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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 97

by Amanda Clover

  “My eggs are reading for you,” she moans, stroking a tentacle over her abdomen. “Breed me with your human cum!”

  You cannot resist such a demand. You thrust furiously up and into the steamy cauldron of her cunt, each stroke sending you closer and closer to the brink. Even staring into her strange eyes cannot divert you from your course. With a last, hoarse cry, you thrust into Charlotte’s cunt and erupt, pleasure throbbing in your cock as your seed pumps into her egg-filled womb.

  “Ooooooh,” croons Charlotte, tossing her silky blonde locks. “I can feel your cum pouring inside me. So warm and so much of it! That’s it! Let me squeeze out every drop!”

  A tentacle encircles your balls and she massages your tight sack as you finish pumping your cum into her clutching cunt. You sag beneath her, but if you expected any respite, you were mistaken. Charlotte tightens her tentacles around you and continues to ride her creamy pussy atop your cock.

  “More,” she moans. “I need more of your seed. I have so many eggs! You must fertilize them all with your delicious cum!”

  Looking up into her monstrous eyes, feeling the damning pleasure of her squeezing cunt, you know you will never escape. You will spend your life mating with the Scylla girl.


  Use your Startle Eye ability

  All it takes is another glance at Charlotte’s inhuman eyes to decide which of your special abilities you intend to use. You continue to evade her attacks as you begin to murmur a prayer to Veleda. Your right hand grips your sword as your left hand balls into a fist. You can feel the holy power building inside your body with each moment of prayer.

  “What are you say?” Charlotte asks, casually curious as she pursues you and attacks again.

  You roll out of the way of her tentacles, struggling to maintain your focus and keep Veleda in your mind. Even in this benighted jungle, focusing on Veleda gives you strength. You picture the radiant goddess smiling down upon you and thrust your fist out towards Charlotte. She draws back, expecting an attack, staring at your fist.

  You open your hand and unleash the power gathered within you in a brilliant flash of light and a clap of thunder. Even with your eyes closed, the light is so bright that you can see the silhouette of the monster girl as she cringes. She howls in agony, grabbing at her face.

  “What have you done to me?!” Charlotte cries, reeling and wildly flailing her tentacles. “I cannot see! I cannot see anything! Aaaaaaahhh!”

  Her wails are piercing. You brandish your sword and charge, intent on finishing the fight while she is blinded. You draw back your sword to take off Charlotte’s head atop her slender neck. She leaps backwards, emitting a cloud of cloying black dust from somewhere beneath her tentacles. You recoil from the cloud of foul-smelling, greasy smoke. By the time it begins to clear, the Scylla girl has disappeared into the river.

  You search the surface of the river as the last of the smoke settles and leaves a discolored sheen atop the mud. There is no sign of Charlotte.

  “Be glad you scared her away,” says Theora, settling beside you with a last flap of her wings.

  “You alright?” You ask her, noticing a few scrapes on her head and arm.

  “Fine,” she says as the minor injuries fade away, leaving only Theora’s immaculate skin. “I think I saw a building of some sort about a mile upstream when I was in the air. We should be on our way in that direction before she gets up the courage to return.”

  You and Theora set off again along the river. It seems unlikely that Charlotte will return, but you keep checking the river’s edge, not quite sure whether you are afraid she will leap out or that you hope to see her again.


  Meeting of Monsters

  A succulent feast is spread across the huge tables in the palace’s candlelit main dining hall. Hina has prepared roasted meats, tureens of gravy, cheeses, fresh bread, dishes of sauced vegetables, and savory and sweet pies. You sit with your plate untouched, your hands worrying the fabric of your trousers. The girls of your harem seem to sense your anxiety and stare at you over the piled table. Only Yasmeen, too huge for a chair and seated at the foot of the table on her coiled serpent lower body, seems to be enjoying the bounty of food.

  “Mmmmm!” She devours another whole roasted grecken, bones and all, sucking the grease from her fingers as the bird slides down her gullet. Her bare breasts jiggle and heave with each new morsel she swallows. She lifts an empty dish and eyes it with disappointment. “Hina, more of the potatoes!”

