Ancient Iraq

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Ancient Iraq Page 55

by Georges Roux


  Constantius II (337–361) 338–350: Wars, then peace between Constantius and Shapur II.

  350 The Romans invade Mesopotamia, then withdraw because of starvation.

  Julian the Apostate


  Jovian (363–364) Jovian evacuates Roman strongholds in Northern Mesopotamia.

  Theodosus (379–395) Bahram IV

  (388–399) Floruit of Christian literature in Syriac at Edessa, Nisibin and Arbela (Erbil)


  (395–1453) Yezdegerd I

  (399–420) Intermittent wars between Byzantines and Sassanids. Economic decline of Mesopotamia.

  651 637: Beginning of the conquest of Mesopotamia by Moslem Arabs.

  * * *



  Modern geographical names are in italic.

  The names of deities are followed by an asterisk.

  A-annepadda, 123

  ‘Abd-el-Aziz, Jabal, 10

  Abdi-Milkuti, 326

  Abi-eshuh, 244

  Abi-sare, 183

  Abiate, 334

  Abraham, 104, 107, 239, 268

  Abu-Kemal, 14

  Abu-Salabikh, 31, 124, 131

  Abu-Shahrain, 59, see also Eridu

  Achaeans, 261

  Achaemenes, 383

  Achaemenians, 249, 364, 383, 406 – 12

  Adab (Bismaya), 131, 143

  Adad*, 115, 188, 198, 278, 391

  Adad-idri, 297

  Adad-narâri I, 262

  Adad-nirâri II, 25, 280, 283

  Adad-nirâri III, 24, 283, 301 – 2, 309

  Adadapal-iddina, 281

  Adana (Ataniya), 272

  Adapa, 100, 105 – 7, 357

  Adasi, 243, 254

  ‘Adhem river, 11

  Adiabene, 419, 420

  Adumatu, 328

  Aeolians, 266

  ‘Afar, Tell, 51

  Afghanistan, 13, 83, 266, 385

  Agade, 3, 152, 154, 158, 161

  Agga 115, 123, 140

  Agum II (Kakrime), 246

  Ahab, 303

  Ahaz, 309 – 10

  Ahlamû, 263, 267, 274, 278, 279, 286

  Ahmar, Tell, 272, 297, 352 – 3, see also Til-Barsip

  Ahuni, 289

  Ahuramazda*, 411

  Akalamdug, 136, 137, 140

  Akkad culture, 124, 127, 133, 147, 151, 153, 174, 186, 195, 196, 212, 231, 251, 276, 355, 359, 417

