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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 87

by Amanda Clover

  He lets out a long breath and slides his fat cock from your dripping folds.

  “Do not worry, my pretty human,” he croaks softly, stroking your ass as his massive load drips from your blushing cunt. “There will be a place for you among my concubines and my spawn will be well cared for. You need only concern yourself with my pleasure. “

  “Oh, Grazzek,” you moan, feeling the truth in his words. With his cum still dripping heavily from your freshly-fucked pussy, you turn on your hands and knees and begin to kiss, lick, and nuzzle against Toad’s flaccid, pink cock.

  “You are an eager one,” he laughs. “Very well, Lucia, my new concubine. You may pleasure me with your lovely body. Spare no effort, for what you accomplish tonight will decide your place in my harem.”

  You smile sweetly, crawling to him and taking hold of his cock. You run your tongue up his shaft and lick around the spunk-smeared head of his maleness. You intend to work hard for your place in Grazzek’s harem.



  You are not going to best a foe like this with elegant strikes and parries. You must face her by using your size to your advantage and summoning your anger. You stare into her violet-flecked eyes and imagine Saleen winning and Toad violating Theora. The thought of the ugly reptile defiling the angel fills you with rage.

  You furrow your brow and let off a savage battle cry. You charge. Saleen seems taken by surprise, deflecting your charging strikes desperately and backpedaling as you drive your body into hers. Your shoulder slams into her chest. She falls back, reverse somersaults, and springs back onto her feet. You are already on top of her again, smashing the pommel of your sword against her side. She cries out in pain.

  “Not bad,” she says, fighting through the pain. She sweeps your legs and you fall to your back. She brings a dagger down on your throat and you reverse your grip on your sword and block her. She falls off your body and you roll atop her, wrapping your hand around her slender throat.

  “I could break your neck!” You snarl, looking down into her eyes.

  “Could you?” She laughs, her dagger poised to drive into your side.

  “Before you could kill me with that knife,” you say.

  “Enough!” Toad rises from his throne of pillows. “Yield to him, Saleen! I do not want you killed!”

  “I yield,” she says, lowering the dagger and going slack beneath you.

  You release your grip on her throat and rise to your feet. You extend a hand to help her up. Saleen flips acrobatically onto her feet and smirks beneath her veil.

  “Next time, I will have you,” she murmurs.

  “Next time your lizard won’t be around to save your life,” you say, watching her small, firm rump as she walks past you.

  “Leave us, Saleen,” commands Toad. She departs through the curtain and you turn to the big reptile, a sheen of sweat on your smiling face.



  Yasmeen circles you, hissing with irritation as you keep your guard up and deflect her testing attack with her sharp nails and muscular serpentine tail. Each time she moves closer, you hold her at bay with slashes of your sword, giving yourself time to back away.

  “Let us discuss this matter,” you shout. “We do not need to fight!”

  She makes one more desperate lunge and smack her hand with the flat of your sword. Yasmeen screeches with anger and retreats once again.

  “Very well,” she hisses, rubbing her knuckles where you banged them with your sword. “What is it you wish to say before I devour you whole?”

  “We can bargain,” you suggest.

  “The only bargain I offer a man who has come into my lair is pleasure or death,” says Yasmeen.

  “Pleasure sounds a bit better,” you reply.

  “I am sure it does, little human, but if you receive that pleasure you must answer a riddle.” She slithers closer, huge breasts heaving with her excitement. “IF you answer that riddle incorrectly, I will devour you.”

  “If I answer it correctly?”

  “Life, I suppose, is the only fair answer,” she says. “And I will assist you in your quest by giving you the exact location of the entrance to Chthona.”

  “I accept these terms,” you say, lowering your guard, but still cautious.

  “Very wise,” says Yasmeen, her smile huge and more than a little cruel. “Which pleasure will be your last, Lucas? Shall I take your tiny human cock in my mouth? Squeeze it between these soft breasts? Or is it something else? Do you seek to be wrapped up in my coils or to know the bliss of mating with a lamia?”