  One of the golem girls serving the meal hurries off to fetch another dish of potatoes from castle’s magical kitchen. Oola, seated beside you, reaches out a tentacle of violet slime that becomes a hand as she strokes your hand.

  “Master, I am sorry your sister is taken,” says the slime girl, her gelatinous face reforming into an exaggerated expression of concern. “Would feel good to give up juice?”

  Her hand slithers over yours and kneads the flaccid mound of your cock in your trousers. You grunt and push her touch away.

  “Not now, Oola,” you say.

  Izabella, the vampiress, yawns beside Oola. Her sharp fangs and pink tongue show and you have a flash of her mouth clamped to your cock as she drains you in more ways than one. You shudder and look away, but Izabella notices your attention.

  “I think it will be fun,” says the vampiress. “A chance for us to help you.”

  “I don’t like it,” you reiterate, glancing at Theora who has explained the plan to the monster girls.

  “It is the only way,” says the angel. She gestures at your companions seated around the table. “You are well-trained at fighting monster girls like these, but you have no experience battling male monsters. They will not be interested in mating with you, nor distracted by your abilities. You must rely on us to fight them for you. I will accompany you into the jungle of Saturana and if you encounter a monster I will aid you. Or you can summon one of your companions.”

  “I think it’s a silly plan,” says Morelle, leaning forward so that her plump breasts strain at her corset. She gestures to Theora with her wine goblet and says, “She should remain behind in the castle. I will accompany you into this jungle. After all, we are on the hunt for Lady Rachelle. I know her.”

  “Absolutely not,” says Theora. “Lucas needs his wits about him in Saturana, you will only distract him.”

  “Maaaaaybe,” says Morelle grudgingly. “But it will be such a fun distraction.”

  The succubus licks her soft lips and flutters her lashes at you.

  “It will be simple,” says Yasmeen, suppressing a belch. She waves a lamb shank as she explains, “All you have to do is enter the jungle and reach the base of the mountain the shines red at dusk. Once you’re there, summon me and I’ll find the entrance to the underworld for you. It’s well-hidden, but I know how to tease it out.”

  She slurps the lamb shank into her mouth, her eyes glowing mischievously as her tongue flicks out past her lips for a moment.

  Gretchen, the hugely endowed cow girl, appears at your side. She leans her huge breasts against your arm and slides a dish of jiggling pudding in front of you. The sweet smell of her milk wafts into your nostrils and your cock stirs at the memory of drinking it from the source. You shift in your chair as she massages your shoulders with her powerful hands.

  “I made this for you, Lucas,” she says.

  “I have no appetite, Gretchen,” you say.

  “It’s sweet maple milk pudding,” she explains. “Fortified with nutrients to make you strong for the fight.”

  She reaches past you and scoops a spoonful out of the dish. She lifts it to your mouth and you let her push the spoon over your tongue. The pudding is delicious and there is no mistaking Gretchen’s milk as the pudding warms your belly and excites your lust. You shrug off the cow girl’s touch and push her dish of pudding away.

  “I am sorry, Gretchen, but I have no time for this,” you say, resolutely. You push back from the table and rise to your feet.
All the girls, even Yasmeen, turn their attention to you expectantly. “When I was ten years old, I helped my father take the harvest into St. Ingbert for sale. While I was there, my father gave me a few coins to buy sweets to take home for me and my sister. On the way back from the sweetshop, a wagon was passing in the street. Something spooked the horses and they bolted straight down the alleyway where I stood. I was knocked to the ground and one of the wheels went over one of my shoulders and both arms and broke them badly.”

  Morelle and Oola cooed sympathetically.

  “I was fortunate that was the worst of my injuries. For months, I was in bed, scarcely able to lift my hand. My father blamed himself and could hardly look at me, but my mother and my sister cared for me without complaint. My sister fed me every meal and my mother bathed me. Every day. Four months it took for me to be able to do it myself and I had to learn how to move my arms again.”