  history, 80, 122, 144, 145, 146 – 60, 161, 162, 180, 184, 281, 332, 334, 387

  religion and ruling system, 15, 88, 107, 130, 171, 382, 420

  Akshak, 131, 142

  Akum Kakrime, 248

  Alaja, 230, 231

  Alalah, 234, 236, 238, 245, 256, 258, 272

  Alam, 200 – 201

  Aleppo (Iamhad), 14, 56, 157, 190, 193, 198, 223, 245, 256, 257, 260, 272, 275

  Alexander IV, 413

  Alexander the Great, 25, 301, 410, 412 – 13, 414, 421, 423

  Alexandria-Charax, 412, 415, 416

  Ali Kosh, Tepe, 41, 42, 44, 46

  Alisar, 78, 230

  Allat*, 420

  Alshe, 260

  Alyattes, 380

  Amalekites, 291

  Amanus mountains, 13, 153 – 4, 157, 272, 290

  Amar-Sin, 60, 170, 172, 174, 175, 176, 182

  Amarna, el-, 247, 257, 258, 269, 274

  Amasis, 380

  Amêl-Marduk, 380 – 81

  Amenophis I, 256

  Amenophis II, 257

  Amenophis III, 256, 257, 258, 368

  Amenophis IV, 257, 258 – 9, 260

  Ammi-ditana, 244

  Ammi-saduqa, 244

  Amon, 268, 282, 309

  Amorites, 10, 85, 116, 124, 148, 157, 175 – 7, 179 – 94, passim, 190, 238, 423

  Amosis I, 254

  ‘Amuq, 50, 230, 272

  Amurrum (Tidnum), 175, 343 – 4

  Amytis, 376, 394

  An*, Anum*, see Anu*

  ‘Anah (Hana), 274

  ‘Anat* (Atta), 275

  Anatolia culture, 46, 53, 58, 59, 127, 228, 232, 351

  geography, 13, 14, 143, 156, 237, 346

  history, 83, 154, 225, 227, 230, 233, 245, 254, 256, 266, 282, 331

  Anittas, 233

  Annubanini, 158

  Anshan, 168, 169, 383

  Anshar*, 96, 97

  Antasurra, 144

  Antigonus, 413

  Antioch, 272, 275, 414, 415, 420

  Antiochus I, 415, 416, 418

  Antiochus III, 414

  Antiochus IV, 416

  Anu* (An) legend, 88, 93, 96, 106, 115, 117, 119

  worship, 68, 70, 99, 202, 398, 417, 420

  Anu-uballit Kephalon, 417

  Anu-uballit Nicarachus, 417

  Anunit*, 216

  Anunnaki*, 110, 112 – 13

  Anzu*, 196

  Apil-Sin, 24

  Aplahanda, 193

  Appuashu, 381

  Apsu*, 95 – 6

  ‘Aqar Quf, Tell, 30, 249

  ‘Aqrab, Tell, 126

  Arabia, 9, 148 – 50, 269, 273, 385 – 6, 415

  Arabs, 9, 147, 148, 150, 276, 308, 333, 334, 347, 379, 411, 420, 421

  Arad-Nanna, 370

  Arahtu canal, 322

  Arakha, 407 – 8,

  Aram-Bêt-Rehob, 275

  Aram-Ma'akah, 275

  Aram-Sôbah, 275

  Aramaeans culture, 147, 150, 273 – 7, 287, 307, 347, 411, 417, 420

  history (to 11th C. B.C.), 10, 147, 148, 265, 267 – 8, 269 – 70, 274 – 5, 279 – 80, 423

  (from 11th ith C. B.C.), 282, 283, 289 – 90, 296 – 7, 298, 303, 308, 311, 321, 327, 335, 377, 402

  Arame, 296

  Ararat, Mt, 5, 304, 336

  Aratta, 116

  Arax river, 304

  Arba‘il, 299, 410, see also Erbil; Urbêl

  Arbela, 420

  Ardys, 335

  Arennum, 143

  Argistus I, 303

  Aria, 385

  Ariaramnes, 383, 407

  Arik-dên-ilu, 262

  Aristarchos, 366

  Arman, 157

  Armenia culture, 42, 226, 234, 304, 353

  geography, 5, 7, 13, 14, 157, 304

  history, 225, 279, 282, 296, 303, 326, 380

  Arpachiyah, Tell, 30, 55 – 6, 58

  Arpad, 24, 272, 303, 304

  Arrapha, 299, 302, 375, 377, see also Kirkup

  Arsaces, 418 – 19

  Arslan Tash, 353, 416, see also Hadâtu

  Artabanus II, 418

  Artatama, 259

  Artatama I, 256

  Artaxerxes I, 411

  Artaxerxes II, 301

  Arunasil* (Varuna), 235

  Aruru*, 117

  Arvad (Ruâd Island), 269, 270, 279, 331, 335

  Aryans, see Indo-Aryans

  Arzani, 327

  Ascalon, 309, 320

  Ashdod, 312, 332

  Ashnan*, 99

  Ashur* (Assur), 85, 95, 188, 262, 313, 338, 341, 351, 421

  Ashur-bêl-kala, 280, 340

  Ashur-bêl-nisheshu, 248

  Ashur-dân I, 278

  Ashur-dân II, 280

  Ashur-dân III, 25, 302

  Ashur-etil-ilâni, 373, 374

  Ashur-nirâri V, 303, 304

  Ashur-rêsh-ishi, 278

  Ashur-taklak, 24

  Ashur-uballit I, 257, 260, 262, 376

  Ashur-uballit II, 376

  Ashurbanipal culture, 109, 135, 295 – 6, 339 – 40, 343 – 4, 350, 355 – 6, 357, 370