  She slithers closer, flicking the tip of her serpentine tail so that it slips into the left leg of your trousers. You shudder as the cool scales make contact with the bare skin of your shin.

  You gaze up at the towering woman, your cock stiff, but your heart pounding with fear.

  Which pleasure is worth risking your life for?

  The pleasure of her mouth

  The pleasure of her breasts

  The pleasure of Yasmeen’s coils

  The pleasure of mating

  Refuse her offer and fight

  Show Yasmeen mercy

  You know you should strike down the helpless lamia, you even lift your sword to finish her off, but you can’t do it. You lower the sword with a sigh, the tip of your blade scraping against the stone. Yasmeen lifts her head and seems to realize that you are not going to kill her.

  “You are sparing me?” She asks. “Even after I promised to eat you? After you wounded me?”

  “Let me have a look,” you say.

  She unfurls her tail and lifts her blood-stained hands from the slash across her toned tummy. You crouch down beside her, aware of her immense size as you rip a length of cloth from your robe and press it to her wound. She sucks in a breath with a hiss.

  “Is it bad?” She asks. “It really hurts.”

  “Give me your hand,” you say.

  She extends one of her hands and it takes both of yours to move it to the improvised bandage.

  “Keep pressure on it,” you say. “It should stop the flow of blood. I don’t think I wounded you too deeply.”

  “If you truly do not intend to kill me,” says Yasmeen, sitting up fully as she keeps a hand to the bandage, “do you think you could fetch my healing elixir?”

  “Where is it?” You ask.

  “There is a secret cabinet in the pedestal beneath my nest,” she says. “Open it by pressing two fingers to the innermost lever. The healing elixir is the green one.”

  You return to the pedestal covered in pillows and locate a compartment in the pedestal’s base. A hidden door snaps open and a drawer slides out filled with potions and strange objects of blown glass that seems to resemble penises. You find the bottle of green liquid and return to Yasmeen.

  “Thank you,” she says, taking the potion from you and quaffing it eagerly.

  “Unlike most monster girls I face,” you say, “I do not need to defeat you. Just give me the information I need and Theora and I will be on our way.”

  “Of course,” says Yasmeen, nodding. “Ah, I can feel it working already.”

  She slowly lifts the bandage from her abdomen and reveals that the wound is gone. She surprises you by wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer.

  “What are you doing?” You demand, tensing up and reaching for your sword.

  “Relax, Lucas,” she says, pulling you towards her face and heaving breasts. “You spared my life. The least I can do is give you a little pleasure in return.”

  “Th-that’s not necessary,” you say as she runs her hand from your chest down to your cock and squeezes you through your robe. She hisses softly and strokes you through your clothing. Although her hand is big, she is also quite deft, holding your cock in her soft palm and massaging you against the gentle friction of the inside of your underclothes. You moan, “Aaaaahhh!”

  “You like that?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.

feels… it feels good,” you admit.

  “I can make it feel even better,” she hisses and tears open the front of your robe. You gasp as she yanks down your underclothes and begins to fondle your cock and wank it in her huge hand. You watch her huge breasts swaying and jiggling with each pump of her hand on your straining length. She draws you so close to her face that she could open her mouth and swallow your cock. Instead, Yasmeen leans lower, parting her lips and lashing her warm tongue against your bollocks.

  “Ohhhhhhh!” You moan as her serpentine tongue encircles and caresses your cum-filled balls.

  She laughs at your moans of pleasure and draws both of your testicles into her mouth, sucking them and licking them as she wanks you faster and faster. Having her huge face pressed between your thighs is a bit disconcerting, but the pleasure is undeniable. You give in to that mounting ecstasy, feeling your pleasure coil in your abdomen and your balls tighten in her gently sucking mouth. You thrust against her palm, your cock just long enough to emerge on the other side of her squeezing hand with each stroke.

  “Cum for me,” she pants, her lips against your bollocks. “Oh, shoot is all over my face, Lucas.”