  You take hold of the crystal hanging around your neck.

  “When I leave this castle with Theora, I will not be coming back until I have saved my sister and mother. I am not leaving Chthona without them.” You lock eyes with each of the monster girls in turn. “And I will be relying on your help if the time comes.”

  “We are with you!” Morelle cries, leaping to her feet.

  “Yes, Lucas, we stand with you,” agrees Gretchen.

  “You are a mighty hero,” burbles Oola.

  “Mighty enough,” agrees Yasmeen, smiling slightly.

  “I suppose it might be fun,” says Izabella.

  “We all stand with you, Lucas,” says Theora. She raises her goblet in a toast. “To the Hero of a Thousand Lives! To Lucas LeBlanc!”

  “To Lucas!” The girls chorus, raising their goblets in a salute.

  You and your companions drain your drinks. One by one, you embrace each of the monster girls as you prepare to depart. Only Hina seems reluctant to see you go. You hug her small, porcelain body against yours and she suddenly wraps her arms around you.

  “What is wrong, Hina?” You ask, surprised to see emotion welling in her glassy eyes.

  “Your journey is almost over, Lucas,” she says, looking up at you. “Then I will never see you again.”

  “We will see each other again,” you say, squeezing her in your arms and remembering the limp body of the Hina destroyed at your farm. “I promise.”

  You lean down and kiss her porcelain lips. For a moment, you are certain you see a tear spill from the sapphire blue of her left eye.

  “Are you ready?” Theora asks, holding a hand out to you as you step back from Hina. You take her hand, give the monster girls a last look to fix the sight of them into your mind, and you step through the pink glow of the crystal and back into the real world.


  Drink the swirling milk potion

  The speed and power of the Succubus Queen will defeat you soon. You need to upend that balance of power and introduce chaos. You quickly reach into the pouch on your hip and retrieve the bottle of swirling pink and blue milk potion. You pop the stopper on the top and tip the bottle to your lips. Gretchen told you to only drink a sip of such a potion, but you gulp down the contents of the entire bottle. The intensely sweet liquid burns as it slides down your throat and forms a clenched fist of heat in your belly.

  “What was that?” Lady Rachelle demands. “You think drinking some potion will save you from your fate, Lucas? I have been waiting so long to end this. So let us end this!”

  Excruciating, white-hot pain stabs through your body, driving you down to your knees and giving Rachelle pause. The transformation is sudden and unexpected, transforming your body into an exaggerated image of womanly beauty to rival Rachelle’s abundant curves. Your breasts burst through your tunic, popping the buttons and sending them skipping across the floor. Your waist narrows and hips widen to tear your trousers as your ass grows round and plush.

  Nothing compares to what happens to your cock. You scream a womanly shriek as your penis divides into a dozen prehensile cock, shooting down the legs of your trousers like eels trying to escape. Your mind can barely comprehend the sensation of your squirming cocks. A moment later, you realize you can control that squirming, that these huge, arm-length cocks are bending and burrowing based on your will.

  “What is happening to you?” Rachelle gasps, taking a step back and perhaps glimpsing a bit of what you are becoming.

  With a howl of half-mad lust, you rise to your feet, throwing back your head. Your eyes are wild as you scream again and your cock tear apart your clothing, leaving you naked and revealing your flailing mass of cock tentacles.

  Rachelle reacts with horror to the sight of your monstrous maleness. You laugh, thrusting your shoulders back and your womanly hips forward as you send several prehensile cocks launching through the air. The Succubus Queen is too shocked to dodge them and you wrap her wrists and neck in your powerful cocks. It feels incredible. Wherever your sensitive cock wraps around her supple flesh, you feel a warm buzz and the mushroom cap of each cock begins to weep with your plentiful precum.

  Your cock tentacles make short work of Rachelle’s lingerie armor, peeling off piece by piece until your tentacles are squeezing her huge breasts, teasing her thick nipples, and exploring the warmth between her thighs. You send one tentacle sliding between her buttocks, rubbing over her clenching asshole as it spreads your copious slime all over her body.

