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Temptation (Club Destiny)

Page 34

by Edwards, Nicole

  Within seconds Luke realized what their intentions were. Cole disrobed quickly, baring his exquisite body to Luke’s gaze before he disappeared from the room for a moment. Returning with a tube of lubrication in his hand, he handed it off to Sierra. She had to maneuver around Luke, but somehow she managed, and when she gripped his cock in her small hand, he damn near lost it again. They were going to kill him.

  But before he knew it, Cole was lowering himself onto Luke’s cock, his back against Luke’s chest, riding him. It was the most exquisite feeling he’d ever known. Lifting and lowering himself on Luke’s cock, Cole rode him slow and easy, taking him deeper until Luke had no choice but to grip Cole’s hips.

  Holding him still, he thrust his hips upward, burying his cock deeper, the tight ring of muscles gripping him so intensely, white sparks shot off behind his eyelids.

  “I can’t… Oh, fuck! I’m going to come, Cole.” Luke groaned, the words torn from his chest as they both began to move in unison, Cole dropping down on Luke’s cock while Luke thrust upward. Luke leaned forward, slipping his hand around Cole’s waist and gripping his cock while the man continued to ride him. And then he did explode – in a blur of light and heat so powerful, Luke barely managed to remain upright as Cole’s cock pulsed in his hand.

  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

  “So when were you going to tell me?” Cole asked Sierra when they were lying in her bed a little while later. Luke had disappeared to the bathroom and had yet to return. She knew he needed a minute, so they opted to wait for him.

  “Tell you what?”

  “That Luke proposed to you.”

  Sierra jerked, pulling away, feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt.

  “Come here.” Cole pulled her back into his arms, flipping her onto her back before pressing his huge body into her. He was hard. His erection pressed into her belly, and her clit pulsed in response.

  “It’s ok.” Cole said, pressing his lips against hers.

  She was crying. Unable to hold back the tears any longer. The last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt Cole.

  “I love you.” Cole said the words, but the emotion she saw in his eyes drove them home.

  “I love you too. More than you will ever know.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong. I do know.”


  “You can’t marry us both, baby.” Cole told her, cupping her cheek with his hand. “As much as I’d like to be the one, I’m ok with it.”

  Luke chose that moment to walk in the room, and Sierra felt another flood of guilt. How was she ever going to get used to this? How would they ever make it work?

  Luke crawled into bed, easing up to her other side and holding her close, his hand resting on her lower stomach.

  “I was thinking.” Luke kissed her sweetly, all three of their heads close together. “What if we don’t get married?”

  “What?” She tried to pull away, but the two men were so much bigger than her and she was held down by them both. “You don’t want…”

  She couldn’t get the words out.

  “Oh, baby, I definitely want.” Trailing his hands down between her thighs, he lingered there for a moment. “Definitely want.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying we don’t have to get married. This isn’t a traditional relationship, Sierra. I don’t expect it to be.” Luke glanced over at Cole and Sierra saw something pass between them. “I was being selfish.”

  “Surprising.” Cole muttered, but he had a smile on his face.

  “I’d like you to wear both of our rings. No, we can’t both marry you, but we can make this work.”

  “He’s right, you know.” Cole said, kissing the side of her mouth. Then Luke kissed the other side and Sierra had to fight to remember what they were talking about.

  “I love you. Both of you.” Luke said the words they had both longed to hear. “I don’t care how we do this, just as long as I know I have you both with me. Forever.”

  Forever sounded amazing to her. More amazing than that was the way both men proceeded to love her.

  And as long as they loved her, she didn’t mind being the filling in their carnal delight sandwich.


  ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~

  Sierra sat at the table, glancing around at the couples they had invited to celebrate their announcement. She hadn’t known what to expect, possibly awkwardness, weird glances maybe. Definitely not this outpouring of support from all of their friends and family.

