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Temptation (Club Destiny)

Page 2

by Edwards, Nicole

  Staring at the empty area now, Luke acknowledged the dim lights above weren’t nearly as attractive as the neon glow of blue and red that outlined the walls and the bar when the club was open. The usual mass of bodies that filled Club Destiny from wall to wall was nowhere to be found, nor was the noise that came with so many people occupying one place. To be honest, Luke wasn’t sure which way he preferred most.

  As he tried to gain his composure, not wanting to beat up on Kane too much, Luke inhaled deeply, took one more look around until his eyes landed on the man sitting at a table near the back.


  Luke wasn’t feeling overly social, and Cole Ackerley was the last person he wanted to talk to. Thankfully, it didn’t look like Cole was up for talking either. Instead, Cole sat at an empty table, drinking what appeared to be a soda, rather than the shot of whiskey he normally favored.

  For all intents and purposes, Cole looked like he didn’t give a damn that Luke was staring his way, but Luke felt the heat of Cole’s midnight blue eyes burning a hole into him. They certainly had some things they needed to talk about, but like usual, Luke would put that disaster waiting to happen off for a little while.

  Since Cole was one of the main reasons Luke had gone MIA for the last two months, there wasn’t much he could say, even if he wanted to. After everything that had happened between them that night…

  Not going there.

  Those damned demons he’d managed to bury temporarily were not going to show up now. If he wasn’t careful, Luke would manage to brew up a shit storm of issues he hadn’t been able to figure out during those few weeks he’d disappeared. Since he hadn’t been able to get to the bottom of them then, he knew for damn sure it wouldn’t be happening now.

  He didn’t give a damn what that said about him, or how much of an asshole that made him look like. Luke was not ready to address that little clusterfuck.

  At least not right now.

  He’d wallow in the denial for a little while longer, thank you very much.

  His reaction to Cole that night had been pulled from deep down inside of him, and Luke knew that was a part of him that he couldn’t contain. A part of him that set him apart from the rest. Did it bother him? No, not usually. Until now. He’d always been open to sexual experiences that bordered on the taboo.

  When his eyes met Cole’s, Luke felt the other man’s confusion and for a moment, he thought about confronting him. Clearing the air. Instead, he turned his back, trying to focus on the stack of papers lying on the bar. Despite the fact that Luke had managed to run off for some much needed time alone, he had also heard that Cole opted to keep a low profile for the last few weeks, as well. He wondered if the solitude had helped Cole because it sure as hell hadn’t done a damn bit of good for Luke.

  A moment later Ava Prescott’s sultry voice fluttered through the otherwise quiet club, but Luke didn’t turn around. Ava wasn’t there to see him. She was obviously there to see Cole, which wasn’t at all surprising. Cole’s membership with the club was a longstanding one, and his involvement as a third in the relationship with the Prescott’s wasn’t a secret. Nor was the fact that Cole was open about his sexuality, enjoyed his freedom as a single man, and he would not, no matter what, disclose any information about what went on between him and other members of the club.

  Cole was one of the most respected members at Club Destiny, and despite the fact that the man was approached often by other couples, he was downright particular about those he spent his time with.

  Luke remembered the first time he and Cole had found themselves in a situation they hadn’t expected. The one night when the two of them ended up alone with the very sexy, extremely flirtatious, Susie Mackendrick. That night had been memorable, and so had the few other nights he and Cole had shared Susie’s bed. And her kitchen table. And her shower.

  Luke found himself smiling for the first time that day. Those memories of Susie still sent a spark of desire bursting through his blood stream.

  Maybe that was the key to getting him out of the funk he was in. Calling Susie or better yet, just showing up at her house would definitely distract his overstimulated brain for at least a few hours.

  The woman was incredibly creative when it came to sex. She was also a self-proclaimed submissive, which worked well with Luke’s darker urges. Although there were times when those dark, dangerous urges to dominate made him realize that Susie probably couldn’t handle some of the things he wanted to do to her.