  reign, 25, 243, 318, 319, 326, 329 – 36, 373

  Ashurdaninaplu, 299

  Ashur-nadin-shumi, 321, 322

  Ashurnasirpal II, 284, 286, 288 – 94, 298, 300, 340, 348

  Asmar, Tell, 79, 126, 127, 208, see also Eshunna

  Assur (city) archaeology, 86, 125, 337

  culture, 232, 326, 340, 345, 353, 356, 358

  geography, 5, 187

  history, 3, 79, 170, 1
79, 187 – 8, 190 – 91, 254, 256, 299, 302, 375, 376, 419, 421

  Assur (god), see Ashur

  Assyria archaeology, 28, 30, 79, 287

  culture, 23, 80, 117, 147, 263 – 4, 276, 292 – 6, 304, 309, 315 – 17, 323 – 4, 340 – 41, 350 – 54, 355 – 71, passim, 427

  geography, 11, 12, 262, 274, 283 – 5, 345 – 6

  history (to 12th C. B.C.), 15, 147, 198, 199 – 200, 231, 235, 241, 248, 257, 260 – 63, 427

  history (from 12th C. B.C.), 267 – 9, 277 – 90, 296 – 315, 318 – 36, 372 – 7, passim, 410, 419

  religion, 85 – 6, 95, 99, 156, 340 – 43, 351, 359, 366 – 7, 387

  system of government and army, 187 – 8, 285 – 8, 290 – 91, 306 – 8, 338 – 50, 300, 402 – 3, 425

  Astyages, 383, 384

  Aswad, Tell, 56

  Ataniya (Adana), 272

  Atar'at*, 420

  Atrahasis, 111, 112 – 13, 196

  ‘Atta* (‘Anat), 275

  ‘Attar*, 275, see also Ishtar

  Awan, 141, 169

  Azerbaijan, 13, 14, 156, 232, 304, 312 – 13

  Azitawandas (Kara Tepe), 271, 272

  Azriyau, 308

  Ba'alu, 331

  Bab-Salimeti, 322

  Baba*, 131, 134

  Babylon archaeology, 18, 21, 27, 28, 30, 31, 208, 337, 390 – 96, 419

  culture, 23, 95, 101 – 3, 117, 147, 192, 195, 202 – 6, 214 – 24, 251 – 2, 351, 358 – 67, passim, 372, 389 – 96, 423 – 8

  dynasties, 23 – 4, 184, 195, 212, 228, 243, 251, 254, 277, 278, 281, 298, 374

  geography and economy, 6, 9, 199, 401 – 4, 410, 411, 416

  history (to 12th C. B.C.), 3, 27, 79 – 80, 179, 184 – 5, 186 – 7, 194, 195 – 202, 225, 241 – 6, 248, 253, 254, 260, 263 – 5

  (c. 12th-7th C. B.C.), 30, 277 – 9, 281, 282, 283, 284, 298, 303, 308, 310 – 12, 314, 318, 321, 322 – 3

  (from 7th C. B.C.), 325 – 6, 329, 333 – 4, 372, 373 – 80, passim, 385 – 8, 406 – 9, 412 – 16, passim, 418

  religion, 86, 88, 93 – 103, passim, 202, 209 – 14, 223, 248, 325, 342, 382, 389, 395 – 400, 411, 416 – 17, 420 – 21