  “Ohhhhhh, what are you doing, you naughty girl,” cries Rachelle. “Ahhhh! One is going inside me!”

  You send one cock tentacle pushing into her pussy and it explodes almost instantly, spurting your spunk into her clutching depths. Another of your tentacles, writhing between her soft breasts, erupts all over her face and into Rachelle’s surprised mouth. She is so overwhelmed by your onslaught of cock tentacles that she seems unable to feed upon your sexual essence.

  “Yes!” You cry, reveling in your power and the pleasure. “Yes! You are a queen of sluts! Take my cocks!”

  “Help me,” cries Rachelle as you drag her closer and wrap her up in more of your cock tentacles. The sensation is incredible and you cannot resist silencing her cries by thrusts a tentacle into her mouth and down her throat. That appendage begins to spurt your seed almost instantly.

  But the battle is not won yet. Powerful arms grab you from behind, wrenching both of your arms back. You realize it is your mother and Genevieve, both hissing with anger and clawing at your soft breasts and your feminine limbs. Your eyes widen in shock as you see that it is not actually your mother and sister. Both women are transforming into succubuses, revealing horns and bat wings and exposing that they were only imposters using their demonic magic to appear as your family.

  “Release me!” You cry, struggling against them.

  “MMMmmmmmm!” Rachelle tries to shout around the thrusting cock tentacle in her mouth, her tongue stroking beneath it and her words vibrating up your prehensile shaft. You shudder with pleasure and explode inside her pussy and down her throat again.

  Unable to wrench your arms free of the grip of the two succubuses, you curl tentacles around your hips and between your breasts, attacking them with your slimy sexual serpents. Your cock tentacle squirm under the skirts and into their steamy holes and both demonesses release your arms. You back up as you violate their eager sex-demon cunts and asses, driving both lesser succubuses to their knees and allowing you to focus your attention once more on the Succubus Queen.

  “It’s over,” you cry, plunging more cock tentacles into Rachelle’s stretched holes. “You cannot win this fight!”

  You grip your sword, sauntering towards her as you plunge your cocks in and out of her pussy, ass, and throat. Cum pours from her well-fucked holes and you are beset by constant overlapping explosions of pleasure as your cocks spurt again and again inside all three demonesses. You maintain your focus, drawing back your sword and swinging at Rachelle’s slender neck.

  Rachelle has a moment to scream around your spurting cocks before your blade makes conta
ct. Instead of lopping off her head, your sword produces a familiar burst of pink light that consumes the Succubus Queen. You are knocked back by the force of it, transforming back into your male body with shocking force as you are sent sprawling on the floor. You look up at the ceiling and are almost as shocked to see your mother and sister hanging above, their bodies wrapped in chains and their mouths gagged. They cringe from the bright light as it grows brighter.

  Unlike when you have captured other monster girls, the flash is continuing to enlarge and, the sword shaking in your grasp as the light spreads up to the ceiling to engulf your real family.

  You feel yourself being pulled into the light, screaming as you are drawn into the blade along with the others.

  You have won, haven’t you? You defeated the Succubus Queen. You do not understand what is happening as you tumble end-over-end through the bright pink light.


  Use an item

  Charlotte’s speed and her eight flailing tentacles present a threat you have never faced before. You need an edge to defeat this wily monster girl and you decide to rely on the items you have collected during your adventures. Foremost among these is the Holy Symbol of Veleda – intertwined golden serpents given to you by Theora and blessed by the high priest of Veleda in St. Ingbert – which allows you to focus your spiritual energy. You feel the reassuring weight of it inside your tunic.

  Then there is the pouch full of milk potions given to you by Gretchen.

  These three alchemical potions are derived from mixtures of her milk, your “milk” and various herbal and exotic ingredients. The blue milk potion has the power to enhance your masculinity to extreme levels, including your musculature, your penis size, and the intensity of your libido. The pink milk potion transforms you from a man to a woman, reshaping your body and altering your desires. Finally, the swirling pink and blue potion can have unpredictable effects.


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