  Which led him back to Cole…


  He was not going to go down this road again. Not here. Not now.

  With an irritated sigh, Luke turned back to the bar, ignoring Ava Prescott’s sensual purr of as she greeted Cole. Luke flipped through the pages in front of him though he could have been reading instructions in Chinese for all that he was seeing.

  It wasn’t that he cared who Cole was with.

  He honestly didn’t.

  Ok, maybe that was a lie. He cared just a little.

  Those damn lingering memories of that one night still haunted him, still had him jolting out of a dead sleep, confused and yet… aching.

  He tried to tell himself that it was just lust. What he and Cole had done wasn’t wrong. At least not in relative terms. When it came to Luke’s sex life, there were boundaries he crossed every damn day.

  Yet he had never – never – crossed that line. He had never thought he was interested. But that night, Cole had managed to give Luke the one thing he’d been longing for. The resistance that had lit Cole’s indigo blue gaze still haunted him. Luke had been boiling with a longing so deep, so dark, that he hadn’t known how to satisfy it. At least not until he had instructed Cole to go to his knees…


  Readjusting himself, Luke couldn’t deny the fact that the memories still stoked a fire that he couldn’t extinguish. His jeans were past the point of uncomfortable, and he had no choice but to stand there and stare at the damn papers in front of him. No way in hell was he turning around to see Cole sauntering off with the Prescott’s.

  Pushing the papers aside, Luke planted his hands on the bar top, pressing his head down between his shoulders in an attempt to alleviate some of the tension churning inside of him. Every time he began to think about that night, or Cole, or hell, even Samantha, Luke’s brain got more and more fucked up. What had he learned in the two months since that one fateful night?

  Too much, and yet not nearly enough.

  The one thing he had come to terms with by the time he decided enough was enough and hiding out wasn’t the answer was that he wanted Cole. He didn’t want emotional bullshit, or strings of any sort, but he damn sure had never met a man who made his body throb the way that Cole did.

  Yet here he was. Keeping his back turned, and his expression guarded as Cole prepared himself to be the filling in the Prescott’s sex sandwich. The thought had his balls tightening and his dick throbbing. Remembering that night and the way Cole had given himself over to the moment had Luke gritting his teeth. When the man agreed to something, he gave everything he was.

  Granted, Luke was discriminatory with his partners, but he had been drawn to Cole from almost the moment he had met him. At the time, it hadn’t been in any way related to attraction, just simple admiration. Cole was an admitted bisexual, open to almost anything, trustworthy, honest and beyond discreet. Everything his members looked for in a partner or a third.

  But then it happened. That one damn night at his house when they had invited Cole to be the fourth in a little rendezvous with Luke’s twin, Logan, and Logan’s then girlfriend, Samantha. That night had sent Luke’s mind whirling with uncertainty.

  When Ava and Daniel Prescott passed behind him, Luke did turn, this time watching as Cole followed not far behind them. Turning his attention back toward Kane, Luke had the other man walk him through the events of the last two weeks.

  He didn’t have time to think about Cole, or anyone else. He had a business to run; one that appa
rently couldn’t manage to hang on to a few thousand dollars’ worth of liquor unless someone was paying attention.

  Chapter Three

  ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~

  “Who is that?” Kane interrupted Luke as he was trying to decipher a handful of receipts that hadn’t already been logged.

  Luke turned his attention to the three people walking through the back entrance to the main floor of the club, and he immediately understood his bar manager’s astonished tone. His first reaction, which he managed to choke back, was to grumble at the sight of his brother and his wife.

  Not that he wasn’t glad to see them.

  The funk he couldn’t seem to shake still lingered like a storm cloud threatening to burst open at any second. Seeing Samantha, knowing the previous impression he’d made on her, Luke wasn’t so sure he would be able to look her in the eye.

  The absolute last thing he expected was for his brother’s new wife to walk right up to him and throw her arms around his neck, but that was exactly what she did. Instinctively, Luke’s eyes darted to his brother, immediately seeking direction. When Logan merely smiled back, Luke managed to lift his arms – apparently made of lead – and wrap them around Sam, tentatively hugging her back.