  Luke closed the club to the public and they invited everyone they knew. The turnout had been phenomenal. Across from her, Logan and Sam were making eyes at one another, a sweet reminder that the two of them were going strong, even if they hadn’t yet chosen a third to join them – a frequent reminder from Sam. Apparently the woman enjoyed the attention of having two men in her bed, her husband ordering her pleasure. Sierra knew how she felt, although she didn’t have a husband.

  At least not on paper anyway.

  She and Luke and Cole had come to a decision, the three of them wanting to make their relationship permanent, and they had done just that. Breaking the news to her mother had been her biggest fear, but Veronica quickly eased her mind. As always, her mother was supportive of her and her decisions, which had brought tears to Sierra’s eyes. Knowing her mother loved her, unconditionally, was the greatest gift in the world.

  In fact, Veronica insisted on playing a critical role in the planning of this celebration. She was now sitting, thanks to a very persuasive Cole, at one of the tables enjoying a glass of wine and conversation with none other than Xavier Thomas.

  Ashleigh Thomas had also come, sitting at the same table as Sierra. In recent weeks, Sam and Sierra and Ashleigh had forged a bond unlike any friendship Sierra had ever known. The three women spent many a day having lunch and hanging out, laughing and joking with one another.

  Although Ashleigh was still reluctant when it came to Alex McDermott, the woman seemed to be opening up. The way Alex watched her, like she was the only woman in the room, made Sierra smile. If only Ashleigh saw what everyone else did when they looked at the two of them. Only time would tell how that one would work out, but Sierra was hoping for the best.

  Lucie Werner had come, under the pretense that she was going to be a bartender. As if Cole would have any of that. Lucie was going through a rough time, having just revealed a secret that had rocked the house. Apparently the woman had kept her daughter’s paternity a secret until recently. Having broken the news to Kane Steele, Club Destiny’s uber sexy bar manager couldn’t have been an easy task. To everyone’s surprise, Kane had been supportive, immediately taking interest in the little girl he’d lost so much time with.

  Dylan Thomas, Ashleigh’s brother and Alex’s business partner, was sitting at a table by himself, knocking back champagne like nobody’s business. That was amusing in itself because watching Dylan drink from a small, dainty glass was similar to watching Luke try to do the same.

  The man would never be accused of being average. He stood at least six feet tall, and his broad shoulders and muscular arms spoke to the years he’d spent on the ranch he had recently sold in favor of moving closer to his daughter. He was a very quiet man, and although Sierra had only gotten a few details from Ashleigh, he was apparently still heartbroken over losing his wife.

  “Care to dance.” Cole asked, capturing Sierra’s immediate attention. The man was so freaking hot, Sierra thought she might simultaneously combust the moment they touched.

  “I’d love to.” She answered with a smile, taking his hand.

  Luke was across the room, talking with Tag Murphy, the stranger who had walked in on their last romp in Luke’s office – the same one who had been put up to that little scene Sierra had witnessed at the bar. So Club Destiny wasn’t as blatantly obvious as Sierra expected. Apparently that had been planned, by both Luke and Cole. According to them, they had been playing up her voyeuristic fascination which had definitely paid
off tenfold.

  Turns out, which no one knew this except for Luke and Logan, Tag is Cole’s stepbrother. Cole’s mother married Tag’s father after Cole graduated from high school. Since the two men hadn’t been living at home, they had never been close. That had changed recently, after Tag joined the club. Apparently they had more in common than they thought, and just like most people, Tag was drawn into Cole’s orbit. Never had there been a better friend to anyone than Cole.

  Sierra pressed up against him, relishing in the sexy, musky scent of his expensive cologne and the warmth of his hands on her back. She’d gotten quite used to his touch, being blessed to have him in her bed each and every night. She and Cole had both moved in with Luke, all of them deciding this was it for them. They’d finally found what they had been missing all of their lives, and they wanted to move forward.

  “I’ve missed you.” Cole whispered sweetly.

  Sierra turned her head up to look at him. “Missed me?” She smiled. “But I’ve been right here.”

  “I know. That’s the problem.”

  When Cole pulled her closer, she felt the evidence of his reasoning. “Ah.”

