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Temptation (Club Destiny)

Page 29

by Edwards, Nicole

  “No.” Cole leaned back, allowing Luke to bury his cock deep into his ass, but he held himself tighter, his powerful thighs unmoving.

  “Fucking tell me.” Luke demanded, thrusting deeper, harder, faster. Oh hell, he was going to come. The sight of Cole’s powerful body, the muscles standing out in stark relief as the man held himself together, one hand snaking down to grip Cole’s cock, Luke knew he couldn’t hold back. “Tell me, goddammit!”

  Sierra’s breathing was becoming erratic as she sat just inches away, her hand between her legs as she rubbed herself, fixated on the two of them and making Luke’s blood pressure soar. Having her there, watching, was more than he could have imagined, but in the same sense, Luke felt as though he and Cole were the only two people in the room and he needed, desperately needed to hear Cole admit what he was feeling. And yes, that was the selfish bastard coming out in full force because Luke had yet to tell either of them exactly how he felt, but he would.

  “Fuck you.” Cole ground out; lifting his hips, forcing Luke deeper; using his own hand over Luke’s to stroke his cock. “I’m going to come.” Cole whispered the last words and Luke slowed his movements.

  “Tell me.” Luke used the last remnants of his control to get the words out. “I need to hear you say it.” Luke hadn’t expected the words to come out, but once they were out there, he didn’t want to take them back. He needed to know exactly how Cole felt.

  “Fuck!” Cole gripped his hips, pulling him closer. “I. Love. You!”

  Luke slammed his mouth down on Cole’s as his world shifted on its axis and then exploded. His release was powerful, all consuming, as he thrust one last time inside of Cole, every ounce of his control shattered and he came with a roar.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~

  A couple of weeks passed since the morning that Luke showed up at Sierra’s, and in that time frame, he could count the number of hours he’d slept on both hands. Or at least it felt like it. He and Cole managed to talk Sierra into staying in Dallas, at least for now, while the three of them tried to work on how this situation was supposed to work. Rightfully so, Luke had to do some in depth explaining about his previous relationship with Susie before Sierra would let him off the hook. By the time his mouth was tired of moving, Sierra was finally forgiving him.

  Whether they were at Luke’s, Cole’s or Sierra’s, the three of them had taken to losing every ounce of their inhibitions – not that Luke had ever had any in the first place – and tried some interesting things. To say the least... the sex was phenomenal.

  However, Sierra was continually questioning them both about the club. As much as Luke wanted to initiate her into Club Destiny, he was still hesitant. Not that it had anything to do with Sierra. No, he trusted her implicitly and would bring her onboard – hell, he’d pay her membership fees himself – if he thought it would be the right thing.

  His issue? Well, he didn’t want to share her.

  Somehow he’d managed to repeatedly put her off, but he knew the moment would come when he would have to break down and have the conversation. As he sat at the big mahogany monstrosity that the original designer called a desk, Luke contemplated how he would do that. The night before when he’d been lying in bed, Sierra cuddled up against him, he’d spent a solid hour trying to come up with a plan.

  He wanted to show Sierra what she was getting into when she joined, but he wasn’t willing to introduce her to any of the other members. Not just yet anyway. So his tired brain had decided to bring her to his office and give her a taste of exactly what it meant to be a member of the club. She was disillusioned when she thought she had crossed all of the boundaries that she was going to cross when it came to sex. And though the last two weeks had been beyond his wildest imagination, Luke knew she still had some fantasies that they had yet to play out.

  Part of him worried he would push Sierra too far and she would end up fleeing back to Nashville without a second thought. The other part of him prayed she would be open to his suggestions. Or rather, his demands. So, when he had woken up that morning, Luke had put his plan in motion.

  Twenty minutes ago, he’d called her cell phone and asked her to meet him at the club under the pretense that he wanted her to take a look at his office. Considering he wasn’t happy with the design, it wasn’t a farfetched idea, and, in fact, he fully intended to hire her to redo it in the near future. But that wasn’t why he invited her today.

  Of course, before he called her, he had called Cole. Theirs was a longer discussion, Cole wanting to understand what Luke’s overall objective was. And rightfully so. And now Luke waited for Cole to show up so they could discuss at length the reason for Luke’s sudden decision to include Sierra in the club. He wasn’t sure whether Cole was for or against the idea, but nonetheless, Luke respected his input.

  A sharp knock at the door had Luke turning in his chair.

  Right on time.

  “Hey.” Cole said as he walked in, shutting the door behind him. “What the hell is going on?”

  Way to get right to the point. Luke glanced at the man, then turned back to his computer screen while he waited for Cole to have a seat. He exited out of the program and turned his attention to Cole.

  “I’ve invited Sierra to the club.”

  “I gathered that much, but what I don’t get is why.” Cole’s expression remained guarded, but he sat back in the chair, crossing one ankle over the opposite knee and resting his arms on the armrest.

  “She’s adamant she be given the opportunity to experience the club for herself.” Luke told him.

  “And just what does she think is going to happen?”

  “Hell, I don’t know.”