  And the next thing he did might’ve damn well changed his life forever.

  Having briefly glimpsed the woman who had been beside Sam and Logan as they came through the door, Luke hadn’t taken a chance to really look at her. With his arms still wrapped around his brother’s wife, Luke’s gaze landed on the sexiest, most petite woman he’d ever laid eyes on. A hot flash of lust shocked his system, and he froze where he was standing. Doing his best to keep his cool, Luke let go of Sam and took a step back, his eyes still glued to the woman.

  Standing before him, with her back straight, her magnificent breasts thrust high, Luke couldn’t stop his gaze from roaming down the full length of her. At barely five feet tall at the most, even in those sexy as hell knee high black boots with at least three inch heels, the woman captivated him. And that was saying something because Luke had never been attracted to tiny, petite women, mainly due to the fact that he was damn near six and a half feet tall.

  Had he met her before? She looked somewhat familiar, yet he knew he couldn’t have because he would have remembered her. Hell, she would have played a starring role in many of his erotic fantasies, so no, he was certain he hadn’t.

  Her eyes were an exotic ice blue that glowed with something so intense, so unique, Luke had to remind himself where he was and who else was around. He imagined wrapping his hand in the long, glossy, black hair that hung like a silk curtain down her back, tilting her head back so that he could claim her mouth.

  She must have recognized the heat in his eyes because she abruptly stood even straighter than before, gripped the edge of her jacket, slowly closing the expensive leather over her very impressive cleavage. She might’ve been able to limit his visual feast, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t cover up those toned, trim thighs exposed beneath the hem of that little black mini skirt she wore. He let his eyes wander, his mouth watering from the temptation that small body offered, before returning to meet her silvery blue eyes.

  “Luke, I’d like you to meet Sierra Sellers. She’s Veronica’s daughter.” Sam introduced him to the beauty standing beside her.

  Luke didn’t know who the hell Veronica was, or maybe he did, but his brain wasn’t functioning at the moment. At least not past wondering whether her panties and bra were silky and black like the halter she’d hidden from his view. He choked on a growl and glanced over at his brother, needing a cold shower if he was expected to have a rational conversation.

  “Veronica is Xavier’s administrative assistant.” Logan clarified, and Luke caught the amusement in his brother’s tone. “Sierra is Veronica’s daughter.”

  “Sierra, this is Luke McCoy, my husband’s twin brother and the owner of Club Destiny.” Sam offered.

  To Luke’s surprise, Sierra released the edges of her leather jacket, her firm, perky breasts once more daring his eyes before she took a confident step forward. As she held out one delicate hand, her fingers tipped with – no, not a bright fuck-me-red like he expected, but a soft, cotton candy pink – Luke forced his brain to function, willing his hand forward to take hers. Immediately he recognized his mistake because the second their fingers touched, he felt something bright and hot ignite deep in his groin, a spark almost as bright as the blue flame of her eyes burning right through him.

  Her hand was tiny; her fingers delicate and soft, her grip firm yet utterly feminine. Luke knew he held on longer than he should have, but for some reason, he’d been struck deaf and dumb from the moment he laid eyes on her.

  “Nice to meet you.” Sierra smiled, a slight tilt to the corner of those seductively full lips, her bright blue eyes focused intently on him.

  Holy hell. He was in a world of hurt. Even the sound of her voice was seductive.

  “Why don’t you ladies order a drink, while I take a minute to talk to my brother.” Logan said, bringing Luke back to the present.

  “Kane, get these ladies anything they want. We’ll be back in a minute.” Luke managed to say when he found his voice, instructing his bar manager as he headed after his brother. The same brother he was going to have to punch for bringing a distraction the likes of one Sierra Sellers into his club.

  What the hell was he thinking?

  Shit. He needed to get his head in the game, not find another person to lust after. He wasn’t quite sure what the hell had just happened, or who the hell the smoking hot woman was, but Luke was pretty sure it wasn’t going to matter in a few minutes.