  “Yep. It’s taken a tremendous amount of willpower not to sneak you upstairs and fuck you repeatedly while you scream my name.”

  Sierra’s pussy spasmed, and her tummy tumbled. The man had come out of his shell recently, offering up those same seductive comments whenever he saw fit. He’d even taken charge on more than one occasion, his sexual appetite waylaying many of their attempted outings. Not that Sierra minded. Having him and Luke naked was still an overwhelming sight to see.

  When the song ended, and a loud click click click resounded, Sierra turned to see Luke standing at the head of their table, his eyes directed at her. Oh boy. She wasn’t sure she was ready for this part.

  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

  “First let me thank each of you for coming today.” Luke said, staring out at the faces of his friends and family. He’d never been one to enjoy making a speech, but he had some things he wanted to share.

  When Sierra walked over to him, wrapping her arm around his waist and cuddling up to his side, Luke felt like he could conquer the world. And then when Cole came and stood beside her, Luke finally felt complete. Cole’s hand grazed Luke’s back, reassuring him that yes, he was there for him.

  “I know this might have come as a shock to some of you, but I’ve always considered myself blessed to be in the company of so many open minded people. Unfortunately, as many of you know, not everyone has welcomed our relationship with open arms.” Luke said, referring to Susie Mackendrick who had made good on her word.

  She had filed a lawsuit against Sierra, which was still underway despite Luke and Cole’s attempted conversation with the woman. “I’ve never tried to hide who I was, never been ashamed of myself, and I’m still not. But that doesn’t mean my lifestyle hasn’t come under scrutiny in recent weeks.”

  That was an understatement. Although Susie decided to go public with her accusations, then bringing Club Destiny, and Luke, directly into the spotlight, her plot had backfired. She had been in direct violation of her contract with the club, and the penalties were steep.

  In Sierra’s defense, despite her request to just let it go, Luke had filed suit against Susie, and his case was solid according to his lawyer. It didn’t hurt that his lawyer happened to be Tag Murphy. And just like Luke, Tag had zero tolerance for bullshit. Susie had basically signed her professional reputations death certificate after the debacle she caused. Although she was still pursuing the lawsuit against Sierra, Tag was adamant that Susan wouldn’t win.

  “I’ve heard the whispered comments, calling me a world class asshole, and I’ve accepted the truth in them.” Chuckles filled the room. “But, for those of you who know me best, you know my life has changed in dramatic ways recently. It might’ve taken a couple of two by fours to the head to make me open my eyes, but I can tell you, standing here with Sierra and Cole, I’ve never been happier.”

  A round of applause broke out, and Luke swallowed hard. The emotions still seemed to get the best of him at times he least expected it.

  “Our intentions here today were to share with the world the fact that the three of us will be spending the rest of our lives together. It won’t always be easy, I’d never expect it to be, but no matter what obstacles we come across, in the end, it will always be worth it.”

  Luke couldn’t say anymore because Sierra leaned into him, lifting her hand up to his cheek and turning his head down toward her. When she pulled him down for a kiss, Luke willing went into her arms, letting loose the swell of emotions that had ignited in his very soul. And then, because his life wouldn’t be complete without him, when Sierra pulled back, Luke pulled Cole in close, their mouths meeting. A gasp could be heard from the audience, immediately followed by whistles and more clapping.

  Luke would have never believed he would be at this point in his life, in love with one woman and one man. But he was. Irrevocably. The two of them had altered him in ways that he’d never imagined.

  “I love you.” Luke said to both of them.

  “I love you, too.” Sierra whispered, pulling him down once again, and then doing the same to Cole until their mouths met together. And there, in front of their friends and family, Luke gave himself over to these two people, for better or worse, as long as they all three shall live.

  “It’s about damn time!” Logan’s deep voice pierced the air.

  “I second that.” Alex called out, causing the room to erupt in more laughter.

  Luke turned his gaze on Alex. “Be careful what you wish for, man. For some reason, I get this feeling that you’re next.”

  Check out more from Nicole Edwards




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