  “Aaaaaah!” You cry, thrusting desperately into her stroking hand, lubricated by your precum. Your purple cockhead twitches and ropes of your cum spurt out across Yasmeen’s cheek, her pointed ear, and into her scarlet hair. She slurps loudly, laughing and vibrating pleasure into your bollocks as you cum messily all over her face.

  “Oh, what a good boy,” she says, licking her lips and smiling up at you with cum spattered over half her cace. She runs a finger through your spunk and tastes it with a smack of her lips. “A wonderful appetizer. Now for the main course.”

  Her mouth opens and unhinges impossibly wide. You cry out and try to draw your sword, but her powerful hand rips it from your grasp. Before you can retreat from her horrifyingly gaping maw lined with fangs, her tail grabs you and thrusts you headfirst down her gullet.

  You slide down her throat, into the warmth of her stomach, struggling hopelessly as digestive juices rise around you. The fight goes out of you quickly and you close your eyes and sink into the warm, tingling bath covering your body.

  “That is it, Lucas,” laughs Yasmen. “Do not fight me. Relax and enjoy your last moments as your body melts into mush.”

  You whimper with fear, but there is no point resisting her. You foolishly spared her life and were lured by pleasure into lowering your guard. Now you must pay the ultimate price.

  Veleda will not save you from being devoured by the lamia.


  Use Maddening Pleasure

  You face Yasmeen, the giant lamia, and sheath your sword. She stops short of you, her sleek tail flicking with tension and her eyes narrowed and predatory. She senses trickery and is cautious.

  “Yasmeen,” you say. “I do not have to defeat you. I do not want to fight with such a creature as beautiful as you. I… I think you are so beautiful, Yasmeen. I feel nothing but desire for you.”

  “Beautiful?” She looks down at her gold draped body, her ample breasts and shapely hips, and smiles. “I think you mean the most exquisite beauty history has ever known. But you are a mere human, Lucas. You are not fit to be my mate.”

  “How do you know?” You say, stepping boldly closer to her. “I was chosen by Veleda to be her champion. I have bedded many monster girls. I bedded Izabella, the vampiress, who came to see you.”

  “She was formidable,” says Yasmeen, stroking her chin. “And you satisfied her?”

  “Completely!” You say, though Izabella never seems completely satisfied with her endless bloodlust. “I have satisfied a succubus, a cow girl, even a slime girl.”

  “Well, slime girls are nearly mindless,” says Yasmeen dismissively.

  “I have bedded Theora!” You say, gesturing to your paralyzed companion.

  “Oh?” Yasmeen lifts an eyebrow and slithers closer. “And did she cry your name? Did she cum for you, Lucas?”

  “Again and again,” you boast.

  Yasmeen scoops you up into her coils and carries you over to her pedestal. She reclines on the pedestal and pulls you ontot he cushions beside her.

  “Very well,” she says and turns over an hour-glass on the edge of the pedestal. “You have one hour to make me cum. If you succeed, I will tell you what you want to know. No normal human man has ever made me cum before.”

  You do not hesitate. You strip off your clothes and leap atop her, eliciting a laugh at your enthusiasm. You begin with a kiss, your body resting atop and between her huge breasts, your lips parting and tasting the exotic sweetness of her mouth. You caress her pointed ears as you kiss her, your cocking stiffening and your lust growing with each passing moment. You begin to concentrate fully as Morelle taught you.

  Your kissing moves lower. You fondle, kiss, lick and suck at Yasmeen’s breasts, which makes her softly moan. You move lower and find the velvet folds of her cunt. Her pussy is not quite human, though it is very similar. It seems to bulge from a hidden slit where her scaly lower body melds with her human-like lower abdomen. Her cunt is quite small despite her gigantic proportions otherwise so you tenderly lick it and thrust your fingers inside her silky channel.

  “Ohhhhh, I think you are on the right path, Lucas,” she moans, cradling your head. You commit wholly to pleasuring her with fingers and tongue. She writhes and moans, but you cannot seem to make her cum no matter how much or how deftly you lick and suck at her clit.

  You take hold of your cock. It is the only tool left in your arsenal. You look up into her snakelike eyes as you thrust into her pussy.