  “Considering most of what happens here, happens behind closed doors, with a few exceptions, I don’t know what she’s expecting. It’s not like we have viewing rooms or anything like that.”

  No, they didn’t. And yes, Cole was right. Most of what happened at Club Destiny happened behind closed doors between consenting adults. He knew the activities varied from the typical ménage to some hard core BDSM that a couple of the members preferred, but no matter the variety, it was usually done in private. Luke got the impression Sierra thought the double doors that closed off the member’s only portion was a gateway to debauchery and kink. And maybe they were, but you wouldn’t find members fucking in the hallway.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Cole asked, obviously waiting for Luke to give him more details.

  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

  Cole waited patiently for Luke to fill him in on what his intentions were for the afternoon. He still wasn’t happy about Luke inviting Sierra to the club, but the fact she was more than a little anxious to be there wasn’t a secret either. She’d asked him about it a couple of times in the last week or so, but Cole generally found a way to distract her. Apparently Luke hadn’t been able to do that.

  “I’ve asked her to take a look at my office, told her I was planning to redecorate.” Luke said, sounding not so sure of himself.

  “That’s not a bad idea, actually.” Cole stated, glancing around at the less than attractive surroundings. Luke’s office never had held much appeal.

  “And,” Luke said, giving Cole that determined eye, “I’m not willing to let another man touch her, so my options are limited.”

  “I agree. She’s off limits as far as I’m concerned.” Cole said, giving the idea some thought. “That doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun with her.”

  “And just exactly what do you have in mind?”

  Cole liked the fact that Luke was protective of Sierra. He also liked that Sierra was so open to new sexual experiences; however, he didn’t think she’d given much thought to what that might really mean. Sharing a bed with two men was a radical next step for a woman who had only ever been with one man in her life, but Cole knew she had some secret fantasies she hadn’t shared with anyone. Including him or Luke.

  “I’m thinking a little voyeurism might be just up her

  “Voyeurism?” Luke said, apparently contemplating the idea. “Would she be the watcher? Or the watchee?”

  That was a good question. Cole hadn’t given it much thought, but the more he did, the more he liked the idea. A lot.

  “And if you’re thinking the latter, who do we know that we trust enough?”

  “I’m thinking Tag Murphy.” Cole blurted out before he could think better of the idea. The guy was not only a new member of the club; he was also Cole’s stepbrother, although that little detail hadn’t been shared with anyone other than Luke and Logan. Not even Sierra knew that. Although his kinks seemed to border on the extreme, or the man was just all talk. Either way, Cole knew Tag could be trusted. Obviously Luke must have thought so too, or he wouldn’t have allowed him to join the club.

  “Why the hell does everyone keep looking to that guy to fill their fantasies?”

  What? Cole didn’t know if the question was rhetorical, and he hoped like hell it was because he didn’t have an answer. “Who else is looking at Tag?”


  Seriously? Interesting.

  Cole contemplated the idea for a few minutes, while Luke apparently did the same until they looked at one another. Yep. That was their best option. Now they just needed to come up with the details. “Call him. See if he’s around.” Cole stated, anticipation sparking the air like an electrical current.

  This would definitely be interesting.

  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

  Sierra opened the door to the club and tried to insert a little confidence into her step. Luke had called her that morning and asked her to stop by. Apparently he was looking to redecorate his office, and although the idea intrigued her, she’d been overcome with a bad case of nerves on her way over. She was actually going to go past the double doors that separated the mainstream club with the private, member’s only portion and she was more than a little excited by the idea.

  She’d spent the better part of the morning visualizing all sorts of things that she might see once she crossed that threshold. Granted, she hadn’t a clue what actually went on behind those doors, but it was a sex club. Surely there was… sex.

  “Hey.” Kane called out to her as she approached the bar. Luke hadn’t said where she should go when she got there, so she opted to hang out with Kane until Luke showed up.

  “Hey back. How are things going?”

  “Same old stuff, different day. Can I get you a drink?” He asked, leaning against the bar as though he had nothing better to do than talk to her.

  She sure could use a drink that was for damn sure. Before she had the chance to tell him what she wanted, her attention was directed to a man and a woman heading in the direction of the stairs. Sierra hadn’t seen the man before, but she likely hadn’t seen many of the members before. This one she would have remembered though.

  He was sexy as hell. And ok, she might be in a relationship, but she sure as hell wasn’t dead. The man was smoking hot. His head was shaved bald, right down to the skin and apparently he did this frequently because the top of his head was as tan as his face. His jaw was lined with dark stubble, the sexy, unkempt look that some men went for.

  By comparison, he was probably as big as Cole as far as muscle went, but not as tall. Not that she was a good judge of height because she was on the short side and everyone appeared bigger than they probably were from where she stood. Standing next to the beautiful blonde woman, he looked bigger than average.

  Still caught up in what was going on around her, she noticed the man crush the woman against him, his big hands planted firmly on her ass, squeezing as he… oh, my. He was grinding against her, right there in the club.

  Not that there was anyone else around because they weren’t open, and it was a Tuesday afternoon. In fact, they were the only other people in the room besides Sierra and Kane.