  Bactria, 385, 415

  Bad-tibira, 108

  Badrah, 186, see also Dêr

  Badtibira, 131

  Baghdad, 30, 186, 223

  Baghuz, 54

  Bahdi-Lim, 220

  Bahrain, 15, 160, see also Dilmun

  Bakhtiari mountains, 303

  Balawat, 295, 348

  Ba'il, 24

  Balikh*, 115, 235

  Balikh river, 10, 56, 125

  Baluchistan, 83

  Baradost mountains, 37, 38 – 9

  Barak, 39

  Barda-Balka, 33, 35, 36

  Bardiya, 407

  Barsippa, 298, 333, 399, 408, 410, 421

  Bartatua, 326

  Basrah, 5

  Bavian, 324

  Beaker Folk, 227

  Behistun, 29, 407

  Beirut, 239

  Bêl*, 281, 310, 314, 399, see also Marduk

  Bêl-daian, 24

  Bêl-ibni, 321

  Bêl-shalti-Nannar, 383

  Bêl-shimanni, 408

  Bêl-ushezib, 343

  Bêlit-ilâni*, 313

  Belshazzar (Bêlshar-usur), 386 – 7

  Beluchistan, 232

  Ben-Hadad II, 297, 302

  Beq'a, 275

  Berossus, 418

  Beycesultan, 230

  Biknî, Mt, 309

  Bilalama, 186, 202

  Billa, Tell, 235

  Birs-Nimrud, see Barsippa

  Bishri, Jabal, 176, 279

  Bisitun, 39

  Bismaya, 143, see also Adab

  Bit-Adini, 275, 280, 289, 297

  Bit-Agushi, 275, 303, see also Aleppo

  Bit-Bahiâni, 275, 280

  Bit-Bazi, 281

  Bît-Hadipê, 280

  Bit-Halupe, 289

  Bît-Iakin, 311, 321

  Bocchoris, 312

  Boghazköy, 231, 257, 265, 267, see also Hattusas

  Brak, Tell, 58, 76, 79, 157, 170

  Bunnu-Eshtar, 194

  Buqras, 53

  Buriash*, 247

  Burnaburiash I, 248

  Burnaburiash II, 258 – 9, 260

  Burushanda, 154

  Byblos 50, 53, 93, 238, 239, 269, 270, 279

  Cambyses I, 383

  Cambyses II, 406, 407

  Canaanites, 124, 147, 148, 150, 259, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 275, 427

  Cappadocia, 231, 232, 233, 380

  Carians, 332

  Carmania, 387

  Carmel, Mt, 39, 297 – 8

  Carthage, 271

  Caspian Sea, 336

  Çatal Hüyük, 53, 230

  Caucasus mountains, 13, 34, 304

  Chagar Bazar, Tell, 30, 54, 55, 58, 234, 236

  Chaldaeans, 3, 85, 203, 249, 281, 298, 302, 333, 334, 358, 372, 377 – 9, 418, 424

  Characene, 419

  Chemchemal, 36, 38, 44

  China, 428

  Choga Mami, 31, 54, 60, 62, 83, 425

  Chogha-Zambil, 263

  Chosroes I, 421

  Christians, 420

  Cidenas, 365 – 6, see also Kidunnu

  Cilicia, 14, 58, 230, 271, 272, 314, 320, 335, 380, 381, 385, 403

  Cimmerians, 304, 319, 326 – 7, 331, 332, 335, 347, 374

  Commagene, 245, 272, 304, see also Kummuhu

  Crete, 154, 227, 228, 238 – 9, 270, 271

  Croesus, 385

  Ctesias, 301, 302, 409

  Ctesiphon, 418, 421

  Cyaxares, 373, 374, 375 – 6, 380

  Cyprus, 13, 93, 154, 270, 322, see also Iatnana

  Cyrus I, 383

  Cyrus II, 372, 383 – 5, 386 – 8, 406, 409, 411

  Dadusha, 193 – 4, 197

  Dagan*, 153, 182

  Daiakku, 327

  Daiân-Ashur, 296, 300

  Damascus, 14, 223, 275, 297 – 8, 302, 303, 310, 379

  Damiq-ilishu, 25, 243

  Damkina*, 97

  Damqui, 343

  Danuna-folk, 272

  Darband-i-Gawr, 157

  Darius I, 29, 301, 403, 407 – 8, 409, 410, 411

  David, 268, 274 – 5

  Dead Sea, 34, 334, 336

  Deh Luran, see Luristan

  Deir-ez-Zor, 14

  Demavend, Mt (Biknî), 309

  Demetrius (4th C. B.C.), 413

  Demetrius II, 418

  Dêr, 15, 186, 311, 374

  Der, Tell ed-, 31

  Diarbakr, 14


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