippery cock.

  “Awooo!” She burbles with delight. “Your warm cock feels so good, Lucas. I want to feel even better! Will you suck on me?”

  “S-suck on yo—MMPHH!”

  She falls against you and her huge breasts smother your face. You try to speak, but that only allows Oola to feed one of her fat nipples into your mouth. It has a rubbery firmness to it and the liquid flowing out has a very sweet, juicy flavor.

  “Awoooo, suck me!” She whines above you, cradling you head against her breast with another hand forming beneath you. You moan and begin to suck at her smothering slime, drawing the nipple deeper into your mouth and feeling her cool, sweet juice dribble down the back of your throat. You swallow instinctively, most of your mind on the exquisite sensation of her slimewalls squeezing your straining cock. “You can drink slime if you are thirsty. It is good for a human boy and delicious. Like your cum is for me!”

  “Mmmmmm!” You moan around her breast, sucking harder as you feel your balls tightening and your cum threatening to explode. You are powerless to hold back as she bounces her huge, jiggling ass and the slippery sleeve of her pussy against you. As your pleasure reaches its exhilarating peak, you cry out loudly against her smothering breast and suck so hard you feel her cool juice pouring down your throat. In that delicious moment you arch and thrust hard into her pussy.

  “Awwooooo!” Oola burbles loudly and arches her body as well, thrusting down hard and squeezing your cock tightly in her velvety inner grip. For a momentary eternity you are caught in the rush of your orgasm. Then your cock erupts deep inside her and you open your eyes to see the jets of milky cum swirling into her jelly body. Your cloudy spurts reach almost up to her chest before dissipating like smoke in her churning slime. Oola cries with delight. “So delicious! More! More! Give it all to me, Lucas!”

  She moves atop you relentlessly, draining your seed and milking out every drop of your orgasm. She does not stop even as you become uncomfortably sensitive. Her body bounces against yours and she holds you down, riding atop your cock and forcing you to remain hard.

  “Please,” you moan against her breast. “It’s too much!”

  “More! It’s so yummy, yummy!” She burbles, pressing her breast back into your mouth and smothering your further objections with the sweet trickle of her juice from her nipple. You soon lose yourself in the pleasure of suckling from her breast and having your cock massaged by her slippery cunt.

  As you begin to cum inside her a second time, you know for certain that you have been defeated by Oola the slime girl. You are powerless to resist the pleasure she has to offer.


  Get back to the real world

  “I must return to the real world,” you say to Hina. “I have spent long enough relaxing in the palace. I must confront my troubles.”

  “The bad men,” she says solemnly. “The smashed up your house. I am sorry I could not stop them, master.”

  “I don’t blame you, Hina,” you say. “But it is time for me to go back to my farm.”

  “I hope you have enjoyed your visit with us,” she says. “If you desire sustenance, comfort, pleasure, or would like to visit any of the guests in the sanctum, please return.”

  You hold the control crystal above your head and shout, “SANCTUM EXITUS!”

  There is an immediate flash of white light. The faintly perfumed air and pleasant warmth are replaced with the piss-stink of your vandalizes farmhouse. The bright white stones and the lovely golem with her sweet demeanor fade into your memory. You look around at your dreary defaced house and kick an overturned chair with anger.

  You wish that chair was one of the Gedry brothers; preferably Johan with his smug face. You would take his head off with a shovel if given half the chance. Instead of heading out to seek your revenge, you set to work cleaning up the house.

  It is well into the following day and you are exhausted nearly to the point of collapse when you hear the clatter of hooves and the creak of an approaching wagon. You step to the door of your house and are surprised to see Old Joe and Betsy, your mules, drawing your cart up the path to your house. The cart is laden with things stolen from your house, including a large trunk of what appears to be gold, silver, and copper zeks.

  Atop the cart, as upright and arrogant as if she is being carried on her royal palanquin, rides Theora. She looks magnificent in her pure white gown, her breasts jutting proudly forward and her blue eyes regarding you with amusement.

  “What did you do?” You ask, stepping out to greet her.

  “I told the Gedry brothers that you are the chosen of Veleda and that I am her wrath,” she says. “They will not waylay you again, Lucas. In fact, I would venture a guess that they will be much more helpful in the future.”

  “You did this for me?” You ask, your heart swelling with affection for the stern angel.

  “I suppose you owe me an enormous favor now,” she says. “Do not fear, Lucas, I will find a way for you to repay this immense debt.”

  “Thank you,” you say, embracing her despite her cold demeanor. She stiffens for a moment and then relents and embraces you with one arm, patting you on the back the way a parent might comfort an emotional child.

  “Mostly, I did not want your familial obligations interfering with your duty to the goddess,” she says. “It was that duty that is my main concern.”

  “Yeah, sure,” you say, smirking at her, “but you like me or you wouldn’t have done it.”

  “Maybe… a tiny bit,” she admits.

  You have never felt so honored.

  “Now get back to work,” she barks. “Your house is a sty.”

  As you toil to repair the damage to your house, you feel pride at winning some small bit of Theora’s respect and at defending Lorraine from another monster girl. Though Oola is safely in the palace, there will surely be another monster girl to defeat, and another chance to find a monster gir
l for your pleasure.


  Ask for her Gooey Mouth

  The thought of Oola gulping your hard cock into her glistening, gooey mouth and sucking your seed is enough to make your cock twitch almost painfully in your trousers. Oola seems to sense your growing ardor and slithers closer, her luscious body jiggling and a tongue of slime running over her full lips.

  “Do not fight it, Lucas,” she burbles softly. “I will give you so much pleasure, whichever way you wish to—“

  “Your mouth,” you blurt. “Your, uh, Gooey Mouth.”

  “Oh! Why, of course, Lucas!” She strokes your shoulders with her slimy hands and leans her face close to yours. You know that face isn’t real, it’s just a shape of slime she has made to tempt you, but as it leans closer and you breathe in her sweet smell, you cannot resist her.

  Those soft lips drag against yours and her lips part. A soft, cool, sweet-tasting tongue of slime slithers over your parted lips. You press against her with a moan and kiss her passionately. Her mouth is as sweet as a pot of jam, but there is a firmness and solidity to her you had not expected. The shape of her mouth is solid and her tongue is as resilient if not quite as substantial as your own.

  “Oh, Oola,” you moan, embracing her as you would a human woman and squeezing her slimy body against you. Her kiss is curious and delicious and exciting. You reach down to your trousers, unbuckling them and unbuttoning the front. Your cock practically springs into your hands and Oola pulls back from the kiss.

  “Oh, my, Lucas,” she says, seeming to look down at your cock. “It is very big and hard. You want me to suck it all out with my mouth?”

  “Y-yes, please,” you moan.

  “Of course, Lucas, you silly human boy! I will suck it out forever and ever!”

  You feel a lurch of terror at those words, but it is too late to offer up any resistance. You lean your back against the wall of the tunnel as Oola descends to her slimy knees before you. Her hands push yours away from your cock and she takes hold of you in her soft, silky grip. You watch, helpless with lust, as Oola begins to wank your cock with two slimy hands. She burbles softly and leans her head forward, running her slimy tongue around your cockhead.


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