  Sierra Sellers, no matter how heart stopping beautiful she was, or how confident she appeared, would never be able to handle a man like him and surely Logan was aware of this before he’d brought her into the club.

  “So are you going to tell me what was so damn urgent for you to come down here? Or do I have to follow you around like a dog?” Luke’s indignation was back full throttle, and he directed every ounce at his brother.

  “Man, you need to relax.” Logan stated as they made their way into Luke’s office, shutting the heavy wooden door behind them. “I figured that little hiatus of yours would have calmed you down a little.”

  “Well, you were wrong.” Luke huffed as he propped himself on the edge of his desk. “And I’m not in the mood for any shit right now.”

  “I’m only saying this because you’re my brother and I love you, but damn, man. I think you need to get laid.” Logan chuckled.

  “Fuck you.” Luke retorted, hating that Logan enjoyed getting a rise out of him.

  Logan glared back, and Luke knew that no matter how many warnings he gave his brother, he wasn’t going to back off. With a deep sigh, Luke relocated to the chair behind his desk. “Let me have it.”

  “What the hell happened to you?” Always direct, Logan was.

  Luke scrubbed his hands down his face and then stared back at the mirror image sitting across from him. There was no reason to play dumb; it would only prolong the inevitable. Logan wasn’t stupid, and Luke knew that he’d been acting like an ass for quite some time now which made Logan’s concern only that much more predictable.

  “I know something happened that night.” Logan said making reference to the night Luke, Cole, Logan, and Sam had all engaged in some overly erotic entertainment at Luke’s house.

  Before Luke could interrupt, tell Logan exactly what he thought about his brothers interference, Logan held his hand up.

  “I’m not asking for details. It’s your business, but I’m going to offer some advice, even if you don’t want it.”

  Luke knew Logan, and he knew that arguing with him would just prolong the agony that this conversation had already turned into. Instead, he gave him the attention he sought as he leaned back in his chair, crossing one ankle over the opposite knee. He was proficient at pretending nonchalance, though he felt anything but.

  “Look, w
hat happened that night took us all by surprise. Sam especially, but it had nothing to do with what happened between you and Cole. And, you know I don’t judge. Ever.” Logan leaned forward in his chair, his elbows resting on his knee. “I know that something happened that night between you and Cole, something neither of you want to acknowledge, but damn it, Luke, you’ve got to figure this out.”

  Luke heard the frustration in Logan’s voice, and as much as he appreciated the sentiment, Logan was on the wrong track. “Little brother, I appreciate your relationship advice, I really do, but it isn’t necessary.”

  “Bullshit.” Logan stood from his chair. Driving his fingers through his hair, he turned to stare back at Luke. “That isn’t why I came, but while I’m here, you knew I was going to give you my opinion. Figure it out, Luke.”

  Luke nodded his head, knowing that his acknowledgment was the only thing that would move Logan on to his true reason for being there. After all, Logan wasn’t telling him something he hadn’t spent the last several weeks thinking about. As a matter of fact, he’d thought of nothing else except that one October night the four of them had been at his house.

  What happened had taken him by surprise more than anyone else. Something had shifted deep inside of him, something so unexpected he didn’t know how to deal with it.

  He knew what he wanted. It didn’t mean he was happy about it.

  For years, he’d been satisfied, or so he thought, with the various trysts he’d experienced. Just the thought of wanting something more permanent, even more monogamous was enough to make Luke’s eyes cross. Where the hell had that come from anyway? Was it the fact that he was getting older?

  Shit. He had no idea, but the more he thought about it, the more he came to the realization that he was ready to slow down. Some of those baser urges may never be satisfied, but hell, Luke wasn’t sure he would ever find a woman who could handle what he desired anyway.

  Maybe he would have to compromise. Maybe he would have to just… settle. Ok, so that definitely wasn’t the answer. Luke didn’t take kindly to settling for anything less than what he wanted.


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