  The heat and wetness is so intense that you cannot bear the tight squeeze of her inner walls. Your cock explodes on the second stroke, pumping your seed into her monstrous pussy. You gasp pitifully, unable to stop thrusting as your cock spurts again and again into the perfect clutch of Yasmeen’s cunt. It leaves you gasping and spent.

  “Oh, sorry,” laughs Yasmeen. “It seems your time is up, Lucas. But you came closer than most.”

  “Give me another—“

  Your words are choked off as she wraps her tail around you, pulling your cock from her creamy pussy with a slurp. She lifts you over her head and her mouth opens terrible to reveal her sharp fangs and huge gullet. You try to speak, to plead for your life, but her tail is constricting too tightly around your chest. She plunges you down into her gullet and you slide into her stomach.

  “Perhaps I will give your angel a chance to pleasure me as well,” laughs Yasmeen, her words muffled by the intervening layers of her flesh. “It would be amusing to see her try.”

  You sink helplessly into the digestive juices in her stomach. Your journey is at its end.

  Veleda will not be saving you.


  Spend some time with Hina the golem girl

  “You know, I think I would enjoy a bit of time to relax with you, Hina,” you say, taking the guide Hina’s porcelain hand.

  “Me? Oh, how wonderful, master,” she says happily. “I will arrange for you to spend some time with my sister who is fully equipped for your enjoyment.”

  Hina takes you to your bedroom, leading you by your hand to where the pleasure Hina waits lurking on your four-poster bed. You part the curtains and reveal the rosy-eyed pleasure Hina reclining on the bed, her luscious body so human that your cock begins to stiffen at the sight of her blushing breasts and her hairless pussy. She is not completely naked, just wearing a baby doll of such incredibly sheer fabric that little is left to your imagination.

  “Hello, master,” purrs the pleasure Hina, crawling towards you across the bed. “I have been waiting here for six days, nine hours, and twenty three minutes in the hopes that you would visit. Are you ready to have fun with me?”

  “Yes,” you say, cradling her cheek and caressing her full, soft lips with your thumb. “I intend to have a great deal of fun with you, Hina.”

  She rises on her knees and embraces you, her soft
curves pressing against you as her lips part and her tongue meets yours. You stroke her slender waist down to her hips and her peachy bottom. You squeeze it and shape it in your hands as you kiss her with growing hunger. Hina’s hand seeks your trousers, unbuttoning them deftly and sliding them down to the middle of your thighs.

  “Let me pleasure you, master,” she says, kissing down your chest to your cock. Then her expert lips are cradling your cockhead and your fingers are stroking her silky blue hair. She takes you into her mouth, sucking with a precise rhythm, her tongue fluttering around and around the head of your cock. She bobs her head on your hardness, leaning forward and showing off the creamy heart shape of her firm bottom.

  “Yessss,” you his, your pleasure rising as you lean over her and reach a hand down to spank her buttocks and massage the warm crease between them. She moans around your cock, sucking harder, taking your cock into her silky throat and squeezing around your sensitive tip.

  “Mmmmmmmm,” her lust vibrates from your cockhead down to your balls. You twitch in her mouth and cum suddenly, spurting in hot pumps down Hina’s throat. She swallows each pump of cum without hesitation and licks your manhood clean with such enthusiasm you are still hard.

  “Oh, Hina,” you moan, climbing onto the bed with her. You roll atop her, into a 69 position, with your cock in her mouth and your face pressed between her creamy thighs. You tongue the sweet flower of her loins as she easily deepthroats your cock. You suck and lick her clit and fuck roughly down into her welcoming throat. You think you make Hina cum, although it is hard to be sure with her throat filled with your cock.

  You cannot hold back any longer, cumming again and gushing your load down her throat. She swallows just as eagerly as before, squeezing and massaging your buttocks as she encourages you to fuck her mouth.

  You finally pull your cock free and roll beside her onto the huge bed. She is atop you again in a moment. Before you can object, her hot, velvety pussy has engulfed your cock and the comely golem is riding you hard and fast.


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