  “Take me upstairs.” The woman said in a sexy, raspy voice and Sierra found herself transfixed on the twosome.

  “You know what that means don’t you?” The man asked, still holding the woman. “It means you get naked, and I get to have some fun. I’ve got some whips and chains I’ve wanted to test out.”

  “I’m game.” She said sweetly before the two of them headed for the stairs.

  As Sierra followed their every move with her eyes, she was jolted back to reality when she noticed Luke coming the opposite way down the stairs. He seemed oblivious to the two people groping each other as they went up the stairs. Maybe he was used to it. Yep, that had to be it.

  Good grief. She was pathetic.

  Trying to shake off what she had just seen, more importantly what she had heard, Sierra pasted on a smile and took in the sexy, brooding man coming her way.

  Just like every time Luke had greeted her over the past week, he walked right up to her, tilted her chin up before planting a sweet peck on her lips. “How was your day?” He asked, smiling down on her.

  “Hopefully getting better.” Sierra said, still remembering what the man had said. Whips and chains? Seriously? Maybe she wasn’t as ready to see the club as she originally thought. Or, based on the fact that her skin was beginning to tingle, maybe she was more than ready.

  “Let’s take a look at my office.” Luke told her before turning to look at Kane. “I’ll be busy for the rest of the afternoon, so don’t send anyone my way.”

  “No problem, boss.” Kane said, smiling.

  Sierra couldn’t hide the blush that crept up her neck and heated her face. What would Kane think they were going to do? Did he know she was only there to look at Luke’s office so she could redecorate it? Based on his wicked grin, he wasn’t thinking about pictures and upholstery.

  Luke took her hand and led her up the stairs. Butterflies erupted in her belly when he punched in a code before turning the handle. Here she was. Walking into the infamous Club Destiny’s private section. When the door clicked shut behind her, the lock reengaging automatically, Sierra nearly jumped.

  The first thing she saw startled the hell out of her.

  There was a long hallway that disappeared in two different directions. But it wasn’t the sterile white, with bright fluorescent lighting like she had expected. Oh, she had no idea why she had pictured hospital quality décor when she thought of what was behind those doors, but she had. Instead, she was greeted by soothing colors and dim lighting. The walls were a light brown, accentuated with a faux leather paint technique, with intimate sconces scattered about on each side all the way in both directions. The floor was made of an expensive tile, a dark, gray and brown slate that was immaculately clean.

  “Surprised?” Luke asked, obviously picking up on her reaction.

  “A little.” She answered truthfully.

  “What did you expect?”

  “I… I really don’t know.” Oh, she knew alright, but she definitely wasn’t going to insult him by telling him. Luke obviously invested a lot of money into the club and based on what she had seen so far, she was highly impressed.

  “My office is down that way.” Luke pointed to the left. “And down here, we’ve got the playrooms.”

  When Luke took her hand, leading her in the direction of the so called playrooms, Sierra had a hard time getting her feet to move. Where were they going? “Playrooms?”

  “Yep. You know. Where our members go to hang out.”

  What was he saying? Too overwhelmed to ask, she focused on putting one foot in front of the other as they moved farther down the hall to where it split off once more.

  “There are twenty private rooms, and as of right now, a little over half of them are rented.” Luke said as they turned the corner.

  The hallway looked just like the one they had just left, but there were doors on both sides, along with a few tables holding massive vases of flowers in various places. “Rented? Like a hotel room?”

  “Not exactly. And no, we don’t rent by the hour, honey.” Luke chuckled. “Members have an option of renting a room, and it functions just like any apar
tment would. They all have a kitchen, bathroom, small living area, and a monstrous bedroom. Members are required to furnish and pay utilities though.”

  “I’m assuming the rentals are like the memberships? Not cheap?”

  “Correct.” He told her, still holding her hand as they made their way further down the hall. “We’ve got several open rooms where our members can congregate if they feel the need to. But you won’t find any themed rooms here. That’s not what we’re about.”

  Sierra stopped short, staring up at him. Obviously she’d had some major misconceptions about the place because she had expected exactly that. Maybe a room with various swings and slings, maybe a couple of whips and paddles, or one of those restraint systems right in the middle. Ok, so maybe she was getting too many ideas from her late night reading.

  “So, it’s just like a normal place for adults to go and hang out?” Sierra asked, bewildered by the fact her imagination had gotten the best of her.

  “I wouldn’t say normal.” Luke said. “You sure you want to go further?”

  Sierra glanced down the hall, noticing an open doorway and immediately wondered what was in there. “Yes.” Although it sounded more like a question than an affirmation, Luke took her by the hand once more and led the way.

  Before they entered the room, Sierra heard the sounds. Intimate sounds. A woman moaning. Instead of wanting to turn and run the other way, she was anxious to see what was just around the corner. When Luke would have stopped, Sierra continued going, pulling him along behind her.

  When she turned the corner, she saw a tame version of what she expected to see originally. The room was all wrong, but what the two people were doing in the room was accurate. Surprisingly, the man and woman she had seen downstairs were not the two who were fucking like rabbits on a large couch in the center of the room. Nor were they the two people who were sitting on another couch, watching intently.


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